Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: Section 317 "Galaxy": Creating Martial Arts

Carmen was a little unbelievable, but she prepared to shoot a few times, but she always felt that something was wrong. This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable. She always thought that the handy p20 pistol used was extremely unsatisfactory at this time. Every shot actually Can't read the full text.

"It's my turn now"

Xiao Yuxin smiled at the corner of her mouth, and the two guns lifted up with the body

Two bullets hit an opponent almost simultaneously

"Thank you"

Xiao Yuxin gave his opponent a slight salute and left the room.

"Hey people"

When Carmen was reborn and was about to decide the male and female again with her opponent, she found that the room was empty. She checked it, and it seemed that Nirvana was offline.

"Isn't it reasonable to run after winning once, so proud?" Carmen was so angry.

In a virtual cabin at an air base training ground, Carmen took off his helmet and walked out with great discomfort.

"Hi Carmen, what's wrong today" a female soldier greeted her.

Carmen waved his hands, and Carmen didn't even have the mood to answer the question.

The telephone bell on the table suddenly rang, Carmen didn't move anymore, or didn't move and then rang, Carmen finally couldn't stop the person on the other end of the phone, and picked up the microphone lazily.


"It's me, my dear, who's angry there again" The latest chapter of Johnny Rigger's cheerful voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"How do you know I'm angry?" Carmen felt that his chest was too uncomfortable to answer the phone on his stomach, so he turned over again.

"Of course I know. Let me guess. It must have been lost to the opponent in a confrontation, right?" Rick asked.

"You are so sure" Carmen suddenly smiled, and Rigger was always able to guess his mood change.

"Of course. In addition to winning or losing, what other things will make our princess unhappy?"

Rui Ge laughed: "I lost this time, and I will win it again next time."

Carmen pouted: "It's nothing to lose or win, but this guy ran after winning a game, so I didn't have a chance to get her face back"

She doesn’t want to think about how many times Xiao Yuxin has been extinguished.

"There will be a chance. If there is no time, we will go out for a stroll, but I have a rare vacation." Rui Ge said.

"Of course, my dear." Carmen's mood immediately improved.

In fact. Xiao Yuxin is very interested in playing a few more games with Carmen, but the problem is that she is in a bad situation now.

When coming out of the virtual cabin. Xiao Yuxin was soaked all over her body. The most serious thing was that she had just been taken out of the water. Her head was pierced with thousands of steel needles at the same time. Waves of pain continuously hit her brain. , Rao is Xiao Yuxin's amazing endurance. From time to time hissing inhalation sounds, and his small face was pale with pain.

This is the result of the transitional use of mental power. Xiao Yuxin is now unable to check his condition, and quickly returns to the place where he stayed, and enters his room. After an hour of starting the pregnancy method, the acupuncture-like pain finally disappeared, and the mental power began to recover quickly after two hours. The energetic Xiao Yuxin opened his eyes. Her mental strength was only exhausted, and she was not injured, and after this overdraft, it seemed that there was still

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Not only did she grow in size, she suddenly sounded the body style she had realized in the confrontation. Quickly summoned the devil badge query.

"Floating light glance, self-created martial arts. A level, light skills and body skills."

"Mental Power 3."

This is an unexpected joy. It turned out to be a class of martial arts, and the mental power has also increased significantly. No wonder that the mental power has been consumed so much, and it has inadvertently created a huge power exercise method. However, Xiao Yuxin suddenly found something was wrong. She got up and wanted to audition the new enlightenment of light skills, but she fell to the ground with a puff.

"Sister Xin, wouldn't you be injured outside?" Xiao Chunan suddenly appeared at the door and asked in surprise.

"Of course not, aren't you going to come and help me up?" Xiao Yuxin asked, lying on the ground and looking up.

"Since I'm not injured, why should I help you?" Xiao Chunan stood there, staring with interest at Xiao Yuxin's appearance on the ground.

"This person is really not cute at all"

She got up from the ground, moved her hands and feet, and there seemed to be no problem, but when she was ready to cast a glimpse of the floating light again, her body thumped on the ground again.

"Sister Xin, are you really okay?" This time Xiao Chunan came over to help, but Xiao Yuxin found that her eyes seemed to be looking at her as a research object, which made her very uncomfortable.

"It's nothing. It's just that I just got on the virtual network and caused the sequelae of uncoordinated limbs and brain." As a doctor, Xiao Yuxin quickly thought of the reason.

