It was a plain two-story building, but it was one of the few sturdy buildings in the city. A shop selling arms, because of the goods, it was certainly stronger than other surrounding buildings. Download.

After they got rid of the undead spirits who chased after them, they finally arrived here. The beard Jian stepped forward to open the door, but was stopped by Xiao Yuxin: "There are also undead spirits inside, and they have guns in their hands."

"You mean firearms" beard stunned for a moment, reacted.

Xiao Yuxin nodded: "Undead creatures are also a kind of intelligent creatures to some extent. Although they and zombies will be transformed into another life form due to the spread of viruses, the evolution of zombies is obviously not as good as undead. The original zombie acted instinctively, but the skeleton warrior was already able to use weapons."

After a slight pause, she added: "In the story world, anything can happen."

"Sister Nirvana, what should we do?" Qin Qi asked.

"Waiting for change in this city." Xiao Yuxin glanced at them: "In order to facilitate contact, I want to cast a magic. If you feel anything later, you must not resist"

"Yes, Sister Nirvana, I'll come first" Qin Qi took a step forward and said courageously to read the full text.

"It doesn't matter, who else can come together." Xiao Yuxin looked at several others.

Luo Haiqiong, Hu Jianjian and Lin Fangyuan all took a step forward and could not see the slightest hesitation in their eyes.

"Okay, I start now"

Xiao Yuxin began to recite mantras and cast a magic chain of mind. This magic is particularly useful when performing team actions, just like holding a video conference under the Internet. Not only is it possible to share the picture, but also to share the sound. This is very convenient in combat. It is easier to use than any step machine and radio. This is also her acceptance of the four people in front of her officially joining the White Horse team.

"It's amazing"

After a trial, the two girls almost jumped in excitement, and Hu Jianjian and Lin Fangyuan were also extremely excited. Now they can share data. As a newcomer, their survival rate has greatly increased.

There are six skeleton warriors in this gun shop. It can be concluded from their ragged clothes that these people should all be employees of the gun shop. It seems that these skeleton warriors did not leave the shop because of their perseverance during their lifetime. Instead, they walked aimlessly in the shop with weapons.

"Two upstairs and four downstairs." Xiao Yuxin passed the results of the investigation to the beards and Lin Fangyuan in the picture. "Lao Hu. Lao Lin, you go to destroy those skeletons. Mo Lou. You and Lanzi See if you can find a car that can be driven."

Each person split their heads, and Xiao Yuxin, Ya Min, Qin Qi, and Luo Haiqiong followed Hu and Lin.


Hu Zijian lifted his leg and kicked the already crumbling gate, rushing into it.

Da da da

A shuttle bullet was fired inside, and a shield was moved to Beard Fitness before the bullet was blocked. Before waiting for the opponent to change the magazine, Beard Jian and Lin Fangyuan had rushed in, and the hammer was waving. The four skeleton warriors on the first floor have been smashed into a pile of broken bones.

"Fortunately, these skulls won't change the magazines. It's really troublesome if they are really refined." Hu Jianjian was very thankful.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

; "Yes, if these skeleton warriors use Gatling or other heavy firepower, then it is a disaster." Lin Fangyuan said.

Luo Haiqiong fought a cold war: "Brother Lin. Don't scare me, don't let the image of Terminator Uncle Arnold appear in our mission world. That is a disaster."

"There are two more upstairs, Qin Qi and Ronaldinho, you can get it up." Xiao Yuxin said.

Luo Haiqiong's face suddenly pulled together: "We are"

"We must complete the task" Qin Qi pulled Luo Haiqiong upstairs, she was very clear that although Xiao Yuxin currently recognized their identity, if they did not show their value in the team, even if they were not abandoned in the end, they would stay away The core of the team.

Xiao Yuxin watched the two girls go up, and then passed the pictures of the undead on the second floor immediately detected to them, and then said to Hu and Lin: "Immediately find an arms warehouse."

The weapons in the store are all light weapons. Although these thermal weapons are effective for the undead, their power has been greatly reduced, so the first choices are heavy machine guns, bazookas, portable missiles, and grenades.

Several gunshots came from the second floor, and then the girls shouted and the bone shattered by the warhammer hitting the bone shelf suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Yuxin frowned, and walked up the stairs, only to find that the two girls were sitting there, holding a bunch of skeletons, and smirked at each other.

"Hey, are you all right?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"It's okay. It was one thing to fight the undead in the dark enchantment of the black world before, but it didn't feel true until now." Qin Qi said.

