Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 438 Hotel Defense (Part 2)

In a rumbling explosion, more than a dozen robot soldiers rushed to the front were blown down. Although the alloy armor of these soldiers was thick, their power was not small under the concentrated attack of dozens of high-explosive grenades. Gu, when the second batch of grenades exploded, the robot soldiers on the ground that had been blown down had basically declared death. Most of them were destroyed by the energy transmission line, causing death.

   "How much is the distance from the remote control bomb"

   "Approximately forty steps to detonate"

   The remote-controlled bomb located outside the gate exploded. This bomb was obtained from the arms store. According to the introduction above, it is able to blast the world's most advanced heavy tank into a pile of scrap iron.

   How powerful the most advanced tanks are, Mengmeng is not clear, but she has enough knowledge about the armor of these machine soldiers. The explosion of the remote-controlled bomb shook the whole building and shook it. The stumps of dozens of robot soldiers were thrown up, and some of them even fell on people.

   "It's too fierce to rely on this bomb"

  Wu Ziniu spit into the sand splashed in his mouth and asked again, "Lao Hu, you have also put some in the lobby below, can you blow up this restaurant"

"It depends on our luck," Hu Jianjian shrugged. "How can I know that the remote control bombs have such great power? But I did not place them near the load-bearing wall. As long as these projects do not cut corners, there will be no big problem."

   "Yu Xiu, let's divide into two groups. After the bombs in the lobby and elevator explode, you will immediately take someone to the third floor to sniper. I will take the person on the top of the building to prevent being shot." Xiao Yuxin said.

   "OK." Wen Yuxiu thought for a moment, and ordered the first batch of training to join the sniper team Wu Ziniu, Hu Zijian, Lin Fangyuan, Guo Ziyuan, Min Qingshan, He Shaoqiang, Zheng Xiuzhen.

   "It's these people. The others are keeping upstairs, I always feel curious and troublesome." Wen Yuxiu said.

   When speaking. Xiao Yuxin's mental strength has also been paying attention to the following situation. After the first part of the remote control bomb attack, only six or seven robot warriors remain, these guys have entered the hotel lobby.

   "Yu Xiu, it's not worth using remote control bombs for these people. You should take them down now, and I will notify you when you need to detonate the remote control bomb." Xiao Yuxin ordered.


   Wen Yuxiu waved to Wu Ziniu and others: "Go, let's go now"

   and others hurriedly left the roof and walked down. Not long afterwards, there were bursts of gunfire below, and Xiao Yuxin knew that it was Wen Yuxiu and the robot soldiers who had gotten in fire. The sound should be on the second floor. This distance does not work.

  She had just informed Wen Yuxiu that she had evacuated to the third floor, and heard that a series of dull thunders were ringing in the clouds, and a series of lightning bolts split from the clouds again. When these lightning bolts hit the ground, huge black spheres appeared.

   "Oh, so many black balls, my damn"

  Xiao Yuxin looked back and saw that a huge black sphere also appeared in the middle of the top floor, and the surrounding arc crackled and burst into the surroundings.

   Black ball outside. The arc crackled and cracked, when the arc's sound was getting smaller. After the arcs disappeared one after another, the huge black ball began to dissipate gradually, revealing the vague figure inside.

Da da da

  Xiao Yuxin

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Lifting the gun gave them a shuttle, but when the bullet hit them in front of them, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible force and flew off the ground one after another.

  Is this protection?

  Xiao Yuxin frowned slightly, her eyes flashed and greeted: "Mo Lou."

She took out her longbow and made a gesture to Mo Lou and others. Mo Lou and others took out the cold weapons and no longer did useless work. The images of the machine soldiers who came to the black ball gradually became clear, right here At the same time, the attacks of Xiao Yuxin and others also arrived at several light vectors in time. In a rumble of explosions, several robot soldiers on the outermost side fell to the ground, and the glory in the electronic eyes had lost.


  Chen Ke shouted, and his long sword drew a dazzling sword light.


The long sword cut through the necks of the three robot soldiers, cutting off their energy transmission lines. The three heads rolled down loudly on the ground. Mo Hongxia, Ya Min and others rushed up one by one. In a moment, more than ten robot soldiers were killed by them as if they were chopping melons and vegetables.

  Five college students were obviously at a loss at this time. They could not help at this distance, even Li Hanshi and Du Wan were no exception.

"I'll go down and look at the other people." Liu Xueqian greeted Du Feng and others and wanted to go to the fifth floor together, but besides Du Feng's response, Mei Xue also hesitated for a while and stood beside Du Wan , Would not go anywhere.

   "You 嗐"

  Liu Xueqian was helpless, stomped, and led Du Feng to the building.