It's the martial arts that have become peerless in the Internet. Since the body in the real world has not developed synchronously, this kind of inconsistency is caused. However, this kind of problem is just a small problem. It only needs to keep the body and brain consciousness gradually synchronized through continuous practice.

For the next four days, Xiao Yuxin practiced every day, and practiced in reality, until she was able to smoothly display the floating shadow body method, and then boarded the virtual network again.

Carmen was a little irritated, because in the next few days, the girl named Nie Huang seemed to be missing out of thin air, and never went online again. She almost searched all the rooms in the theater.

"Carmen, where are you?" The virtual communicator on the wrist heard the call of Riggle.

"Oh, I'm in the war zone." Carmen answered indifferently.

Rui Ge laughed: "Still looking for that man"

"Yes." Carmen gritted his teeth.

"Forget it, maybe I'll meet it anytime. I'm in the training area, come here." Rigger sent a room number, Carmen thought about it, or came to the training area and said she hadn't been here for a long time. At first glance, it is quite new.

The training area is usually just after basic learning, through simulation against the computer. Where to improve personal strength, in this training area, the computer can gradually increase the difficulty of confrontation according to the strength of the trainer. It is said that this training method not only helps to improve personal strength, but also avoids frustration.

Suddenly, a group of people in front attracted her attention. Carmen also walked past the training room. The room was not completely closed, and there was a huge glass window to see the indoor situation.

On the training ground, a girl is doing evasive exercises in the field, a total of eight laser beams are shooting at her. I saw that the girl's figure was like a shadow, looking forward and suddenly lagging behind. The light movement between the laser beams is as fast as lightning, and the calmness between the dodges, but not much waste of energy, is like a wave of water rippling. Mysteriously avoid the most dangerous attack.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

"Gd is at this level, do you need to train here?" someone exclaimed outside.


Carmen's eyes light up. Nirvana is definitely Nirvana.

Carmen jumped up with excitement, she has been looking for Nirvana these days. At the beginning. She told herself to find Nihuang Huang in order to get back that game, but gradually, she found that she was not so concerned about winning or losing. Looking for Nirvana, because of her persevering spirit, the figure that climbed up and challenged in this time kept shaking in front of her eyes. She felt that Nirvana and herself should be the same person.

At this time, she felt that the opponent's dodge method was more skillful than that day. In terms of his marksmanship, I am afraid there is no chance of hitting her.

"Kungfu doesn't pay any attention, people seem to have to work harder," Carmen murmured.

"Twelve Beams"

Xiao Yuxin adjusted the training difficulty again, this time with twelve beams attacking at the same time. The laser beam in the training ground will not be fatal, but the attack on the body will definitely cause a pain that will be memorable for life.

Almost at the beginning of the voice, she moved again and the laser's attack speed was imaginable. Xiao Yuxin is like a clockworked robot, and he can't stop with a single move. but. The twelve-beam attack was more than twice as difficult as the eight-beam attack. Not long after that, Xiao Yuxin was hit frequently, and waves of pain poured in, but she still clenched her teeth and insisted that One round of training is over.

"I still can't do it." Looking at the number of hits on the display~www.readwn.com~Xiao Yuxin couldn't help shaking his head in distress, it seems that he still needs to strengthen training. However, I should take a break today and want to successfully challenge ten at a time. Two beams, that is simply impossible.


When Carmen was going to the door to wait for Xiao Yuxin, the tall and handsome Rui Ge appeared in front of Carmen. Both of them were very confident, and their images on the Internet were their original appearances, and even their names had not changed.

"Hi, dear"

Carmen and Riggle gave a soft hug: "I found that person."

"Where is it?" Rick asked.

"Just there"

Carmen turned to look at the training room, which was empty.

"Sister Xin, I went to train again," Mo Lou asked. The little girl was sweaty and her face was a little thinner. In fact, everyone is a little thin these days, mainly because it is too hard to learn and train.

"Huh." Xiao Yuxin nodded.

"How is progress"

"Not as fast as the first two days." Xiao Yuxin was obviously not very satisfied with his condition.

Xiao Chunan from the side suddenly said: "It is recommended that you now end your personal training, conduct a confrontational battle, and accumulate a certain amount of actual combat experience in order to really improve."

Xiao Yuxin's eyes suddenly showed a fine awn, which is good. Actually, hey, practice is the only weapon to test the truth

End this recommendation

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It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the flesh of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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