Top recommendations:


  The center of the Green Mountain Base is centered on the Green Mountain Park. There are many facilities near the old park, including large shopping malls and hotels. At the earliest time, people-oriented. Once the nearby buildings were cleared and confirmed that there were no hidden dangers, survivors started to move in. But as more and more areas were cleared, the use of these buildings was re-planned


  ...Fortunately, Mu Zifeng and others have already made relevant regulations before, requiring survivors not to destroy the interior decoration when they stay, otherwise they will be severely punished for the destruction of public property, so the conditions of those buildings are quite good.


  The first mall to be put into use is the Green Mountain Mall, which has a total of nine floors, one floor, two floors,


  The third and fourth floors are rental booths, and the other floors are free booths. The so-called rental is actually a few management fees, and there are not many merchants in the first three floors. However, the self-employed retailers above are not in vain. They must pay a certain amount of labor. For example, those who take turns to clean up regularly. There are security guards and managers in the shopping malls. They are responsible for protecting the safety of merchants and customers and handling disputes.


Then the hotel was put into use. The 15-story hotel is not very efficient, but the facilities inside are still quite good. Some meetings of the base and martial arts are moved here, and some guests who come and go to the Green Mountain base Mostly choose to rest here.


  Mu Zifeng accompanied Luo and Huang out of the refuge and walked towards the Green Mountain Hotel, silently along the way. Although Xiao Yuxin is the main leader of the Green Mountain Base, most of the actual work is done by her, so when Luo and Huang come over, she is also responsible for the reception. However, the other party's bureaucratic tenon really made her feel disgusted. If Luo Jianbang don't hit the bureaucracy so much, and the appetite is not so big, let's talk about it, maybe everyone can negotiate a perfect solution, but he is like this Straight into the opening to ask for, but also like to say something to compensate Mu Zifeng, if it is not inappropriate, I want to laugh.


   This time when Xiao Yuxin came back, he brought back more than a thousand tons of military supplies, but this thing was not visible, otherwise Mu Zifeng would lead them to the warehouse, and then pointed at his nose and scolded: "You sent me food!"


The most annoying thing is that some families want to use gene fortification liquid to benefit from it. The main reason is that they don’t agree that the technology of handing over the gene fortification liquid is to do the same with all human beings. Is it really the green mountain base? Think it can be rubbed at will?


Luo Jianbang and Huang Yan are actually aware of the problem. Although they moved Xiao Yuxin’s uncle as a lobbyist, Xiao Yuxin is not a child. Even on this issue, even Xiao Yuxin’s parents may not have much say, and The other party is likely to be the same as the one chosen by God. Judging from the current situation, it is obviously not enough to try to suppress others.


But the two are not very willing to admit that they think that they represent the government as the power, and Xiao Yuxin... at best is just a civilian force, and it is still affiliated with the government. Basically, they are not willing to admit that Xiao Yuxin has a dialogue with them. qualifications.


   "Mr. Luo, Mr. Huang, if you rest, I can send someone to provide convenience for you to visit the base." Mu Zifeng said politely after sending him to the hotel.


   "This is not necessary, but it is best to arrange a conversation with Director Xiao at night. Our time is urgent." Luo Jianbang said in an official tone.


   "Of course, Director Xiao's time is equally precious. I hope everyone will be more realistic in meeting tonight, and some in Tancheng should not waste each other's time." Mu Zifeng said humbly.


   "What do you mean?" Luo Jianbang suddenly changed color.


   "It doesn't mean anything, no matter what kind of transaction, it must first be mutually beneficial and balanced. I just remind two people." Mu Zifeng nodded slightly and turned away from the room.




Luo Jianbang maintained his demeanor when Mu Zifeng did not leave, but after the door was closed, he almost broke his mouth and yelled, holding a tea cup in his hand and finally did not throw it out. This is because the hotel has provisions for damage to the public, multiple compensation .


   "Lao Luo, do you think the other party can agree to the meeting at night?" Huang Yan asked.


   "Did she dare to refuse?"


   Luo Jianbang frowned: "Anyway, Xiao Hanhai can always do something?"


   "Identity has reached her level, the opinions of family members may be difficult to control."


  Huang Yan shook his head and said he was not very optimistic: "If the other party insists on not agreeing, we seem to have no other way."


   "Can't we use secret methods?" Luo Jianbang asked.


   "It's difficult. The protection of the formulation and production of the gene fortification fluid is definitely very strict. We don't know the situation inside. I'm afraid the sender doesn't know where to send it.


  At least this director Xiao, I can't feel her breath. ""So she is just an ordinary person? "Luo Jianbang's face was a little bright.


