"This, this is a C-class sucking corpse, Xin Xin." Ke Yan said nervously.

"Relax, it's just a little faster. It's okay to be careful of its tongue." Xiao Yuxin reassured, staring closely at the sucking corpse.

This is not the first time she saw this kind of marrow corpse. When she returned from Zhangjiagang refugee camp, she encountered this kind of zombie at a gas station. At that time, she did not take this kind of zombie seriously. Now Even more disrespectful, but Ke Yan next to her made her bother.

Bringing an ordinary person around is undoubtedly adding a burden to yourself, but Xiao Yuxin’s purpose is to bring out a seedling. Although Ke Yan has not accepted the inheritance of the **** chooser, nor is it a warrior, but her fighting instinct is very Yes, there is development potential, and Xiao Yuxin is confident to protect Ke Yan.

The zombies around continued to approach. Although the lack of food caused their evolution to be very slow, the vast majority of them were almost the same as the normal people's ability to move, and they were close to tens of meters in a moment.

The sucking corpse didn't know whether he was hesitating or waiting for other zombies to attack it. It was in trouble, squatting there and staring at them with a pair of blood pupils in the forest.

Xiao Yuxin raised his eyebrows, and quickly took out four feather arrows in his right hand to catch the bowstring. ‘Boom~’, the four feather arrows made a neat sound like the four light green streamers shot into the approaching zombies.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four explosions suddenly sounded, and countless residual limbs were thrown around by the shock wave generated by the explosion. Xiao Yuxin pulled Ke Yan and backed out a few steps... At this time, her eyes suddenly flashed a red light, followed by listening There was an extremely slight voice to "chi"

"Sure enough!"

Xiao Yuxin smiled coldly, all she wanted was this effect... With a slight effort on her hand, Ke Yan stepped back a few steps and was between the two golems. And Xiao Yuxin's figure turned quickly.

Eye of insight!

A silver light flashed in her eyes, and the fluttering sucking corpse suddenly became very clear in her eyes, and even the tubular tongue became clearly visible. She even reached out to grab it.


She stood her bow upright, gently stroking the string, and hummed softly. The tubular tongue of the sucking corpse was immediately cut by the bowstring.

Although this strange tongue is not thick, the painful nerves of the C-class zombies have gradually recovered. And this tongue is undoubtedly the most important and most sensitive to it, and even if there is a strange cry, it will run away.

The zombies that Xiao Yuxin remembered seemed to be fighting in the end. It was the first time that she turned around to run, but her series of actions were done in one go, just to kill this sucking corpse. If you let it run, it would be a joke... In a flash. Xiao Yuxin appeared behind the sucking corpse, and his right fist hit him hard.


The sucking corpse shouted, and his body was smashed and flew out... but then he stood up and rolled up, kicking the ground with his feet, as if he were about to rise up.

But at this moment, the sound of "Bang" was muffled, and the body of the sucking corpse exploded like a stomped balloon. The flesh and blood were flying, and the pretence of death was miserable. Fortunately, Xiao Yuxin had expected this. A scene. After hitting the target, a sacred light was released, and the two men and one cat were covered with a shield, and the pieces of flesh and blood were cracked on the shield. They did not splash on them.

Yin Thunder Fist.

——With the strength of Xiao Yuxin at this time, even a creature of B-level strength can't stand a punch with her, not to mention the sucking corpse of her strength that is still inferior to her?

After avoiding the splattered flesh and blood, the black cat rushed out, and rushed back in the next moment, with a huge magic crystal in his mouth... The quality is still the volume, which must exceed the D-class magic crystal.

"It's a matter of you." Xiao Yuxin put away the magic crystal, and without any hesitation, he pulled out four feather arrows from the shell of the arrow, took a string, opened a bow, and shot... in one go, the heads of the four zombies were immediately nailed Four feather arrows.

"Dark Enchantment!"

As Xiao Yuxin groaned, the light in a range of more than 100 meters immediately became dark as if swallowed by a huge black hole... Zombies relied heavily on smell and hearing. After entering the dark enchantment, their The sense of smell and hearing were immediately greatly weakened, and suddenly became a little dazed.

"Ke Yan, start your performance."

Xiao Yuxin chuckled, and a branch of arrows flew out of the string one after another, shooting those zombies' foreheads, and a large piece had been poured in the blink of an eye.

"What an amazing speed!"

Ke Yan was surprised at Xiao Yuxin's archery speed, but she refused to be underestimated by Xiao Yuxin and took out a bayonet. Her body flickered among the zombies like a fairy wandering among the flowers. When the zombies found out, the flash of sword light had penetrated their foreheads.

"Good, not lazy!"

