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   "It's crazy, it's like a medieval knight is charging in a row." Yu Xiao


   The stars in the snow were gleaming.


Zhou Xudong whispered aside: "I saw a group of guys with no knightly demeanor......... Hey, Nanzi, why are you pinching me?" The next Zhou Xunan was a little embarrassed. Masters, with a little


  Is it funny that the girl is fighting?


Yu Jingqing did not feel displeased because the fat man was fighting with his daughter. He frowned with some anxiety: "The bow and arrow are conducive to long-range attacks. Lord Xiao Xiao exerts his strengths and keeps the appropriate distance with those monsters, splitting one by one Kill, not fall into their siege, and use your own shortness to attack the enemy."


There are all kinds of arguments in the ship, but Wen Yuxiu and others have ignored all these arguments, and they are all very clear about Xiao Yuxin's archery. Except for suppressing with absolute strength, the quantity does not play a role at all. And Carmen paid attention to whether there were other insects and mosquitoes around him. With the strength of the transport ship’s hull, it couldn’t stop the attack of the insects. In case of a loss, the loss would be great.


   "Huh? How is it possible? How terrible speed is this to lead" someone in the passenger exclaimed.


Just in this moment, Xiao Yuxin's figure slowly turned, dozens of green feather arrows flew from her bow, and there was an explosive roar in the air. Some mosquitoes burst their bodies, but their heads still Rushing forward, looking very strange.


  Xiao Yuxin, while playing the renju arrow technique, quickly collected the dead mosquitoes and corpses, other materials, their mouthparts were a big killer.


It's just that things on the sea are really hard to resist. She only charged six or seven corpses. Others were mostly eaten by the mutants in the sea, and she was also scared by the huge creatures in the sea. None of them were If the length is less than 20 meters, if you swallow her in one bite, you won't feel narrow when turning inside.


Facing Xiao Yuxin's renju archery, the mosquitoes finally panicked. Their body structure requires them to take close combat when they encounter enemies, but the enemies in front of them are obviously suitable for both near and far combat. These mosquitoes At first I didn't know what to do, some mosquitoes began to run away, and gradually separated from Xiao Yuxin.


These mosquito beasts also have certain wisdom. Without higher zergs now overseeing the war, they also want to save their lives. It is not surprising to make such a move...It is only when they are forced to change the way of fighting that it is true. The ground fell into the Jedi.


   In the transport ship, people are paying close attention to the battle situation. They are not all watching the lively, because the victory and defeat are closely related to everyone's destiny. They are all now on the sea, and they can't find a place to land.


   "I said that Sister Xin will definitely be able to win!" Yu Xiaoxue 〖Xing〗 waved her fist strenuously, as if the mosquitoes were killed by her. However, she was more interested in the beautiful long bow.


Zhou Xudong was also studying the longbow. He knew that Xiao Yuxin must be an "awakening warrior", but he used to think that Xiao Yuxin's ability was to summon creatures, but now that he saw this magical burst arrow, he was a little confused. Was she actually being Have two abilities? There is still a problem with that bow.


   The power of bows and arrows is far more than a long-range advantage. After Xiao Yuxin showed melodrama in melee, the mosquitoes were all in a dilemma. This is the disadvantage of wisdom. If they only have simple thinking, they will easily make the decision to attack or run away. Now, the mosquitoes are hesitating under pressure, although they are not stupid. Staying there, still spinning in a flexible way, but in fact, they have lost their initiative. They think of their flexible flying skills. In Xiao Yuxin’s “eye of insight, there is nothing to do, the flying figure is just a piece A consistent flight trajectory.


Dozens of huge figures were swimming under the sea water, and those marine creatures were still waiting for the blood to fall from the sky. Xiao Yuxin did not live up to their expectations. After a little interest rate adjustment, he suddenly opened a bow and arrow, four light green The streamer penetrated into the body of the four mosquito beasts in lightning.


  Poof! puff! puff! puff!


Arrows entered from one end and flew out from the other end. The screaming mosquitoes screamed in the mouth and fell from the air. Several huge marine creatures protruded heads from the sea. , Ready to greet this meat pie from the sky.




   Absolutely terrifying power!


   If the burst arrow just used a certain ability, then now the four arrows are actually piercing through the four mosquitoes. The power of this blow is definitely not lost to the power of long-range sniper.


The power of shooting a bullet comparable to a sniper rifle with a bow, I am afraid that there is very little that can do this in the world. At least in the eyes of most people, cold weapons like bows and arrows and crossbows have already withdrawn from the stage of history, especially It is today that mutant creatures are becoming more and more powerful. Ordinary small-caliber thermal weapons have been gradually eliminated. Only in the case of no use of power, some talents will think of those cold weapons, but most of them are also seeking a peace of mind. How much damage can be caused to those creatures by a weapon that is almost original. However, after watching Xiao Yuxin's performance today, they discovered that cold weapons are not useless. At least it is still possible for them to explode as much as hot weapons. Perhaps the secret is in the woman's hands.


