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At the beginning, everyone didn't care, and the strange wave appeared outside Cao Xinxin's exploration range. However, with the rapid shortening of the distance, Xiao Yuxin's'danger perception, skill activation, and a powerful oppression Feeling made Xiao Yuxin feel some throbbing throbbing.


  The mutant creatures in the lake are scary and huge, but most of them have just entered the C level. Xiao Yuxin has a way to suppress it. However, if a batch of mutant creatures at the same level or B level is coming, she is sure to protect herself, but it is more difficult to protect Ke Yan and them.


When the strange wave entered her spiritual exploration range, Xiao Yuxin was immediately stunned... it was a giant fish with a length of more than 100 meters. By comparison, those giant fish with a length of 20 or 30 meters were real baby fish. As for why the ancestor of this mutant fish came hurriedly from a distance, it is estimated that it was also caused by the **** smell of Fang Cai. Since the large mutant creatures appeared in the rivers, lakes and seas, few people are willing to trek the river... on land You can also run away. There is no place to run on the water, so these mutants are also very hungry. After smelling the **** smell, they rushed to the feast.


   Class B creature!


  Xiao Yuxin's eyes narrowed. If it was on the shore, she could send Ke Yan and others away, but in the water... too dangerous, she could not take the risk.


   "Old, stop the engine." Xiao Yuxin ordered.


As Yu Jingqing's face changed, she immediately turned off the engine. As the sound of the engine stopped, Xiao Yuxin immediately ordered her to listen to Shi Zhan's absolute shielding... In an instant, all the breath of the sailing boat where Xiao Yuxin and others were located disappeared from the river, everyone Came to the deck and looked in the direction of Xiao Yuxin.




There were sounds of water coming. Although it was night, the strange wave could still be seen clearly. As the distance drew closer, everyone could see what caused the strange water wave-a few meters high The fins are more powerful than the sharks of the king shark in that sea.


   This giant fin cuts the surface of the water like a sharp blade, and stirs up heavy waves. Everyone's face is suddenly discolored. If it is not on the water, I am afraid they will have pulled their legs.


   "This leader, are it too late now?" the fat man asked in fear.


  Xiao Yuxin frowned: "Don't be a leader, a leader, make me look like King Shan, you can call me "Nirvana," or "Sister Xin."


   "Yes, yes, but what should we do now?" The fat man nodded his head like a shop second.


   "Wait." Xiao Yuxin briefly said a word and continued to observe the big fish.


   "Wait? How long do we have to wait? What if we are discovered by it?" The fat man shattered his thoughts, and even the thin young man beside him couldn't help but pull him.


   "Stupid! This mutant fish must be more powerful than other mutant fish. If you start the boat now, you can only alarm it. Do you think our boat has surpassed it in the water?" Ke Yan scolded.


   "It's always faster to start a boat than to stop a boat!" Fat man Zhenzhen has a word. In fact, other people are also a little puzzled. If they think that the mutants are stopped when the boat is stopped, they will not be seen.


   "As long as you calm down, I have a way to make it invisible to us."


   In order to reassure everyone, Xiao Yuxin explained... If it is on land, she can rely on ‘absolute shielding even when moving, hiding their whereabouts from being discovered, but the environment at this time is special.


Water, the so-called dynamic movement, when a stone is dropped at a point, a circle of ripples will ripple. Even if these ripples disappear, the vibration of the water wave will spread far away, and the absolute shielding of this skill has scope and time limits. If the propeller's movement is spread out, that is, the other party cannot find the propeller, but it can determine the position from the waves it transmits, especially for B-class creatures, it is not difficult to figure this out.


During the talk, the big fish had flowed to the front. It seemed that the target was missing, the big fish was a little angry, the tail of the fish was whipping the river, and the huge waves were stirred up. The huge body also floated out of the water, huge The fisheye swept across the water like a searchlight, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, lest their eyes would face them and make them feel.




  After the big fish turned around a few times, he was very angry, and the giant tail slapped **** the water.




   The huge waves emptied, and the river was like a waterfall. Although ‘absolutely shielded and able to isolate perception, it had no defensive effect, and everyone was poured out.


  The big fish seemed to be very angry, but after a few laps to vent his anger, it shook its tail to the direction of those ‘diners’ in the distance.


   "Miss Xiao, will you sail now?" Yu Jingqing asked softly.


   "Wait again, it's a matter of politeness to wait for guests to leave after dinner." Xiao Yuxin said a joke that was not funny.


