Full text reading of Gaixian refugee camp.

Wang Yue was sitting on the wall with a gun, his feet were swaying outside, and his eyes were looking around aimlessly. Now he just wants to find some, even if it is only outsiders, I heard that those outsiders are actually It’s also edible. It’s just that those things are extremely powerful. It’s hard to kill. I don’t know if this time the search team can bring back some delicious food. He hasn’t had a full meal for a week, like him in the **** team. Fortunately, the above said that no matter what, they always eat a bit. Like ordinary refugees, they only have one push per day. Oh, yes, I am not a refugee anymore. All those who have escaped from the disaster are called survivors. The refugee camp is also called a survivor camp. Those who are officials can really comfort themselves.

Da da da

A burst of gunshots suddenly came from a distance, Wang Yue turned back over the wall briskly, and then looked in the direction where the gunshots sounded. I saw that at the end of the road, a dozen people were running desperately towards this side, some The backward people also frequently shot behind them.

An **** stooped down and came to him: "What are they shooting? Do you have a dozen guns?"

The voice stopped abruptly, and they saw that behind the dozen people was a large piece of gray-yellow creatures, who were chasing those people and running towards them.

"What the **** are those guys whose heads are sick? Did they actually lead the monsters to the camp?" Wang Yue cursed in a low voice, turning his head to see that the player was still standing there stunned, kicking him angrily: "You haven't sent the alarm quickly, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, good." The team member ran away in a panic. After a while, the alarm sounded repeatedly, and the nearest guards all carried weapons to board the latest chapter of Chengqiang. The camp managers also came to the wall.

At that time, the dozen or so figures had been clearly seen. It was the people who were sent out by the camp earlier to search for food, but now it is clear that they have become the objects of food and hunted.

Those gray-yellow creatures can also be seen clearly. It is a beetle like an enlarged one, more than one meter high, with seven or eight legs, forming a spindle shape, and it looks like a giant beetle.

A grayish-yellow figure jumped out of the biome. Volley pounced on the last person.

The man's leg seemed to be injured, and he limped while running. Seeing that he didn't seem to have the capital to escape, the man gritted his teeth, slammed his body upwards, raised a fire dragon and screamed toward the huge beetle, but the beetle was very cunning. The figure landed on the ground, avoiding the fire dragon to kill the awakening soldier.

The beetle bit the awakening soldier's waist. He almost cut him in half. The awakening soldier screamed terribly, and the fire dragon slammed into the beetle, but in a blink of an eye their bodies were overwhelmed by the bugs.

"Come on, prepare for artillery to meet other people's preparations for battle," the former chief of public security ordered loudly.

"Director Li, can the camp support it?" County Governor Gaiwen asked anxiously.

"I also want to know."

The chief of the public security sighed: "Gai County, we are now short of food and ammunition. We must report this situation and ask for support."

"What about those outside?" Gavin asked.

"They are done." The police chief sighed.

He was right, those people were really over, even if there was any artillery cover, it was useless. It seemed to be stimulated by the **** smell, and those beetles ran faster. A dozen giants

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The big beetle rushed out of the swarm and quickly fell down on the last few people. After a scream, the people were torn to pieces by insects that rushed up.

"Why not a zombie," a fat camp leader murmured with staring eyes that were somewhat lost.

Wang Yue gave him a disgusted look and looked down at the gun, but he was also wondering why this was not a zombie

Since the disaster, the most common variants of people are zombies, and a set of effective hunting methods have been summarized, but they are the first time they have seen these insects. People’s weaknesses and attack methods are still there. Know nothing.


The three shells landed in the middle of the worm swarm and immediately exploded into a broken limb. The few remaining fugitives immediately cheered, but their voices immediately stopped the insects and were not delayed or retreated by the sudden blow. Instead, they increased their speed, and suddenly they came behind these people. In their helpless struggle, they bite their bodies into the swarm, and the screams were replaced by the screams of the bugs.

"Fire freely, don't let them rush up," the chief of the public security screamed and ordered.

Green Mountain Base.

Although the construction time is not very long, but with the efforts of all the survivors, this base gradually revived. With the former Green Mountain Park as the center, it began to gradually extend to the city. There have been more than a dozen buildings that have been turned into houses and surrounded by walls. Most of the survivors have already lived in those buildings, and Green Mountain Park is used as a planting base, as well as the base management committee and Green Mountain Wuguan.