The passengers were relieved, because the rhythm of the battle was completely controlled by Xiao Yuxin: the mosquito beasts also seemed to realize that if they evaded in such a stupid way, the humans on the opposite side would be one by one like a sparrow. Although they may be unfamiliar with "shooting house sparrows," they mean the same thing.


  Just as the four mosquito beasts fell, the remaining other mosquito beasts also attacked at the same time, fluttering towards Xiao Yuxin, and puncturing the air to make a whining sound, very terrifying.


   "Eh, these monsters actually understand the coordination of formations like warriors?" Yu Jingqing saw the formation of the attack of the mosquitoes, and he was very surprised.


   Although these mosquitoes rushed over like a swarm of bees, they kept a certain distance from each other, and they were very layered, just like soldiers trained in cold weapons.




Xiao Yuxin's mouth slightly ticked, and when those mosquitoes rushed to a distance of more than a hundred meters, his right hand pulled out a feather arrow from behind in a flash. At this moment, the passengers watching the battle in the ship felt a sudden outbreak in front of them. The bright green brilliance of the group, countless green streams of light shot to the surrounding 〖Ji〗 like rain hitting a plantain. Those mosquitoes fell like dumplings and fell directly into the sea. Uh, wrong, they went directly to those oceans. The mouth of the creature.


   "Not good! Sister Xin also fell!"


   Yu Xiaoxue leaned against the porthole, his body leaped forward, and seemed to be rushing out. In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Yuxin did "fall, go down, but observe carefully, you will find that she rushed down by herself."


As the distance from the sea quickly approached, the body of a mosquito mosquito disappeared out of thin air. Those marine creatures soon found that someone was competing with themselves for the pie in the sky. Two or three huge figures jumped out of the sea. Like the same pillar, he rushed towards Xiao Yuxin.


"I will not accompany you to grab the fruit!" Xiao Yuxin chuckled, and the nightmare with his legs jerked down, the nightmare screamed violently, and his body flew to the air with lightning, and those big fish were able to jump. The target had already flown into mid-air, and had to fall back to the water in vain, bursting into a hill-like wave.


   The nightmare's figure flew into the transport ship, and the guards immediately rushed up. Although the nightmare's fierce name did not dare to approach in the past, it did not prevent them from saying hello to Xiao Yuxin and discussing the fight just now.


   "Sister Xin, how are these Zergs listed?" Wen Yuxiu asked.


  Xiao Yuxin put away the nightmare, responded to everyone's greetings one by one, and gathered together with Carmen and others, and took out a complete body of the mosquito beast for everyone to watch.


   "Carmen transport ship will not crash?" Seeing Carmen also coming, Wen Yuxiu joked.


   "Relax, I have turned on unmanned driving, and will automatically remind when I get to my destination." Carmen said disappointedly.


"Well, you see this mosquito beast, they have no hair on the surface of the body, but they look like a well-made leather but the defense level is too low. The main weapon on it is this mouthpart, although it is hollow like a needle Yes, but it is very sharp. If you use it to refine weapons, you can get at least one piece of gold equipment." Xiao Yuxin touched the black sharp thorny eyes. This is probably a common problem of alchemists. I want to try when I see new materials. Trial hands.


   "What kind of existence do you say that mosquitoes are equivalent to Zerg?" Wen Yuxiu asked.


   "It should be... equivalent to the presence of a patrol?" Xia Xin replied hesitantly.


"Meimei's guess has some truth. Anyway, this mosquito should not be the main battle zerg of the marine zerg. We should pay attention to assess the combat power of these zergs. If they enter the surrounding areas of Shanghai through the Yangtze Estuary, it will definitely be a disaster for us. "Xiao Yuxin said.


   It was here that a sound came from the bridge, and the transport ship had reached the top of the destination and requested to land.


  "How about the following Yuxin and others immediately returned to the bridge and looked down through the porthole to see the transport ship descend slowly, bursts of fierce gunfire came from below.


  …………一……confident life for two hundred years? Pi...will be hitting the water for three thousand miles...?, a brief introduction to "New Yipin Cultivation" (end): or not to wear it! Wear an addiction!


A four-year-old girl Shen Yueying's flesh was destroyed by a mistake made by the four gods of Fengyun Thunderbolt. What's more, these four irresponsible guys did not let Yan Wang discover their work mistakes. Deceptively deceived Moon Shadow to a place called Amadeus Continent and reborn.


   Magic weapon on the catty, flying swords into boxes, as long as you have money, elixir can also be wholesale, Amadeus is only the first stop to cross!


   This time it was the murderer who found the crossing, and it was also considered to have blame and debt. However, it seems that the compensation of the four major Tianjuns cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when it will be fully realized? It's really hard to think about the mistress, first being struck by thunder, and then falling into the sea, it can be described as a twist and turn. After so many things, shouldn't it be very Thai?


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