Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: Section 300 "Xinghe Fleet": Enter

"Sister Xin, how far away is Zhangjiagang now?" Ya Min asked softly to read the full text.

"Unclear, my map is not very detailed, it should not be too far away. Ke Yan, do you have any impression of this place?" Xiao Yuxin asked back.

"The road is good, but I don't know how far away." Ke Yan looked outward with some uncertainty.

Although most of the buildings are broken, some signs are still there, and it is barely possible to see the words above, but it is difficult to calculate the distance based on this. After they left the campsite in Changshu City two days ago, they never saw anyone again. In order to rush off, Xiao Yuxin took the new Cadillac sedan from the world of bloodthirsty and breaking stories from the storage space. The speed is really strong. Not only is the evolved d-type zombie difficult to follow, but ordinary mutants are also thrown behind by them. However, it is only one hour away from the next demonic trial mission, and they need to find a relatively safe time to park the car and place Sister Kirsch.

Xiao Yuxin's gaze looked around, and finally she drove the car into an abandoned agricultural machinery repair plant. The car slowly drove into the factory building opened by the gate and stopped between the two rows of machines.

Xiao Yuxin took out an assault rifle and a pistol and handed it to Ke Yan: "Ke Yan, you hold these weapons first, wait a moment to turn on the daytime driving mode, no matter what happens outside the car, don't make a noise, this car itself With bulletproof function, we will come back to download after about two hours."

She looked down at her watch: "If you are forced to leave the car, you can use the signal gun under the steering wheel to shoot a skyward to confirm the direction after two hours."

"Sister Xin, where are you going?" Ke Wei asked quietly.

"Go to a place where you have to go, 媗媗, you can rest assured that nothing will happen. The two young ladies will pass soon."

In fact, it does not take so long. If it is only the switch between the plot world and the real world, no matter how long it is there, when you return to the real world, it is only a few minutes away. Xiao Yuxin just left some room. To cope with unexpected situations.

After getting off the car, Sister Ke's locked the door in the car, and Xiao Yuxin used the magical formula to search the factory and the surrounding area. This was reassuring.

Apart from a few zombies in the dead end, there are really no mutants here. The safety is still guaranteed, and she and Ya Min leave Sister Ke's sight. Summon the demon badge into the demon space.

From the demon space to the lobby, Mo Lou and others have arrived, looking at the redemption items in front of the crystal screen, Mo Lou turned and asked: "Sister Xin, how did this trip gain?"

"Don't say. I really found two good seedlings, especially the second one. That ability is simply a natural radar"

Xiao Yuxin recounted the situation of Sister Ke's. Although Ke Yan did not have the special ability like her sister, her motor nerve was very developed and she had a high talent for swordsmanship. She could also become a smart warrior.

"That's great"

Mo Lou was the first to applaud: "When clearing the mutants in the future, Ke Yan will be included in our group, OK?"

"Why do you want to be included in your group, you are practicing stealth skills. You can get the relevant information yourself, we need this kind of talent in this group." Wu Ziniu was very dissatisfied.

"Where does this follow? I don't know when I can go back, early."

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Xiao Yuxin hurriedly interrupted the whipping of the two men. She looked at the table and said: "There are still twenty-five minutes, this time I don't know what the task is. We must be prepared, food, weapons."

"Shouldn't the transportation be solved?" Wu Ziniu asked.

"The transportation will be resolved according to the situation of the story world." Xiao Yuxin said.

"That's about it." Several people began to check their equipment.

suddenly. Xia Xinwen said: "Right, Sister Xin, you asked me to ask about your uncle's news last time, I heard."

"Oh, how are they?" Xiao Yuxin's spirit revived.

"My dad saw your uncle two days ago, but I heard that your cousin they went out to perform the task." Xia Xinwen said.

"Thank you for finally going back to cross." Xiao Yuxin was relieved to live this year and month, as for the quality, there is no need to worry about it.

Time gradually passed, and a reminder sound of a bite came to my ears suddenly, and a transparent dialog box appeared in front of me: "The transmission target is locked, and the Galaxy Fleet begins to transmit."

The ray of light shrouded everyone's figure in an instant. When Xiao Yuxin turned around, she had appeared in a hall full of voices. Those who walked back and forth all wore military uniforms of different colors, and her own He also wore a military uniform.

Strangely, these people vacated the place where they were, as if they were in another space.

"Ten minutes later, the world of plot opens."

Another dialog box pops up, and Xiao Yuxin knows that it is system protection time.

