Doomsday Phoenix 478_ The 470th () is not far from the center of the camp, there is a high-end office building remodeled hotel, although the materials in the last days are scarce, but for some people, they get some good things and It’s not difficult, and the people who can enjoy in this hotel are not ordinary people, either the expensive in the camp, or the mercenaries, the general rudder of the money gang is located on the 14th floor. ╔╗*Very literary*~

"Du Ge!"

A younger brother watching adult action movies suddenly found that someone was pulling his head behind him, and then suddenly turned his head to open his mouth to scold, but after seeing the person in front of him, his anger immediately turned into a smile.

"Brother?" Du Lei asked blankly.

"In a meeting in the conference room, I just said that when you come back, please go over immediately." The little brother said flatly.

Du Lei didn't speak again, and turned to walk towards the conference room.

He came to the door where the meeting room was written, raised his hand and knocked twice. He heard a "roll in" coming from inside, and then he pushed in.

In the conference room, apart from Qian Fei, there were five people, all senior leaders of the money gang. ╔╗

"Lei Zi, come over and sit down, what's the matter?" Qian Fei saw Du Lei came in and waved to him.

Du Lei glanced dumbly at everyone, and stepped up to Qian Fei, reaching for something in his pocket, and then rushed to Qian Fei's ear and whispered, "Brother, someone asked me to give you a word."

"What's the matter?"

Qian Fei turned his head and was seeing Du Lei's bloodshot eyes: "Lei Zi... what's going on? How are you... uh!"

"Unjust is doomed to destruction!"

Du Lei didn't finish his speech. His hands were suddenly stuck in Qian Fei's stomach. His ability was activated instantly, his body was armored, and then his hands were twisted violently, only to hear a click. Qian Fei's head turned strangely 360 degrees. From then on, he could be used as a universal joint, and blood slowly flowed out of his mouth. The eyes that had gradually lost their luster still stared at Du Lei.

"Du Ge, this..."

"Du Lei, are you crazy?!"

"Kill him. Revenge for the boss!"

Several senior leaders immediately swarmed up, and two of them turned out to be awakening soldiers. ╔╗ Showed their abilities one after another, rushed to Du Lei, Du Lei didn't argue at all, and rushed up with a roar, the battle quickly spread outside the meeting, those little bosses didn't know what was going on, until someone saw the money Flying body. It was suddenly realized that Du Lei also attacked Du Lei... wonderfully, among these little bosses, there were people who supported Du Lei. The battle soon evolved into a civil war of the money gang. The hotel manager took a look In this case, I had to inform the police and the army who maintained the camp procedures to stop the riot. .

"The dog bites the dog's mouth, let me balance their strength."

Xiao Yuxin stood on a building diagonally opposite, observing the situation on that floor with interest, and was very satisfied with the progress of things. But later, she found that Du Lei's situation was not so good. Shi Kai was likely to collapse at any time under the attack of two awakening warrior opponents, so she decided to reach out and intervene. She thought about it for a moment, and reached for the Gaussian sniper rifle and placed it on the window sill.

"Let me see... this is it!"

Xiao Yuxin smiled coldly and pulled the trigger... The bullet flew out quietly. At the next moment, a bullet hole appeared on the opposite window glass. The body of an awakening soldier who was attacking Du Lei suddenly froze, blood running through The wound on the forehead squirted, and the body collapsed.

"There is a sniper!" someone shouted in panic. ╔╗

Obviously, the sniper was with Du Lei, which was obviously very unfavorable to Qian Fei's confidante. Just when these people were in a state of confusion, Du Lei was so fierce that he killed two senior leaders. The awakening warrior who was against him was suddenly flustered and shouted: "Du Lei, you colluded with outsiders to subvert the gang, and now kill the brothers in the gang, what do you want to do?"

Du Leiken answered, now he only remembers Xiao Yuxin's order... kill all the leaders of the money gang.

"Du Ge, Qian Fei is dead, the money gang is still there. Starting today, the brothers treat you as the eldest brother and reorganize the money gang.~" The awakening soldier looked around and found that there was little left in the heart of Qian Fei. As soon as I moved, I immediately said something completely different from the previous sentence.

These words seemed quite useful, but Du Lei suddenly stopped and turned to another person.


There was a moment of luck in this leader's heart. As soon as he relaxed, he felt a shock in his back, and something sharp penetrated his front...shot! He wanted to open his mouth and asked Du Lei why he was not talking, but he was surprised to see Du Lei punched a loyal heart to his head.

"He, he's crazy!"

The leader flashed a thought in his heart, and then he fell black before his eyes. ╔╗


Du Lei punched the head of the last little boss, his eyes seemed a little confused, he walked outside the door... five minutes later, he came to the hotel door.

