Xiao Yuxin walked carefully on the quiet street. Her steps were light and soft, like a quick leopard, moving silently in the dark. The mask on her face and the elven cloak on her body made her smell and body temperature. It will not leak, which makes it difficult for the mutant creature that hunts in the dark to rely on smell or infrared vision to catch her presence and download.

   She took out her longbow and carried it on her back. She carried the Thunder War Axe in her hand. The blade of the axe flashed with cold light. The previous battle had the effect of clearing the street. Some low-level creatures escaped, but did not have time to escape the mutant creatures or zombies have become her soul under the axe, but at this time the most terrible killer is not her, but from the underground Infiltrating the concentrated Moyun vine, it began to sweep from the periphery, at least more than 300 zombies became its victims, and Xiao Yuxin rushed directly to the center of the Eight Yiji.

   Turned into a street, Xiao Yuxin suddenly stopped, she covered her body with a cloak, the whole person slowly hidden into the night.

   There was a slight rustle in front of him. A half-height mutant dog jumped out of a building with its door fully open. It looked around in doubt, its nose shook, and it seemed that it had lost its goal. After these originally tame creatures mutated, not only was they huge and violent, but some of their talents also increased. Xiao Yuxin was wearing a cloak of elves just now, but she smelled a little breath, but she was completely hidden in the cloak at this time. , The mutant dog suddenly lost his goal.

Xiao Yuxin, who was quietly dormant in the dark, suddenly moved, and the Thunder Tomahawk waved a cold light, and plopped on the neck of the mutant dog.


   When the dog's head flew up, the dog's mouth was still open with a strange bark, but it was stagnant and it sounded very strange. The two-meter-long body fell to the ground, his four claws twitched, and blood gurgled out of his neck cavity.

   Suddenly, a black shadow flew from a window on the second floor to Xiao Yuxin like lightning

Xiao Yuxin seemed to have eyes on the top of his head, his body moved sideways, his tomahawk waved his backhand, and he swept across the mutated dog’s chest and abdomen with blood. Come out, its body falls to the ground. There is a very tragic feeling of standing upright.

   "This guy is going to make a show when he dies."

  Xiao Yuxin waved his ax to split the heads of two mutant dogs. Taken the magic crystals, and then cut off their hind legs and put away. In fact, the dog teeth of the mutant dogs are also a material. The mercenaries use the teeth of these mutant creatures as arrow clusters. The effect is not worse than that of steel. The most important thing is that they can be used directly without processing. She can't look down on these things. After only taking the magic crystal, he continued to walk into the darkness, blood dripping from the axe.

at this time. The demon spirit unfolded the satellite image in front of her eyes, and Xiao Yuxin quickly found the nests of two mutant dogs. There were more than ten mutant dogs of all sizes in the nest, the large ones were almost adult, and the small ones had not opened their eyes. She beheaded the big ones directly, and the cubs who didn't open their eyes were taken away by her in a backpack.

   "When these cubs grow up and become domesticated. It is time to form a search team. With the keen sense of smell and hearing of these guys, the city's cleanup work must be accelerated."

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Xiao Yuxin murmured.

  Although the Green Mountain Base is still spreading, the speed is not fast. Xiao Yuxin's idea is to expand the entire Xianghai City into a city base suitable for human habitation. Most of the buildings and machines there remain intact. However, when there were large-scale zombies and mutants. It's easy to manage, just bomb directly, but as the city cleans up further, most of the zombies and mutants are wiped out, and the rest of the guys also engage in street fighting, especially creatures like mutant rats, it is difficult to completely Extinct. If these mutant dogs are successfully domesticated, and they will be led to search and patrol in the future, the cleaning efficiency will definitely be improved, at least the monster's attack is secondary.

One minute later, the last mutant dog king almost going to be promoted was cut into two sections by Xiao Yuxin. She walked toward the center of the Bayiji Center. As she walked, she was afraid of the light where she passed by. It’s like being swallowed by an invisible giant hole, and the streets are covered in darkness

   Dark Enchantment

  With Xiao Yuxin's current ability, it's nothing to cast a dark enchantment several times in a row. At this time, she is standing in front of the Bayi Building in the Bayiji Center.

A lot of materials are stored in the Bayi Building, but it is not the place with the most items in the Bayi Collection. The factories behind are the units that store the most materials, but the types of materials here are more complicated, just in line with Xiao Yuxin's needs. And here is also the most concentrated place for zombies in the collection.

