"In terms of weapons, we can say that there are unique conditions. Sister Xin as an alchemist can strengthen our weapons. I don't know if there are any restrictions," Xiao Chunan asked.

"If I synthesize weapons by myself, I can even refine green equipment. But if it is modified, weapons below the gold equipment level can be modified. If you want to transform high-level equipment, you must wait until you advance to the intermediate alchemist. "Xiao Yuxin said.

"According to my estimation, special occupations like alchemists should not be many among the gods. This is the advantage of our team, so it must be kept secret." Xiao Chunan said.

"Xiao Chunan, did you notice the system requirements,"

Xiao Yuxin pointed to the screen: "There is a requirement for the number of people to enter the plot world. Our team needs to re-divide several groups. What are your suggestions?"

Xiao Chunan supported his glasses. "You write your skills and give them to me. I will give you an answer in two days, and I need to know more about this space."

"Of course. But for the first time you enter the demon space, the demon communicator must be equipped, and we can easily contact. In addition,"

Xiao Yuxin took out 14 F-class blood crystals and gave them to Xiao Chunan and others: "This is a welfare for you. With your current strength, it is no problem to merge the two. I am afraid it will not work if there are more."

Xiao Chunan took two blood crystals and got up and left, "I want to chat with the spirit of the demon. You write down your skills and put them on the table, I will naturally watch."

"It's hard to find a mother-in-law after playing so deeply." Wu Ziniu watched her back enter the room and muttered in a low voice.

Xiao Yuxin shook her head, and she also felt that Xiao Chunan was too calm, but everyone had their own way of life, as long as she could have a sense of belonging to the team. Contribute to the strength of the team, then it can.

"Carmen, when we old players returned to the real world, they all returned to their respective starting points. The three of you are special, and you can choose where the real world is. Ruige, Tis, I hope you can go to the green Mountain base, where an **** team needs rigorous training."

"No problem." Riggle and Tis glanced at each other and nodded.

"Carmen, if you don't mind. We are together, I am looking for some people who are related to me. Maybe you will help us."

"Happy to obey." Carmen agreed without hesitation. She didn't even look at Riggle, and she could hardly see any mood swings on the surface.

Xiao Yuxin sighed softly. The confused account of this man and two women can only wait for them to count, others are confused. Perhaps a weird thought suddenly appeared in her mind, but she gave it away. If Ruige really dared to do that, she would have to scrap this person.

"Zheng Xiuzhen, several of you also strengthen your body first, then write down what you are good at, and then confirm the future development direction in two days."

Xiao Yuxin asked the newly joined team members to strengthen their bodies, and then with Ya Min, the food, medicines, and a part of the arms brought from the story world of the Xinghe Fleet piled up in the hall.

"Mo Lou, bother you a few more times. Transport these things back to the base, we will go back as soon as possible."

She told Molou and others about the address of the refugee camp near Yanyuan. If they had the opportunity, they could be sent to the base of Green Mountain.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

; Carmen and others are still strengthening the room, which takes one to two hours. Xiao Yuxin and Ya Min greeted and returned to their room to start checking the treasure chest she had obtained.

Open the treasure chest, inside is a piece of paper to say exactly. That's a recipe of gene fortification liquid with worm milk as the main material. As an alchemist, she can easily make it.

Insect milk is also graded. The milk secreted by the mother worms that she beheaded this time is grade C insect milk, which can be formulated with gene fortification fluids below grade b. The reason why these worm milks cannot be used immediately is because the human constitution is far inferior to that of Warcraft or the Zerg. If you jump in directly, I am afraid that the body will be broken if you don’t wait.

"You can still make something in two hours." Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Zhangjiakou, a car was quietly parked in a factory building, and the machines on both sides were like crouching monsters in the dark, with strange noises or monsters ringing from time to time in the distance Roar.


A trail of trailing footsteps came from the other end of the plant. In a few moments, dozens of zombies appeared shaking their bodies. They should be the primary zombies that have not yet completed their evolution.

In the car, a black figure curled up suddenly moved: "Sister"

"It's okay, it's okay." In the darkness, another dark figure hugged her gently.

"Sister, it seems that a monster is coming." Ke Xi whispered.

"Don't worry, just stay in the car and don't move. Sister Xin will come back soon."

It's been more than two hours since Ke Yan looked at her watch. Xiao Yuxin hasn't returned yet. She doesn't worry about being forgotten, but she is afraid of accidents.

