"Why don't we use vehicles to fly?"

Li Hanshi said depressed: "I'm really uncomfortable with this desert climate. I think the respiratory tract is almost burned by high-temperature airflow. ╔╗

"It's too exaggerated." Du Wan whispered.

"Give you a toy." Mei Xue released a stream of water from the space, and the stream of water turned into a crystal ice ball in an instant. She threw the ice ball to Li Hanshi.


Li Hanshi suddenly felt a cold, he took the puck close to his nose and took a deep breath, a fresh and cool air into the lungs through the dry airway.

"Are you cool?" A child's voice sounded beside him.

He turned his head and looked at it, but Alex looked at him...to be precise, looking at the crystal clear, cold ice ball in his hand.

"of course."

Li Hanshi handed the ice hockey to the boy.

"Thank you!"

The boy thanked happily and took the ice hockey playfully. ╔╗

"I'd better go back to the tent and sleep."

Li Hanshi looked enviously at Eve... who was stepping on a collapsing wall and studying the text and images with great interest... This seemingly thin little woman had such toughness and powerful nerves, it was really It's amazing to know that her son still has a deadly bracelet on his arm.

Here is the ruins of a temple, but it is not the temple of Osiris in the mission, and now there are twenty-five days left before the stipulated deadline. If it is not for the bearded man, they have already set off.

In the middle of the temple that has only four walls, Wen Yuxiu and others are studying a map... This is based on the image that Alex watched after wearing the death bracelet.

"According to the image, the Osiris temple should be somewhere underground. We must cross the Green Sea, enter the pyramid, and finally enter the underground... Osiris Temple. The Devil Scorpion Emperor should be there." Wen Yuxiu said.

"But the question is, where are our enemies?" Xiao Chunan said.

"The enemy? Imerton is dead, what other enemy?" Jonathan asked in surprise. ╔╗

"Although Imorton is dead, his priests are still there. What is the concubine? They will not let go of the treasure of the Scorpion Emperor. The most important thing is the Corps of Death under the Scorpion Emperor. Power, I am afraid that every force is pursuing, and the reason why that cult resurrected Imerton, chasing the bracelet of death. It is nothing more than trying to get the power of the Scorpion Emperor. /Very Literature/" Xiao Chunan said.

"Yes, Imerton is already dead, the bracelet of death is their last hope." Wen Yuxiu said.

This time, the branch plot is opened. If it is only to eliminate the Scorpion Emperor and Imorton, it is much simpler. In their hands, there are the spears of the Scorpion Emperor's judgment and the "Solar Gold" of Immorton. ······Of course, the latter needless to say·Already dead under the holy light of heaven, but there is still a more troublesome thing, that is to destroy the affiliated forces of Imerton. That is the cult, otherwise this The task is not completed...there is no way to kill the cultists all over the world?

"It's really troublesome. If you knew this, you should kill them in the British Museum first!" Mo Lou patted the ground resentfully.

"The environment at that time, if you don't kill Imerton, it is likely to produce other accidents, don't mention it." Wen Yuxiu said.

Under the circumstances at that time, of course, I must try my best to fight Imerton, otherwise, if he escaped, there will be many changes along the way.

Just as Wen Yuxiu and others were discussing the site of the temple site, a train drove out of Cairo. Although the merchants and soldiers in Cairo did not know who this was, the armed men standing on the roof of the car With the most advanced firearms in the world behind him, it is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated. ╔╗

The train stopped more than forty kilometers away from the city. A team of heavily armed soldiers appeared from behind the dunes. They entered the car in silence. Three soldiers who looked like officers boarded one of the carriages, and it was the old man who resurrected Imerton and Ansuna who were standing inside to greet them... There were three black robe priests behind them. .

"Hi! Hitler!"

The three officers shouted abruptly and raised their right arms straight.

The old man was startled and stepped back slightly before reaching out his right hand and swinging like a hello: "Hi! Hitler."

And Ansuna and the three black robe priests beside him waved helplessly, believing that this strange etiquette was answered.

The head of the three officers was a German major. He was very dissatisfied with the few salutes in front of him, but he could not blame: "Mr. Sacrifice, I am instructed to meet you Where is the sacrifice? Where is the death bracelet?"