In the green belt in front of the building, hundreds of zombies are gathering together for dinner. Unlike their original purposeless bites, these zombies that have evolved once or several times are now intentionally ingesting energy. The goals of their eating are those Mutant creatures, human beings, and even the same kind, looking at a group of already non-human creatures chewing a piece of raw meat and the bones of Bai Sensen on the ground, Xiao Yuxin has a feeling of wanting to vomit.


  After Xiao Yuxin walked out of the dark enclave, there were zombies immediately discovering her arrival, and countless zombies roared over to greet this piece of fresh meat.

   "I'm not here to sell meat."

  Xiao Yuxin pouted, said a very ambiguous word, summoned the magic dragon and these rubbish, did not even give her the qualification to practice hands.


The released dragon gave a roaring sky roar, like a high-speed train rushing towards the running zombies, its front claws lifted up suddenly, and the zombies in the front suddenly turned into a piecemeal flesh and blood Parts, and Xiao Yuxin returned to the darkness again, coldly watching the magic dragon abuse the zombies indiscriminately.

Just as the magic dragon was so wicked, Zhu Kezhen also led three mercenaries to the intersection. The cars were piled up on both sides of the road. The ground was full of zombies. Some zombies were strangely left. A piece of skin was taken.

   "This is the one she killed alone" four people looked at each other.

   At this moment, Ji Li heard another deafening roar, they didn't know it was the sound of the dragon, and his face changed completely.

   The three mercenaries of "Header" are all pale, judging from the sound, it must be a scary creature. Isn't it a scary creature? The dragon is also a C-class creature.

   Zhu Kezhen was also taken aback, but after all, he was an awakening warrior, and his mind was clearer than ordinary people

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Wake up: "If you have any worry about the creature's voice, it means that you have encountered Nirvana. She can come to the powerful creature, do you think she will fail?"

  Yeah, Nirvana is so powerful, maybe it will be able to wipe out those advanced mutant creatures in the eight meanings.

   "So what shall we do" a mercenary asked.

   "Inform the team immediately." Zhu Kezhen made up his mind.

   "Notify the team"

  The three mercenaries looked at each other: "Boss, is this appropriate?"

   "What's wrong, we can't do anything right now, don't you really want to reach out to you after a while"

   "Yes." A mercenary agreed to run back immediately, Zhu Kezhen took the other two to search around the intersection, and found many zombies.

Zhu Kezhen's judgment is correct. Mo Yunteng attacked the mutated creatures in the set from the outside, the dragon was rampant in the center, trampled the zombies like mud, and the two golems had already killed the building. Among.

  After the two golems were killed in the building, Xiao Yuxin walked in. There was a chaotic sound from the upper floors, and the air was filled with the peculiar smell of zombies and the rich **** smell. When you walk into the store, you can see that the counters are dumped there. The metal frames of those counters have not corroded, the glass of the counters is broken and the ground is full, and most of the commodities inside have been rotten.

   "Severe damage than expected"

  Xiao Yuxin frowned~www.readwn.com~ In fact, the reason why there are so many zombies in this set of eight senses is that it is a cargo distribution center, and there are some cooked meat and pasta processing factories in the collection. When the catastrophe broke out, the people inside were not prepared, and many people became zombies, but because many people were thinking about the supplies here, as a result, every wave of people was infected by the zombies here, which also changed For the zombies, for several months, here is like a poisonous cake with a charming fragrance, which has attracted a batch of people, and also created a batch of zombies.

Xiao Yuxin observed the surrounding environment and found that the first floor store was in a mess. Most of the zombies had been killed by the two golems. Now they seem to have rushed to the top. There are rustling footsteps on the passages on both sides. There seem to be zombies Move quickly towards this side.

Along with the roaring roars, a zombie wearing a tattered military uniform quickly ran towards Xiao Yuxin. Before waiting for it to run forward, Xiao Yuxin waved his axe and cut off his head. He rushed past her and fell down.

  Just about to move forward, seven or eight zombies rushed out of the left channel. When they saw the fresh blood food in front, these zombies roared with excitement and rushed over with their teeth clawed.

  Don't wait for Xiao Yuxin to shoot, dozens of green vines scrambled out of the ground, entangled the zombies in one fell swoop, and as the needles penetrated, the bodies of the zombies quickly shrivelled up.

   Suddenly, Xiao Yuxin's body shot forward like a lightning, almost at the same time she rushed out, a green sphere slammed down where she had just stood. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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