Xiao Yuxin has some doubts: "Your grandfather"

Leia raised her head proudly: "My grandfather is the latest chapter of the Grand Wizard of Rakir."

"The great magician of Rakir is the resident mage of Siliky City. He has his own mage tower, which can train magic apprentices to read the full text." Jenny explained.


Xiao Yuxin thought for a while, this is indeed a good opportunity. The basic spells of the undead black script are similar to other magic books. The more she goes to the dark spells, the more she needs to practice some advanced neutral-level spells. And you can also detect whether those newcomers have magical physiques, and can train them to become magicians.

"Then we should break through now." Lin Fangyuan said, "The undead outside knows that there are people in the union, and the longer the delay, the more unfavorable to us."

Xiao Yuxin nodded slightly and secretly asked Ya Min through the chain of mind: "Can you take out the vehicle?"

"I tried it. It's no problem to take the guns, but the transportation can't be taken out." Ya Min replied.

Xiao Yuxin turned to Jenny, "we are going to break through to Sillikey City, I am afraid that the means of transportation can't be solved on foot."

Jenny thought for a while and said, "This undead raid is too sudden. We have no preparation at all. It is estimated that most of the other places are also like this. Many places have fallen into the hands of the army of undead. The route I planned is to go Faranell Forest, but before that there are many roads to go, certainly not walking, uh, don’t worry, we have a place for keeping horses in a relatively hidden place outside the city, where there are not only horses, but also big Car, we just need to leave the city."

"That means we still don't have transportation," Fang Liguo asked dumbly. They also know through the demon badge that this task is inevitable, but the lack of transportation means that the danger factor is increased, as a newcomer. This sense of urgency is particularly strong.

"Yes." Jenny didn't avoid his eyes.

"I can solve it in a short time." Xiao Yuxin said.

Everyone's eyes looked at her.

"I can summon four scarabs, but the time for each summon is limited, so we must seize the time to break through." Xiao Yuxin explained a little.

She can now summon four scarabs, and it is strengthened, but there is only one point that she did not say that although summoning scarabs consumes a lot of energy, but she has the energy to replenish the cards, even if the continuous summon is not a problem.

"Great, then we can immediately deploy how to break through" Jenny said with excitement, and Leia next to him was also excited, and finally could leave this city full of undead. The girl's face suddenly dimmed. She remembered her father, who had become an undead, and she didn't know that the undead had been turned into Xiao Yuxin.

"Four scarabs formed the inverted y-shaped team, and Jenny and I were responsible for opening the way on the back of the first scarab. Leia and Qin Qi, HD Hua, He Qinqin, Luo Haiqiong, and Yawen were on the second scarab. Wei Ziqiang, Fang Liguo, another policeman from Luo Xin, Lan Zi is responsible for the left rear wing; Lin Fangyuan, Hu Jianjian and Mo Lou are responsible for the right rear wing. Qin Qi, your task is to be responsible for me and Jenny Behind you and Leia’s safety. A Min, you have to look back and forth and see who’s dead there

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

More and more pressure. Support. "Xiao Yuxin explained the coordination of formation while laying out the combat plan.

"Why should I be behind. This arrangement is deliberately letting me die" Wei Ziqiang shouted in disbelief, and asked Xiao Yuxin aloud geologically, thinking about his own life, fighting for facelessness and dignity Last fight.

"Everyone has their own position, I have arranged according to their respective circumstances, if you want, I am not against you to open the way." Xiao Yuxin said with a sullen face.

Wei Ziqiang just wanted to open his mouth. The ground is that I have no choice at all. The pressure in front is great. To be responsible for killing a blood path, it is almost certain to face a lot of undead. It seems that only the second Scarab's back is the safest, but it's all girls. To say this, you have to be despised to death.

"What's wrong with the mayor of Wei, it's impossible that you want to get in the middle of the girls to hide and haha, even if you don't care, people may not be willing to see it, just mix it with us." Hu Jianjian laughed.

"I can get the first scarab beetle." Wei Zi was anxious. He felt that the fighting power and position of Xiao Yuxin and Jenny were safer. Then he would hide behind them.

