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  With Xiao Yuxin's current strength, the "Dark Enchantment" exhibited has a large range and a great increase in power, and it can be continuously displayed without cooling time. As long as there is enough energy in the body, it can be displayed.


Judging from the traces left on the ground, those mutant creatures have probably entered and exited the base countless times. The good thing is that there are no zombies around here. It is estimated that even if there are zombies, they may be eaten by those mutant creatures. The so-called'hungry does not choose food" For them, the right is ignoring the effects of vision and taste, and the zombie may not be difficult to eat.


After fifteen minutes, everyone came to the gate of the base without fear. Looking up at the fence, the nearly seven-meter-high fence is a layer of power grids. If under normal circumstances, these grids are the first line of life and death, but now it has been out of power for a long time, in addition to being a little obstacle , No more useless.


   Of course, they do not have to turn over the wall to enter the base. The gates of the base are wide open. After Xiao Yuxin puts a dark enchantment under the door, he enters the camp with imperial power.


According to Yu Jingqing, at the beginning of the catastrophe, the army was the least infected, and the response was the fastest. Occasional zombies were immediately cleared, and those outsiders who initially attacked the base also quickly After being cleared, coupled with the subsequent attacks of the mutants, there are no zombies or even mutants in the base...... Although the mutants seem to be trying to adapt to the life on the shore, they obviously have no love for the base, except Apart from paw prints and signs of destruction, Xiao Yuxin and others did not encounter any mutant creatures.


   "Old Yu, Ke Yan, Zhou Xudong, Zhou Xunan, you go to scout separately, Liu Liu, you take someone to search the office building and I go to see the barracks." Xiao Yuxin dispatched.


  Although most tasks can be completed by using the "Shen Zhao Jue", but there is manpower available, she will not waste her mental energy, and the supplement of mental energy is not comparable to the source energy.


   The empty barracks in the barracks, there was no figure, the bedding was neatly folded, but it was covered with dust. Obviously the soldiers did not leave in a hurry but never returned.


There is also a relatively large parking lot near the barracks, where more than ten trucks, ten tank trucks and six amphibious armored vehicles are parked. Obviously, the mutants are not alive and attacking this kind of creature. Dare to be interested in things of value. Although the area is covered with dust, it has not been damaged... Of course, there are many parking spaces on the parking lot. It is estimated that many vehicles have already been driven out, and I don’t know where they are now. local.


   Yu Jingqing and others have come back successively. In this military base, the main warehouse is a large gasoline depot, ammunition depot, weapon depot, grain depot, material depot, and accessory depot.


"In the back there is a vegetable field and pigsty, chicken farm, but the pigs and chickens are gone, but the vegetables in the field are all Nagano, the little cabbage is like grass, and the Yundou is old. It's a pity," Yu Jingqing sucked.


   "You can eat when you are old."


Xiao Yuxin instructed everyone to move down all office supplies first: "Various books, paper, pens, black water and other stationery have priority, then computers, desks and sofas, even small office appliances Move down. Old, let's go to the weapon storehouse and Zen medicine storehouse."


The crowd immediately acted, and the two golems were sent to the door by Xiao Yuxin to guard the door. When the dark enchantment was arranged, she quietly released the Moyun vine, ambushing in the ground, there were three of them, plus a thick outside Even if the wall is a mutant creature, it can block it for a while.


The door of the warehouse is of course very tightly locked, but after losing the power supply and the whistle, Xiao Yuxin can't create any obstacles at all. When she pushed the door open, a smell of metal, motor oil and dust mixed her. Nose.


   "Good smell!"


   She frowned slightly, and quickly came out like a mask, only to breathe.


   "The storeroom, this is the taste." Yu Jingqing smiled.


The arsenal has a large space, with a vertical distance of up to 20 meters. The outermost is a cannon covered with a gun coat. The shape is different. Yu Jingqing looked at it and said: "There are anti-aircraft guns and howitzers. , Cannons, mortars...hehe, they are heavy guys with big calibers."


   "1M anti-aircraft machine guns, heavy machine guns, Type 97 single-person cloud explosion rockets.........This is all good stuff. With these weapons, it is not a problem to clean up those mutant creatures."


   "This is not necessary."


  Xiao Yuxin shook her head. Although at the beginning of the catastrophe, the army did not have enough knowledge about those outsiders, and they were not equipped with the most practical heavy weapons, but the most terrifying thing about those outsiders was their environmental adaptability and reproduction ability. Chongming Island’s The army collapsed in front of the mutated creatures that came like a tide.


