Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 271 The Mutated Cube: The Swamp of the Death Ring (Part 2)

Although the Shadow Knights did not kill everyone, but when they resisted the seemingly murderous spirit, they all spent a lot of spiritual power, so when the knights disappeared, everyone sat on the ground like a prostration. The two Hobbits and Smyrgo, like the others, had no intention of raising resistance at all, while the latter clearly knew that resistance was not needed, as long as they accepted the latest chapter. The second is Xiao Yuxin, who also values ​​spiritual level cultivation, so it is easier to resist than others, but the loss is a little larger when the Ning Shen tactics are applied, but it may basically be ignored.

A group of people raised a bonfire in the same place, but Shi Maige was a monster who did not eat pasta and cooked food. Finally, there was no way. Xia Xinwen found some fruits from the storage space and gave it to it, which made the hungry Shi Mai. Ge calmed down, but after knowing that the fruits were taken from Rivendell, he made a lot of retching appearances. It seems that the grudge against the elves is quite deep. It seems that his last escape was from the elf prison in the dark forest. from.

The dawn of the swamp is difficult to discern, and the fog gets heavier as you walk in. Even when the sun appears, the sky is dark. They are in front of the deeper and shallower feet of the former Smyrgo, and the area of ​​the pond is getting more and more. There are more and more wetlands, and it is difficult for them to find a hard footing. Fortunately, Smyrgo’s experience and Xiao Yuxin’s pupil of the elf have provided them with a guarantee of safety, and they have come to the middle of the death swamp unconsciously. , It was already dark all around.

"Don't touch those ghost fires." Smuggle mumbled and drilled behind a bush.

The ghost fire in Shi Maige's mouth is different from the ghost fire recognized by Xiao Yuxin and others. They are not phosphorous fires, but changed by the souls of the dead, but these souls have fallen into sleep at this time, as long as they are not awakened, There will be no danger. So Smyrgo repeatedly warned everyone not to touch those ghost fires.

In the darkness, there was still silence around, and even the movement of the Doomsday volcano was greatly weakened by the mist above the death swamp, and it was almost inaudible. Xiao Yuxin curiously watched the green ghost fireflies like fireflies floating in the night, and more and more of these things are also in the daytime, but there are very few bits and pieces, but at night it seems to be all at once All come out, if as Smyrgo said, a ghost fire is a soul, there are at least nearly ten thousand souls in this area alone, and nearly ten thousand people have died in battle

This number is scary when you think about it

In the middle of the night. The fat hobbit Sam got up to watch the night, and Xiao Yuxin returned to the tent to meditate. She now often replaces sleep with practice, although it can't be replaced for a long time, but it is no problem to support for a period of time, and cultivation can also be provided, and it can be done in one fell swoop.

Near dawn, a scream suddenly came from outside. It sounds like Smyrgo's cry: "Smelly hobbits, stupid fat hobbits. Look at what stupid things you did."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yuxin rushed out of the tent and asked aloud.

At this time, others also rushed out of the tent. By the bonfire, Smith McGonagall was scolding and scolding, while Sam, who had always been quite disgusted with Smith, was silent in a daze.

When Xiao Yuxin came near, Sam looked up and said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry. Because I was curious, I didn't want to wake up a soul."

No need to ask anymore, at this time everyone feels strange, now all the ghost fires have turned into various faces, there are humans, elves, dwarves. There are also Orcs,

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

They swayed in mid-air. The faces on the face changed with different expressions, rushing into the ground and the pond.

"Throw everything away and leave here immediately"

Xiao Yuxin felt bad, and immediately ordered everyone to set off. However, their movements are not fast enough

Just as they started to move forward, a slight sound rang out from the ground, and an unpleasant stench filled the air. First, an arm stretched out, and then a figure came out of the ground. These figures are huge. Some of them can't clearly see their race, but the figure is wearing a variety of armor. Although most of these armor have been corroded, it can be seen that the past is also very beautiful equipment.


The sound of water came from the pond, and a white bone came out of the pond. Although their bodies had only skeletons, they looked incomparably scary on the carrion.

"Damn those souls awakened the undead underground," Wen Yuxiu whispered.

"Wake up and kill, if you have any hesitation"

Wu Ziniu didn't wait for those undead warriors to stand firm. He had drawn out his machete and rushed up. The machete in his hand split out two blue sword qi. The undead warrior was chopped into pieces by sharp sword gas, and the bones and carrion were scattered.

"Hey, killing the undead also has battle achievements," Wu Ziniu exulted. These undeads are too weak to need any effort at all. Although he still has a scimitar in his hand, he got it in the treasure trove of elves. The golden equipment, the weight and size are similar to the original handle, but the quality is much higher, and it also has an enchantment of blasting, which can occasionally stimulate the magic flying blade.