"No, the first Scarab must be responsible for exploring and opening the road. If you are not satisfied with the current arrangements, just stay here." Xiao Yuxin has quietly applied the magical formula when she spoke. In addition to the ordinary undead, there also appeared Vampires, black warriors, and high-level ghosts, although not many in number, are already quite a terrible signal.

This time Wei Ziqiang completely licked, Xiao Yuxin took a breath and asked, "Who has a problem, do I need to add it?"

This arrangement is perfect, everyone shook their heads, indicating that there is nothing to add.

"Very good, I repeat the layout just now."

Xiao Yuxin looked at the newcomers: "Everyone must keep in mind their position and responsibilities. We will not abandon any partner, but you must first behave like a real partner."

"Our team does not need cowards and selfish people. You must pay attention to your behavior and don't provide excuses for being abandoned." Mo Lou added harshly. She didn't mind being a wicked person. But there are not so many taboos. Although her age is too young, it seems that she lacks strength, but her cold eyes make people absolutely not doubt that she is a person who can do it.

"Finally check the equipment, wait for a while, we rush out of the door, summon the scarab beetle at the door, everyone must move fast" Xiao Yuxin got up, took out two high-explosive grenades from the storage space, and then raised the sighing station of the dark moon goddess At the door of the mercenary union, others also acted immediately, one after another gathered behind.

"set off"

Xiao Yuxin shouted, raising his hand was a split palm.


Suddenly, the gate flew out of the door, and the undead outside the place that was smashing the door were immediately shocked and flew out of the house. Some close-up undead were immediately shot.

Just as the gate flew out, Xiao Yuxin quickly pulled off the safety ring of the high-explosive grenade, and then threw it down the gate into the undead.


In two loud noises, a large area was cleared immediately in front of the mercenary union. Those undead were either blown up or shock waves caused by the explosion were shaken, and only a few were destroyed.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The legged zombie crawled towards Xiao Yuxin without knowing his life.

Xiao Yuxin rushed down the ladder briskly, tapped the longbow, and killed the undead, and immediately chanted the calling spell. A black triangle magic array appeared suddenly, and four scarabs crawled out of it.

The four scarabs are all reinforced scarabs. The thick shell is made of black iron. The height is about one meter three or four and the length is nearly three meters. Standing six or seven people on top is not a problem.

Xiao Yuxin instructed the four scarabs to expel the inverted y-shaped formation, and then jumped onto the first scarab, Jenny followed Leia closely, she placed Leia on the back of the second scarab, herself Jump on the back of the first scarab. At this time, the undead outside had already smelled the breath of the living. They rushed over like a hungry wolf smelling the **** smell. The others rushed to the scarab beetle as per Xiao Yuxin's instructions when they saw it. Although this thing looks a bit fierce, it is much more handsome than zombies and undead, and the girls accepted it without much resistance.

Just in the blink of an eye, the streets ahead were already packed with undead, some of them were obviously evolved, squeezing forward desperately, trying to get the most benefit while they were chaotic.

Xiao Yuxin immediately recited aloud: "Guardian of Boulders"

When the last syllable ends, the ground suddenly emits a fierce tremor. In front of them, a huge earth bag is rapidly raised on the ground, followed by this earth bag rapidly bulging, stretching, and deforming, a yellowish stone The giant appeared.


At the same time that Xiao Yuxin ordered the gods to start fighting~www.readwn.com~ The stone giant also received the order to fight. It took a big step forward and drove forward, just like the same roller compactor The undead warriors who were in front of the breakout were either crushed or smashed, or flew out like a wireless kite, and the four scarabs took the opportunity to take their legs and rushed forward.

Without Xiao Yuxin's instructions, everyone took out a bow and a burst of arrows to explode in the undead group. In this case, it is easy to lock the target without aiming. Several of them deviated from their position and exploded on the walls of several houses. Those walls could not hold up, but were collapsed by several bursting arrows, and then buried some undead under the rubble.

Howling, screaming, the sounds of undead creatures on the verge of dying and burning their bodies.

"Sister Xin, those undead are coming together again." Mo Lou shouted out loud.

"It's okay, they can't attack." Xiao Yuxin whispered lightly.

The four scarabs formed a formation, no matter how the undead creatures were slammed, they were firmly blocked at the periphery, and no one could rush to the front.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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