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As night fell, a deserted street in Sanchagang Village suddenly appeared. Several armed men in camouflage uniforms appeared. Although they were armed with guns, they could see at a glance that they were definitely not soldiers, whether they were queues or individuals. The walking posture, but not the temperament of a soldier.


   "Captain, can they escape here? The water monsters here are so powerful, they are more terrible than zombies." A slightly shorter person whispered.


   "The more dangerous it is, the safer it is. You know how to fart."


  Li Anguo scolded: "The water monster is also a water monster no matter how powerful it is. In addition to being interested in blood food, they like to stay in the water. Do you think they will use these ruins as dormitory?"


   "But what if you encounter those monsters walking ashore?" The little man was still a little worried.


   "Then you go and serve them as a snack." Li Anguo glanced back at him, and the little one immediately shook his head and said nothing.


Li Anguo is a mercenary, of course not the kind of internationally renowned mercenary before. The mercenary organization he joined was a civil organization established after the catastrophe... In the normal years, this organization was definitely illegal, but nowadays Both the government and the military have acquiesced in the existence of such non-governmental organizations, and sometimes they have to rely on their power comparison.


The original mercenary organization was only for self-protection, and later they charged a certain fee when protecting others or doing things for others. Although they were not as well-trained and disciplined as soldiers in the regular army, they all had rich combat experience. , Especially to understand the nature of those mutant creatures. Know how to respond.


This time they accepted a seizure mission. Several bold women killed a giant's son. Now a giant issued a terrifying reward to seize these women to sacrifice his son alive, so they have attracted many full-time jobs.' hunter'. Even their mercenary regiment sent several their opinion. It was effortless to catch the women. As long as they judge the direction of their escape, catching those few people is just a matter of time.


   "Stop." Li Anguo suddenly ordered. He took out the telescope and looked around, and then lay on the ground again, put his ear against the ground and listened for a while, then stood up and pondered.


   "Captain, what's wrong?" a mercenary asked.


  The mercenaries who participated in this arrest operation are not only their group. If they are preempted to capture the target, then they will have a hard time, and the bonus is still second. But this reputation could not be lost, so everyone held their breath.


"Ha ha,"


  Li Anguo chuckled. Dao: "This village is called Sancha Port. Although it's not big, I don't want to. I don't want to catch cats with those little women."


   "Captain. You said it's easy, but we don't have much advantage now. If we are caught up by other teams, let's not eat meat, not even soup." A mercenary said his worries.


   "Anyway, we can think of another way."


  Li Anguo smiled and commanded: "Sniper and machine gunner were ambushing by the roadside, and others walked with me."


   The sniper and machine gunner immediately carried the firearms and ammunition into the high-rise building next to them... After a while, the two men leaned out of the building window and made an ‘OK’ gesture to Li Anguo.


   "Other people follow me." Li Anguo greeted everyone with a gun.


   "Captain, where are we going?" a mercenary asked.


   "Go to the monster."


  Li Anguo smiled softly: "Let those monsters help us find it, no matter who is hiding in the village, they will definitely pass by when they come out."


   Several people were moving away, and no one found a pair of golden eyes watching them secretly.




   In the supermarket, the injured girl had fallen asleep peacefully, but her face was still pale, and excessive blood loss was not a problem that could be solved by medication alone.


"... We were separated halfway, and we were unexpectedly taken by that bastard. God has pity us, and we found them while resting on the half way of the beast, when the beast was using force against Jinxiang, we killed them Many people, the others ran away, but Golden Wing was shot with a gunpowder gun by a bad embryo. We knew the identity of the beast from a captive, and knew that we were in trouble, so we took Xiaoxue rescued to the side. Run, hoping to use the fame of those monsters to scare away chasing soldiers."


   "Water monster?"


   "Well, it's some mutant creatures in the water. Some of these monsters are like tanks, even heavier than tanks. Even the most powerful C-class zombies are not their opponents."


   "Are you afraid of being attacked by water monsters?"


   "Of course I am afraid, but here it will eventually be safer. Those monsters cannot always stay on the land. We can only gamble, because there is no other way to live elsewhere." Liu Liu replied helplessly.


   "Then did you try to go to other survivor camps?" Xiao Yuxin asked.


