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   The sound was very loud and not far away. Behind an abandoned building, the signboard of the building had already shattered to the ground. Xiao Yuxin was too lazy to know that he had detoured and looked forward at the corner of the building.


I saw a huge creature three meters high on the ground not far in front of him, roaring with foam at the corner of his mouth, seeming to be very angry, waving two blue giant pliers... As for the appearance, Try to enlarge a crab to the size of a small cottage.


   At this moment, a cold air squirted out of its mouth. The low temperature covered the surrounding ground with a layer of frost. The huge pair of pliers was not striking the ground, making a thunderous sound and digging out pits.


   "Variable cold ice crab, comprehensive evaluation of grade C, good at cold attack, double clamp has armor breaking effect."


   The service of the demon spirit is much more thoughtful than the simple demon badge. As for the defense of this guy... I know it by looking at the shell.


   "Sister Xin, this big guy's shell must be a great shield." Ke Yan's voice came from her ear.


   "How did you come here?" Xiao Yuxin glanced back at her.


   "Uncle Yu, let me come over to help the handle, anyway, there is no monster on his side, if there is something, shoot the police." Ke Yan replied in a low voice, she did not want to act as a nanny.


   "To be honest, we don't need us to play now." Xiao Yuxin said softly.


   At this time, in front of the mutant ice crab, there were four mercenaries yelling and holding weapons in their hands. I don’t know if they wanted to hunt the other party, or there was no way to be hunted by the other party.


In terms of race, Xiao Yuxin really should help them, but from the profession of these people, Xiao Yuxin hates them to the extreme. She has already disposed a group of mercenaries by hand. These just do not need her hands, naturally there is no Hands-on rescue.


These four mercenaries have good skills, but the automatic rifle in their hands is too weak. If they have time and space, they may slowly consume this mutant crab, but now...except for the pair of terrible giant pliers In addition, it is extremely inconvenient to step on a layer of ice on the ground, and stepping on a mutant crab is like performing a light exercise on the water, which is very flexible.




Suddenly, the mutant ice crab became furious, and the huge body slipped lightly behind a mercenary. The mercenary turned back abruptly, only to feel that a bone-chilling chill was covering his head, and half of his body was frozen. Then there seemed to be a thick thing flashing in the corner of the eye, a sudden pain in the waist, which was cut in half by giant pliers. Even after a horrible scream and chewing, the ice crab actually ate him alive. .




Ke Yan next to    couldn't stand it anymore. After Mao Yao ran to the building, he spit out Xiao Yuxin's complexion, but she thought that the mercenary's actions made her heart harden.


   killed a companion, the team's combat power immediately became much weaker, and the situation of the remaining three people immediately became precarious. The mutant ice crab roared loudly, and the double pliers raised high, and landed heavily on the ground.




   If the ground was hit by a heavy hammer, the cement and stone splashed around and three people suddenly dodged.


   "It's worse!" Xiao Yuxin secretly shook her head.


   These stones hit the body, although it may be painful and may cause minor trauma, but it will definitely not be life-threatening, but such a flash of chaos gives the mutant ice crab an opportunity.


Sure enough, when the three people subconsciously dodge, the huge body of the mutated ice crab rushed to the side of a person, and the double pliers were combined,'Puff, puff, two sounds, blood splashing, the person was caught as Three sections.


   At this moment, among the remaining two, a fat man suddenly pulled out a grenade, rushed forward, embraced the leg of the mutant ice crab, and shouted: "Brother, go away!"


   "No, brother!"


   The thin young man mourned, raised his gun and shot at the mutant ice crab, but where could it penetrate its thick shell? However, it now finds that it has some inconveniences in its legs and feet, and is about to clear obstacles, but it is not taking care of the thin and weak youth.


   "Confused, if both of us died here, what would our mother do?" The fat man was about to detonate the grenade, seeing the youth desperately, couldn't help being in a hurry.




   At this moment, the red light flashed, followed by a violent explosion, and the fat man was shocked: Why did this grenade explode without insurance?


But he knew immediately that it was not his problem... The body of the mutant ice crab shouted, and was almost overturned by the blast of air. The fat man couldn't catch it for a while, and the body and grenades rolled down to the ground, fortunately, he reacted Quickly, he rolled away, and then a carp ran away, and he couldn't care about the grenade. He pulled the youth and ran towards Xiao Yuxin.


   "Fool! Change direction!" Xiao Yuxin tweeted, but admired his observation of the fat man.


