Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: Section 327 "Galaxy": Advance, Insect Nest! (in)

"Interestingly, these should be the species that have just evolved, long-range attacks, they already have laser worms, why have they evolved such archery bugs?" Xiao Chunan seems to be very interested in this latest emerged Zerg.

"Types that support special operations under special circumstances." Tis said.

"It makes sense."

Xiao Chunan unexpectedly agreed: "Look at the launch tubes on their heads, which are almost level with the ground. It can be seen that they are used to attack in this environment."

"Hey, there are ten minutes left. Are you busy?" Xiao Yuxin said angrily.

"What ten minutes" Carmen and they were unclear.

"Now is not the time to explain." Xia Xinwen pulled her and ran, probably saying while running, Carmen's face also changed immediately.

While running, Xiao Yuxin distracted herself from the magical tricks. The wormhole here was built like a labyrinth. Although she had roughly determined the location of the nest, if she ran like this, she might be able to reach the worm’s nest in an hour. Since then, many Zergs have greeted them, ready to block.


Xiao Yuxin shouted suddenly, the players were all startled, not knowing what she was going to do.

"Can't go like this, we will also be a Laoshan Taoist for a while" Xiao Yuxin slammed his fist and slammed it against a wall in front.

Giant Wood Thunder Fist

The surface of the wall was unharmed, but it shook slightly inside. Wu Ziniu stretched a knife beside him and the wall immediately collapsed, revealing a hole with a height of one person. He couldn't help but praise: "Sister Xin, your fist control More and more clever"

"Keep a certain distance with me" Xiao Yuxin jumped over the wall after he finished speaking.

Almost at the same time she jumped out, a worm knife cut across her waist, and Xiao Yuxin's figure suddenly swept upward. Lifting his feet, his right hand scimitar slanted, a worm head flew, but it was a sword soldier.

A hissing sound came from the side, and many Zerg probably heard the movement here.

"Hurry up"

Xiao Yuxin showed off her thunder fist again and again, breaking through a blocked wall. She raced against time, and even ran with the insects that heard the news. After Wu Ziniu, Carmen and others broke off in the back, they would follow the dense firepower. The bugs chasing over the hole blocked.

However, just when they were not far from the Zerg nest. Two tyrannical, cold, and even disgusting breaths suddenly appeared from the front, and the heavy pressure was like Xiaoshixin on Xiao Yuxin's heart. It seemed that the surrounding air had become thicker, and everyone stopped in unison.

Although the wormhole is gloomy, the space is not small. Just over a hundred meters in front of them, two strange bugs appear. They are upright like the knife worms. The figure is slightly rickety, about two meters tall. The body is thicker than the ordinary blade insects, and the two forelimbs are like a narrow blade, shining in the cold cold light.

"Variety knife worm, advanced zerg, attack power, defense power, speed increase, comprehensive strength c1 level, kill a point 10000. Experience 15000, can extract materials magic crystal, knife arm, carapace

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

. "

After reading the information given by the demon badge, Xiao Yuxin's head is getting bigger, and the combined level of these two insects is higher than her, if given time. Maybe she will kill these two worms calmly, but now it's time and time

"Brother Niu. Yu Xiu, the two of you stopped the bugs with me, and the others continued to advance in a straight line." Xiao Yuxin suddenly turned and punched a huge hole in the wall.

Almost at the moment of her hands-on, the figures of two mutated knife bugs had rushed out. One of the insects targeted her, while the other one targeted Wu Ziniu.

It is like a blue lightning. In terms of speed, the mutated blade worm is almost twice that of the ordinary blade worm. The distance of more than 100 meters is almost instantaneously reached, and the sharp blade arm, A howling sound of tearing air suddenly sounded.


The blade was severely chopped on the shroud that appeared suddenly, and was bounced again. Wu Ziniu on the other side was a bit miserable. Although he raised the gun in time to block it, the hardness of the gun body obviously could not resist the sharpness of the blade arm. It had been cut into two sections silently. Fortunately, his armor was loyal Due to his own responsibility, he blocked the rest of the attack, and his body was shaken off the ground by a huge force.

Just after Wu Ziniu’s body flew up, Xiao Yuxin also exerted his best to display the floating light shadow body method. The shape of the same lightning attacked Wu Ziniu’s mutated knife-and-worm, and Wen Yuxiu showed that the spear of the trial stabs to the other. A mutated knife bug.

Enchanted Enchantment

In the face of these two powerful bugs, Xiao Yuxin showed illusion while protruding her body shape. Although the two poor insects were powerful, their spiritual power was obviously not enough to break through the illusion. In their vision, blood Red knives chopped them from all directions.