The door has been surrounded by police and troops who heard the news. The irrelevant personnel have been expelled. When seeing Du Lei who was stained all over the body, everyone subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand.

"Du Lei, immediately release the ability, as long as you cooperate with the police to find out the truth, the police will return you innocent." A policeman shouted holding a microphone.

The people around me who watched the noise immediately made a lot of noise... These words are too ambiguous. To put it plainly is to remind the other party not to use force to resist, so as to prevent the situation from being controlled, and to ensure that the other party is okay. Even the officers of those troops There was a look of contempt on the ground, but the other party was the commander of all the police in this camp, and they were not easy to say anything.

It seems that the promise of the megaphone played a role. Du Lei relieved his ability and raised his hands in the direction of the policemen... The megaphone was the chief of the police, with a smile on his face, he yelled to the two policemen next to him Boom, the two immediately greeted him with an understanding, one of them took the handcuffs out of his waist and came to Du Lei and just raised the handcuffs...

"Go to hell!"

Du Lei suddenly broke out, and his ability was suddenly activated. His body was immediately covered with a layer of stone armor, and his fists were left and right. Two sounds of ‘poo, poo’ threw the two policemen into a brainstorm. ╔╗

"Crazy man, shoot! Kill him!" The secretary, who was originally full of smiles, was flabbergasted and ordered to drill into the car.


The gunshots shook immediately in front of the hotel, and the smoke was filled. Du Lei reached out and pulled the two corpses in front of him, strode towards the director...The firearms used by these policemen and soldiers were all fired armor-piercing shells, stone armor There have been more than a dozen bullet holes, and blood ran out of it, but as if he didn't realize it, he rushed towards the car and dragged the director out.

"Du Lei, don't come here!" the director shouted calmly.

"Why didn't you tell us not to come here when you took the bribe from Qian Fei and me? When you got tired of playing with women and sent them out as hogs, why didn't you tell us not to come here?"

Du Lei grinned, revealing a greasy smile: "Today, I will be the last one to come!"

After he finished speaking, he clasped the other person's head with his hands and slammed hard... ‘click’ sound, the head of the director immediately turned to the rear, Du Lei threw his body out, and the police were in chaos.

Not only did the police mess up, but also the crowd around them...the word "hog" was not hygienic, they just whispered to each other secretly. Some people in the camp often disappeared inexplicably, but no clues were found. Not only is the money gang involved in these issues, but I am afraid that even the police chief can’t get rid of the relationship. The crowds are very angry and the scene is a bit out of control.


The officer in charge led the order without hesitation. The gunshots froze, and a smoky smoke drowned Du Lei's body. In the haze, his body slammed down to the ground.

"Oh, it's a tumour." In the distance, Xiao Yuxin sneered and put away the Gaussian sniper rifle, quietly went downstairs and merged into the flow of people on the streets outside.

"What? The money gang was pulled out?" Cen Changfeng, who had just taken a hot bath, stood up in shock.


He Tianbao nodded: "It is said that Qian Fei was killed by Du Lei, and he also sent a madness to kill the boss of the money gang cleanly, and finally killed the police who had a good relationship with them. Director, it is said that a group of women accused money to help raise them as hogs and killed a young woman before the incident."

"Why did Du Lei betray the money gang?" Cen Changfeng felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Some people said that he was remorseful, and some people said that he was demonic. Anyway, people are dead now, and it is useless to say anything." He Tianbao said.

"That... I mean, who are those women?" Ai Ai Di asked during the period of Cen Changfeng.

"Unclear, these messages were revealed by one of my comrades, but he did not participate in the case." He Tianbao knew.


Cen Changfeng nodded, he stood up and walked on the ground a few steps, said: "Tianbao, you ask your comrades for details, I... go out."

"Okay, let me try."

He Tianbao said to He just wanted to leave, and suddenly stopped again: "Cen Shao, Fei Biao hasn't come back yet, let me go out with you, anyway, this result won't come out in a while ."

"No, you go to ask immediately and stare over there." Cen Changfeng began to change clothes panic while urging.

"Cen Shao, are you okay?" He Tianbao asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, what can I do?"

Cen Changfeng's face changed, like a cat stepped on the tail. Seeing He Tianbao's suspicious gaze, he immediately calmed himself down, and his face was indifferent: "Relax Tianbao, it's really okay, don't forget me Just said."

Having finished speaking, he left the room in a hurry.

He Tianbao shook his head: "What's wrong with Cen Shao?"

Then he also left the room. (To be continued)

The end of the nirvana 478_ updated!


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