The other team members are now sober, and there are thirteen new dazes sitting on the floor.

Several old players naturally gathered around Xiao Yuxin, and the eyes of a girl with eyes fell on her: "Am I kidnapped?"

Xiao Yuxin glanced at her quickly. The girl was about the same age as hers. She was about 22 or 3 years old, but the bottom of the glasses was thick enough. It should be highly myopic and not pretty, but it was very attractive and forehead. The bulge is commonly known as Ben'ertou, and should be a very smart girl.

"Why should I ask?" Xiao Yuxin asked back.

The girl’s eyes are not as frightened as those of the newcomers around her: "You have no surprise on your face but careful observation. They are all close to you involuntarily. Obviously you are the core of them. Now it’s time to answer My question now"

"You have not been kidnapped, but have been chosen as the **** chooser, Yu Xiu, you explain to them."

This kind of thing Xiao Yuxin has always been left to others to do. If it was before the catastrophe, it was definitely not easy to explain, but now there are too many incredible things. This explanation can be understood.

"Xinghe Fleet, this movie was seen a long time ago."

The spectacles girl supported the glasses on the nose bridge: "The protagonist's name inside does not remember very much, just remember that it is a battle between humans and alien zergs."

The male and female protagonists are a pair of lovers. For their ideals, the female protagonist was admitted to the Air Force after graduation and wanted to become a starship pilot. The male protagonist did not have such good results. In order to follow the female lead, she had to become a member of the Army. Just when the male master could not stand the brutal training and was about to leave, the alien Zerg war on humanity. A huge meteorite destroyed the hometown of the male and female protagonists, and the male protagonist fought in battle. In order to avenge their family, they finally caught the Zerg command core brain worm on a planet, but that was the beginning of the war between humans and insects.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

p; "That's all." Wu Ziniu felt that some of the mountains were covered by fog, and didn't understand.

The glasses girl frowned: "It's been too long, just remember this."

"What's your name?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"My name is Xiao Chunan." The glasses girl replied.

"What a coincidence. We are the family, you can call me Xin Xin." Xiao Yuxin introduced the old players one by one. There is not much time, and she is too lazy to listen to those people's introductions. Unless they have an excellent performance in the task, it is worth her asking for the name.

Her eyes swept across everyone's faces: "Wait a moment, the plot world will open, and our mission in this plot world will appear. If the mission is not completed, the result will be obliteration. You can trust me. Act with me , If you can’t believe it, move freely, and I wish you good luck"

The glasses girl Xiao Chunan began to look around, but the other twelve newcomers were blinking. Do not know what to think, Xiao Yuxin just glanced. His eyes shifted to the scrolling screens on the wall of the hall. The higher-level information was that a certain unit gathered in a certain place and disappeared in a transport ship.

Ten minutes soon arrived, two transparent dialogs popped up in front of me:

"The Star River Fleet, the plot world opens."

"All god-selectors must board the transport ship at the designated time, and they will be obliterated if they are not on board. The main task: one must be on the Zerg planet until the rescue comes, the task reward: points 100,000, experience 150,000."

"Combining the damn, do you think this is a holiday?" A school officer stood in front of them with anger and angrily ~www.readwn.com~ We are all second-class soldiers, and seem to be subordinate to this lieutenant. "It seems that Xiao Yuxin was confused, and Xiao Chunan whispered that everyone came to a group of soldiers and stood like a pig being driven.

"Remember that you entered the second mobile unit, that is Lao Tzu's soldiers, and no one under his hands heard it," the lieutenant colonel shouted loudly.

"Lieutenant Colonel James, Commander of the Second Mobile Force."

This is the answer given in the demon badge. Xiao Yuxin's eyes Yu Guang suddenly found that four newcomers were rubbing outwards, and these people suddenly ran away in their hearts.

Her eyes saw those James who didn't seem to wake up, but found a slight sneer in the corner of his mouth. Obviously he had noticed the small movements of the four people, but James did not break, but instead looked at the opposite wall with his hands. , Waiting for notice on board.

Shortly afterwards, a broadcast sounded in the hall: "The soldiers of the second mobile unit please go to the fourth station squad to prepare to board the ship. Repeat, the soldiers of the second mobile unit ask the fourth station squad to prepare to board the ship."

"set off"

James issued a command without expression, and led the team to the fourth platform. Xiao Yuxin noticed that the four newcomers who had rubbed to the back before taking advantage of the team moved quietly into the crowd when there were many people around.

End this recommendation

New product repair

It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the body of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible fairies coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and collated, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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