Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 309 "Galaxy": Battle Brain Worm

"Battle worms, advanced zergs, good at mental attack, command worm swarm battles, kill a 60,000 points, experience 100,000, there are magic crystals in the worm brain, the brain fluid can be refined into the latest chapter of genetic evolution agents."

Mental attack

Xiao Yuxin hesitated a little, and now the team has entered a combat preparation stance, but since the bug is a combat brain worm, and the data specifically points out that it is good at mental attack, there are still some things. The most troublesome thing is that the outer guards are Zerg. The possibility of trying to bypass them is zero. Now Xia Xinwen can only let them attack first. As long as they can shock their defensive front a little, she can take the opportunity to kill the combat brain worm.

"Hands on"

Xiao Yuxin issued a notice in the mind chain, and the seven god-selectors issued the strongest attacks at the same time. The purple and black dull aura suddenly covered the Zerg including the battle brain worms, and the attacks of Wu Ziniu and others were also followed. In four eyes, the mutant soldiers with c-level strength almost fell apart in a blink of an eye. Xiao Yuxin exhibited the method of traversing the stone through the body, and shot like a lightning into the gap left by several insect guards.


A scream suddenly sounded, and Xiao Yuxin was like a lightning strike, her body suddenly lagging, but just between her body lagging behind, a silver light was shot from her sleeve to download.


Xiao Yuxin only felt that at this moment, there was only her left between the world and a deafening thunder echoed in its mind, almost making her collapse.


A tyrannical energy rushed into her mind, seemingly trying to destroy her brain. Even the vortex formed by the mental power in her consciousness began to shake, and it seemed to collapse at any time.


Xiao Yuxin began to display the magic vortex that had never been used since learning, and the silver vortex began to spin, extracting the mental power that broke into her mind.


That spiritual power is like a flood flooding the dike, which tirelessly shakes in Xiao Yuxin's mind, but its power is gradually weakening. The silver vortex turned faster and faster.


She yelled and opened her eyes violently, only to see several corpses of Zerg lying in front of her. Wu Ziniu and others were standing around her, and those Zerg seemed to be dissipating.

"You're shooting fast"

Xiao Yuxin urged that every time ten insects were killed, there would be a bonus for points and experience. This opportunity is rare.

"Sister Xin, are you okay?" Wen Yuxiu asked with concern.

"It's okay, the mental skills of this battle brain worm are so strong. Fortunately, it is me. If it is someone else this time, I am afraid that it will really be over." Xiao Yuxin said with fear.

I just had a contest with the mental power that invaded my mind. Finally, it was relying on the strength of the spiritual power and the magic of eating the spirit. Not only that, but the spirit has been completely swallowed and transformed by her, but with a slight headache aftereffect.

"What about the body of the fighting brain worm?" Xiao Yuxin only found the broken jade dagger that fell to the ground, but she didn't find the worm corpse. While she was attacking by the fighting brain worm just now, she also controlled the broken jade dagger with her mind. hit. He successfully killed the fighting brain worm.

"That's when you suddenly stood still, we patronized

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

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----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Protect you. The corpse of the bug seemed to be taken away. "Wen Yuxiu said.

"such a pity"

Xiao Yuxin was very sorry. Although he didn't know how many levels the magic crystal was in, the brain fluid should be used to strengthen the body. It is a pity that he missed it.

At this time, most of the Zerg army that had been besieged under the mountain just now had mostly fled. A cheer came from the top of the mountain, and dozens of federal soldiers ran down from the mountain. It is Mo Lou.

"Sergeant, this is the second-class soldier Johnny Rick, this is Tis, this is" Mo Lou introduced several friends she had just met to Xiao Yuxin.

Xiao Yuxin knew that the branch task had not been completed yet. Only sending Ruige and others into the b52 fortress is considered to be the task. Sure enough, after meeting Mike, Sebsiek and Moni. The Demon Badge did not give any prompts, and the group quickly moved towards the b52 fortress.

What surprised everyone again was that on this way, they never found the Zerg figure, but Xiao Yuxin always had a strange feeling, it seemed that there were a pair of cold eyes watching their team in a very far place.

"In the end, is there something more powerful on this planet, or is it something else unknown" Xiao Yuxin was somewhat suspicious.

"Sister Xin, look at the box behind Sebsiq." Wen Yuxiu reminded.

Behind Sebsiq, the four soldiers carried a large wooden box, which seemed to be quite difficult. Four people alternated every twenty minutes or so. From the looks of Sebsiq and Moni, they were right This box is very important.

"What is it?"