"Go forward while killing, don't love war"

Xiao Yuxin commanded loudly, bleed to drink, crossed Wu Ziniu and killed among the undead warriors, but the blood rainbow circled around, and the undead warriors were cut into pieces in the past, but she did not have a united enemy, but she knew that these The Undead Warrior already measures the lowest level of existence in the Undead World, and any one of the six can easily destroy hundreds of such enemies. However, the Death Marsh was the battlefield of the previous era, and the bones of unknown soldiers were buried. Now they are unearthed one after another. If they do not rush out in time, they may face a large army of dead people, even if they stand and wait for them to cut. It can also be exhausting.

Countless undead warriors have crawled out of the depths of the mud, they have been driven by the distorted soul of death, and their broken bodies have launched an attack on the living creatures who penetrated into their own borders. Although these low-level undead warriors are only more powerful than ordinary people, and act Slowly, the undead fighters who stood in front of Xiao Yuxin and others could hardly do anything to intercept them. However, the range of the death swamp is larger than they thought, and while the undead wake up, they also summon other companions. So when they saw the army of undead in front of them, they knew it was in trouble.

"Sister Xin, how do I remember that the army of undead in the movie is not here, and is still the enemy of Sauron, how can it be consumed with us now?" Wen Yuxiu asked through the chain of hearts.

"This should be the change we caused. There are also undead in the original plot's death swamp, but most of them use illusion to deceive the intruder instead of incarnation of undead attack. The result should now be a variation of the plot."

Xiao Yuxin gave a slight meal: "Call the magic pet."

With that said, she began to summon, and three huge scarabs appeared out of thin air. They sizzled into the undead, like three small warships sailing into the sea of ​​undead. Pieces of broken limbs turned over

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Everyone jumped on the scarab's back and moved forward with the bug.

There was a sharp cry in the sky, and the two female body demons waved their wings into the undead, shattering the heads of the undead warriors. Wen Yuxiu's Feng Ling and Mo Lou's Griffon sent out wind blades in the air and shot towards the sea of ​​undead.

Suddenly a sharp hiss came from the underground. The ground in front of the side suddenly collapsed, and a huge hole appeared. Dozens of undead warriors fell into the pit with a cracking bone. A huge crypt sword spider emerged from the ground and it waved its forelegs. The undead warriors who were standing in front of it were all cut to pieces. Xia Xinwen leapt to the back of the Crypt Sword Spider, waving his hands to release a pair of god-like lights. Those undead or broken fragments of undead soldiers were purged and disappeared under the divine light.

"We will die here, you have provoked the existence that should not be provoked," Smyrgo lay on the scarab's back. The whole body was trembling with ups and downs.

"Shut up" Sam shouted. He now concentrates all his energy on Smyrgo. Pressing the hilt in his hand, it seems that Smyrgo had a slight change, and he would draw a sword and cut the guy who had long been unsightly in half.

"Smithko, are there any other undead in the swamp?" Xiao Yuxin asked loudly.

"There are also heavy infantry who ignore the swamp's influence at all, and we are dead," Smygor shouted tremblingly.

Needless to say, heavy footsteps began to appear behind the undead ahead, muddy water was splashing, and the undead soldiers wearing heavy armor were approaching.



Two huge totem poles suddenly rose up~www.readwn.com~ A golden halo was emitted from a totem pole, covering the members of the expedition team, everyone suddenly felt as light as a bird, and the spirit was revitalized; The other totem pole shot a purple and black aura, which covered the bodies of the undead warriors, making their slow movements more and more slow.

"Giant Thunder Fist"

Xiao Yuxin tweeted, and punched her fists with a feminine punch, followed by the body of dozens of undead warriors in front of her, and the bones flying.

Shen Ruolan also launched, she shouted a brilliant cross, and two silver swords flew to cross and flew forward, and the dead soldiers were divided into several sections.

Mo Lou, Wen Yuxiu and others also launched with their sword spirits and holy lights, and the undead soldiers in front of them fell down like grass. Several demon pets rammed in the sea of ​​corpses, trampling a path paved by corpses.

The front is already a heavy army of undead. As they rushed in front of everyone, Amin also moved. She was not only an excellent archer, but also an excellent wizard, only to see her pull out of her arms A handful of seeds spilled towards the undead ahead, and at the same time murmured a mantra in his mouth. As soon as the seeds fell on the undead warrior, they immediately gave birth to tiny vines. These vines quickly grew up, and as they grew bigger However, those undead warriors fell one after another, and when the strange white flowers blossomed on the vines, the breath of those undead also completely disappeared.

"What is this?" Xiao Yuxin saw this strange magic and seed for the first time.

"The flower of life is a kind of plant magic specially developed by the Wu nationality against darkness and undead creatures." Ya Min replied. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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