Alchemy is a special magical array used by alchemists. Refining different items has different magical arrays. What Xiao Yuxin wants to refine this time is a burst arrow. Although this magical arrow does more damage to undead creatures than With divine magic, the effect is not bad. Looking at the time, more than twenty minutes have passed, and Xiao Yuxin's heart also began to worry.

"Wei Ziqiang, Qu Fangqin, and the three of you, come and take the latest chapters of these arrows. The Molou monitors the corridor, and Lanzi monitors the outside." Xiao Yuxin ordered.

"I refuse, why do you let us do this kind of work, and from an administrative level, you have no right to lead me at all" Wei Ziqiang objected a little bit sternly, and the other four also hesitated.

"You can't do it, but that means you are useless to my team." Xiao Yuxin said coldly.

"You, you are a threat, a blackmail." Wei Ziqiang seemed a little trembling, but Xiao Yuxin ignored him.

The three policemen glanced at each other, stepped forward, and began to take down the arrows in silence. Qu Fangqin pulled Wei Ziqiang's sleeves and said softly: "Mayor Wei, the hero does not suffer from the loss of her eyes, she is now As a senior, we will listen to her once and wait for her to make a mistake before pulling her off."

He thought that his voice was small enough, but in Xiao Yuxin's ears, even the sound of mosquito flapping his wings could be heard, don't let him whisper, but she was too lazy to pay attention, the two men came over to unload the arrow, Wei Ziqiang When I was about to ask why, as soon as I raised my head and opened my mouth, I couldn't close it.

At this time, Xiao Yuxin had begun to urge refining. Dozens of arrows floated above the refining. Numerous golden rays lased within the range controlled by the refining. It didn’t take long for the rough magic circle to be carved on the arrows. A flame-like pattern appeared, and Xiao Yuxin put these refined arrows aside. Let Wei Ziqiang separate them and reinstall the arrow.

"This is not a toss, uh, you don't, don't mess up"

Wei Ziqiang's voice came to an abrupt halt, and a blood-red scimitar was placed on his neck, so that his face was immediately white, and his hands were both afraid to stop, and he was trembling all over. It was estimated that it would last for a while. Xiao Yuxin didn't need to do anything, he could hit himself off the knife edge.

Xiao Yuxin sighed and even threatened him, and she withdrew her machete. He shook his head and said: "I really don't understand how you became the deputy mayor, even if it is rewatering. After all, after a catastrophe, the courage is so small."

Her voice suddenly turned sharper: "I don't care what you have to do, what you used to do, follow me behind, you are not allowed to be suspicious. You are not allowed to violate Yang Feng and Yin, otherwise I can't rule out the possibility of solving you by yourself. "

"Remember, remember." Wei Ziqiang replied babblingly. This time he worked honestly.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

Someone was knocking lightly on the door, Xiao Yuxin made a gesture to open the door, Shen Ruolan immediately opened the door, Ya Min took Qin Qi with them, and also came in with Hu Zijian and Lin Fangyuan.

After they closed the door, Qu Fangqin asked, "What do you buy?"

Beard Jian pointed to Yawen, "all of them were taken away by her."

Put away

Qu Fangqin, several of them are foxes

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Looking at Yawen suspiciously. Qu Fangqin said: "Hey, let's find our start, just the place on her, where can you hide?"

"She has a space equipment that can store a lot of things, similar to our storage space, you can put a lot of things." Lin Fangyuan explained.

Xiao Yuxin looked at his watch. Twenty minutes before the eruption time, "Qin Qi, you guys are here too. I will refine some magic arrows to deal with the undead."


No one knows how big the wasteland is. At least no one has carefully counted it. Everyone only knows that the places outside the castle are all wasteland. In the cognition of many **** pickers, there is only one Castlevania, which is an opportunity that the gods in the sky can leave to save themselves. But with the passage of time, the earth people know that Castlevania itself is not a virtual world, but a huge planet. In addition to the Castlevania where they are, there are many Castlevania distributed on this planet. The area is a wasteland.

Before the end of the day, there were many magical creatures living in the wasteland, but now those creatures are more rampant. Countless foreign creatures enter the wasteland through the cracks of time and space, although they can’t occupy the devil city for a while, but It has occupied a large area of ​​wasteland and destroyed many human gathering places. If it is allowed to continue, Castlevania will be threatened sooner or later, so Castlevania has released so many mercenary missions, hoping to eliminate those entrenched as much as possible. Outsider creatures in the wilderness.

