Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 377 The Ghoul in the Wasteland (Part 2)

At the same time as Xia Xinwen shouted, Xiao Chunan also found something wrong behind him. The attack of the Purifying Light slowed the attack of that shadow for a moment. That's the moment when Xiao Chunan's feet slipped away and returned with a sword, Doe chopped the paw and read the full text.

It felt like it was chopped on a piece of wood, three fingers were cut off from it, the black blood blasted out of the wound, and the black shadow retreated back and made a roar, so that everyone could clearly see the black shadow. true colors.

There is no doubt that this is also a ghoul, which can be determined from the taste, and is also a relatively advanced ghoul. Its body is about two meters up and down, and the skin of the whole body is gray and white. The skin is covered with bones, almost a bone shelf, but the face is not as disgusting as the ordinary ghouls, and the sharp teeth are moved from time to time. terror. Its two claws have ten fingers like humans, but those nails are as sharp as a small dagger with a gleaming glare, dead gray eyes, staring tightly at Xiao Chunan, she Feeling a strong sense of oppression, it was originally a bloodthirsty monster

"Ghoul king, bite attack, highly toxic special effects, strong defense, special effects when holy magic attacks, comprehensive evaluation of c5 level."

Absolute threat, although Xiao Chunan's strength is much higher than others, but it is certain that if she faced this ghoul king alone, she was absolutely unlucky. It was because the attack was successful because of Xia Xinwen's magic attack. It lowered its defense before it hurt it, otherwise it is still unknown whether this sword could damage it, and if it wasn’t Xia Xinwen’s purifying light, even if she was alert, it might be due to speed , Beaten by the ghoul king.

obviously. This ghoul king is also very angry, and it is also mixed with a bit of fear that divine magic is its nemesis. The instinct of life tells it that it should first destroy the creatures that pose a huge threat to it, so it targets Xia Xinwen.

"Mei Mei be careful" Xiao Chunan first judged the attack target of the ghoul king. His figure flashed, and the bronze sword suddenly cut to the neck of the ghoul king.

Xia Xinwen also judged that the target of the ghoul king was herself, but her judgment seemed to be a step late, and the black shadow flashed in front of her. When the purification magic she released fell on the ghoul king, it only broke three fingers. The claws also hit her chest at the same time.



The screams and impact sounds almost simultaneously. The last sound came from the Ghoul King, and the light of purification has just covered it up. Although his practice is strong, the light of purification still brings great pain to it, and indirectly disintegrates its defense; Xia Xinwen is also uncomfortable, although the nails on the broken claws are blocked by the silver chain armor However, that force was not completely relieved. She felt as if her chest was beaten with a heavy hammer, and her body rose.

Fortunately. Super physique finally played a role. She twisted her waist in the air, suddenly rolled sideways, but just avoided the next attack of the ghoul king.

"Mei Mei, Carmen, and Niu Brothers stayed, others attacked other ghouls," Wen Yuxiu ordered, rubbing up, and the spear of the trial stabs the back of the ghoul king.

Bang Bang

Carmen flicked two shots. In the middle of the ghoul king’s chest, the bullet was exploding. The ghoul king was blown back slightly, and he stepped back two steps. Xia Xinwen finally had a chance to breathe.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

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----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


The spear of Wen Yuxiu's trial reached the ghoul's back in time, and Wu Ziniu's scimitar next to him made an arc. Fiercely cut into the ribs of the ghoul king.

Although Wu Ziniu's scimitar is sharp, the ghoul king doesn't care much. But in the face of Wen Yuxiu's trial spear, even if her rank is higher than her, the ghoul king dare not underestimate.

With a soft roar, the undead instinctively felt the danger. If it was before being hit by the Purifying Light, it still had a certain degree of certainty that it could take a few hardships, but now its defense power is greatly reduced, but it is Not afraid to take risks, he wanted to avoid attacks with the advantage of speed.

At this moment, a thick totem pole rose from the ground, and a purple-black halo flew out, hitting the ghoul king accurately, and immediately a layer of purple-black brilliance rose on its body, and the surrounding air suddenly It becomes sticky, just like being in mud, unable to control the movement of the body freely.


The Spear of Judgment accurately hit the target, almost passing through the shoulder blade of the Ghoul King, and it screamed in pain. At this moment, Carmen's attack also followed, close-range shooting plus a reduction in defense, the corpse The ghost king's body suddenly blossomed a dozen black blood flowers.

