The original zombie is still very cute to think of now. I have never moved forward, I walk stupidly, I don’t know fear or dodge, as long as you are bold enough and move fast enough, just find a hard guy and take a look at your head. //No pop-ups update fast//(, watch the latest update of this book) but now the zombies have become much smarter, they will not only become faster and stronger, but also become smarter, although many people are reluctant to admit , But these zombies are following their own unique rules of evolution, and can even be called a new species.

"Kill them!"

Xiao Yuxin issued a clear instruction, and a guard suddenly turned and took a big step, his body flashed to a zombies, his left fingers were close together, and a ‘poo’ stabs under the zombies’ ribs.

Although the evolution of zombies has made them powerful, but with the gradual recovery of wisdom, some of their neural perception has also recovered, but it is only duller than normal people. The guard's attack made it feel pain, the zombies roared, and launched repeated attacks on the guard's alloy body, but each attack seemed so futile, their fingers could not leave any traces on it.


The guardian's left hand was inserted into the body of the zombie, and his right fist slammed into its head... A muffled sound, like smashing a ripe watermelon, with dirty blood and brain fluid moving around with the broken brain shell Splashing, the guards threw away the body from their hands and rushed to another zombie.

Several zombies bypassed the guards and rushed towards Xiao Yuxin and Ke Yan. Ke Yan immediately pulled out his sword and prepared to attack.

"Ke Yan, you have to learn to cooperate with the guards. It certainly has a certain degree of difficulty in cooperating with you, but you must have no problem cooperating with it. If you still fight alone, it will lose its meaning."

Xiao Yuxin unfolded his body. Guide the zombies to the guards, while pointing at Ke Yan's fighting skills. Ke Yan is very talented in martial arts and has a very good fighting talent. It is a trainee focused on training in the Green Mountain Martial Arts Hall, so Xiao Yuxin specially took her by her side for training and gave it to her guards. This is also to protect her.

After hearing Xiao Yuxin's instructions, Ke Yan's way of responding to enemies was indeed more flexible. She learned Western fencing, a very soul under her feet, a little sword light was drawn from the bayonet, and her feet retreated or turned, which led the zombies who attacked her to the guards. With the cooperation of both parties, fight with them The zombies of the war were killed shortly. While Xiao Yuxin instructed Ke Yan, she also wiped out the zombies that besieged her. \\\\Starter\\\\

Suddenly, there was a sneer on Xiao Yuxin's face, and he said in a loud voice: "Ke Yan, you come to drive and take shelter in the woods in front of me, and I will greet a few guests."

After Miao Xiuying and Cen Changfeng met last night, Xiao Yuxin dispatched the truth to follow Cen Changfeng.

Cen Changfeng can never stay, no matter what background is behind him, as long as he is killing himself, Xiao Yuxin will never leave this potential threat. But she didn't want to kill in the camp. After all, where there are many people, it is easy to leave too many traces, and she also wants this person to die clearly, knowing who is not to provoke.

I originally thought that the opportunity would not come so soon. So what she sent was to listen to the truth, but she did not expect Cen Changfeng to be more impatient than her. Miao Xiuying’s death was in her expectation. After losing the surplus value, her presence would only cause trouble for Cen Changfeng. Xiao Yuxin would not have any regrets, but it was Zeng Zhijun... Although she did not know Zeng Zhijun What is her ability, but she is very sorry for this person, don’t look at Zeng Zhijun’s performance on the way, but this person’s fighting consciousness is very strong, but that is his own choice. Xiao Yuxin will never be a pity. While leaving trouble for himself, it was Cen Changfeng's "invisible" ability that made Xiao Yuxin extremely envious.

The absolute shielding of the truth is not invisibility, its ability is to completely shield the breath emitted by all creatures within a movable range; while invisibility is to cover up the physical shape and breath of the operator. In terms of technical content, absolute shielding is superior to stealth, because stealth may be exposed due to the ability of the operator and the strength of the opponent, but absolute shielding does not have this trouble; but absolute shielding has scope and time and cooling time. There are no stealth techniques in the application. If Xiao Yuxin has the ability to stealth at will, she will assassinate those mutant creatures without any care, without having to do so tragic every time. It is also for this reason that she can't let this person live... This person will not cause much trouble for her, but it is definitely a potential danger for her companions or relatives.

At this time, I heard that news has arrived, Zeng Zhijun and others are approaching, she needs to give these people a chance to attack. After sending away Ke Yan and them, Xiao Yuxin also put away the guards and took a black car from the storage bracelet to drive on the road.