"No." Huang Yan shook his head solemnly: "Even ordinary people have a unique breath, and her gas utensils are completely uncertain. She is hiding her breath in a unique way, and she is very strong. Or, it’s very weird. It’s better not to fight against her, unless you have the certainty that you will be killed by a blow."


   Then how do we talk about English love at night? Luo Jianbang asked.


   "First find out what their requirements are." Huang Yan said lightly: "The task items are all exchangeable, just see if there are equivalent exchanges." "It can only be like this."


Luo Jianbang is also helpless.... As Xiao Yuxin said, although the request for gene fortification technology is a national act, it is carried out under the control of some strong families. It can be said that as long as the gene fortification technology falls in the hands of the government, it is equal to falling in In the hands of these families, they have even coordinated the distribution ratio, one of which is of course national, but more of it is divided among the families. Be aware that gene fortification solution can bring a lot of money. It is also possible to cultivate high-quality gene family members for each divided family. This will enhance the competitiveness of the family. This temptation is irresistible.


  At this time, the Xiao family was a different scene.


  Time will change many things. At this time, Xiao Yuantu is much more approachable than before the catastrophe. This makes Grandma Xiao, who is secretly worried, relieved. Although Xiao Yuxin was the No. 1 character at the base, she did not win too many privileges for the Xiao family.


Although Xiao Yuxin will not see death and save her life, it is a bit difficult to make her completely forget the past. Now her second uncle Xiao Hanlin and his family work in some departments of the base, and they are not cadres. Anyway, they are self-reliant. There is no problem, but Xiao Yuxin has occasionally brought back some items as welfare. Those are the things she hunted, and there is no mischief in private fraud.


When Xiao Hanhai came home to see the old man and listened to it, although he didn’t cry with a headache, his eyes were hazy, and he was surprised, and Xiao Yuling even threw himself into his father’s arms, crying and complaining, "Heartless, parents Throw yourself alone in Xianghai City.


   "You little girl with no heart and no lungs, when are you "a lonely girl?" "Grandma Xiao gave her an angry look.


   "Anyway, when my parents are away, I'm just like being abandoned." Xiao Yuling just took the opportunity to explain.


……Humph! Then when your father goes back, you will also go back to Beijing, so as not to waste my family's food. "Grandma Xiao pretended to be angry.


  Xiao Yuling took it seriously and was startled: "Grandma, don't drive me away, I'm leaving. Who will chat with you to relieve boredom?"


   "Yu Ling, grandma teases you." Xiao Yuxin laughed beside him.


   "Grandma" Xiao Yuling looked up and looked at the smiling grandma Xiao, knowing that she was indeed fooled, and immediately began to withdraw.


   "Grandma, I don't need to cook at night. I asked the hotel to bring me a table and the account was settled." Xiao Yuxin said.


   When the boss comes back, the whole family should gather together anyway. If so many people's meals are tossed at home, that is really not enough to worry about. Buy it directly and save the trouble.


   "Yu Xin, can you talk to Uncle?" Xiao Hanhai said to Xiao Yuxin after greeting the family.


   "What's the matter?" Xiao Yuxin asked knowingly.


"Luo Jianbang and Huang Yan are coming this time, it is bound to be obtained. The arms can't be screwed on the thighs. Fight for compensation again. Let go of the benefits. Those two things are the weapons of the country, not in your hands. There are disadvantages!, Xiao Hanhai said.


"Uncle, those two things are not in my hands, but at the base of the Green Mountain. You don't have to persuade!" Xiao Yuxin's face immediately cooled down: "I got the danger of nine deaths early, they said lightly. "Take care of the overall situation and just take it away. How can this be true in the world? ""That's not just taking nothing, what conditions can you mention. "Xiao Hanhai felt that he should not mention the compensation. Even he felt that those people were a bit excessive and could support this base. How would he care about the materials in that area."


"No conditions." Xiao Yuxin refused without hesitation: "Without a fair basis, any conversation is formal, and I don't think there is any need to talk about it." "There are no untradeable items in the world." Xiao Hanhai frowned. Road.


   "Yes, but they can't get what I Xiao Yuxin is light and authentic.


   "Did you talk about that night?" Xiao Hanhai was frustrated.


   "Of course, as a master, I still have this kind of demeanor."


  Xiao Yuxin smiled and got up: "I still have things, see you at dinner."


   finished, she went out as soon as she said goodbye.


  …?, …confident life for two hundred years??? Will be hit three thousand miles of water…,


Introduction to "Fetching Fragrances" (new book upload): Legend, where the Qing Emperor went, grassy grass, hundreds of huā bloom, legend, the Qing Emperor waved his hand, dead wood rejuvenated, the flesh and bones and the doctor died, his name is Jumang ...


  An accidental car accident, a strange piece of huā basin, led Murong Slender to open the door of the fairyland!


   A beautiful myth begins here


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