Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 399 Qing Suppression (Part 1)

"Sister, you went out in these two days." Yan Nan saw Xiao Yuxin very happy to read the full text.

"Yeah, how about it, did you contact your superiors?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"I got in touch, but I'm afraid it's impossible to send an airplane during this time. It's too dangerous to travel by land," Yannan Road said.

"How about contacting the superior to go to our Green Mountain Base" Xiao Yuxin suddenly asked.

"Go to the Green Mountain Base"

Yannan paused a little bit. In fact, she wanted to talk to Xiao Yuxin in the past two days, but Xiao Yuxin suddenly disappeared, and she was busy with other things, so she delayed it. Now it is a good opportunity, "Let’s talk first , Can I still ask my superior if I can go."

Two people came to a separate room, and after the waiter brought a pot of tea, the people were asked to retreat: "Sister, the military got a batch of more advanced technical and technical information a few days ago. The provider is Xia Xinwen , Her father Xia Tong and grandfather Xia Hao are senior cadres of the army."

"What do you mean by these?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"I heard that you and Xia Xinwen also had a close relationship." Yan Nan asked.

"Yes, in fact we are relatively close now." Xiao Yuxin said.

Yannan frowned: "How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible in this world. There are many things we can't imagine. In theory, it seems that it should not exist, but it does exist objectively. For example, you should have heard of the **** chooser now."

"Yes, we have heard that you are also the one chosen by God." Yan Nan felt a little bit in his heart, and it seemed that everything had an answer. The special group of god-selectors had already seen before the catastrophe, but for some reason. The members of this special group have been relatively low-key and secret. After the catastrophe broke out, some people rose to the surface. Among them, there were military people and police people. Most of the gods have hidden their identities, and neither the military nor the national security department has gained much.

"Yes, I am a god-selector, and so is Xia Xinwen. The information she handed in is the information we obtained in a trial. It is useless and unclear. I can only wait for those scientists to study it. If it can come in handy, This is also a good thing for humans to defeat alien creatures. However, this time I invite you to pass, as long as there are two things, one is to trouble you to help me **** some survivors to the base of Green Mountain. On the other hand, I want to invite you to see Look at the genetic food grown at our base." Xiao Yuxin said.

"Gene Food"

"Yes, by chance. We got some genetic maize seeds. After the construction of the Green Mountain base started, these seeds have been planted and now they have been harvested. And in our base, there is also a research Group, the genetic rice and other plants they studied have also made some progress. Although this has nothing to do with fighting. But the country must be very interested in this."

"Our Green Mountain base also has a genetic research team"

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


Yan Nan was a little unbelievable, but she immediately realized: "Do you want to transfer these results to the country for free or paid?"

"Technical transfer conditions have been proposed and agreed. Our achievements can also be transferred to the country. After all, as a Chinese, I also hope that the country will become stronger. The people are free from hunger and all suffering. The only thing we need It’s a green base and its surrounding land use right for fifty years, and those genetic technologies are used as funds for land purchase."

"Sister. Under such circumstances, individuals should not make such a request to the country." Yan Nan's face was a little hesitant.

"Yannan, it really shouldn't be the case under normal circumstances, but is it not an extraordinary period now? I didn't do this for personal reasons, but also out of conscience."

Xiao Yuxin paused a little, and continued: "Since becoming a god-selector, we have faced death almost every moment, and we can’t tell others that everything we did was risking our lives. From the perspective of human nature, we have the right to seek welfare for ourselves.

However, the point is not here. We survived the disaster. We survived by our own strength and started to build a new home. Although we can’t talk about any achievements now, we are not willing to give this home to something we are not familiar with or can’t believe. People toss. "

"Sister, this shock is too big." Yan Nan frowned.

Xiao Yuxin shook his head funny: "You are too sensitive. Of course we trust the government, but we don't believe in some people, especially those who abandoned us when disaster strikes. How can we manage ourselves to work hard Everything is given to those who have betrayed us even if they are government workers.

