

There are living dead people demonized everywhere. These living dead people are very different from zombies. Their purpose is not to devour, but to kill. ╔╗ Very literature The souls of these living dead people have been completely dominated by a kind of killing, and their bodies have been eroded by magical qi. Horrible changes have occurred. Even if Wen Yuxiu and others do not kill them, the time they exist in this world It won’t be very long, and although these guys haven’t remembered any killing skills in their minds, their demonized armor is comparable to the sharpest saber, and the speed is very fast. Several sprints have been less than 50 meters recently. Too.

An already dead old woman rushed towards Jonathan, and in her mouth uttered the sound of'ho-ho,' the demonization fully propped up her clothes, and the two huge spheres in front of her chest had turned into fuchsia, flicking around , Looks terrifying.


Jonathan shot the old woman's head with a shot and watched it fall down about six or seven meters in front of her. He was greatly relieved: "No wonder the church forbids taking the street, it is really terrifying."

After shooting two rounds of arrows and shooting down a few dead people who arrived, Ah Min immediately took a heavy truck out of the storage bag... In the White Horse team, although everyone had access to space All have been expanded, but if the storage is the largest, it is still Ya Min's storage bag and Xiao Yuxin's food bracelet. Among them, Xiao Yuxin's storage bracelet is made from the branches of the world tree, and the storage capacity can almost be said to be unlimited. ╔╗

The car manufacturing process of 1933 still couldn't make a heavy truck like Totoo, so when this car came out, it shocked the three male plot characters. It felt almost like seeing a living dead person.

"Wow! This car is so beautiful!" Alex exclaimed, stroking the big wheel taller than himself.

"Don't like it, get in the car first!"

Wen Yuxiu lifted Alex high, and Amin, who had jumped into the car, quickly took him to the car. When Eve and Jonathan and others got on the car, Wen Yuxiu pulled him up. Ocono of the car: "Ocono, you get to the cab. Our driver is not familiar with the road in London."

"Okay." O'Connor turned and rushed into the cab.

On the truck, Eve looked at Arwen curiously, "Where did such a big guy come out from the concubine? Do you also have mythical and legendary storage equipment?"

Where did Amin have time to talk to her, her actions of taking arrows, opening bows and archery gracefully were like those of her peers, so Eve's eyes were shifted again: "Wow, beautiful movements, you must go through professional training? "

"Hurry up and get in the car. If you are surrounded by those who are alive and dead, it will be useless to drive a tank!" Guo Ziyuan urged. ╔╗ Very literary

At this time, Rui Ge, Tisi, Carmen and others were still shooting those living dead on the ground, without any fear.

"Hurry up, we are surrounded." Jonathan shouted while shooting... This guy is not bad. It's just a noisy mouth.

"Uncle, you just have to make a shot." Alex, who was standing beside him, persuaded gently.

"Oh, dear nephew, you shouldn't talk to me in this tone." Jonathan didn't yell this time, and became a chattering teaching...such as what children don't respect elders will be beaten by the sky. Thunder and the like.

Alex, believe it or not, Xia Xinwen next to him almost returned his hand to give him a holy light bomb, this big man is also too wordy, and deserves to hit the bachelor until now. ╔╗

Rui Ge and others jumped onto the truck. Guo Ziyuan immediately slammed on the accelerator at the foot of the truck, and the truck rushed out, and the two living dead people who rushed head-on were slammed into the car with two slams. Without fear or pain, he suddenly jumped up and chased towards the truck again.

Da da da……

Tis set up a heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, bullet ‘poo’, shot the bodies of the living dead, died on the spot through the head, and those who did not have the vitality of the machine were also beaten back. Huge truck tires pressed against the dead people who were knocked down, their bodies burst like balls, their bones were rolled to make a clicking sound, and the truck moved forward crookedly like driving on a rough mountain road.

Two machine gun racks fired forward on the roof of the car, and the wheels rolled. Guo Ziyuan drove the car frantically, following the direction of O'Connor, and drove along the avenue. Because the wheels were pressed against the living dead from time to time, Guo Ziyuan firmly grasped Steering wheel lest I rushed to the building on the street, a smelt of blood and broken muscles were splashed around by the wheels, and even the windows did not splash


A roar came from above, followed by the sound of broken glass windows, and several living dead jumped out of the window and rushed towards the truck. ╔╗


Xia Xinwen shouted, a piece of holy light came out, the living dead were shrouded in holy light, and a painful roar in his mouth, but the red light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his body seemed to melt under the holy light. Soon it disappeared.