"It will be more real in the future."

Xiao Yuxin stood at the stairs and waved them down: "Come and learn how to use firearms."

"Yeah you can use a gun"

Luo Haiqiong a tall child jumped from the floor, it seems that modern people still feel more secure about firearms.

"Note that although you can use a gun, you must ensure that your warhammer is not lost. After all, this weapon is the most reliable." Xiao Yuxin saw a thrill of watering guns when they saw them excited, although they Their physique has been strengthened, but if they use heavy firepower for a long time, their bodies will also be unbearable, so they mainly give them weapons such as grenades and portable missiles. The magic guns that Xiao Yuxin gave them before are much lighter, as long as they are prepared enough Would be enough.

Da da da

A burst of gunshots suddenly sounded in the distance, Xiao Yuxin grabbed four portable missile launchers and rushed out. Ya Min held two boxes of grenades and followed closely behind her. Qin Qi and Luo Haiqiong also picked up a few The ammunition box kept up silently, and in the front store, Hu Jianjian and Lin Fangyuan were laying simple fortifications at the gates and windows, and set out to pay for the driver who had to stay in the room.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and two figures appeared in the front crossing, it was Mo Lou and Shen Ruolan. They are constantly shooting backwards in the process of beating, and behind them are the undead.


Several fireballs didn't know where they came from, they exploded behind Molou's two people, and the air waves generated by the explosion almost threw them up.

"Quickly prepare to answer, Qin Qi, Luo Haiqiong, you move the ammunition box back, there is a skeleton mage." Xiao Yuxin commanded loudly.

She has found three of the fireball's releasers. Skulls in shabby robes are shaking their upper and lower jaws as if chanting mantras. Another fireball is forming.

"Go to death" Xiao Yuxin picked up a missile launcher and directed towards the three

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The position where the famous Skeleton Mage stood was launched.

Four missiles roared, tracing four trajectories in the air

Four loud noises. The building collapsed, and the three skeleton mage were blown to pieces. Hundreds of skeleton warriors surrounded by downstairs were crushed by crushed stones and steel bars and could no longer struggle out, but were buried alive.

The speed of those skeleton warriors seems to have accelerated a lot. Mo Lou and Shen Ruolan speeded up and ran towards here, shooting while running. Xiao Yuxin threw down the missile launcher that had been hit, took out a grenade launcher and a grenade chain on his shoulders. Then tucked in grenade grenades. Fire at the skeletons behind Mo Lou and Shen Ruolan.


A grenade exploded in the group of skulls, skulls and broken limbs splashed in the firelight, then the fierce gunshots were remembered behind her, and the shooting of the beard Jian and Lin Fangyuan also followed, Qin Qi and Luo Haiqiong were responsible Ammunition support.

Although Skeleton Warriors have no pain or fear of death, they are not completely without feeling. Under the heavy fire, their momentum suddenly stagnate.

Mo Lou and Shen Ruolan were able to flee with all their strength. The two rushed to the door of the shop, and they crossed the fortification like a 100-meter hurdle and fell inside. Only know the wheezing.

"How did this happen?" Xiao Yuxin asked in surprise.

Mo Lou gasped and said: "Don't mention, there is no good car in this city at all. We plan to take a look at a little further away, who knows suddenly opened many portals, a lot of The Undead Warrior teleported. If we were not running fast, this time we would be surrounded by undead

"Don't you have a dragon flute, why don't you have them?" Ya Min asked

Mo Lou and Shen Ruolan looked at each other awkwardly and gave an answer that made everyone laugh and cry: "Forgot."

At this time, those skeletons are still moving forward, and their goals have been transferred to Xiao Yuxin and them.

"Lanzi, Molou, you must pay attention when dealing with the Master of Skeleton Building on the second floor. You must not let them join the attack." Xiao Yuxin said that.

One by two, a group of two groups. Although more and more skeletons were smashed, they kept approaching the gun store. Xiao Yuxin and others were fully fired, and the ground was filled with a layer of yellow and clear. Cartridge case.


Da da

Gunshots and grenade explosions followed, and large blocks of skeleton warriors shattered and collapsed in front of them.

"It won't work, as long as the portal remains, we have to face the endless army of undead. Mo Lou, let's try to blow up a few portals first, Amin, you are here to pay attention to dragging most of the undead in the city , Cover our actions," Xiao Yuxin said.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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