"Go, let's go out and help them!"

After glancing out the window, Hu Jun seemed to have the courage to possess himself, and took the gun and went downstairs.

Ma Hui took a sip of disdain, but said nothing more, and ran down with a gun with another girl.

Xiao Yuxin fought while searching the situation of the entire village. In this village, there are no advanced evolution zombies, but there are many mutant dogs. However, the zombies and mutant dogs here seem to be very well divided into the village east and the village west. At this time, although the mutant dogs were alarmed, they did not rush in, but were anxiously in the village west. Pacing on the street.

"Did the mutant dogs evolve higher intelligence than zombies?" she thought secretly...Although it was a bit unbelievable, it was not impossible.

When zombies evolved, their brains were actually killed by viruses, so the evolution process was very slow, and most mutant organisms did not have brain death when they mutated... That is, they were not changed It evolved only after the existence of a zombie, similar to the black cat, Tibetan mastiff, and mutants around Xiao Yuxin. They are all like this, and after mutation, as long as there is a suitable chance, they may still be compared with humans. Friendly relationship.

The door opened with a creak, and a man and two women rushed out of the house. Their shooting was very rhythmic. They could see that they were saving bullets. At this time, there were not many zombies around. Xiao Yuxin saw that the people inside had already rushed Going out, he ordered Bi Hongfeng and Ke Yan to take them outside the village and walked towards the west of the village.

"Sister Xin, what are you doing?" Ke Yan asked.

"I'll go to the west of the village."

Xiao Yuxin did not go to the mutant dogs, but instead saw a warehouse full of food and a small arsenal in the west of the village. It is estimated that it was the armed forces or the militia.

Judging from the architecture of the village. Before the catastrophe in this village, it should have been very wealthy. The grain depot should be a warehouse of a grain processing plant, although a lot of grain was eaten by rats. But most of the food is still preserved.

Xiao Yuxin showed off the surroundings while performing the "Shen Zhao Jue" while walking towards the grain processing factory along the street. As soon as I stepped into the west of the village, the mutant dogs approached her with a staring eye... These mutant dogs were the housekeeping dogs fed in the village at the earliest. But after the mutation, the appearance is already very different. Not only did the skeleton become bigger, but also the coat color was shiny and shiny, and the eyes were slightly reddish, one after another, it was also very good and intimidating.

Six months ago, these local dogs barked at people in the distance, and with a slight movement, they could let them slip away with their tails in between. And now the eyes are squinting round, I am afraid there is a tiger in front of them, they will also pounce without hesitation.

A mutant dog suddenly launched a tentative attack and rushed to Xiao Yuxin without a word. The smell of the smell made her frown for a while and quickly put on her mask.


Before waiting for it to approach Xiao Yuxin, a shadow hit the sky and slammed the mutated dog to the heel. Then he saw a leopard-sized black cat rush on the mutated dog and waved his claws sharply. Cut off its throat... a burst of blood blasted out. The mutant dog whimpered and twitched his limbs, breaking his breath.

"Good job, Black Whirlwind."

Xiao Yuxin loudly praised the black cat, and quickly took the arrow with his right hand... The **** smell greatly stimulated the mutant dogs, and the front few screamed and threw at her.


Four green streamers flew out at the same time. The sound they make through the air seems to be only one sound, which is very deceptive to creatures that judge the enemy's situation by hearing.


The four mutated dogs fell to the ground, with feathers and arrows trembling slightly from their heads, and blood flowed gurglingly... However, this not only caused no panic among other mutated dogs, but made them more bloodthirsty and violent, and there were more than a dozen The head mutant dog flew up, Xiao Yuxin shot feather arrows very calmly, and shot them one by one, and the black cat began to dissect the magic crystal together. This guy is now a skilled worker, extremely skilled, no wonder all greet his head.

More than 20 mutant dogs died one after another. Xiao Yuxin took a long bow and turned into a courtyard, glanced around, and walked straight to the two-story building in the courtyard. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. When she searched, she found that there was some food in the kitchen downstairs. Don't do nothing, these things can save lives.

Just like a familiar door and a familiar road, Xiao Yuxin went straight into the kitchen, and then pulled four bags of 50-pound rice from a small cabinet. The rice was kept very well, and none of them was unopened.

She did not hesitate to put four bags of rice into the storage space, and opened a wine cabinet next to it, and collected all the ten or more bottles of high-grade wine in it before turning around and leaving.

Just out of the door, a dark shadow swooped from the side, and a sharp bite of fangs bit down toward Xiao Yuxin's neck.


Although it was a little unexpected, Xiao Yuxin was the **** who was repeatedly strengthened after all. Only the evolution of nerve reaction speed has made her reaction speed much faster than ordinary people... Just when the dark shadow rushed to the front, it Suddenly found that the human in front of him suddenly disappeared.

What is the situation?

The black shadow is a mutant dog. When it hits empty, it will stagnate slightly. At this moment, Xiao Yuxin's long bow in his right hand waved sharply, brushing the neck of the mutant dog, and a huge dog head immediately flew up.

Xiao Yuxin did not dare to be indifferent. When the long bow was swung out, the figure had already rushed out of the courtyard. Two mutant dogs suddenly ran into each other. Xiao Yuxin's face tightened, and the left palm split a note, hitting the mutant dog. You have to say it all the way.

Xiao Yuxin didn't notice the state at all. The bow of his right finger pointed out, and the sound of'poo' was like a slaughter. The long bow suddenly wore the forehead of the mutated dog...She was in constant shape~www. readwn.com~ followed immediately forward, his right foot stepped **** the head of the mutant dog.



With a bitter sound of broken bones, the mutant dog whimpered and died....

Outside the village, Cen Changfeng and others were armed with arms, looking around the village with vigilance... As the gunshots became thinner, they found a group of people rushing out of the village while shooting backwards. The zombie is chasing behind.

"They are Ke Yan," Huang Shengyun shouted.

"It's them... Hey, where did Xiao Yuxin go?" Zeng Zhijun said in surprise.


It is too late to send a two thousand word today. ! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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