Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 435 Ghost hitting the wall?

Although the town is not big, it is still very important to get in and out in case of an emergency. Xiao Yuxin and John drove the car to the gas station, let the staff inside fill it up and sent the car to the hotel. Observe the entrances and exits of the town, the police station and other buildings.

In the hotel at the moment, Wen Yuxiu and others also had simple meals. Old players and newcomers sat on different tables clearly. Li Hanshi and Du Wan also sat among the classmates. The next table was a few. Middle-aged people with no characteristics and almost no presence.

"Li Hanshi and Du Wan, aren't you two holding the captain's thighs tightly? How come you are among the sullen people?" a boy sneered.

"Du Feng, what do you mean?" Li Hanshi's face changed, and he was about to attack.

"Don't be excited, speak slowly." Du Wan quickly grabbed him, and then turned to Du Feng: "Du Feng, we didn't treat you like that. Don't talk about guns and sticks, everyone is for life. Going on is just a different way, why bother?"

"Du Wan is right."

Another boy said that this man was called Liu Xueqian, and he was an active element when he was in school. When he opened his mouth, several others looked at him, "Everyone’s goals are the same, especially if we are classmates, we should not be born. Minute."

He gave a slight pause and whispered: "Li Hanshi and Du Wan, if we are in danger, will you help us?"

"Of course." Li Hanshi just wanted to open his mouth, and Du Wan said anxiously. Li Hanshi glanced at her and said nothing more.

"We'd better go out and talk." Liu Xuelian whispered.

"It's so late, let's go back to the room and rest." Li Hanshi frowned.

"Not bad this time."

Liu Xueqian said: "Everyone goes out to breathe and come back to sleep again. Anyway, just after eliminating a wave of machine killers, I won't come back so soon."

Several people got up and came outside the hotel. At this time, although it was getting dark, the nightlife of the town was just beginning. Especially in the town square, many people were walking. Five people came to sit on an unmanned bench on the square and Liu Xueqian looked After sweeping around and confirming that no one paid attention to the film, he whispered, "Do you know where the five people led by the man named Wei Zi went a few days ago?"

"I heard that they are out of the team and want to complete the survival mission by themselves." Du Feng said.

"They are all soldiers. The combat effectiveness is much higher than ours, and what is the situation of them now, it is difficult to say." Du Wan said.

"Don't be scared by those people."

A disdainful look on Liu Xueqian's face: "Of course those old players will not tell the truth. They keep us to be the fodder for us at the critical moment. Li Hanshi and Du Wan. Don't look at how they look better to you now. Because you are obedient, at most save your life for a while. You will definitely give up when you should give up."

"Liu Xueqian, everyone's life has the value of existence, but when we have to abandon, as long as it is meaningful, valuable, and not sacrificed without dignity, then I have nothing to regret." Li Hanshi said in a positive way.

"Oh! What a noble word! The captain is not here. It doesn't matter how loud your voice is," Du Feng said sarcastically.

"At least not as dark as you think."

Li Hanshi gave him a cold look: "If there is no help, you will be dead on the street now."

"What did you say?" Du Feng said angrily.

"Don't be noisy. Everyone is a classmate, don't you need to do this?"

Upon seeing this, Du Wan hurriedly stopped, and she turned to Liu Xueqian: "Don't you tell us to come out and talk? Hurry up!"

"What's the matter?" Li Hanshi asked, turning his head.

"Well, it looks like this."

Suddenly, Liu Xueqian felt a little difficult to say: "Did we seize a lot of weapons in the first few battles? Those machine killer weapons are very powerful, we... we can ask them to share the weapons with us and wait for the armed After that, we can get a car to run like Wei Zi, or we can go to the FBI to cooperate with them, believing that they will also protect us, we can apply for asylum."

"Liu Xueqian, your novels are poisoned!"

Li Hanshi said bluntly: "Have you ever fired a gun? With the recoil of those guns, how many guns do you think you can shoot? If you change a more powerful gun, you may not even hold the gun. And even you You can shoot smoothly, don’t you think you have the ability to face those machine killers? Don’t forget that their goal is us.”

"You can go to the federal to apply for protection." Du Feng said weakly.

"Do you have a brain?"

Li Hanshi glanced at him helplessly: "Can you explain the reason why you are here? What do you mean by the devil's trial? Tell you that no matter what the truth is, the truth can only be reduced to the end of the mouse, Sarah is Your lesson, she is still an American citizen!"