Besides, our requirements are not excessive. This is the same as before the catastrophe. We bought a piece of land, built a factory and bought machinery to recruit workers, and then paid profits and taxes to the state. Although the requested land is larger now, we have paid in There are also many, and we also accept the country's macro-control, not so serious. Lastly, if some people disagree, I actually have nothing to lose. Under the current circumstances, even if I am arbitrary, I am afraid that the government has no choice but to help me."

"Sister, don't be so straightforward, please" Yan Nan smiled bitterly.

What Xiao Yuxin said was not false. In fact, many small survivor bases have sprung up all over the country and other countries, and most of them are not accepting the leadership of the government or even expelling government workers. Now the country is at a critical juncture. The limited power must be kept to deal with attacks from outsiders and mutants that will make a comeback at any time.

"To tell the truth, you can report it first, there must be a process of accepting persuasion, and then you take a look at the actual situation, it is not worth doing." Xiao Yuxin did not want to embarrass Yannan, and now it is too much to say anything. early.

"Okay, sister, when are you going to leave? I heard that you have already instigated thousands of people on this side, and there is a suspicion of digging people's feet." Yan Nan changed the subject, and both felt a lot easier.

"I have contacted the team and started in two days." Xiao Yuxin said.

"I will contact my superior today,

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Answer tomorrow at the latest. "Yan Nan got up and left, and the tea on the table was a little cold, but no one paid attention."

Xiao Yuxin still has many things to consider, and the biggest trouble is Carmen. She followed Wen Yuxiu and Xiao Chunan and others to take a mercenary mission. Until now, I don’t know if I can rush back in two days. If I don’t come back in time, She could only let her stay here first, but she was going to leave the Cadillac and drive back for a few days.

When she wondered when Carmen came back, Carmen and others were still clearing those abyss monsters in the Alpha area. These creatures from other worlds quickly adapted to the current living environment, and tried to become this piece with their power and reproduction ability. The absolute master of the area.

After clearing the black spider, a group of people quickly moved to the depth of the Alpha area, wanting to solve the magic of this area as soon as possible. On the third day of the mission, they finally met the second dwelling place of the monster of the abyss.

This is a small mound. When they came here, they were suddenly attacked by Warcraft. Fortunately, the most senior vendors were Wu Ziniu and Min Qingshan. When those Warcraft suddenly spit out ice and snow, the two sides of the Alleus face Shifting the shield quickly resisted the magic attack, and the two responded very quickly, quickly pulled out the sword and slashed towards those Warcraft.

It was the multi-headed snake lizard that attacked them. This snake lizard has a body similar to a large lizard. It has six heads, just like pythons. If you want to kill them, you must cut off six heads or pierce its heart~www .readwn.com~ Otherwise it will be difficult to kill. Since the six heads of this kind of Warcraft can perform magic, if they want to pierce its heart at close range, it is easy to be attacked by its head, in contrast. Cutting their necks is the best way.

When the battle started, it was extremely hot. To deal with this kind of Warcraft, it actually didn't need any skills to defend, attack, and advance. These six words represent their way of fighting. There is no art of military command. The whole party shouted and went hand in hand. In a blink of an eye, they rushed to the heads of the snakes. Although the monsters' magic was quite troublesome, they did not play an obvious role for the White Horse team members. After all, their protection was already in place.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen multi-headed snake lizards were beheaded. When everyone was happy, Zheng Xiuzhen suddenly screamed, his body fell back suddenly, a snake lizard suddenly rushed out of the ground, six heads towards Everyone spit out the snow and ice.

Wu Ziniu roared and rushed past with a screaming figure. The scimitar flashed twice in succession. With two hissing sounds, the two snake heads slammed to the ground and the blood flowed. The snake liar roared, and the remaining four His head shook angrily, and four bursts of ice rushed towards Wu Ziniu. Although he was instantly blocked by the phase shift shield, the cold still made him tremble with a tremor under his hand, and the knife light went away empty.


Li Xiangyun was usually very timid, but at this time he rushed up and hugged Zheng Xiuzhen's upper body and dragged it back.

"How is it" Wen Yuxiu and Xiao Chunan both came near.

"It's okay, just a little cold."

Zheng Xiuzhen did not lose consciousness, Xia Xinwen released another treatment, and her complexion gradually returned to ruddy. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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