"I rely on whether this is the undead knight or the necromancer" looked at the figure coming out of the portal of the undead, with a beard with a mouth open to put a goose egg.

Xiao Yuxin and others also thought it was weird and ridiculous. The Necromancer Astro was holding a white bone staff in his hand, wearing a wizard robe, and holding a huge sword in his waist. The skinny guy, but the necromancer who appeared in front of them was tall and full of muscles, just like Uncle Arno's reincarnation.

"Lao Hu, is the car ready?" Xiao Yuxin asked softly.

"Ready." Hu Jianjian replied softly.

"We withdraw"

Xiao Yuxin waved with the gods and quietly withdrew from the guard's stronghold. When she came out, she ordered to show absolute shielding, and the group quickly boarded a bus prepared by Hu Jianjian at night.

At this time, a large number of undead knights poured out from the undead portal, and the overwhelming artillery fire seemed to welcome them. At the top of the undead battle formation, there was a layer of non-existent gray shadows. As a result, although the shells fell on it, it was very lively, but it only consumed a small amount of energy. It is estimated that even if the undead stand still and let the shells explode for a day, it may not have much effect.

"It's now, old Hu, drive"

Xiao Yuxin whispered that while the bus was on the road, the Moyun vines that had been buried in the ground were also launched. Dozens of green vines shot out of the ground, sending the last 13 Holy Spirit bombs to the ground. The door was thrown.

"Do not"

The figure riding on the ghost warrior suddenly raised his head, and two cold lights burst into his eyes. He slammed his staff, and a gray mist covered the green vines, but it was still a little late. Those Holy Spirit bombs have been thrown out first.


At the moment when the gray mist touched the rattan, the rattan that was green and full of vitality just now became gray, and the gray parts turned into fly ash. The most terrible thing is that the grays continue to spread to other parts of the vines. Wherever they pass, the greens turn into dead grays, and then turn to ashes.

If the development of this situation continues, Mo Yunteng will undoubtedly turn into fly ash, and I saw that the remaining vines fluttered abruptly, but they all fell off, but Mo Yunteng cut off these vines by themselves very decisively. There are also great injuries. But saved the body.

Just as Mo Yunteng was corroded by the dead air, the Holy Spirit bomb had already dropped. I could only hear a series of explosions. Thirteen Holy Spirit bombs exploded together. It was still quite spectacular. The divine light suddenly covered the surrounding hundreds of meters. The tall portal of the undead collapsed in the first time. The holy light is purified into ashes. Immediately afterwards, the gray mask quickly thinned and disappeared in the holy light, and even the shields of the undead were purified in the holy light. Their bodies also turned to ashes, and the shells that poured down the sky were no longer blocked. Like the violent wind and the rain, they tore the bodies of the undead into thin bodies and blasted them into piles of bones.

In the center of the Holy Light, the lich Astro’s eyes have turned blood red, and his mouth makes a weird sound, I don’t know if it’s

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The mantra is still cursing people. From time to time, there are bone prisons centered on him. The body also emits black mist. These bone prisons and the black mist emanating from him are purified when they touch the Holy Light. But they still appeared one after another, firmly blocking the Holy Light outside.

"This light is holy light, must be those mysterious orientals"

General Charlie in the headquarters also naturally saw the divine light, and the battle report in front of him also came. A large number of high-level undead had already disappeared in the holy light. Those strange energy shields cannot provide protection for the undead.

"General, those holy lights seem to be weakening." Lieutenant Colonel Gable reminded.

"Well. Didn't the Air Force's fighters arrive? Ordered them to dump all the missiles and rockets onto these **** dead souls and send them back to hell," General Charlie shouted with his fists.

Although the Holy Light gradually dimmed, the damage to the undead still exists. Most of the undead with the Necromancer Astro have been purified, and only some high-level undead are still struggling. Of course, they The current strength is also greatly reduced. If Astro had already rushed out of the Holy Light, those undead might not have wonderful consequences.

However, at this time, nearly a hundred fighter planes suddenly appeared in the sky, and missiles were shot from under the wing, whistling toward the ground and bombarding hundreds of fireballs rising from the ground, forming a piece The sea of ​​fire enveloped all the undead, and even Astro's figure was drowned.