Xiao Yuxin was observing Ke Yan while shooting the zombies. She was also quite satisfied with her body style and swordsmanship. She could see that she had done a lot of hard work.

The zombies that stepped into the dark enchantment were quickly killed by the two. The two golems were basically hands-free, but the most tired one was the black cat. It used claws to cut the heads of the zombies out and took it out of it. The magic crystal... I don’t know how much this guy has embezzled in secret, anyway, the number of zombies killed by Xiao Yuxin is absolutely not in his hands.

However, the D-class zombies already have a certain thinking ability. After the large group of zombies entered the darkness that seemed to be able to devour everything, they also hesitated. Later, a large number of zombies walked on the edge, but they refused to enter the knot. World.

"Sister Xin, what should I do now?"

Ke Yan is killing now. He has taken part in the killing of mutants with the martial arts students a few times. There is absolutely no fun this time.

"Hushan will come if you don't come."

Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly: "Let's kill."

There are points and experience for killing these zombies. Although the rewards and experience of creatures below the C level are few, they can be accumulated, and it is still profitable. Moreover, those magic crystals are real, Xiao Yuxin is basically The above is that as long as you see these mutant creatures, there will be no amnesty.

The two golems began to exert force, striding the meteor out of the enchantment, and the tomahawk flashed. The head of a zombie was cut off in half, the body has not fallen, and the zombie on the other side has been cut off and flicked.

Although it has evolved. However, some characteristics of these zombies still exist. They will only die if their heads are destroyed or cut off, and other places are not useful if they are hit hard. And the nervous system of the D-class zombies is far less comprehensive than the recovery of the C-class zombies, although there are feelings of pain. But it is relatively dull.

The two golems were like two human-shaped meat grinders. Wherever the battle axe Hanguang went, it was a scene of flesh and blood flying immediately. Ke Yan followed behind to pick up the leaks, those who were injured and died under the battle axe The zombies were supplemented by her one by one, and from time to time they would rush out under the guard of the golem to attack the zombies, and gradually mastered the timing.

Xiao Yuxin followed firmly. The arrows shot by the longbow flew out like the scattered flowers of the celestial girl... As her strength increased, although the Qing Emperor Feng Tianjue was still hovering before the bottleneck, the power of this weapon was becoming more and more effective. An arrow came out of her head, especially after she exhibited the renju arrow technique, all the zombies who entered the 20-meter range around them collapsed, none of them could be approached, and the black cat continued its great cause of corruption ......This guy is absolutely greedy for Mojing. If Xiao Yuxin didn't give a stern warning, this guy is probably all greedy.

In an instant. They also rushed out of the dark enchantment, and Xiao Yuxin directed the two golems into a small supermarket. She ordered one golem to stay at the door, the other went to the shop with Ke Yan, and she looked for goods that had not deteriorated or were not contaminated on the shelves...similar to some instant noodles, canned food, spices, etc. of. There are also daily necessities, including soap, toilet water, toothpaste and toothbrush.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. Although the Green Mountain Base also tried to produce some things, most of the daily necessities are impossible to produce under the current conditions, so one of the main purposes she came out this time was to collect these Daily necessities.

There are no zombies in the supermarket. In the noise just now, the zombies inside had already ran out, but there were a lot of zombies coming out of the door, but they were firmly guarded by the golem. The two battle axes were like windmills. Of all the zombies approaching, no one is intact, but there are also a few zombies who rushed to the golem and hugged it to bite, but this hand does not work for them. Those people are very realistic on the skin, but Will not pass the virus to the golem... In the next moment, the heads of these zombies have been cut off, I am afraid they are just about to die, and they don’t understand why these golems are so calm.

"Okay, let's withdraw!"

Xiao Yuxin quickly walked around, as long as the remaining materials were not damaged, they were all collected into the storage bracelet... The door can not go, although the killing can get a lot of points and experience, but she absolutely does not want Put yourself in danger.


The golem in the store lifted a battle axe and slashed it against the wall, only to hear a loud noise, the wall broke a big hole, the golem went out as soon as he bent down, and Xiao Yuxin, Ke Yan and the black cat also followed Going out, after slashing two axes, the golem guarding the front door turned and followed. When the pedestrian was walking behind the supermarket, he didn't encounter a zombie, and he dared to feel that the zombies had all arrived at the street in front.

Crossed six or seven streets~www.readwn.com~ Ke Yan exclaimed suddenly: "Sister Xin, look at the rooftop!"

Xiao Yuxin raised his head and found that on the roof of a commercial building in front, half of the body of a young man was found, waving a bright red T-shirt to them.

Introduction of "Yuxiang" (new book upload):

Legend has it that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grass and flowers blooming,

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died,

His name is Jumang...

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland!

A beautiful myth begins here... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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