Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 263 The Mutated Cube: The Lord of the Rings

Since entering the Luohan Kingdom, even if it is a desolate place, it is also covered with green grass. Xiao Yuxin has seen such a desolate canyon for the first time. It is lined with cliffs of more than 100 meters on both sides, and the cliffs here are very It’s weird, as if someone had cut a piece of it abruptly, recessed from top to bottom. In this way, if a person is hiding under a cliff, he can’t see it without special means.

The people hid the horses in the woods outside the canyon, walked inwards along the cliff walls, and the rocks extending diagonally to the sky blocked the moonlight. From time to time, water oozed from the rock layers and dripped on their faces. latest chapter.

There is no trace of human activity here. In fact, in this canyon, almost no grass is long, and even traces of animals are hard to see. Especially the moss that climbs on the cliff wall exudes strong wetness. The smell of the house is simply unbearable.

"Would you like to go inside?" Wu Ziniu was obviously unbearable to this taste.

"Let's go another time." Xiao Yuxin first used Shen Zhaojue to confirm the surroundings, and then chose the middle part of the gorge as the location of the fortification. The same terrain is there, but the space can be slightly larger.

A group of people quickly came to the place selected by Xiao Yuxin, and began to check the equipment: "Everyone remember, after those ring spirits fall to the ground, Mei Mei and I will release divine magic to fight, and then you will grow in each exhibition to attack, there is no need to have anything Scrupulous, killing one is one, if anyone can **** the honor of killing, it is his skill, do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone agreed in unison.

Among the people, if it is said that they can kill the ring spirits, Xiao Yuxin, Xia Xinwen and Wen Yuxiu are sure to kill them, and that Iowan is also an unknown. In the original movie, the witch king seemed to be killed by her. dead. But in the current story world, I don't know what will change.

After everything was ready, Xiao Yuxin made a gesture. Frodo nodded and came to the middle of the canyon. He took out the supreme ring attached to his neck and put it on his finger. The figure disappeared and disappeared, and a strangeness came from the direction of his disappearance. The energy fluctuates, and even if the disappearance disappears, Xiao Yuxin tentatively searches with the God's Zhao Jue, and there is no slight induction. It seems that this Lord of the Rings' stealth effect is indeed very strong.

The time of one minute and one minute passed suddenly. A strange wave of space came from a distance, followed by. There are four black spots in the sky in the northeast direction. Although they can't clearly see their images, the cold feeling will not be other creatures except the Ring Spirit.

"Everyone is careful"

Xiao Yuxin commanded in a low voice, and at the same time ordered Di Ting Shi Shi to exhibit absolute shielding to cover the figure of everyone. Frodo also lifted the invisible state of the Lord of the Rings and came behind Xiao Yuxin.

"Frodo. Sam, don't take part in the fight later, just hide behind this stone." Xiao Yuxin whispered.

The two hobbits nodded again and again, Frodo's face was stronger, and Sam's face was much uglier. However, no one noticed their expressions, because the first Ring Spirit had already rode a bipedal dragon to the top of the valley.

The cold breath covered the gorge in no time. The ring spirit looked at the canyon suspiciously, and seemed to be hesitant. At this time, there were three ring spirits riding the bipedal dragon to the top of the canyon. Four ring spirits whispered privately in mid-air, and finally couldn't help the temptation of the ring . Start circling down.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Suddenly, there was a rumble in the ground. Just before the spirits were stunned, a thick totem pole rose from the ground. In the loud noise, a circle of white aura suddenly flew into the air, and the four-headed two-legged dragon suddenly gave a horrified roar, The wings flapped desperately and pierced their heads from the air.

"Holy Light Breaker"

Xiao Yuxin raised his hands by launching dozens of white missiles. Although these holy lights did not completely purify the Ring Spirit, it destroyed the flexibility of the Ring Spirit.

Bang Bang

Amidst the chaos, the ring spirits and their flying dragons have fallen to the ground one after another. During the stormy attack of Xiao Yuxin, the flexibility of these ring spirits was greatly reduced.


Wu Ziniu rushed out with a loud shout, raised his hands with an elven scimitar obtained from the Elrond Treasury, and rushed towards a struggling ring spirit, and Wen Yuxiu and others also rushed out of the ambush place Kill to the ring spirits.

"Hand over the Lord of the Rings"

Although they were attacked unexpectedly, the ring spirits jumped up and attacked the gods.


Chen Ke screamed, her body was kicked up like a rag doll and hit the cliff, just before she was about to collide with the cliff, a figure swept from the side and reached out After Chen Ke's body, a silver sword gas was chopped with his backhand, and the ring spirit that was so urgently pursued backed away.