Although Xia Xinwen suffered a small loss in this round of attack, the Ghouls King suffered the most trauma. Of course, the greatest credit is the purification light released by Xia Xinwen. If it does not greatly weaken the defense of the Ghouls King, Wen Yuxiu’s attack may not have achieved such results. The only one who is somewhat lost is Wu Ziniu. The precise shooting of the human will knock the ghoul king back step by step, thus failing.

The ghoul king struggled to get rid of the spear of judgment, and the dark blood was gurgling out of the wound, but the effect of the dull aura still did not disappear, so its steps seemed a little hobbled, and it seemed very sad.

"Meimei, is there any stronger sacred magic" Wen Yuxiu asked.

"Yes, but it takes longer to prepare for two breaths." Xia Xinwen said.

"Okay, let's attack it now. I will create an opportunity to fix it later. You are responsible for killing it," Wen Yuxiu ordered.


Xia Xinwen agreed and immediately began to prepare for magic.


A deafening roar came out of his mouth. In such a severely damaged situation, the speed of the ghoul king was still affected. Perhaps he felt the threat of death. It also exerted its full strength. The purple and black light on his body was abrupt. After disappearing, a pair of claws whistled and grabbed Wen Yuxiu, who was the nearest Wen Yuxiu.

It was impossible to dodge the pair of claws. Wen Yu corrected to close the gun. Suddenly he saw the black shadow flashing in front of him, and the ghoul king bit at Wen Yuxiu's neck.

"The flame falls"

Clusters of white flames fell from the sky and enveloped the ghoul king, which made a snorting sound and the ghoul's painful cry

In the shrill cry, the body of the ghoul king was being purified, and it was thrown here for a moment, and a huge body was completely purified, leaving only a pinch of ashes.

Just in this moment, the ghouls attracted by Tis have been wiped out, and everyone entered the depression and found that there was no movement in it quietly. It seems that all ghouls have disappeared at this moment.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

After seven or eight minutes, they went into the center of the depression and found that there were several rows of simple houses. When they entered, they were immediately intimidated by the scene in front of them.

This is the ghoul nursery, which is full of ghoul eggs, no fewer than 10,000, as long as it hatches smoothly, it will immediately have a strong army of ghouls.

"Fortunately, I found out early, and I still have time to destroy them." Wen Yuxiu was fortunate, and everyone immediately prepared matches and torches.

Uprooting the incubation room, the ghoul tribe in this depression is basically abandoned. After it is cleaned up, everyone throws the igniter in the incubation room. The fire suddenly burns up, and the head is young in the firelight. The ghouls began to struggle desperately, and all the materials that could burn in the hatchery were burning.

"Good job, Sister Yu Xiu and Sister Chu, what are we going to do next" Xia Xinwen asked.

"Of course, continue to kill." Wen Yuxiu and Xiao Chunan smiled at each other.

For three days, the White Horse team swept the abyss monsters in the surrounding area. Pieces of abyss monsters were cleared and cleaned up, and the overall running-in of the team was also greatly improved. Especially Zheng Xiuzhen and others, their faces were a little more calm. After seeing those monsters again, they looked terrified.

In the continuous battle, the most obvious progress is Xiao Chunan. Her original martial arts foundation is finally fully reflected. Every time her bronze ancient sword is pointed out, it will inevitably destroy a monster. It is very magical. It is simply a natural warrior.

Among them, there were several times extremely dangerous. They were besieged by monsters. At the critical moment, fortunately Xia Xinwen’s divine magic showed great power ~www.readwn.com~ so that the team could support it. Only a few people were slightly injured.

This kind of injury was not at all dangerous to the **** candidates. After the last battle, the team quickly moved to a safe area. Wen Yuxiu simply set up a cordon, and a group of people fell asleep in the temporary camp. Never been so tired, everyone reached the limit.

It is worth mentioning that when everyone rests and sleeps, their skin seems to have a slight cloud of air, and they also exude a slight smell. As the smell spreads around, the life attributes on the demon badge have increased to a certain extent. .

"What's going on?" Wu Ziniu woke up and found something strange.

"It's very simple. We still have a certain amount of energy left in our previous strengthening. After this extreme exercise, this energy is fully used and absorbed by our body. The nature of life will naturally change. This is normal. "Xiao Chunan explained.

When I woke up, everyone felt very comfortable. After a simple meal, they went on the road again and went deep into the Alpha region.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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