Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 594 Pulling Camp (Part 1)

   In the air somewhere thousands of kilometers away from the Zion base, dozens of large floating boats and patrol boats are flying in the blue sky, just like a school of fish downloading in the deep sea. The smell of smoky smoke filled the air, and a flare of fire flew between the airships.


   An pontoon was hit by several artillery fires at the same time. It was probably a shell that hit the ammunition depot. The pontoon exploded in the sky. In a dense blast of martyrdom, the pontoon completely disintegrated.


A missile rose from the airship, halfway into the air, another batch of interceptor missiles also rose into the sky, a lot of gorgeous fireworks bloomed in midair, countless pieces of steel struck on the steel boat, and made a sound of clank .


The turret on the front deck of a patrol boat was suddenly hit by a shell, and the ammunition inside was blasted. The entire turret was lifted. The martyrdom was obviously very serious. The patrol boat began to lean forward, almost heading The next planting continued.

The robot commander on the patrol boat did not move. He did not try to save the patrol boat that was about to fall. Instead, he ordered the robot soldiers to release all the mechanical squid. A mixed noise of electronic and mechanical noises came from the large machine. The squid flew from the boat and flew towards the human floating boat.

"I'm going to be dragged by these iron bumps, and I will be beaten hard." The commander of a human floating boat on the front shouted loudly, and the floating boat under his seat shook slightly, and the rapid-fire muzzle emitted The endless fire.


One machine squid was hit by volley, several machine squid fell on the deck, the machine tentacle was about to cut the turret, a dozen human crews rushed out of the cabin, and fired fiercely with a light machine gun. Those machine squids were beaten one after another. burst.


   A dying machine squid thrust a tentacle into the chest of a crewman who was too close. With a sharp flick, he cut his chest into two pieces.

It seems that it was inspired by the high fighting intentions of human warriors. The surviving robot patrol boat released all the mechanical squids. These tireless, creatures that did not fear death or injury launched a wave of waves to the human floating boat. A wave of attacks, they drove from the patrol boat in groups, rushed towards humans, shuttled among the human floating boats with a dazzling flight trajectory, and attacked the target again and again until the target Explode or disintegrate yourself. The debris blasted in all directions.

   The stronger the flash, the more intense the battle. In the roar and flicker of artillery fire, a machine squid was hit by volley, and the airship's body was scarred, just like those wounded with bandages, showing the cruelty and fierceness of this battle.

   This battle. Although human beings have the upper hand, their opponents are not afraid of casualties scattered on the ground. You can go back to the furnace and reprocess it into a robot, and then wave the butcher knife to the human again. Everyone knows, but they all raised their guns and joined the battle.

   A machine squid hurriedly passed a human pontoon, swung left and right from the dense artillery lightly and agile, and finally sank. Passing through the belly of the pontoon, it was separated from the tracking shot of the rotating turret.

   On a human command boat, Wright, the commander of this unit, was excitedly issuing orders to each boat. He firmly believed that the destiny of mankind should be controlled by mankind, and he did not believe in the existence of a savior. The previous battles were directed by Morpheus. God testified that Morpheus finally made a mistake. The command of this battle fell into his hands.

   For this

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

He was very satisfied with this battle. This was a resolute attack and a victory without discount. Although such a victory has lost nearly 20 pontoons, the robots have lost even more. Their fleet has been comprehensive. Nearly 50 patrol boats have crashed, a large number of machine squids have been destroyed, and the results have been unprecedented. Although they have sacrificed He is also very sad, but he thinks it is worth it, and it will be a dead bone. This is the inevitable for humanity to win.

  In Wright’s view, the battle had fully realized the strategic intent he had originally formulated, and the remaining patrol boats would not last long and would be destroyed in a short time.

   Beside him, Morpheus's face was blue, and his anger seemed to have reached an uncontrollable edge.

   "Captain Morpheus, what's wrong with you"

  Wright turned to see Morpheus's face, a glimmer of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but his tone was very gentle.

   "Congratulations, Raita, the victory of this battle is already at your fingertips." Morpheus said in a deep voice.

   "Where, thank you for the opportunity you created." Wright finally showed his tail and began to ridicule.

   "I'm afraid some people don't think so." Morpheus said coldly.

   "Who is there?" Wright was shocked.

   "Those who sacrifice"

Morpheus said angrily: "It's nothing you took them to the battlefield. The soldiers should have been fighting. The soldiers died in the battle. It's no shame, but in the case of no or little sacrifice, why should you let them They sacrificed"

"Morpheus, you" Wright's face changed and he was about to reprimand, but Morpheus did not allow him room to speak: "Ryta, I ask you, how long does it take to build a floating boat at our base shipyard time"

   "One month." I replied hesitantly.