In the Alpha area, a large shuttle appeared from the clouds and slowly landed on the ground. The grass on the ground without knees was blown down by the strong wind. The shuttle stopped on the ground and the hatch opened. After many people jumped out of it, the shuttle quickly rose again. After hovering in the air for a week, it suddenly accelerated into the clouds.

The more than thirty people who came down from the shuttle were obviously divided into two groups. The one on the left is Wen Yuxiu and others; the one on the right is headed by a tall white man.

"Miss Wen, there is a lot of strength, and our two teams of people are acting together. You see how," the white man said.

"Many people are great, but that refers to a team that has a tacit understanding of each other. Both of us are not very familiar with each other. It is better to act separately and share the same path." Wen Yuxiu said indifferently.

"Oh, since you insist, it's up to you."

The white strong man gave her a deep look and said nothing more, and turned to greet his group of people to leave.

His name is Wilson and he is an American. He is the captain of the Sword and Shield team. This time, he also received the task of clearing the abyssal creatures in the Alpha area. On the shuttle, he once proposed a joint operation of the two teams to improve the efficiency of hunting, but was rejected by Wen Yuxiu. The other party simply intended to use the White Horse team as a cannon fodder. This kind of thing Wen Yuxiu will never agree to. Yes, anyway, even if this mission did not hunt the abyss lord, there will be no punishment.

It was already late at night, and it was dark all around. Only a little light of moonlight was transmitted behind the clouds in the sky. The grass on the ground was nearly meters high and very dense. There were many big trees around three or four people. , The highest can be more than 100 meters. In the distance, there was a big bird hovering in the sky for a few weeks, and then pierced quietly down again, maybe it was alarmed by the sound of the shuttle just now.

"Yu Xiu, what are we doing now?" Wu Ziniu asked loudly.

"Of course I went to find those abyss creatures." Wen Yuxiu summoned the demon badge and transferred the mission map.

this is

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

An electronic map currently shows the Castlevania where they started and the area where the mission target is located.

"Everyone should pay more attention to the map. Now the green light spot above represents our members, and the red represents those abyss creatures, and the blue should represent Wilson. They should pay more attention to these in their actions."

Wen Yuxiu urged, "Now give you five minutes to sort out the equipment. We are now familiar with the surrounding environment before we start to act."

She looked at Xiao Chunan: "Is there anything to add?"

"No more."

Xiao Chunan felt that everything that needed to be explained was already very clear.

"Okay, everyone will start now. Our first goal is to destroy as many abyss creatures as possible." Wen Yuxiu greeted.

In fact, she originally wanted to propose camping, but this is the entry point, it is easy to become the target of the abyss creatures, and Wilson and others who just left are also very worrying, if the other party returns while the night is going to make some ghosts. , That is also very troublesome.

At this time, Wen Yuxiu had summoned the Silver Pegasus and ordered him to search in the sky. These people searched on the ground and proceeded very carefully.

Half an hour later, they came to a mountain recess, Wen Yu amended to order to camp on the spot to rest, Yin Feima suddenly issued a warning, everyone immediately took out their equipment and prepared for battle.

It didn’t take long for The shadows in front of them were sufficient. In the dark night, a group of goblins waved big sticks. When they saw Xiao Yuxin and others, they rushed to attack more fiercely.

"Everyone be careful"

Although they were already prepared, and the goblins were not a very powerful race, as soon as they rushed up, Wu Ziniu waved his scimitar and flew up, fighting with the goblins.

After beheading a goblin, the spear of judgment in Wen Yuxiu's hands sprinkled with a circle of fine awns. Wherever he went, those goblins were almost invincible, and they could be beheaded with a sword, but with more and more shapes The weird goblin appeared, and she also awakened to the point that she wanted to step out and become a career.


Wu Ziniu suddenly shouted, and his scimitar blazed with grudge. Wherever he went, the goblins were cut, and the rest were a little nervous. They screamed and screamed. He threw down the big stick in his hand and ran away. Wen Yuxiu took everyone to catch up with him. If he was cruel, he must destroy this goblin.

Suddenly, there was another rustling voice in front of him running towards him. Xiao Chunan raised his telescope and looked forward, his face slightly stiff.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while, jump into the sea and kill herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign continent and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have also been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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