In the evening, a long convoy came along the road. At the entrance of the base, dozens of quarantine personnel disinfected the vehicles and put the convoy into the base. Someone had already guided the vehicle to the designated site and stopped. Then began to guide immigrants to check the body, disinfect, register, and enter the designated room, where food and hot water have already been prepared.

"Wow so well prepared, the staff at your base is really efficient and much more bureaucratic than ours. This is a few days ready," Meng Yuwei asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we have already prepared the number of transfers and personal information before we set off, and we have temporarily recruited a group of volunteers from the base.

Xiao Yuxin pointed, she was also very satisfied. Among many items, the trouble is inspection, so it can be delayed for a longer time. When the physical condition of these people has not been determined, they will stay in the room for a few days, and the epidemic prevention personnel will observe their physical condition.

"Xiao Yuxin, your base has a good mental outlook. I have traveled through many bases. It is really rare like you." After Su Chen handed over the team to his son, he came over and sighed.

"Where, it's just that there is no food shortage for a while. The people take food as the sky. If there is no food to eat, we will have to become enemies here. Hey, the leaders of the base have come.

Xiao Yuxin blinked. Seeing Mu Zifeng, Li Jialie and others all came over and greeted them quickly.

"Yu Xin. Hard work."

Mu Zifeng took her hand and patted it gently.

"I have some hard work. It's really hard for you to manage this base. Come, let me introduce to you, this is Deputy Director Mu Zifeng of the Base Management Committee. This is Deputy Director Li Jialie, this is"

After introducing everyone to a circle. Naturally, someone arranged accommodation for the Tuoling Mercenary Corps and Meng Yuwei. Xiao Yuxin was ready to slip away after the introduction to everyone. She hadn’t seen her parents yet. Yan Nan and Xiao Wenhui, they were given by Amin first.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


"Xinke, Nirvana, there wouldn't be any problems with that mutation."

Behind Cheng Ruosong's voice, Xiao Yuxin just turned around. A small figure has been thrown into her arms: "Aunt Yuxin, I miss you so much"

The little girl's greasy voice made people feel cordial.

"Mengmeng, the aunt misses you too. Come, raise your face and let the aunt see if you are more beautiful." Xiao Yuxin lifted the girl's face. Small face, fleshy, and a little ruddy. No longer the pale face of the earlier period, it is clear that the condition has been effectively controlled, and her treatment is still good.

"Auntie, I'm not there," the girl asked.

"Of course beautiful, Mengmeng is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Xiao Yuxin stretched out her finger and scraped her nose gently, and then said: "Song Brother, that variant is just there. Let the grass help and water prepare it first. That thing is omnivorous. Be careful not to let it Keep the child close to it, lest it be hairy, and there is basically no danger."

"OK, I know." Cheng Ruosong nodded and turned to go.

"Hey, what happened to the Qing Dynasty around the base?" Xiao Yuxin asked again.

"It's proceeding smoothly, but it's strange that those zombies and mutants suddenly disappeared, and there are fewer and fewer." Cheng Ruosong said.

"Is it possible that those mutant creatures are brewing a big explosion"

"If they are really smart~www.readwn.com~ does not rule out this possibility, Miss Xiao Chunan also gave us an early warning after returning this time. Yesterday we passed a resolution to decide to strengthen the defense and at the same time control the entrance and exit of the sewer. At present, everyone has been mobilized. Even if there are several outbreaks, as long as there are not a large number of Class B creatures, the safety of the base will be no problem."

"Just have this certainty."

Xiao Yuxin smiled and nodded, signaling him to go busy: "Mengmeng came home with me to see what is delicious today."

"Hey, this is not a mess, okay, I won't say it, Mengmeng, no naughty." Cheng Ruosong originally didn't want her daughter to disturb Xiao Yuxin, but she only had to watch her daughter refuse to come down in her arms.

Xiao Yuxin’s home was still in the refuge, and most of the guards knew her and greeted her one after another, and she responded with a little bit, but there were also many who did not know her, and some people watched as they whispered away Going to the door of the refuge, meowing, the mutant cat didn't know where it came from, came to her, and rubbed her calf with her head like a reward.

Xiao Yuxin kicked it gently: "Black whirlwind, you are so angry that you can't even pick me up"


The mutant cat glared angrily at her and turned into the refuge.

"Ahhh, it's against you"

Xiao Yuxin raised her foot and chased in.

Yuxiang introduction new book upload:

Legend has it that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grass and flowers blooming,

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died,

His name is Jumang

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland

A beautiful myth begins to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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