   Next, Xiao Yuxin and others checked the medicine storehouse and several other warehouses. The inspection results were very satisfactory, but Yu Jingqing was a little nervous.


   "Miss Xiao, these are the materials of the country, is it appropriate for us to take them like this?"


   No wonder he has worries. On the one hand, these things are indeed national, and on the other hand, he is also the head of the town. Anyway, he said that... he is a national cadre. This is undoubtedly helping Xiao Yuxin embezzle state property.


   "Not so complicated."


Xiao Yuxin comforted him: "Old, you are right to be the mayor of Houjia Town, but now what? It is already equivalent to automatic dismissal and what is the purpose of the country storing these materials? Isn't it to protect the home and protect the country? Now the country and the people are facing difficulties. They cannot use these materials for a while. We need to defend ourselves. Without weapons, what can we do to defend ourselves? How can we survive without food? We can't wait for the Savior.


  Poverty changes, and it changes. This is the truth that even the ancients understood. We are guarding the arsenal next to it. There is no reason to fight monsters with bare hands. At most, after the country restores order, we should return the remaining materials to the country. This is nothing. Are you right? "


   Yu Jingqing sucked his mouth, it seemed to make sense... But, what if it didn't make sense? Could it be that he would stop in the name of the mayor of Houjia Town, not to mention that he has no brain damage so far, even if it is true that people with brain damage will not give him this face.


   "Rain repair, a lot of materials, the last four transport ships are arranged, and a group of guards will be arranged to come here. It is too close to the habitat of the mutated creatures on the riverside, and there is no less than a **** battle."


  After roughly confirming the quantity of materials, Xiao Yuxin immediately contacted the base and asked them to quickly send someone over to deliver the materials.


   "All the drivers except Carmen have just been trained, isn't it too risky?" Wen Yuxiu worried.


   "It doesn't matter, as long as they will take off and land.


  I immediately started to arrange defensive positions on this side. "Xiao Yuxin said.


During the transportation process... No, during the transportation process, those mutant creatures will definitely be alarmed. Xiao Yuxin has a large-capacity storage bracelet, but if you want to pack all the materials in these warehouses, there are some It’s difficult and she can’t do everything by herself. She is just the founder of the Green Mountain Base, and the entire base is for everyone. It also needs everyone to build together, and Xiao Yuxin also intends to use this opportunity to exercise the escort’s experience in dealing with large battles. Knowing when the Green Mountain Base will be attacked on a large scale, the reason why she wants to obtain the materials here is also for the base's future survival needs.


After ending the call with the base, Xiao Yuxin began to prepare for battle. Speaking of understanding these weapons, she is not as good as the old veteran Yu Jingqing. As a former soldier, of course, she is a hobby of weapons, although she is not a weapon expert. But there is still a general understanding.


   "The artillery is more professional. There are a lot of anti-aircraft guns. After laying them flat, heavy machine guns are not comparable, and you can adjust to intercept air targets.


Millimeter PF rocket launchers and 104mm recoilless guns, anti-aircraft machine guns can all cause damage to mutants, but also prepare a lot of ammunition, as well as some flash grenades to prepare Although the power is not great, it is used at night and has a great influence on the vision of those night vision creatures. "


Weapons like anti-aircraft guns are heavy, big guys. Xiao Yuxin has no interest in dragging. She summons two golems and directs them to do things. Ke Yan also directs the guards to move machine guns and ammunition. Liu Liu Everyone knows that the three powerful guys are not humans at all, and they suddenly have envy in their hearts...... If they have such a guy, they can not only be big helpers, but also immortal bodyguards. The probability of survival will also increase dramatically.


   "Don't envy others, as long as you make a certain contribution to the base, you will have the opportunity to obtain this kind of alchemy products in the future." Xiao Yuxin said.


She is not lying. In addition to the golems she refined to be used by the white horse team members, she is also going to give the martial arts and guards some special positions or special contributions. They will consider rewarding a guard. The refinement of this thing is simpler than the Golem and uses less materials. Although a lot of equipment cannot be made, there is no problem in refining a batch, because she seized a large number of machine killers and machines in the Terminator mission. Warrior, these humanoid skeletons made from special alloys save a lot of materials, and only need to consume some magic materials.


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