The mutated knifeworm that had just attacked Wu Ziniu had the chance to expand the future. A blood-red knife light passed through its abdomen like a cut through a steel plate. The abdomen of the mutated knifeworm was cut with a crack, green. The worm's blood came out with the blade, and his body was lifted by the knife, and he was thrown away.

At the same time, Wen Yuxiu's trial spear pierced the thigh of another mutated knifeworm, and the golden light above the trial spear bloomed


In the flesh and blood flying, the mutated knife-worm rushed forward fiercely, slashing at Wen Yuxiu's neck, and at this time her spear of judgment had not yet been withdrawn, and her defense was absolutely unable to resist this. A knife.

At the critical moment, a black shadow slammed Wen Yuxiu with a bang, and the blade of the mutant flying insect chopped into the black shadow's shoulder, and blood spattered out.

"Bull Brother" Wen Yuxiu shouted that it was Wu Ziniu who knocked her away. The blade arm of the mutant worm was embedded in his left shoulder, almost removing his left arm, and he swung violently. Out of the machete, he severely chopped at the root of the arm of the knife, only to hear a click, Wu Ziniu slammed out on the right foot, the knife and insect kicked flying, shouted: "Yu Xiu, kill it"

"Tianlong Buyu" Wen Yuxiu felt a bit sour in her eyes, but she knew that this was not a time of sadness, her body fluttered out, and the spear of the trial drew heavy spear shadows. It has cut its throat.

On the other side, Xiao Yuxin also launched a beautiful blow. Since the mutated knife-worm is walking directly on its feet, part of its joints must be similar to humans. While it was flying, Xiao Yuxin also cast a glimmer of light. Caught up, almost in

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The moment it landed, her hands had cleverly grasped its ankles and rushed towards the top of the hole, pushing it fiercely to the top of the hole


The top of the cave was dusty, and the mutated knife-worm made a painful hissing. The knife arm just swayed out cut two deep marks on the top of the cave. Before waiting for it to attack again, Xiao Yuxin had completed a beautiful Turning, turning the head of the mutated C. elegans in one direction, he fell down to the ground like a tree planting on his head and feet.

Speaking of this, the wormhole is not very bright, it is less than ten meters in appearance, and it is a matter of moments to fall and rise, but under the ingenious use of Xiao Yuxin, these difficult movements can be completed as impeccably as the antelope hanging angle.


A horrible loud noise

Countless pieces of mud flew all around, and the ground shook with the blow. The head of the mutated knifeworm turned a ridiculously ridiculous angle, and it was so stiff that he broke his neck.

"Sister Xin, you are so violent," Wu Ziniu said, panting, sitting by the wall.

Xiao Yuxin's figure had reached him in a flash, "endure a little"

After she finished talking, she grabbed the severed arm with one hand and pulled it out violently. The other hand moved quickly to the wound, and a gleam of green light infiltrated into the gap of the armor, Wu Zi cow face The look on the face immediately relieved a lot of him fortunately. After cutting off his armor, this arm was blocked by the insect shell inside, otherwise even if his half of the body would not be split~www.readwn.com ~ The left arm will also be cut off. The water ring has better healing ability than Chunlin surgery, but it can only repair broken limbs within a certain period of time. Medical treatment can not be completed.

"There are still four minutes left, and we're going to talk to Brother Niu. Within half an hour, your left hand must never do any strenuous exercise," Xiao Yuxin urged, and the three of them ran down the hole.

Just as Xiao Yuxin and the two mutant worms fought, Xiao Chunan and others did not delay. Xiao Yuxin had told them the location of the worm's nest. Now all they have to do is find the nest before the time limit arrives and see that. Damn mother.

Without Xiao Yuxin's destructive way of moving forward, they could only go around in circles, but fortunately they were not far from the worm's nest. After eliminating a group of soldiers and insects that suddenly emerged, there was a glimmer of light in front of them, and everyone was very surprised. Where does the light source come from?

"Did Xin Xin make the wrong direction, we are back to the ground again" Li Xiangyun asked with some doubt.

"This is absolutely impossible"

Xia Xinwen gave her a cold look: "Sister Xin is the captain of our team, trusting the captain and obeying the captain are the most basic requirements of our white horse team."

"I'm not distrustful, it's underground, how could it come out of the light" Li Xiangyun grieved, despised by a girl a few years younger than himself, that feeling is really depressing, but Xia Xinwen is more qualified than her Older, stronger than her, there is really nothing to worry about.

Between the words, the crowd had reached the end of the channel, and their eyes were suddenly bright. At this moment, the prompt of the demon system also appeared:

"As soon as the branch task is completed, the points will be 50,000."

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