"Can we go to the embassy, ​​even if we smuggle in, we will recognize it." Another girl named Mei Xue said.

"Mexue, where are we going to find the embassy? After we find it, can the embassy's people protect us?" Du Wan also understood a little bit at this time...what's going on for the whole day?

She turned to Liu Xueqian and said: "Liu Xueqian, I don't know what you want to fight for, but to survive is the ultimate need. All we have to do is follow their steps as much as possible and fight for the chance to survive."

"But do you know? I heard that Hu Jianjian said that the last time they had four new people survived, the mortality rate was very high!"

"Those old team members are not saviors. We can only be helped by self-help. Don't use the eyes of the past when we were in school to measure what is happening now. Liu Xueqian, wake up!" Li Hanshi was too lazy to say anything, and stood up: "Du Wan, When we go back, we always feel that it is gloomy outside."

After talking, the two got up and went back to the hotel.

"Xueqian, what shall we do?" Du Feng asked cautiously.

"Cold salad!"

Liu Xueqian gritted his teeth and got up and left. His proposal today was not his real idea, but wanted to pull some new people to discuss the conditions with the old players. From the beginning to the end, he wanted to persuade Li Hanshi and Du Wan, but apart from Du Wan's slight sway, Li Hanshi was not moved at all. Now there are only five of them in college. If these two people do not support it, then Du Feng And Mei Xue is of little use, as for those middle-aged people who have no sense of existence...He doesn't even consider it.

After a hard day, everyone was a little sleepy, and they all returned to their rooms. Xiao Yuxin spent a lot of mental energy the day before to make golems. After fighting again today, he also felt a little tired. He returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the bed to meditate. .

"This is... the magic of the East?" Sara asked.

"It's just a way to keep in good health and rest, do you also understand the Eastern Kung Fu?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"I heard that when I was a boy, I took him through many places. I have been to India as far away as possible. The monks there have a similar posture to meditate with you, but they have made various strange gestures on their hands." Sarah Said.

"That's called the seal. They think they can communicate with the energy of the world through all kinds of seals." Xiao Yuxin explained with a smile.

"Yeah, it's really amazing. I once saw a monk who was three feet away from the ground." Sarah made an exaggerated gesture.

Xiao Yuxin laughed.

"Okay, don't delay your practice." Sara waved her hand and slept with John.

Mr. T naturally wanted to stand outside. Liu Xueqian planned to invite him to his room, but Mr. T did not respond to him at all, saying that he could only leave in a hurry after a long time.

At more than three o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yuxin opened his eyes, and Mr. T stood in front of him, looking straight at her.

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yuxin suddenly became nervous. She remembered that the other party was a robot after all, no matter how it evolved, it was a program, in case of a virus or something... She suddenly fought a cold war and prepared to prepare for the battle.

"I feel an abnormal magnetic field response." Mr. T said.

Abnormal magnetic field response?

Xiao Yuxin was startled, and immediately reacted: "Are you saying that there must be a machine killer to send?"

"Basically certain, but I don't know what the teleport is."

Of course it is a machine killer!

Xiao Yuxin immediately awakened all the team members, "Everyone is ready to fight, there may be another machine killer to send!"

"God! Did you make a mistake? We only killed a team this morning, and now we are coming again?" Xia Xinwen shouted.

"I don't know if God made a mistake. Anyway, we made a mistake. Now we leave this town immediately."

The hotel service staff in the town is not as dedicated and dedicated as the service staff of star-rated hotels. Xiao Yuxin came down all the way and didn't even see a service. When they came to the front desk, a male waiter lay there and dozed off. Hear them down.

"Hey, are you still planning to say goodbye to him?" Wu Ziniu grabbed Liu Xueqian who was about to walk past.

At this time, the people in the town are sleeping fast~www.readwn.com~Xiao Yuxin and others immediately boarded the car and drove down the street along the street...At this time, the moonlight was blocked by the dark clouds in the sky, and the electric light was in the dark clouds Blinking, from time to time, small fragments of light hit the ground and trees along the road, and two station wagons drove out of the town along the street...


The station wagon driving in front suddenly seemed to hit something and could not drive forward. In any case, increase the throttle, as if it was stuck.

"What does this mean?"

Wu Ziniu said in surprise: "Is it the legendary ghost hitting the wall?"

"Brother Niu, what happened?"

The second car also drove next to it, Wen Yuxiu asked.

"I don't know." Wu Ziniu jumped from the car and came to the car to patrol the front, back, left, and right: "Strange, there is nothing!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () Voting recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)


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