"Mei Mei, pay attention to saving energy, and wait for you to kill Imerton later." Xiao Chunan reminded her that the bronze ancient sword in her hand made a beautiful arc, and a living dead who just jumped onto the car was cut. Going to the head, blood spewed out of the cavity.

This time grouping, the reason why Xia Xinwen joined Wen Yuxiu’s team was to deal with Emerton. The Sun Jingjing she learned was the emperor’s nemesis, and you can even destroy it without going to the temple of the Scorpion Emperor. . I just didn't expect that they would make a form of resurrection so complicated.

"not good!"

Bearded exclaimed suddenly: "The magic clouds in the sky are thick again. They are crazy. This is to demonicize the whole London. ╔╗"

"What?" Wen Yuxiu and others were also taken aback. God knew what would happen.

"Is there a way to avoid it?" Eve asked this sentence, which was what Xiao Chunan and others thought. I know... it's not that God has a good life, but if the entire London residents have become living dead, they will be very passive. There is no problem in escaping London, but it is not an easy task to kill Imerton among the living dead in the whole city.

"As soon as possible to the place where Imorton was resurrected, they must be holding a ceremony there." Bearded said.


Wen Luxiu heavily punched a punch on the roof of the car: "Guo Ziyuan!"

"Yes! Did the stars fall?" Guo Ziyuan was trembling with shock, almost rushing out of the road, making a sharp turn before returning to the middle of the road.

"Go to the British Museum! At all costs, stop their spellcasting." Wen Yuxiu said loudly.

"Know!" Guo Ziyuan stepped on the throttle and turned Fang Mengpan, while letting O'Connor show the way.

The British Museum (BtihMwa), also known as the British Museum, is located at Great Russell Square, north of New Oxford Street, London, England. It was established in 175 and officially opened to the public on January 5, 1759. It is the oldest and most magnificent in the world. The comprehensive museum is also one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. The museum has a collection of many cultural relics and book treasures from all over the world. The rich collection and variety are rare for museums all over the world.

However, the museum at this moment is filled with a gloomy atmosphere. The whole building is wrapped in a grayish fog. Outside the fog, the living dead walk around aimlessly, and they roar in their mouths. However, none of them dared to get close to the place where the gray fog is located, and in the fog, more than ten black soldiers dressed in red costumes were distributed at different locations of the museum to guard.

"There are these dead people who are on guard outside. I don't know who else we need to guard against?" Guard A whispered.

"It's just a technical need. All we have to do is to play the role of an eye. Ordinary people should be responsible for that dead man." Soldier B shrugged, and also found this errand super boring.

In the museum hall, it has been cleared very empty at this time, and the invaluable collections are swept aside like garbage. There is a huge altar in the middle of the hall. A skeleton is lying in the middle of the altar. The celebrity was chanting strange mantras aloud beside him, and behind him, a gorgeous young woman was looking nervously at the altar, as if the skull above was her most concerned.

From the other corner of the hall, there was a faint sound of mantras. Eight priests in ancient black robes were chanting mantras there, and a group of eerie and terrifying energy was rising upward.

In the hall, the curse in the old man's mouth became more and more rapid, and there was a faint sound in the air, and above the skull on the altar, a mass of black energy metabolism was rapidly converging.

"Guo Ziyuan~www.readwn.com~ stop at the fourth intersection in front of it." Wen Yuxiu commanded loudly.

"Yes." Guo Ziyuan promised, slamming the steering wheel, and the truck roared into a narrow street.

Suddenly, there was a mess of footsteps in front of him. In the darkness, there were hundreds of living dead people blocking the exit of the street.

"Too much!" O'Connor looked surprised.

"Rush through."

Guo Ziyuan gritted his teeth and greeted loudly: "I'm about to rush, everyone is standing!"

The truck rushed forward and pressed the living dead who were blocking them under the wheel... In front was the British Museum. The heavy truck rushed forward and some of the railings and benches along the road were broken and shattered. The wheels of the truck rubbed violently against the ground to make a harsh sound.

"Get off!" Wen Yuxiu shouted and started shooting at the British Museum with a heavy machine gun mounted on the roof. Those guards had discovered this crazy car a step earlier, and they all hid in hidden corners and started shooting. Ming


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