   Just now she didn't intend to shoot, but seeing the appearance of their brothers and friends, she still shot an arrow. Worried about hurting the fat man, her burst shot hit the belly of the mutant ice crab. Although she couldn’t hurt it, she was able to relieve the brothers’ immediate danger. Moreover, this biological creature must be reported. After introspection, Will retaliate against himself.


   didn't wait for the mutant ice crab to rush over. Four feather arrows had appeared on her hand, and she shot at the mutant ice crab.


   Boom! boom! boom! boom!


   The violent explosion of the ice crab made a roaring roar. The huge figure broke through the fire and rushed towards Xiao Yuxin. The carapace on the body could clearly see that some places were sunken, and it was obviously injured.


Xiao Yuxin did not hurry to open the bow and release the arrow, but quickly recited the mantra and summoned five scarab beetles......... As soon as the five huge black beetles appeared, the mutant ice crab immediately became careful, mouth Momo on the side seemed to be more.


   The five scarabs weren't very careful, and immediately rushed towards the mutant ice crabs immediately after they appeared. A pair of front blades exuded a faint cold in the moonlight, and the two soldiers quickly joined each other.


"Good fellow, this person's ability is so rare that the summoning system is really awkward. If I have this skill, I can summon five big insects at once. Who can resist?" The fat man dragged his brother to a pile of obstacles. After being behind the thing, he didn't run again, hiding behind to see the result, and after seeing five majestic scarab beetles, he felt a moment of emotion.




   A dark green liquid splashed out. A giant pincer that mutated the ice crab had stabbed into a scarab beetle, and the scarab beetle would not move at all.


However, the mutant ice crab was also uncomfortable because the other four scarabs attacked it, but bit off its four legs, and did not know whether it was pain or anger. It screamed loudly and raised again. Giant pliers.


   "Not good! This guy is calling for a companion!" Xiao Yuxin suddenly reacted, raised her hands and flew in four directions, while her figure rushed out of the shadow and rushed towards the mutant ice crab.




This time the burst point is not its back, it is all exploding between its mouth and eyes, it is the strongest creatures, these parts are also very weak, the mutant ice crab screams painfully while flinging away Scarab rushed towards Xiao Yuxin.


   "Is she crazy?"


   The fat man watched Xiao Yuxin rushing up to the mutant ice crab, his face changed..................Can a person play a brutal collision with a mutant creature?


Seeing the mutant ice crab rushing to the front, Xiao Yuxin was on the tiptoe of her unhurried toe, and her body slanted up diagonally. At the moment when the mutant ice crab rushed over her feet, a strange energy followed her. 'S toes were sent into the body of the mutant ice crab.




   The blasting ice crab was like a car going downhill losing its brakes, crashing into a pile of obstacles, and then the huge body was motionless.


Yin Lei Jin, this is a skill transformed by Xiao Yuxin according to Yin Lei Quan. You can use Yin Lei Jin to enter the body of the attacking target through various attack methods or even through weapons, but when passing the weapon, this energy is not It is very stable and needs further practice, but it is already very skillful to use the punches and feet.


   The mutant ice crab had already been blown to a halt, and another body of thunder and thunder rushed into the body, and all the organs were destroyed in an instant. He died without even crying, and he was extremely suffocated.


As Xiao Yuxin expected, the roar of the mutant ice crab was calling the companion. She did not dare to hesitate and ordered the remaining four scarab beetles to rush towards the mutant creatures that were swarming in this direction. Put away the body of the mutant ice crab, and turned to run towards the ferry.


   "Wait!" There was a fat man's voice behind him, and he saw the thin young man running over with a flattering face.................. It was not like the arrogance of Fang Cai who let the brothers escape first.


   Will this person change his face?


  Xiao Yuxin finds it But now it seems that it is not the right time, "What's the matter?"


   "Save someone to a low level, please beg you!" The fat man arched his hand very simply, "Why don't you take my brother away, I'll help you delay for a while here."


   "You should be the mercenary who hunted us down, why should I save you?" Xiao Yuxin looked back at the mutant creatures flying towards here and asked lightly.


"The mission is next to the mercenary regiment. We can only obey. But this time if my brother got his life, he would quit the mercenary regiment after going back, and he wouldn't drown the water again." The fat man is very simple, he also knows that time is pressing. , But do not know why, he just believes that only following this woman, the two brothers can escape this disaster.


   "Come with me, throw away the weapon." Xiao Yuxin said briefly, and went to the ferry.


"Why throw a gun? We can also help..." The thin young man did not want to, but the fat man refused to let him go, and directly threw away the two guns and the grenade that he had just picked up... He knew that his two People's identity is there, people are not at ease.


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