"Report the command, the target has been eliminated," the air captain leading the team proudly.

"But below" a wingman pilot whispered and said: "Sir, please take a look first"

The captain came back suspiciously and looked down at a gray arc-shaped shock wave rising from the ground. As soon as the flames caused by the explosion touched the flames, the flames instantly extinguished, and the gray shock wave hit the machine in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry away from here"

All the instruments of the aircraft were vibrated, and the indicator light sounded an alarm. He shouted and adjusted the aircraft in a hurry, but the aircraft was still planted on the ground.

The captain turned his head in frustration, but saw that other planes were doing the same trajectory. "At least I can choose the direction of the fall, may God be with me."

He struggled to align the nose with Astro's position, and wanted to hit the monster that should go to hell. But his move was destined to be in vain. The shock wave arrived instantly. Including him, the plane quickly disintegrated and turned into countless. Fine particles.

"Oh, God"

Charlie's expression was sluggish. The loss of these planes was certainly distressing and painful, but the most terrifying thing was the feeling of powerlessness. In the face of such an unmatched opponent, he now has a feeling of collapse.

"General, those Orientals are driving a bus to attack the monster." Lieutenant Colonel Gable asked softly.

"How do they also want to launch suicide attacks?" General Charlie's mouth slightly touched, he had no confidence in the mysterious team of Orientals.

"It probably won't." Lieutenant Colonel Gable whispered.

of course not

Even when Death is tired, Xiao Yuxin will not commit suicide.

After the bus turns around

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The head of the car began to accelerate gradually in the direction of Astro, and Hu Zijian stared nervously at the front, while Lin Fangyuan was busy in the car. He was arranging a car bomb, and Xiao Yuxin left the door only for people to jump.

"How far is it?" Lin Fangyuan asked nervously.

"There are one hundred and fifty meters." Xiao Yuxin also calmed down her voice as much as possible. "The others jumped immediately, Lao Hu, and you are ready."

The bus roared towards Astro and its remnant undead troops. A muscular figure jumped from the car. Xiao Yuxin was the last to come, and he also pulled a beard.

"Nie Huang, give me a little face and don't take me that way." Hu Jianjian angrily accused someone of ignoring the dignity of his man.


A loud noise interrupted his accusation. Looking back, I saw that there was a blazing fireball in the place where the bus was just now, a huge hole in the ground, and several tires with burning flames shaking. Roll over and slam to the ground.


The flame rolled up suddenly, and a tall figure appeared in front of the crowd on a ghost horse.

"Despicable humans, you die"

Astro's voice sounded behind the face armor, blood-red eyes flashed across the crowd as if it were substance, he slammed his staff in his hand~www.readwn.com~Dozens of bone spears screamed at God choosers.

"Holy Light"

Xiao Yuxin quickly released the protective spell, a sacred energy hood rose around the crowd, and the flying bone spears were purified into powdery substances after being hit by the divine light.


"Group Ice Cone"

Xiao Yuxin also showed no weakness, a large piece of green vine drilled from the ground and entangled the limbs of the ghost horse, and dozens of thick ice cones whistled and shot at Astro.

Mo Lou's body fell down, turned into a very pale shadow and disappeared against the ground. Shen Ruolan jumped out of the energy hood, and began to arm her body was wrapped in a beautiful set of black knight armor, and sat down It is a skull warhorse, although it is not as strange as the ghost warhorse, but it adds a little bit of evil; Yamin took out the bow and arrow, the bow string trembles with a hum, four arrows burst out of the air, and the tip of the arrow carries A little red light hit Astro.

"How funny it is"

Astro froze for a moment, and laughed strangely: "The wizard, black knight, assassin, and an elf who will release holy magic are really an interesting combination."

As he spoke, his bone stick waved, and a bone shield appeared in front of him. Those ice cones that came first came on it, making a thumping sound, crashing into pieces, and the ghost warhorse raised its legs and stepped on. He walked forward for more than ten steps, the horse legs were blurred in an instant, and the vines suddenly lost their sense of smell and fell to the ground.


Four flashes of fire exploded on the surface of the bone shield, and a cracking sound clicked, and cracks appeared on the surface of the smooth bone shield and spread to all sides.

The first attack was easily resisted by Astro. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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