"Damn ring spirit, go to die"

Xiao Yuxin shouted, and the right fist made a thunderous thunder, the electric light flashed on it, and hit the ring spirit fiercely.

There was a painful roar in the mouth of the Ring Spirit, and the black robe on his body was also shattered into pieces by this punch, flying like a butterfly, and falling down gracefully.

The arc rolled and jumped on the body of the ring spirit, Xiao Yuxin did not stay, his body rushed forward, and another punch banged it downward, and the ring spirit fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground into a humanoid shape. pit.

Just as she was about to expand her victory, her complexion suddenly changed, and her body flew upwards, like a lightning, diagonally upward, hoo, hoo, hoo, and three black swords flew past her feet.

Suddenly, a shriek came and Xiao Yuxin turned her head to see that a black beam of light was squirting out of the mouth of the ring spirit lying in the pit. The target was her chest, and there was a killing intention. Here.

This beam of light is extremely fast, and just as soon as a moment of wonder, it has flew to the eyes. In an instant, Xiao Yuxin felt a strong will to destroy. Is this an attack from the Ring Spirit? She didn’t know whether her thick armor Being able to resist this blow, it was about to transform into the complete form of the divine elf, and suddenly a small figure flew up from the side, blocking Xiao Yuxin in front of him.


The beam of light hit his body, and the whole person was thrown up, hitting **** Xiao Yuxin's body, a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth, and the surrounding air was stained with tragic red .

Xiao Yuxin punched a big punch while Frodo rushed up, and the giant wood Yin Thunder fist then embraced Frodo's body and retreated backwards along the impact of the force: "Frodo, how are you"

"I cough, it's okay," Frodo spitting out blood foam while talking.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


After the attack by the ring spirit in the big pit, he didn't even get up for a moment. He was punched by Xiao Yuxin's fist, and the body of the ring spirit exploded in a loud noise.

"Slain one ring spirit, 80,000 points, 100,000 experience."

"No. 173 God Selector's personal level is 12, life attributes are increased by 1, and basic skills are increased by one level."

"Frodo, how are you"

Seeing that the hobbits had an unusually ruddy complexion, Xiao Yuxin felt awkward. She studied medicine and knew that the hobbit was seriously injured without having to look at her pulse.

"It's fine if you are alive, and this time I saved you once, and it can only be this time," Frodo said with a smile.

"You can't die"

What Xiao Yuxin said was absolutely sincere. Once this hobbit is really dead, then this trial task will be regarded as a failure. None of these ten of them will be spared.

Xiao Yuxin grabbed Frodo's arm and rested her finger under his wrist. Although the pulse was suddenly strong and weak, she didn't cut it off, and she also saw the silver-white piece lining Frodo's dress. It is estimated that without this Mithril Armor, Frodo may have just died.

Are you saving me or killing me?

Xiao Yuxin couldn't help crying or laughing, but Frodo's situation is still very critical. She simply took a seed of the world tree, squeezed it into four halves, and then stuffed it into Frodo's mouth: "Frodo, UU reading www. uukanshu.com, how easy is it to get rid of your debt, the Lord of the Rings has not been sent to the Doomsday Volcano, you have to continue to pay the debt"

The entrance of the tree species melted down and flowed down Frodo's throat, and he didn't need to swallow it at all. After a while, Frodo's face had returned to normal. He rubbed his chest in surprise, and then froze Jumping up from Xiao Yuxin's arms, his face was red and red: "Xin, thank you for saving me again"

"I don't count this time, it's my return to you." Xiao Yuxin also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he lost a seed of the world tree, it was worth it to save Frodo's life.

At this time, Xia Xinwen had already killed a ring spirit, and at this time was working together with Wen Yuxiu to attack a ring spirit. Her divine magic and Wen Yuxiu’s spear of judgment were the nemesis of the ring spirit. Every time it hit, that It is sad to say that the ring spirit is weak. If these ring spirits are rated according to the strength of the **** chooser, the level is quite high, but everything that can not pass is a word of gram. Now this ring spirit is this look.

The other ring spirit was killing the Quartet. When Xiao Yuxin was treating Frodo, Chen Ke and Mo Hongxia had already retired from their injuries. Only Mo Lou, Shen Ruolan and Wu Ziniu were fighting with them.

"Weird" Xiao Yuxin looked at the battle between the two ring spirits and couldn't help but feel strange.

"What's weird" Sam didn't know when he ran beside Frodo.

"The means that the ring spirit attacked me just now, could only be used by that ring spirit," Xiao Yuxin puzzled.

That black beam of light was very terrible. Xiao Yuxin didn't have the confidence to follow. According to the truth that the Ring Spirit is killing, the two Ring Spirits should not be weak.

"Xin, they are different," Frodo said suddenly. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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