Outside, the zombies were still aimlessly moving forward. The two girls lay in the car and dared not move. When they passed the car, a zombie accidentally approached the car. It stopped and twitched its nose suspiciously. Then he started knocking on the window.

Its actions quickly caused similar responses. Dozens of zombies were surrounded by the car. Their ugly faces had a hungry expression, and they were stuck on the window of the car from time to time, trying to see clearly. The claws still scratched on the smooth body and glass.

In the car, Ke Yan and Ke Wei hugged tightly together. The expressions on the faces of the sisters were a little pale. Ke Yan held the gun tightly in the other hand, ready to shoot at any time.

"Don't you know, **** it's hard to find workers painting the car at this time?" A voice with a little smile suddenly sounded outside the car.

Immediately afterwards, a hooting sound and gunshots with silencers sounded, and the zombies surrounding the car fell.

The zombies are indifferent to the fallen classmates, and they turn around and start attacking new targets.

"Carmen, attack their heads." Xiao Yuxin reminded.

"What are these monsters?" Although Carmen heard Xiao Yuxin mention the zombies, he didn't expect it to be so terrible.

"They used to be humans. Later they were infected by viruses and became such monsters. We call them zombies. This kind of thing only kills the head to kill. These are just ordinary zombies."

Xiao Yuxin fired arrows calmly while explaining the characteristics of various zombies. These zombies are just the most common. They have been wiped out even before they came to Xiao Yuxin and others.

"You can't stay here anymore. These zombies may have just attracted other zombies or monsters.

Xiao Yuxin opened the car door, and the sisters' faces immediately appeared

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Joyful smile: "Sister Xin, Sister Min"

"Come on, are you scared," Xiao Yuxin asked.

"It's not there, and it's not that I haven't seen it." Ke Li raised her face and looked at Carmen curiously.

"This is Carmen. A very powerful sharpshooter. If you want to learn to shoot, you should follow her. Carmen. These are the two sisters, sister Ke Yan and sister Ke Yao."

Introduced on the side, the three had already got into the car and the doors slammed shut. Xiao Yuxin caught fire, and the car made a soft roar and drove out of the plant.

in the dark. Some swaying figures came towards the car, but they were quickly left behind.

The dim moon hangs weakly in the night sky, and seems to disappear at any time. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to break free of the hazy mist that bound it. Towers of tall buildings stood alone in the streets of the city, like The steel behemoth that died dead was lifeless. hard to imagine. Just half a year ago, they were a dynamic city with a population of one million, but now they are occupied by countless monsters and zombies.

At this time, on the six-story platform of a residential building, Wei Hui was lurking there quietly. He was exactly this year, and he had a baby face. But he is indeed a veteran of the special forces and an excellent sniper. Now, he narrowed his eyes slightly, his thin lips tightened tightly, his eyes slowly moved with the cross in the sight of the sniper rifle, and finally fixed on the head of a zombie wandering in the street blindly. on.

"Damn monster, I really want to blow your head with one shot," Wei Hui muttered.

"You dare to violate the order, I will blow your head first~www.readwn.com~ There is a soft female voice behind, but Wei Hui has a cold war, and quickly opens the muzzle and smiles back: "Head Son, I’m just talking, and will definitely not reveal our position. "

"I'm just reminding you, so you don't get bored"

Behind her is a young woman wearing a combat uniform with no rank. She looked outside for a while, and then looked at the night sky again: "Be careful of being spotted by those flying Warcraft."

"Yes." Wei Hui shortly agreed.

"Sister Nan, there is news." A very low voice came from the room.

The woman immediately returned to the house. Six or seven people in the same uniform were lying on the ground and sleeping, and a woman was sitting nervously in front of a radio station.

"Liu Qing, what is the situation of the target now?" The woman named Sister Nan came over and asked.

"One of the targets was injured and they went to the hospital under the protection of the advance team. However, the advance team suffered a lot of losses, leaving only three people." Liu Qing replied.

"What instructions are there at the headquarters?"

"A helicopter dispatched to respond was shot down by the monster, and there is not enough **** force at present. The headquarters ordered us to leave the Zhangjiagang in response to the target, settle down in the nearest refugee camp, and then find transportation to return to Beijing." Liu Qing said.

Sister Nan's brow furrowed slightly, and she looked at her watch: "Come on, take action after dawn."

"Yes." Liu Qing promised, immediately turned off the radio, and then lay on the ground like everyone else's suit, and soon fell asleep.

Sister Nan came to the door and sat down against the corner. Her eyes were slightly closed, and a slight snoring sound came out soon. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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