   "The robot makes a patrol boat" Morpheus questioned.

   "Less than a week."

"As for the soldiers, after recovering those iron wreckages, the robot can produce thousands of squids and hundreds of robot soldiers in a day, but our human soldiers have added how to train a new recruit without half a year of training, without going through several battles. It’s simply not capable, and a robotic soldier can fight as long as he enters the program. Captain Wright, how much value do you think such a victory has?" Morpheus asked Wright with staring at Wright.

   "What do you mean?" Although Wright was so happy, he was not a bad person or an incompetent person, but he was not as far-reaching as Morpheus in thinking.

   "To fight against wear and tear, humans simply cannot compare with robots."

Morpheus said in a deep voice: "We have to find the whereabouts of the mother body and carry out beheading operations. As long as the mother body is destroyed, the remaining robots are not a concern, and the lost manpower can be replenished. Those humans trapped in the biological power plant can Liberated."

   Wright was silent. He looked out of the window. The last patrol boat had just exploded. He was supposed to be happy, but now he could not feel the slightest joy for a long time. He asked hoarsely, "You think there is a savior"

   "I don't think that the savior is equivalent to God, but this person does exist. And his presence helps us destroy the mother." Morpheus said in a deep voice.

   "Morpheus, it is not so easy to convince those people smoothly. You have to be mentally prepared," Wright said.

   "I will convince them with facts, unless they are willing to hide in that underground cave until they are blocked by those robot crawlers." Morpheus said coldly.

   "You mean that there will be traitors to expose our base

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Location" Wright was surprised.


Morpheus shook his head: "The influence of the traitors is not without, but the most important thing is that as long as we are active, we can never leave traces, even if we are careful. Only few traces are left at a time, It has been terrible to accumulate for so long."

   "Then our time is running out," Wright said blankly.

   "Yes, we will not wait. If we can no longer implement the decapitation plan, sooner or later, the base will be discovered by the mother, and then it will be the final day of our human arrogance." Morpheus cuts the ground.

  In another mountain area that will soon become a battlefield, dozens of humans are urgently negotiating an action plan. Although the robot soldiers guarding outside have successively withdrawn to the camp, the patrols have not been removed. They go back and forth to recharge and then patrol again.

   "Boss, we can't proceed in this way. It seems that we can only give up." Johnny said dejectedly.

  Baluowei was sullen, but he was not reconciled. But now that they have escaped the patrol several times, it’s really not good luck to follow, but it’s really hard to say, just go back like this, it is too suffocating, and spread it out to him. It is bound to have a bad influence.

   "I can try it."

Xiao Yuxin suddenly said: "I took a few people to sneak in and set up remote control bombs in key places. When you detonate, you attack from the outside. We cooperate from the inside to launch the attack, and then end the battle at the fastest speed, clean the battlefield, and strive for Retreat into the mountains before dawn."

   "Are you sure?" Balowe asked quietly.

   "Before things are unsuccessful, who is sure, but this plan is really dangerous." Xiao Yuxin said.

   "I'll give you another half ~www.readwn.com~ If we detonate the bomb as scheduled, we should cooperate inside and outside. If there is no opportunity to start or expose, we will evacuate as appropriate." Ballovi said.

   "That's it." Xiao Yuxin nodded.

She gathered the gods together: "Brother Niu, Lanzi, Dashan, Laohu, Laolin, Haiqiong, the six of you follow me, and the others are waiting outside for the action signal. Sister Xia, remember not to believe it. Those fools, protect the newcomers."

   "You can rest assured that nothing will happen." Mo Hongxia assured.

   "Go." Xiao Yuxin waved his hand and led Wu Ziniu and others into the bushes, but he heard the leaves and leaves, and soon the seven figures had disappeared.

   Confident life will be hit three thousand miles in 200 years

   New Yipin Compilation Introduction:

   either don't wear one or addiction

A four-year-old girl Shen Yueying's flesh was destroyed by a work error of the four gods of Fengyun and Thunderbolt. What's more, these four irresponsible guys bluntly tried to prevent Yan from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus continent to rebirth.

   Magic weapon on the catty, flying swords into boxes, as long as you have money, elixir can also be wholesale, Amadeus is only the first stop to cross

   This time it was the murderer who found the crossing, and it was also considered to have blame and debt. However, it seems that the compensation of the Four Great Heavenly Kings cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when it will be fully realized. It’s really hard for me to think about the mistress. I was struck by thunder and then fell into the sea again. After so many things, is it right or wrong that Jitai has come to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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