   Their boat is still dozens of meters away from the shore. If the big fish suddenly chases back, the distance of these dozens of meters is enough for it to charge back and forth a few times. However, the big fish seemed to be more anxious to eat, and I saw that the mutant creatures that were swimming to the party quickly had already eaten seven or eight, and saw the giant newcomer appear, All the mutant creatures started to flee. A big fish might have no choice but to want to flow through his mouth, and he just shook his head directly, biting and gnawing.


   "Old, immediately grab a beach."


  Xiao Yuxin instructed, "Everyone listens, as soon as the ship docks, you just run to the shore, how far you can run."


"it is good!"


   Everyone answered, and the old man immediately started the engine, the propeller immediately turned, and the sailboat rushed to the shore.


  , just before the sailing, the huge mutant fish suddenly realized that he turned the black fish in his mouth.


   "Full speed!" Xiao Yuxin whispered.


   Old Yu immediately drove the engine to the maximum, the sailing boat rushed towards the shore at full speed, Xiao Yuxin stood behind the boat and went forward, and saw that the big fish rushed over with the body of a mutant fish.


   "This guy is really looking at the pot while eating in a bowl. Isn't that fish meat not meat?" Liu Liu said in a depressed mood.


   "In "Journey to the West", there is a reason why monsters love to eat people. Human flesh is delicious even if it can't live forever," Ke Yan laughed.


   The fat man next to him and the thin young man looked at each other... These little girls are really worried.


  Xiao Yuxin saw the ferocious coming, but she was a little worried. She did not hesitate to open her bow... boom! boom! boom!


   A series of bursting vectors, straight or curved, converge towards the big fish from different directions.


It seemed to feel the danger of imminent approach, although the big fish was very confident in his defense, but it was not so boring to be stiffly bombed, its body suddenly accelerated, like a giant crossbow shooting at the sailing boat, Many arrows fell behind it, and only a few burst arrows hit the target, but it even aroused its tyranny.


   "All I want is for you to rush forward!"


  Looking at the strange speed of the other party, Xiao Yuxin smiled coldly and pulled the bow string, a light vector appeared on the string... With the sound of ‘咻, the light vector turned into a stream of light.


   The big fish immediately felt dangerous, but at this time it was rushing forward with all its strength. Where it could stop halfway, it had to barely raise its head.






   rolled through the fish carcass in the mouth of the big fish, and then the light burst out and burst... A piercing howling came from the mouth of the big fish, the huge body immediately sank into the water, and a shadow suddenly rippled on the water.


   "The big fish died, Ke Yan said with great joy.


   "No, but he was injured." Xiao Yuxin put away her bow and arrow.




   The sailing ship flew abruptly, followed by a harsh sound. The boat rushed ashore at a speed. The bottom of the ship and the sand on the shore made a violent friction sound. The propeller hit the stone and burst into pieces.




  Xiao Yuxin asked Yu Jingqing to turn off the engine. Before waiting for the boat to stabilize, he took the lead to jump off the boat.


Just as everyone was disembarking, there was a loud noise on the river surface in the distance, a huge body surfaced like a hill, and the eyes in the eyes were like two lightning bolts, which were full of hatred... Suddenly, its shape was small One move,'Boom,' stirred up countless rivers and rushed towards the shore with lightning.


   "Hurry up!"


  Xiao Yuxin was also shocked, shouted, and summoned five scarab beetles.




   Rows of rivers flooded the embankment, and the giant fish actually rushed up. The shadow flashed, and the volley was pressed against the sailing boat. ‘click, there was a sound, and the sailing boat was overwhelmed and crushed.


Five scarabs screamed and threw Desperately used them to tear the body of the giant fish, but this giant fish is too powerful. Those scarab names barely peeled off its scales A, but before he got inside, the giant fish flew with its fins. A scarab beetle was relatively unlucky, but it was actually photographed and fell in the direction of the river. When it fell into the river, the giant fish The tail was like a flash of lightning, which was shot out of the river.


With a bang, the Scarab's body was cracked by the volley and broke into pieces. The juice and internal organs were thrown around. The remaining four were no better, but they were not fatal. Was seriously injured, so he was still attacking according to Xiao Yuxin's order.


  Xiao Yuxin calmed down after Ke Yan and others left, and a series of arrows intertwined into a curtain of arrows to cover the giant fish.


'Sigh~, a strange howling sound suddenly appeared in the mouth of the giant fish, at the same time, the arrows shot at the head of the giant fish suddenly flickered, and immediately became a piece of powder and fell down. .


   At the next moment, Xiao Yuxin felt that his chest seemed to be punched heavily, and the figure went back involuntarily.


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