There was a trace of curiosity in Xiao Yuxin's heart, and the magical tactics were used to view the box. It was a silver-gray metal, but it was definitely not mysterious silver, and it didn't seem to have magical properties. This thing didn't really use the devil badge. Not coming out. But she can be sure that this metal is no less important than Mithril and Wufeng Copper, otherwise the performance of those two people will not be so nervous, since there is a smile that does a bad thing on Xiao Yuxin's face, she is quietly on it Leave a unique logo.

When a team of more than 1,000 people entered the fortress, whether it was a defender or a tired teacher coming from afar, they were greatly relieved. There was a feeling of finding the organization. At the same time, a dialog box appeared in front of Xiao Yuxin:

"The side story mission is completed, and the target characters Johnny Rick, Sebsiq, and Muni enter the b52 fortress safely, with 30,000 points; 50000 experience."

The soldiers of the Sixth Mobile Force immediately began to rest, and at the request of the Federal Army, the low-level officers should obey the high-ranking officers, so Gordon had to hand over the command to Mike, and the fifth detachment was temporarily incorporated into the Sixth Mobile Force.

"Hey, we are in the same army now." Rego brought Tisi to Molou and others, looking very excited.

"Now it's only temporary, I'm afraid I have to go back and build," Xiao Yuxin asked suspiciously.

Rui Ge waved his hand: "If there is such a thing, it depends on your performance on the battlefield. Lieutenant Colonel Mike will not let you go back. I heard that I will be promoted to you."

"Impossible, I was just promoted to lieutenant by the lieutenant." Xiao Yuxin did not believe it.

"Rigor is right, you are my sergeant now, don't mind the appointment." Mike and Gordon appeared at the door, but Gordon asked the latter sentence.

"Of course I don't mind. Congratulations, Sergeant Xin." Of course Gordon wouldn't be that wicked, and he also congratulated him.

"Thank you Mr. Mike, thank you Mr. Gordon" Xiao Yuxin acted appropriately.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

p; "Mr. Gordon. Mr. Gordon, please give me an explanation. The important thing we stored here is missing. Who took it away?" Sebsik yelled. Running over, Moni followed behind gaspingly.

Xiao Yuxin and Wen Yuxiu exchanged glances. There were no secrets between the few old players. They all knew about the Maltese crystal.

Gordon's complexion changed suddenly: "Mr. Sebsiq. Can I understand that you are accusing my soldiers of stealing your company's things"

Lieutenant Colonel Mike's face was also extremely ugly, although Sebsiq was questioning Gordon. But this is undoubtedly the face of the military. He looked at Sebsiq with bad eyes: "Mr. Sebsiq, if you don't have a reasonable explanation, then I will call on the Department of Disarmament."

Seb Sicton paused and looked awkwardly: "Lieutenant Colonel Mike, Lieutenant Gordon, I'm sorry for what I just said. But I don't mean that. Now there is something that has a lot to do with the future weapons development of the Federation. , I must find its whereabouts, or at least have a reasonable explanation."

Gordon's face looked a little more beautiful: "It is reasonable to explain that when we arrived, the door of the fortress was open and there were blood stains in the room. There were traces of Zerg attacks on the ground of the fortress, and the whole fortress was not alone. This is not A reasonable explanation"

There was a smile on Sebsiq's face: "Of course"

At this moment, the siren of the fortress suddenly sounded hurriedly, and a soldier rushed in and shouted, "Insect attack"

Mike and Gordon glanced at each other. The two immediately rushed out of the room and ran out. Xiao Yuxin and others ran out immediately behind. Sebsiq and Moni glanced at each other~www.readwn.com~ Also followed outside.

Xiao Yuxin and others followed Mike and Gordon directly to the fortress wall. The soldiers had already started shooting. The heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns on the fortress wall also roared.

Xiao Yuxin's eyes flashed and shouted to a soldier: "Zhang Jixian, you come up"

The one named Zhang Jixian was the cowardly and fearless newcomer who showed before. Hearing Xiao Yuxin calling him, he stepped back a few steps, which meant that he was not killed.

He was reluctant to accept his own protection, and Xiao Yuxin couldn't help it. She stared out and saw that the dense insects outside were simply a sea of ​​insects. Although the soldiers and insects could not penetrate the fortress city for a while, they had their own methods. Use the method of worms to build a worm ladder and jump up.

Da da da

Xiao Yuxin shot calmly, her shooting was rhythmic, and relying on the particularity of the firearm and the pupil of the elf, she attacked the deadly part of the Zerg.

"Your marksmanship is good" Tis's voice sounded next to it.

"In general." Xiao Yuxin is very modest. She has studied the arc shooting technique, but the use of spears mainly depends on her eyesight. She has not really practiced it.

"Is your gun modified?" Tis suddenly asked.

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