"Ke Yan, what is Xiao Yuxin doing?" Yu Jingqing looked puzzled when he looked at the black car flying by.

"Sister Xin always has a reason to do things." Ke Yan has some superstitions for Xiao Yuxin. Since they are required to wait here for a while, they will wait for a while before opening again.

"Is it because of this car?" Yu Jingqing pointed to the front... From the camp, a military jeep was approaching quickly. Although he could not see the appearance of the three people in the car, he could see one of them. Holding a telescope and looking forward, it seems to be searching for something.

"There are almost no pedestrians on this road. They don't seem to come out for hunting. They seem to have come for us. Will Xiao Yuxin be in danger?" Yu Jingqing is also a veteran anyway.

"No, since she was discovered by Xin Xin, it was only them who suffered." Ke Yan was very confident, and she was eager to try. If she was not worried that Xiao Yuxin was angry, she would like to go up and practice. However, unlike Ke Yan's caution, the always lively black cat finally found a game suitable for his participation. The fleshy big paws flexibly opened the car door, and the sound of'咻' jumped out into a shadow moment. There was no time to jump.

"Ke Yan, what about this cat?" Yu Jingqing was startled, but he didn't dare to stop it. Since nobody told him, Yu Jingqing also recognized that it was a mutant, so he just got on the car just now. At that time, he was frightened, fearing that the other party would give himself a paw, and at this moment, he felt a little relaxed.

"It doesn't matter, Black Whirlwind is clever. It's better than both of us." Ke Yan was not too worried. The black cat is famous for avoiding evil and will never cause trouble to himself.

However, at this time Xiao Yuxin encountered a little trouble.

After the catastrophe, due to the appearance of various terrible creatures, humans mostly hid in camps. They thought they were hiding in a safe fortress, but it was this palliative practice that gave them to those outside. Mutant creatures and outsiders have great opportunities for development. One fierce and **** evolutionary species appear in the ruins and wilderness of the city. Although they have not actively attacked the camp, if they find that the camp has a lot of delicious Food, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to wait... and even attacked in groups, some of these fallen camps have this reason.

When Xiao Yuxin drove the car down the road into a wilderness, he was encountering a C-class mutant cattle patrolling his territory. The evolved tyrannical factor made the mutant cattle become particularly excited and excited after encountering this car. The hoofs chased, heavy steps pedaled on the ground, and a drum-like sound was made, even the ground was trembling slightly, and the huge ox hoofs were black and hard, and they stepped out of bowl-shaped potholes on the ground. The thick horns were full of awe-inspiring murderousness.

Xiao Yuxin wasn't bold enough to collide with it in a car... To be honest, even in a tank, she would not play a bumper car game with this beast.

So thrilling!

Seeing that it rushed towards the car, Xiao Yuxin slammed on the brakes and the car suddenly stopped. She quickly pushed the door of the car and ran from the car like an agile leopard.

Seeing that the prey in front stopped suddenly, a human jumped out of it, and the mutant cow suddenly made a roar, seeming to be angry for the other party's breaking the rules of the game, and seemed to be demonstrating, but the figure in front did not seem to stop. meaning. This time, the mutant cow was completely angry, and its speed suddenly increased, his mouth widened, and he wanted to make another earth-shattering roar... But before he roared out, a scary look suddenly appeared in his red eyes.


Xiao Yuxin, who was running in front of him, stopped suddenly, a long bow appeared in his hand, and four feather arrows were struck with lightning in his right hand. With a sharp breaking sound, the four feather arrows came out of the string and suddenly appeared in the In front of the mutated cow, half of the direction of its avoidance has been! boom! boom! boom!

Four violent explosions, the mutated cow was blown to pieces, and in the rising dust and fire, Xiao Yuxin walked step by step steadily, the fire reflected her face, but the dust did not fall on her. Body.

She leaned down, took out a dagger, took out the magic crystal, and removed the pair of huge horns.

Class C creatures... including Class C zombies. The materials on the body are very good. Although most of the cow hides of this mutated cow have been shattered, some are still intact. Xiao Yuxin even cut off two large pieces of leather Into the storage bracelet, when the back was about to extract the tendon, there was a faint car sound from the direction of the road.

She smiled coldly and turned back to board her car.

"is her!"

On the road, on a trailing military jeep, Zeng Zhijun slammed a sudden brake and returned to pick up a weapon from the back seat. ()


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