   "The man's power is great. Officials and officials interacted with each other. Even if they went to other camps, once they were known, what would they like to do is not easy?" Liu Liu said helplessly.


   "Don't think so much. No matter how dark it is outside, always keep the light in your heart, otherwise what fun in life?"


  Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly: "And, even if you run here, others can still chase them over."




   Liu Liu exclaimed and immediately grabbed the rifle beside him.


"do not worry."


  Xiao Yuxin stood up: "You are here to take care of them, I go out to see."


  After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out. Liu Liu hesitated for a while. After all, she did not chase her out of the property, because Xiao Yuxin's request was reasonable, and she could not submit a negative opinion.


Xiao Yuxin was not impulsive or obsessive, she had already heard the introduction of Xiaoxue, and when Liu Liuxu said the matter was over, she monitored it mentally, and did not find her mental power fluctuated abnormally. This shows that there is nothing wrong with what she just said.


   Just now the mercenaries were discovered by the black cat as soon as they entered the village. Xiao Yuxin immediately monitored them. After the two-door comparison, the truth of the matter was already clear.


In the chaotic world, in order to survive, everyone organized to resist the invasion of mutants. This is amazing, but she betrayed or even murdered the same kind for compensation, which she absolutely cannot forgive.


  The night of Sancha Port presents a kind of strange tranquility. Although Li Anguo is bold, he walks on this deserted street, and he is also uneasy.


   Suddenly, he stopped, a dignified look appeared on his face, and he raised his hand to signal that the mercenary behind him stopped advancing.


   "Captain, what's the matter? Don't always scare me." the short mercenary asked.


   "You listen, there is movement." Li Anguo said softly.


   "How can there be..." The short mercenary was still awkward, and he looked at the street in front nervously.




   A burst of strange sounds rang from the street front, and several mercenaries unconsciously opened the insurance on the gun to put it on standby.


   It didn't take long for the answer to be revealed, and five huge black beetles quickly ran out of the street and ran towards them.


   "What, what is this?"


   "It's not a water monster, it's a beetle, and it should be some kind of carnivorous beetle. Look at their pair of mouthparts, it's definitely not for cutting grass."


"Don't talk nonsense, kill them!" Li Anguo said loudly. He had planned to go to the riverside to do some tricks, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. At this time, it seems that although he can achieve the goal of causing strange things At the same time, he also put himself to death.




The sound of gunshots immediately and clearly sounded, and the back of the beetle made a "pop" sound, but these beetles were huge, and the mercenaries were unable to hit them for a while. The moment they were already Not far away.


   These beetles are of course not water monsters, but the scarabs summoned by Xiao Yuxin. Don’t look at those people who have wounded the scarabs more than N times, but they are just deflated, but they cannot tear larger wounds.


   The scarab beetle was even more brutal, and one of them screamed and rushed to the front of a mercenary. The sharp front jaw snapped his teeth and cut the man's waist into two.




   The mercenary screamed loudly, but he couldn't die for a while, his internal organs were all over the floor, and he waved his hands for help.


   "Little Sun!"


Li Anguo yelled, and he didn’t know what to do for a while. He could only desperately shoot the scarab beetle, and the scarab finally fell down, and the mercenary surnamed Sun also fell. When he came to the ground, he was still spraying blood foam, and he was still breathless: "Team, captain, send me, send me..."


   "I know, Xiaosun."


  Li Anguo raised his gun to his comrades... He felt the gun in his hand was so heavy for the first time. He pointed his muzzle at Xiaosun, but looked away, "Brother, go all the way!"




   A gunshot represents the end of a life. Li Anguo turned his head and saw that the child had closed his eyes, and his face was like a relief.


   "Damn Lao Tzu fights with you!"


   He quickly changed a new magazine and fired at the remaining four scarab beetles.




   There was another strange cry. The head of a mercenary was bitten off by the scarab beetle. The body was held in the beetle's mouth. It was like a broken pocket.


At this time, including himself, there were only three mercenaries still fighting the beetles. Although the firearms in their hands brought scars to the scarab beetles, they did not cause any further damage. These bugs are very clever. Know that taking advantage of speed prevents these people from locking in attacks.




   A mercenary screamed and rang the grenade. His waist was bitten by scarabs, obviously he could not get out.


   "Go die to me!" Li Anguo roared loudly and threw out four long-handled grenades together. (To be continued)


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