Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 315 "Galaxy": Steal

New York is an important city for the federal government of the earth. The business is very prosperous, but it is completely different from the real-world New York that Xiao Yuxin knows. The suspension of flying cars that come and go makes her dazzled.

The whereabouts of Sebsiq were discovered by her through Mareg, because at that time Sebsiq had already left, although she left a mental mark on those metals, but because of the distance, it had become very weak, only Can vaguely feel the direction. But she came to New York to use the identity of another person. It was a middle-aged woman who was knocked out in the bathroom. Xiao Yuxin bought a ticket to New York with her ID, and her face became that middle-aged. A woman's appearance, but upon arriving in New York, she immediately threw away the woman's identity card, and her face changed back to that of Audrey.

After coming to New York, she clearly felt the spiritual imprint she left behind, which made her very excited, indicating that the metal has not been used up to read the full text. However, she did not immediately look for the metals, but spent nearly an morning studying the New York transportation system. She had to figure out how to leave the most convenient, and then she also knocked dizzy by knocking the sap. An unfortunate woman then used her ID card to open a room in a sprinkle shop near the Star Mining Company. After taking a refreshing hot bath, she called for a delicious dinner and then lay down. Waiting for the night to come in that soft bed.

As a bustling commercial city, New York City needs no nightlife. However, similar to the Star Mining Company, this place is mostly buildings such as corporate office buildings, so the lights are obviously not lively in other areas, mainly based on basic lighting.

In the night, Xiao Yuxin walked on the street like a ghost, leaning on the edge of the building. She now uses another face, so she doesn't mind people discovering it from a distance. However, as soon as she encountered a patrolling police car, she immediately put on the elf cloak and pressed her body close to the wall. If you didn’t look closely, it would not be easy to find an extra bump on the wall.

She walked carefully in the dark. Although there were almost no pedestrians on this street, she still didn't want to take risks. The neon lights in the distance were strange and varied in colors, if they were overlooked from the sky. The beautiful night view is intoxicating. The stars in the dim holographic advertisements during the day are particularly charming at night, and those flying cars flying around are like fireflies. Draw lines of varying trajectories in the night.

Xiao Yuxin didn't care to appreciate the beauty that could not be found in the real world. She felt like a viper foraging in the dark, looking for her target anxiously.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, she finally came to the Interstellar Mining Company. She carefully concealed her body behind a big tree. Then hide yourself with the elven cloak, and then carefully observe the base-defense company in front of you again.

Above the base. There are several floating flying cars patrolling back and forth, they all have special scanners, which can not only greatly increase the range and accuracy of the patrol, but also have a special induction of the heat emitted by the human body, but this seems to be somewhat useless to Xiao Yuxin, she can Under the cover of the absolute shield, the guards were ignored.

The door of the company is obviously unable to open in the normal way, the light in the duty room is on, but the guard inside will certainly not come out to open the door. Xiao Yuxin never thought about it.

However, the way to enter is not complicated. Although she does not know the superb unlocking technique, she masters a very special alchemy shaping technique.

Plastic surgery, change the shape of the object. Only works on non-living objects. This is one of the alchemists' unique spells. Consume mental energy.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The gate changed in a weird way. When a person in the middle could walk in, she bent over and walked through the big hole. Inside the gate, a tall and burly guard followed the ghostly look. The big hole in the door, although the mouth was open, did not make any sound.

"I've never seen it before," Xiao Yuxin asked softly in the ear of the guard.

The guard immediately nodded seriously and agreed.

"Then forget this matter." Xiao Yuxin pulled out the silver needle and quickly inserted into several acupuncture points on his body. The guard immediately collapsed to the ground like a noodle fish.

Xiao Yuxin looked up at the door, and the horrible big thing slowly returned to its original state, "It's really troublesome."

She shook her head and reluctantly took the guard and threw it into the guard room: "Poor fellow, I hope no one will come to check the post." Then she collected the silver needles again.

Xiao Yuxin quickly walked to the location where the basement of the building is located. The most convenient way to enter the basement is undoubtedly to be an elevator. However, once the elevator light is on, other floors will also be displayed, which is no different from the first bid, so she still took the easiest way to enter the door.

After entering the building, Xiao Yuxin felt that the spiritual imprint she laid was more clear, so she was absolutely not worried about finding the wrong place. Walking down the stairs, she stopped when she reached the 11th floor underground.