  Small dirty among several college students seems to Xiao Yuxin not really a big deal. Her attention is now focused on the outside of the hotel. Nearly a hundred robot soldiers have begun to gather towards the hotel, and some black spheres have just appeared.

The military qualities of the robot soldiers are very high, and their movements are very fast. They shoot while running, and the bullets fly over the heads of Xiao Yuxin and others. Although they have no hit rate, they also suppress them and affect their attack.

   "Rain repair, withdraw immediately, give you a minute, I'm about to detonate."

  Xiao Yuxin's probe glanced down. The robot soldiers rushing to the front had already entered the hotel lobby. She quickly notified Wen Yuxiu and others to evacuate upstairs.

   However, she underestimated the robot soldiers. These soldiers did not immediately enter the hotel lobby, but searched in groups of two.

  Xiao Yuxin turned to look at the man next to him: "Mr. T, can robot soldiers also evolve?"

   "Evolution" Mr. T thought about the meaning of the word on his head.

  Xiao Yuxin thought for a while and said, "Can you become stronger and smarter?"

He seems to understand the meaning of Xiao Yuxin, saying: "All robots are equipped with learning computers. The longer they exist, the more they contact with humans, the more they learn, and the things we learn can be realized. shared."

  Realize sharing

  Xiao Yuxin's eyes flickered, and he was about to continue to ask, when the downstairs suddenly remembered the fierce gunfire and grenade explosion.

   "is five floors"

  Xiao Yuxin and Xiao Chunan's eyes met together, and both of them judged where the gunshot went, and their faces suddenly changed.

   "I'll check it out."

   Xiao Chunan jumped up suddenly, "Yuan Zi, Sister Xia, Sister Ke, Yun

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Sister, come with me"

Liu Xueqian took Du Feng back, originally to find an excuse to avoid the most fierce battle. In his opinion, Xiao Yuxin and Wen Yuxiu blocked the two ends, and the chance of the robot soldiers rushing up was minimal, but it was in them. When we were about to return to the room, a black sphere suddenly appeared in the hallway in front, and immediately, the figure of six or seven robot soldiers gradually became clear.

   "fast forward to the room"

Liu Xueqian shouted and pushed the door of the room where they lived. He knew that the other newcomers were here, and the power of resistance was also large. He didn't want to face Du Feng and himself, and as long as he insisted for a while, Xiao Yuxin They must have come to the rescue when they heard the gunshots.

   "Who" came a trembling voice.

   "It's me, Liu Xueqian." Liu Xueqian put his voice down as gently as possible, and the sound of slow footsteps sounded inside.

   "Hurry up, the robot will soon catch up," Du Feng urged.


  Liu Xueqian is so angry, those inside are all cowardly little guys, how can they come again to open the door if you urge them.

   Sure enough, Du Feng's voice did not fall, and the footsteps inside stopped.

"You stupid"

  Liu Xueqian scolded angrily, turned and ran away.

  Du Feng is a little puzzled: "Xueqian, where are you waiting for me"

   He didn't finish his words. A burst of gunshots had ended his voice.

Liu Xueqian didn't look back. He knew that Du Feng was over. While he was running, he threw a grenade loudly behind his back~www.readwn.com~Liu Xueqian only felt his ears buzzing. A huge force hit his back and threw himself forward.


Although the chest was so irritated that he had to vomit blood, when he saw the stairs leading to the top floor, Liu Xueqian couldn't take care of that much. He stood up and rolled up, and just stepped on the stairs, he heard a sound of broken air in his ears , Then the head seemed to be hit hard by something, the eyes were suddenly dark, and there seemed to be a few figures in his eyes.

"help me"

   He murmured two words and fell heavily.

  When Xiao Chunan rushed into the corridor, he saw Liu Xueqian's head exploded with bullets like a sound made when a watermelon was broken, and with a puff, the brains and blood splattered.

   "Go to die"

   Several people were in a shape, and the thunderbolt in their hands violently fired. Almost at the same time they fired, the robot soldiers behind them also remembered the violent gunshots. Under the two sides, the robot soldiers who invaded the fifth floor fell.


  Several loud noises followed one after another, and the whole building shook violently. Xiao Chunan and others also stood unsteady and lay prone on the ground, shaking for a while before calming down.

   "Fortunately, this building hasn't collapsed. If you bury yourself in it, it's called self-serving."

  Wen Yuxiu first jumped up and slapped the dust on his body. Others also got up from the ground, and they were all very lucky.

   A burst of rapid footsteps sounded, and Xiao Yuxin hurriedly rushed down: "Everyone is okay to leave here". The collection and collation are to be continued, and the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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