"Please sit down. ╔╗"

The ceremonies invited three officers to sit, and only after they sat down, they said: "Unfortunately, in London, a group of people from the East used the "Solar Sutra" to prevent the resurrection of the Immortal sacrifice, and they grabbed Take away the bracelet of death."

"Are you sure?" The major stared at the sacrifice's eyes.

"Confirm." The sacrifice answered affirmatively.

"No force wants to stop the rise of the German Empire!"

Major Shen said, "Where are those Orientals now?"

"They should be on their way to the Temple of Osiris now."

The sacrifice clapped, and the two red-robed guards dragged a man in black robe in. He took another hand-drawn map and placed it on the table, pointing at the black-robed man and saying, "This is the Pharaoh Guard A messenger of, we intercepted a map with the route to Osiris on his hand, all we have to do is catch up and grab the bracelet of death."

"Are you sure this drawing is true?" the major asked, grabbing the map.

"Of course. ╔╗ Those Orientals have already colluded with the Pharaoh Guards, the purpose is to avoid the death forces that are released when entering the Temple of Osiris. If we are lucky, we may arrive before them. "The sacrifice said affirmatively."

"Let's go." The major put down the map and waved his hand.

At this time, all the German soldiers had already boarded the train, and with the order of the sacrifice, the train rumbling away set off a sandstorm.

On the ruins of the temple, Wen Yuxiu and others looked anxiously into the distance. As the sky gradually darkened, a figure riding a horse finally appeared in the distance. The horse ran quickly, and it was not long before it had arrived. The beard jumped off immediately.

"How is it going?" Wen Yuxiu asked.

"Very smooth, but unfortunately lost a loyal fighter." Bearded said a bit painfully.

"His sacrifice will be of value. When will the Pharaoh's guard enter the Temple of Osiris." Xiao Chunan asked.

"They will gather in Lvhai, as long as I let out the messenger,"

He pointed to a bird that looked like an owl on his shoulder. "It will give orders to the captains."

"Hope it won't be eaten." Li Hanshi looked at the fat bird and suddenly thought of barbecue.

"Okay, let's go."

Wen Yuxiu made a gesture to Ya Min. Ya Min took out a helicopter from the storage bag, Carmen immediately got on the pilot's seat, the others then sat down, and Alex was sitting beside Carmen.

"This is the first time I have seen such a weird plane." Alex said, reaching for the bridge.

"This is the first time I have seen such a bold little guide."

Carmen Chung rubbed his head: "I'm going to fly, I have to sit firmly!"

The propeller ‘whooped, and the ground was spinning, and the helicopter gradually rose from the ground, and after a slight pause in the air, it flew deep into the desert.

"Miss Wen, this weird plane and the firearms you used were never seen by me. Is there anything I can know?"

"of course."

Wen Yuxiu nodded, she knew that O'Connell was already doubting these things, but she already knew how to solve it, "Do you know the space-time tunnel? We are actually crossing..."

As she tells her story, a story about chasing and killing in space and time is very bloody...

"Zion is the last base of mankind, but it is not a pure land."

Trinity whispered: "In Zion, everything is legal... As long as it is not caught on the spot by the patrol, everything is the target of looting, weapons, food, medicine, women 1. Life, even a small child may take your life for the purpose of a piece of bread. The only safe thing is the soldiers. At the Zion base, all politicians are also armed with guns, and those who only speak or The politicians who write are dead."

"Why would you tell me this?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Because I find that Morpheus does not seem to intend to maintain a closer relationship with you, the necessary self-protection measures are still necessary. The only thing I can tell you is the specific situation of Zion and help you enter the Zion base. Trinity lowered her head.


Isn’t this the typical killing of donkeys? Fortunately, in addition to rescuing Neo and Trinity~www.readwn.com~ also rescued several experts who made code potions and recaptured the code potions. How did they thank the life-saving benefactor?


Feeling the anger in Xiao Yuxin's heart, Trinity bowed her head in shame.

"It's okay, it's already a gift that he didn't reject us outside the base." Xiao Yuxin said sarcastically.


This was the only thing Trinity could say, and she felt ashamed of what her peers did.

"It's not your fault." Xiao Yuxin said lightly, her eyes flashed, and she took her bow and arrow back suddenly.

"Do not move, raise your hand!"

Thirty or forty human warriors suddenly came out from behind the tree, on the tree or on the ground, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at everyone.


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