The shape of the silver metal door slowly changed. Xiao Yuxin lifted her foot into the hole and looked in the house. There was nothing she was looking for here. Xiao Yuxin's brow furrowed slightly and walked to the center of the room.

There is clearly a difference here.

The entire room is made of stone material, and the unique piece is a very large round metal. She stood up without hesitation. Just after her feet stepped on, the metal plate suddenly sank. Although Xiao Yuxin had expected it to be a little weird, she was shocked. Fortunately, no alarm was triggered. This metal plate was similar to something like a lifting platform. After falling more than twenty meters, it came to another room.

"Ha ha"

Seeing the things around him, Xiao Yuxin couldn't help laughing. In addition to the unknown gray metal, the warehouse-like room was also filled with Maltese crystals, mythril, ebony copper, and Tianxuan gold. All have been refined, and a lot of them.

"Oh, what is that gray metal?"

Xiao Yuxin summoned the demon badge and pointed it at those gray metal blocks "Styx Iron, Grade A material, memory metal. Strong ductility."

"Simple introduction"

Xiao Yuxin was a little dissatisfied, but the four words “memory metal” are very interesting. For the alchemist, this kind of memory metal is obviously very precious.

She didn't have much time to sigh. After a little patrol, she immediately collected these metals into the storage bracelet. Now she is more and more grateful for the world tree in the Lord of the Rings. The bracelet is definitely a treasure, the space inside is beyond Xiao Yuxin's imagination. After giving birth to the world tree avatar. Only then did she understand the characteristics of the world tree, and one of them surprised her. That is, the world tree itself carries a huge space and grows with it. Those waters of life are companions of the world tree, which are usually stored in the storage space.

After searching the underground warehouse, Xiao Yuxin immediately evacuated along the same path. Avoiding the heavy guards, she finally came to the entrance of the building. The guard was still awake there, Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly, and walked out of the gate

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


The next morning, when Xiao Yuxin woke up from a sleepy dream to open the door, the boss in his heart was unwilling: "What's the matter?"

"Uh, nothing, routine rounds." A hotel staff member gave up helplessly. Behind her were two plainclothes police detectives. After checking their IDs, the two police detectives left with an apology. Xiao Yuxin slammed the door shut and touched a noticeably accelerated liver. I finally understand what it means to be a thief.

After hurriedly eating breakfast, Xiao Yuxin called the front desk and called a taxi straight to the sound of the machine. The ticket was booked before the action last night, and now she only needs to go to the airport reception desk to get the ticket to leave.

Four hours later, Xiao Yuxin walked out of the airport and took a taxi to the idle factory they rented. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Min Qingshan and others were practicing martial arts while Xiao Chunan was sitting on a portable light brain Busy ahead.

"Sister Xin"

Mo Lou was the first to see her and immediately rushed over to hug her: "How about Sister Xin, have everything been done?"

"Everything is done." Xiao Yuxin made an ok gesture.

"Sister Xin, please come over." Xiao Chunan greeted suddenly.


Xiao Yuxin walked over: "Is this one you bought for Guangnao?"

"This is not fun~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Chunan tapped a few times on the virtual keyboard mapped on the desktop to bring up a list.

"Grain has purchased No. 200 and has given it to Yawen. Because I was worried that the money was not enough, I organized Wu Ziniu and Min Qingshan to fight a few times while you were away."

"What is the high-frequency detector of Lingbo Microstep and Blaze Palm?"

"High-frequency detectors can be used to explore ore veins, as well as to explore things within a thousand kilometers underground or with the naked eye."

"How about the ship's navigation"

"I heard you didn't get a few supply ships"

"Then forget this, I won't ask,"

Xiao Yuxin simply didn't look at the list: "How many contributions are left"

Xiao Chunan raised his glasses in surprise: "Did you come to the world of money in this plot world?"

Xiao Yuxin has a feeling of going crazy: "Even if you are a crappy tentman, at least you should know that the income and expenditure are consistent. What did the last 100 million contribution points do?"

Xiao Chunan glanced at the list and said calmly: "Oh, I forgot to log in. For this one hundred million contribution point, I rented a virtual training module for one and a half months. I trained separately in the first half of the month and conducted confrontation and cooperative training in the following month. It is recommended that everyone practice hard Lingbo microsteps, the use of firearms and combat skills under special circumstances."

End this recommendation

New product repair

It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the flesh of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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