Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 365 The Vampire Viscount


The gate was smashed violently, and the debris was like the latest chapter of the grenades that exploded everywhere.

"Holy Light"

Xiao Yuxin, who had just rushed into the courtyard, released the magic shield without hesitation, and put the first arrogant, Lin Fangyuan, and the bearded man who rushed out into it.


Da Peng's fragments hit the shroud and rippled. When Xiao Yuxin saw the influx of undead warriors, his face suddenly changed and was unorganized before. Compared with zombies The undead warriors in front of them are clearly a real army. The front skeleton soldiers hold shields, behind them are the gunmen skeletons, the spears in their hands point diagonally upwards, and behind them are a group of skeleton archers, these Skeletal warriors that appeared in the formation were all wearing blood-stained armor. Obviously they were originally the guardians of the city, but now they have become destroyers.

The army of undead did not attack immediately after smashing the gate, but began to rectify the formation, and the skeleton archers also began to catch the arrows with the bowstring.

"Hide behind me"

Xiao Yuxin shouted and immediately recited the mantra "Big Stone Guardian"


There was a fierce tremor on the ground. Although others failed to enter the shield in time, they hid behind the shield. At this time, they were swayed in front of the skeleton warriors by the violent shock, and the ground quickly protruded. A huge earth bag was raised, and then the earth bag quickly bulged, stretched, and deformed. When a yellowish stone giant appeared in front of everyone, the newcomers almost glared out their eyes.


Skeleton archers began to attack, dozens of arrows shot at the stone giant with a clanging sound and fell to the ground, Xiao Yuxin immediately issued the attack instructions dong, dong, dong, the stone giant ran immediately without any acceleration. Its rock arm slammed, and the front shield player was swept into the air just like the paper paste, and some simply disintegrated in the air. For a while, the skull and the shield flew together in this spectacular scenery. The stone giant has already photographed the skeleton warrior in front of him like a garlic to the broken bone.

"Hurry up and follow"

After Xiao Yuxin disconnected Yawen and Molou, the newcomer was in the middle, and this time the stone giant rushed out of the main palace, but the ghosts in the main palace were afraid to chase them out. Because the power of these ghosts in the sun will decline greatly, and even cannot condense into an entity.

Rush out of the city's main palace. Looking at the undead group in front, Xiao Yuxin couldn't help but take a breath. Some of these undead held arms, and some simply did not know from which partner they had broken their bones, swept over like locusts everywhere.

The stone giant is like a violent demolition worker, and the zombies and skeletons are flying wherever they pass. Xiao Yuxin and others struggled to chase behind it, and there were constantly undead on both sides trying to attack them. The options for escaping are getting narrower, and zombies are everywhere on the street.

"Damn, how can we stand for fifteen days in this situation?" Hu Jianjian waved his warhammer, smashing a zombie's head fiercely, and smeared a stinky blood on his face.

"The system will not put us in a mortal situation,

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

It depends on how we choose ourselves. "Xiao Yuxin said calmly, she kept shooting arrows while running, and at the same time calculating the magic effective time."

Magic has a limit on the number of releases and the duration of its casting. Each magic consumes a certain amount of energy when released. The number of releases is determined by the amount of energy in the body; and the duration of magic is also determined by the duration of energy consumption. It takes a lot of energy to release a boulder guardian. After more than ten minutes, the stone giant is no longer as powerful as the beginning. The attacks of the undead from time to time bring pieces of dirt on it. Fortunately, the door of the mercenary union could already be seen in the front, and Xiao Yuxin was relieved.

suddenly. A warning sign rose from her heart. She shouted carefully and cast a glimpse of floating light. In the flash of her body, the three holy light shattered bullets were shot diagonally upward.

A bat with a small car suddenly flew out of the sky and bit down to Xiao Yuxin. The white fangs were exposed to the air like a sharp blade. When it was more than ten meters away from the target, the target was like a god. His figure flickered, freed from its lock, and three magic missiles filled with divine air flew towards it.

"Holy Magic"

The mouth of the bat uttered people's words and retreated backward like a meteor. Although its strength was not weak, it did not want to be hit by this divine magic. It was definitely not a pleasant experience.

"Vampire Viscount, undead creature, stunt: flying; advanced self-healing, life-sucking, comprehensive rating b8."

After reading the strength evaluation given by the demon badge, Xiao Yuxin sighed slightly. The b-level creature is undoubtedly powerful. The other three players in the team have not reached the c-level, but the magic pet of Molou has the c-level strength. , But Xiao Yuxin doesn't want to use them yet.

