Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 403 The Beginning of the Moving (Part 2)

After coming out of the hotel, Xiao Yuxin suddenly felt that the sunshine outside was so brilliant. If my eyes were only looking into the air, my mood was definitely better than when I was looking up. A few well-dressed, sly-looking men looked at her and stopped, and Xiao Yuxin stared at them in disgust, and walked away, hiding behind her. She was too lazy to hear someone cursing someone crookedly.

Yannan’s promise accurately said that Yannan’s superior’s promise did not mean what she meant. Some people have rivers and lakes. Even if human survival has been seriously challenged, people are still happy to fight each other, but not this. tired. Military police, the army is always above the police, so at the upper level, the two sides are competing in secret, it is not a strange thing.

The military has already been one step ahead in military science and technology. The advantage in this area is beyond the reach of the police department. However, Guoan has a lot of expert authority in genetics, biochemistry and other aspects. Their development in this field is also ahead of the military. Xiao Yuxin invited Yannan and others to go to the Green Mountain base, not only for the safety of the fleet and Relative relationship is also the idea to fight those experts. Even if only one or two are left, that is also a remarkable achievement.

Of course, Xiao Yuxin’s eyes will not be so narrow, the output of genetic food is large, the cycle is short, and the environmental requirements are not very strict. It is suitable for large-scale production. If it can be promoted throughout the country, at least people who die of hunger can greatly cut back.

The only pity now is that Carmen couldn't come back in a while, but she has left the Cadillac at the Mie Tiejun in the triple bar. If Carmen comes back, they can go there to pick it up. Anyway, they can use the demon communicator after they come back. It is also convenient to contact.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yuxin has come to a trading street. I don’t know if it’s because of time or anything. This street is not very lively. There are a lot of stalls, and there are many kinds of things, but it can be seen that these are old goods, and they are not popular products. .

Food, weapons, and medicines are now the best-selling goods. Other things can only be afforded by those who have money and leisure. Some hawkers may have nowhere to go. They simply set up simple shacks behind the stalls. The result is even more chaos here.

Seeing Xiao Yuxin, a girl who had a good life and seemed to be living well, the hawkers were immediately excited as if they had hit the chicken blood. Passionately sell their goods to Xiao Yuxin.

Suddenly, several black-clad big men appeared in front of Xiao Yuxin, and the hawkers immediately took a stand and returned to their stalls, only to look at Xiao Yuxin with a pityful eye.

Xiao Yuxin looked inexplicably at the black guys who suddenly popped out. Thinking about what they are doing, the order in this camp is really a bit chaotic, and people can be stumbled in the aisle: "Hi. Several big brothers, good dogs don't block the road, let it be."


All the hawkers around here who watched the movement quietly took a breath. These black guys are indeed dog legs, but no one dares to speak so straightforwardly in front of them. This girl is really bold enough.

Speaking of these, these black men are still quite qualified, and the black face turned into purple eggplant face by Xiao Yuxin's words. Suddenly there was no attack, and one of them came to her and said: "This lady, our elder brother and older brother invite you to have a meal."

Xiao Yuxin looked at him with his hand gestures. I saw a guy not far away wearing a windbreaker and a pair of big sunglasses on his face, although it was somewhat similar to the first line. But the embryos are too different, and the folds can't fit anymore. But the face of the Malaysian horse is somewhat true to its name, and it's almost catching up with the donkey face.

"I'm sorry, to tell you my little brother, I'm not hungry now, I don't have that kind of interest." Xiao Yuxin said that she would go around.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't eat. Play with little brother. Eat when you're hungry." The big man said, reaching for her arm.

Xiao Yuxin's face immediately became cold. It's no big deal to talk differently. You can't let a dog remember to brush your teeth every day.

However, dogs have bad breath that can be tolerated, but if you bite it, you can’t bear it: "You listen, if your paw face dares to touch my piece of clothing, then you regret the long pair thing."

My brother’s name is Ma Guoli. His age is indeed not very old. He was only in his early thirties this year. In the camp, he is definitely the most cruel master. Since the camp was established, it has become a few months. The leader of a mercenary regiment is also famous in this area.

