Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: Section 320 "Galaxy": Rescue the Soldiers

Da da da

Three or four guns protruded from Xiao Yuxin, forming a crossfire. A large area was immediately emptied near the exit. Xiao Yuxin rushed out first. Wen Yuxiu, Shen Ruolan, and Ya Min rushed out of the hatch at the same time. The four people back to back, facing three sides Shooting constitutes a firepower point download.

The Mark III assault rifle re-refined by Xiao Yuxin is like a small rapid-fire gun. Every bullet can explode a bug, and the power of Dalian Xiao Yuxin is a bit horrified.

"Sister Xin, your alchemy cow," Wen Yuxiu smiled.

"There are also many materials consumed." Xiao Yuxin shrugged, and the ordinary materials consumed by alchemy were just that, but this time she just used the materials she had just obtained, although not many, but those things need a little Less, especially the magic crystal consumes more.

During the speech, the federal soldiers rushed down from the landing boat, the firepower range increased, and the pressure of Xiao Yuxin and others suddenly relaxed. Her face changed and shouted: "Quit the landing boat to read the full text."

When he had finished speaking, he let go of his legs and ran to the distance. The veterans’ hearts were transparent. In this crisis-ridden place, life-threatening things could happen at any time. Seeing the leader take the lead in running, one by one shooting quickly while desperately following On the way, some veterans simply ran the buttocks of those recruits with their feet, urging them to keep up.

Collison, who had run out dozens of meters away, turned around and saw that the two recruits were still looking around, unable to understand the situation, and couldn't help but be anxious: "Cuier, Newcastle, leave there quickly"

Cui Er pointed to the worm corpses around: "Everything here is empty"


The ground of more than 100 meters fell suddenly, and the two recruits fell along with the landing craft. Before they responded, the screaming bugs had drowned their screams.


Collison's eyes split, and he yelled. Suddenly, the gun shot suddenly, a huge head protruded from the big pit in front of him, and the cold eyes flashed a cruel light.

"Collison, run quickly"

Rigger turned around and shouted, shooting fiercely.

"It's too late, disgusting worm, eat me"

Collison roared, took off a high-explosive grenade in his backhand, and bit off the safety latch in his mouth. The other hand clamped the buttstock under his armpit and continued to shoot. A flame was sprayed from the mouth of the firefly, at the same time as the flame sprayed out. Collison struggled to throw the high-explosive grenade into the firefly's mouth.


While the flames flooded Collison, the high-explosive grenade exploded in the worm's mouth, exploding a huge worm head.

In the distance, Xiao Yuxin glanced back silently, and immediately directed the soldiers to rush into a hill. The underground part of the hill was a granite structure, so you don’t have to worry about the Zerg rushing from below.

It's not that she didn't want to ask Collison. It's just a long way away, maybe some extraordinary means can save Collison's life. But once this happens, it will inevitably attract the attention of the space fleet. I am afraid that without them living on the Zerg planet for fifty days, the commanders of the space fleet will directly send people or order ground troops to take them down.

There were several landing crafts in the distance with gunshots nearby, and most of the landing troops were already on fire

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Started to go deep, staying in place is no different from finding death.

Under her leadership, the soldiers of Xiao Yuxin squad quickly assembled on this hill, in rhythmic and stepped shooting. None of those soldiers and insects could rush up, and several fire-breathing insects obviously could not break through the rocky layer beneath the hills, and could only rush out of the ground to attack. In the intensive attacks of the soldiers, when the sky would be dark, the swarm suddenly retreated. Reports from various troops ceased fighting on the communication channel.

It seems that the login is successful

The soldiers were relieved, but Xiao Yuxin and others were tight-hearted. This is most likely a trap set by the Zerg. It seems that the space fleet is in a rush.

Sure enough, the fleet then issued a notice, ordering the troops to quickly clear the surrounding Zerg, and preparing for the full landing of the troops. Sooner or later, it would happen. Even if they issued an alarm, it would be useless. Fifty days.

How can I survive for fifty days

The gunshots gradually fell, and it seemed that the Zerg really gave up the attack.

Suddenly, the green light on the battlefield recorder flickered, and Xiao Yuxin quickly looked down, but it was a task issued directly from the battleship to their detachment. In the c24 area, a human presence was surrounded by the Zerg, and she led her troops immediately Go to the rescue.

"Story story mission: Rescue human survivors, at least one person survives, otherwise it fails. Mission success: 20000 points; 40000 experience; mission failure, deduct 200,000 points each."