"Mo Lou, you bring people into the mercenary union"

Xiao Yuxin shot down the sky and shouted, then quickly raised the bow. The four arrows flashed red light to the vampire Viscount bat. The reaction speed was very fast, but Xiao Yuxin's archery was not ordinary, she was dark. The elven bloodline is a specialization of archery, and the Sirius arrow technique is a first-class secret of archery. The four arrows not only aimed at its key points, but also estimated the possible avoidance actions it can make. , So although this bat has done its best, but one arrow hit it and it has a left wing.


The fire flashed, and the Vampire Visitor made a painful howl, quickly flapping his wings and flying towards the sky. On its left wing, there were six or seven nail-sized holes. It was here that the wings were flying together, and it had begun to gradually Healing.

At this point, the magic aging of the guardian of the boulder happened to pass, and the stone giant suddenly turned into a large pile of mud scattered on the ground. Mo Lou and others took advantage of this opportunity to run forward. Bearded Jian and Lin Fangyuan rushed into the mercenary union, other newcomers Then rushed in.

"Lanzi and Yawen, immediately remove the undead inside" Mo Lou rushed in and immediately gave instructions, and everyone immediately began to remove the undead in the hall.

Outside, the vampire baron screamed in the sky, his body skyrocketed, swooping down to Xiao Yuxin like a cloud cover, and his huge wings slapped like a door.

Xiao Yuxin's reaction speed is also very fast, but unfortunately there is not only a difference in body size, but also an absolute difference in level. Just like someone holding a fly swatter to fight flies, the flies react fast, and it is difficult to escape. , Xiao Yuxin was already destined to take the blow.

Found that he is now inevitable, Xiao Yuxin immediately

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Thick armor was cast, and the entire body was immediately enveloped in a set of energy armor.

With a loud bang, the wings of the Vampire Viscount fanned heavily on Xiao Yuxin's body. Xiao Yuxin felt like a golf ball hit by a club. After spinning a few times in the air, it was considered stable and stable. Landed steadily on the ground.

There are several scratches on the energy armor. Fortunately, these scratches are not very serious, and they are not fully grasped. Xiao Yuxin was greatly relieved. At this moment, the midair suddenly dimmed, and the Vampire Viscount rushed down again, and the grim claw fell towards Xiao Yuxin.

Ya Min appeared at the door of the mercenary union. She quickly opened an arrow and shot at the Vampire Viscount. The four arrows made a slight whistle in the air, and there was a flame flashing at the tip of the arrow. At the same time, Xiao Yuxin also quickly Singing a spell, dozens of sharp ice cones screamed at the Vampire Viscount.

Afterwards, Xiao Yuxin exhibited burst arrows and renju arrows, a branch of arrows shining into the body of the vampire lord.


In a deafening explosion, the body of the Vampire Viscount quickly shattered, and was quickly reborn in front of his powerful self-healing ability, then was crushed again, and the blood fell down.

The continuous blow made the vampire visceral scream, but this was just the beginning. Xiao Yuxin had already exhibited the holy flame, and the goal was to surround the vampire viscount with that vampire sacred flame. Howling, the body swayed down.


A pair of huge black light wings suddenly appeared behind Xiao Yuxin, covered with silver magic patterns and symbols~www.readwn.com~ looked extremely beautiful; the hair color became silvery white, and the fair complexion also became With a healthy wheat color, the upper parts of the two ears become sharp, more similar to the elves. Although the appearance has not changed, it is more glamorous and full of temptation.

At this moment, an extremely exquisite elf armor appeared on the surface of her body. This set of silver armor packs a helmet, a half-body armor, a battle skirt, a pair of knee pads, and even an armor on the ankle. There is a beautiful starlight flashing on the armor, and there are faint runes flowing. She wore a silver sheathed long sword around her waist, and the top of the hilt was inlaid with a black gem the size of a dove egg.

At the next moment, the wings behind Xiao Yuxin shook slightly, and the figure rose like a lightning into the sky towards the Vampire Viscount, and at the same time pulled out the black pupil of the sword under the rib, artifact-level equipment, with additional attacks such as weakness and curse.

The sword emits a black arc, and suddenly cuts off to the Vampire Viscount, with a puff that almost cuts off half of his body. It screamed and fell on the ground with a puff, and looked at Xiao Yuxin's gaze even a little pleading.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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