In this era, power and financial resources are secondary. The most important thing is to have the ability to survive in this chaotic world. Ma Guoli has this ability. He is the first awakening that naturally sprang up in a disaster.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

One of the fighters. At the beginning, he was also puzzled by the special ability he had gained. When he discovered that this ability was enough to allow him to sweep all those who dared to provoke him, and thus be able to enjoy the privileges in troubled times, he really realized it. . From that time on, he began to deliberately gather all the scattered forces, and formed a mercenary regiment that is this force. Although it is not the largest mercenary force in the camp, it is enough for those camp managers and military police. We look at each other differently. No one wants to challenge his authority in this area. He is also careful not to invade other people's territory and maintain a delicate balance with other forces.

Xiao Yuxin is not a person in this camp. Almost no one has introduced her to the distribution of forces in this camp. Even if she is introduced, she will not care. Today, she is not lucky to provoke others. How could she care about a awakening in the district? The warrior is nothing more than a slightly powerful boss.

The big Han who gave half of his paw to Xiao Yuxin suddenly hesitated. Although Xiao Yuxin did not make a threatening action, he felt from the bottom of his heart that the other party was not only serious, but also capable.

After a long while, he lowered his arm and shrank away.


Ma Guoli scolded. He stared at Xiao Yuxin. The expression on the other side's face did not fluctuate. His eyes were even clearer. There was no fear or anger. It was like this happened to someone else. The expression was still there. It was a kind of indifference and disdain from the bones, which made Ma Guoli feel annoyed.

Some people say that identity determines temper, which seems to have some truth. In terms of the current status of the Ma Guoli, although it is not comparable to some of the top awakening fighters in the camp, most people should be polite when they see him. Call it the head of the horse or the little brother, which has been so ignored

Does she think she is Meng Yuwei from the Scorpio Mercenary Corps?

"It's guts" Ma Guoli's appearance of clenching his teeth, he wished that Xiao Yuxin would chew it alive.

Xiao Yuxin looked at him sideways: "You are the donkey in their mouth, do you still need courage to deal with people like you?"

The awakening warrior’s ability is not weak, but at present they do not know how to actively practice, evolve, and master the ability is far less powerful than her senior veteran, so Xiao Yuxin does not care about him at all, and if there is a fight, even if there are a few Awakening warriors like Ge Ma Guoli are not enough.

Ma Guoli's face was greenish, and his face was longer. It seemed that even the folds on it had been stretched out. , If Marco is cool, let’s stop doing today, otherwise, Marco will loosen your bones for you today."

After speaking, a fierce momentum emanated from him, and the ordinary people around him immediately felt a sudden emergence of pressure, and backed away.

Xiao Yuxin pouted: "Do you have the potential to be a massage lady, loose bones? I think you can be a big teapot at best~www.readwn.com~ What is a big teapot?" Several youngsters behind Ma Guoli talked down .

"The big teapot was used to serve prostitutes and prostitutes in ancient brothels, which is now pimped."


"Shut up" Ma Guoli shouted angrily. The younger brothers stunned and immediately shut up. A well-behaved man pulled out a sharp bayonet from the back of his belt and sprang out like a raccoon cat, with a knife toward Xiao Yuxin. Stabbed his thigh: "Blood let you go first"

Ma Guoli's eyes flickered slightly. He didn't stop it. He didn't dare to go up to Liangshan. Even if the other person does not know himself, he can face so many people without changing his face. This is not just a good psychological quality. I am afraid that he has some real skills under his hands. He wants to observe and observe again.

Watching the big man pierce the knife, the look on Xiao Yuxin's face did not change at all. Just as the bayonet was about to stab her leg, her knees lifted up like a steel whip.

The big man also weighed at least one hundred and fifty or sixty pounds, but was picked up by Xiao Yuxin's leg, and flew out like a human sandbag, smashing the stall at the landing point. The big man fainted straight away, except for the sound of a broken bone on his body.

A few big men who just wanted to step forward to show their loyalty immediately hit the body and stood there motionless, the expression on their faces extremely embarrassing.


Ma Guoli saw this situation and knew that he wouldn’t be able to come forward. Although these men could fight, the woman in front of him said that it was a awakening warrior. How many catties are not yet collected and collected, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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