"Okay, everyone is clear about the mission. Our mission is to rescue this unit. Now check the ammunition situation. Wu Ziniu, you lead a class of people to collect ammunition. The others rest on the spot and leave in 20 minutes."

"They can take a break, because my old cow is working hard, and there is no human rights anymore."

"Sister Xin, the rescue target is under siege from the Zerg. Is it too dangerous for us to delay this time?" Chen Ke asked in a voice.

"It's a bit risky, but I bet that I can win this time. Since they persisted for a few months, there is no reason to persist for tens of minutes. I always have some ridiculous feelings in my heart. Those people have no reason to live until now."


Xiao Chunan continued: "With the Zerg's control over the planet, the army has no reason to stick to the present, and I prefer the Zerg to release water."


Chen Ke froze: "The Zerg intends to let us rescue"

"It's just a guess at the moment." Xiao Chunan said lightly.

The time of 20 minutes is not long. During this time, Xiao Yuxin pulled up the map from the battlefield recorder and looked for the location of the c24 area. They did not seem to be too far away, about a few dozen miles away.

"set off"

In time, Xiao Yuxin waved his hand, and everyone immediately responded and quickly moved to the location of the c24 area. Xiao Yuxin walked beside the team and subconsciously glanced in the direction of space, "Good luck to you"

She quickly caught up with the front of the team and ordered the team to move forward. According to Xiao Chunan’s estimation, the Zerg should now lure the space fleet to start a large-scale landing, because this can make the entire space fleet descend to a height and facilitate the attack of laser worms. Therefore, it should be very safe in the landing area and surrounding areas.

Sure enough, they traveled for more than ten miles in one breath, and no Zerg attacked them, but Xiao Yuxin was on the move.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Suddenly his face changed and shouted: "Be careful of your feet"

Just as her words fell, the ground in front of her suddenly lay hidden, revealing a huge pit. In the dust, a group of soldiers and insects screamed and rushed out.


Xiao Yuxin shouted and fired the gun. The bullets shot like a storm to the front of the bug. Puff, puff, puff. An ugly bug was torn and fell by the exploding bullet, but immediately Dozens of bugs rushed out of the pit.

Suddenly, a tsunami-like sound rang from the rear, and some soldiers turned around to look at them, only to see that the surrounding area of ​​the landing area was clear, tens of thousands of blue beams of light rose into the sky, and a burst came from the sky. The dense and terrifying explosion sound turned the night sky into a splendid glory, and huge **** of fire appeared one after another in the air, forming a continuous sea of ​​fire.

"Then that is our space fleet and landing ship," a recruit yelled with a cry.

Wu Ziniu took a palm on his neck and shot him sober: "Looking at the bugs in front of you, if you distract you again, you are their supper."

The space fleet is over

While shooting, Xiao Yuxin calmly listened to the panic-stricken yellers and rumbled explosions in the communication channel.

"Carmen Carmen is still on the ship," Rui Ge murmured to himself.

"Wake up Ruige, you can't help Carmen whether she is on it or not," Tis shouted in his ear.

"I heard it"

Rigger yelled violently and pushed Tiss away~www.readwn.com~ fired a gun and shot fiercely at the bug in front.

Xiao Yuxin was also anxiously shooting at the worm swarming in front of her at this moment. Seeing that there were already fire-breathing insects in the worm swarm, her brow furrowed and shouted: "throw bombs"

Twenty-six and seven high-explosive grenades flew into the pit

After the four violent explosions, an invisible shock wave swayed outwards around the pit. Several front station sighs snorted, and the figure was flew up by the shock wave, and then countless The remains of the broken limbs fell from the air, like a rain of insects.

When the smoke cleared in front of me, I saw that the front pit was full of debris of insects. At the bottom of the pit, there were four huge and deep wormholes. A sizzle of insects was coming out of the hole. Came.

Xiao Yuxin quickly took out a high-explosive grenade and threw it into the cave while shouting: "Blow up those wormholes"

In a series of explosions, all four wormholes were collapsed, and the attack of the worms stopped temporarily, but everyone looked back at the dense laser beams behind the back, deafening explosions, and shocking fireballs. Each kind of anomaly represented A lot of soldiers are becoming sacrifices of death in desperation.

"Come on, to complete our task is the best help for them." Xiao Yuxin sighed and ordered the team to continue to move forward. For the rear, she had no choice.

No more insects crawled out of the pit, the team quickly moved to the c24 area, just walked seven or eight hundred meters, Xiao Yuxin shouted: "Follow me" and ran towards a cliff on the left side, the soldiers all It was stunned, but immediately flew away towards the cliff.

A sound of tearing air suddenly sounded in the sky in the distance. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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