"There is no way around, is this the end?" Jonathan whispered.

"Eve, come and see. There are some words here." Wen Yuxiu looked at the scorpion statue and said.

Eve hurried forward and looked down carefully to recognize the ancient text carved on the stone platform: "This is to say that the road to the Temple of Osiris can only be opened with the bracelet of death, but when opening this passage, it will To awaken the guardians and death soldiers of the Scorpion Emperor, we must reach the Temple of Osiris within three days, otherwise the Death Regiment will spread to the world."

"That's good, I don't know what the cultists will look like when they meet the Death Soldier?" Jonathan laughed.

O'Connor glanced at him: "We will also meet."

"Oh." Jonathan's face suddenly became bitter.

"Eve, how to open the channel?" Wen Yuxiu asked.

"As long as the person wearing the Death Bracelet stretches his arm into the mouth of the scorpion, he can open the passage to the Temple of Osiris, which is the same military and civilian." Eve replied.

"Do you want to reach into its mouth?" Alex said bitterly.

"I'm afraid that's the case, Alex, you are a man, don't be afraid!" O'Connor encouraged his son.

"I'm not afraid, it's too ugly." Alex turned sideways, closing his eyes, and put the arm wearing the bracelet of death into the mouth of the scorpion.


With a slight sound, the statue of the scorpion suddenly shook violently, the whole body began to glow, and the entire base began to move sideways.

A moment later, the scorpion statue moved away, revealing a downward staircase, and there was another squeak in the scorpion's mouth. Alex, who was pulling his arm out, shouted, and a heel fell off the base of the stone. Shengxian



Eve screamed and rushed over to hug her son: "Oh, Alex. You must not die!"

"Cough, cough, mom... Mom..." Alex gripped his mother in pain: "You hugged... too tight..."

"Eve, do you want to murder your son?" O'Connell stepped forward and pulled away Eve's arm with a smile.

"Uh." Eve released her arm awkwardly.

Alex just slumped, and Eve let go of his arm. He took a long breath and looked at Eve helplessly: "Mom, you are so powerful!"

Everyone made a good-hearted laughter.

Eve was a little embarrassed and turned and walked towards the tunnel.

"Wait." Wen Yuxiu stopped her, and her eyes flashed suddenly. A metal skull appeared in front of him.

"What is this?" The O'Connor family was startled.

"This is a magic puppet, and it's good to be a soldier." Wen Yuxiu explained briefly, directing the guards to walk down the tunnel. The crowd followed a little further behind.

The stairs are not long. There are thirty-nine levels in total. After walking down, the crowd turned to a passage on the left, although there were no lighting fixtures inside. But at the end of the passage, there is a door-shaped light curtain, exuding a soft light.


When a group of people came to the light curtain, Wen Yuxiu was still instructing the guardian to walk into the light curtain first. After a while, the guardian came back. There were no signs of being attacked.

"You can go in!"

Wen Yuxiu walked into the light curtain with a gun, and everyone walked in one after another...


Virtual training ground.

Xiao Yuxin was covered in a shabby canvas, guarding in the shadow of a ruined broken wall. She carried an ak47 automatic rifle on her back, holding a desert eagle in her hands, and installed a silencer on the muzzle. The automatic rifle was the captured weapon.

Due to the inability to use equipment and special skills, plus those terrorists are set to have a strong strength. The marksmanship alone is indeed quite difficult. Even if she is at a long distance, it is difficult to say that she was not shot, so she is very careful.

After killing a terrorist, she put on the desert-colored camouflage suit worn by the terrorist, and she also painted seized camouflage oil on her face, trying to match the topography and landform, and other terrorists disappeared like mercury. In the ruins of the city.

A few minutes passed, and the terrorists seemed to have evaporated without any movement.

Xiao Yuxin looked at the surrounding streets suspiciously, not knowing what the terrorists wanted to do. Of course, if she casts "Shen Zhao Jue", she will quickly grasp all the movements in this large area, but as a result, she may be suspected of cheating, and she is also trying to take advantage of this opportunity to try her special skills. Under the circumstances, how much fighting power will be maintained


She looked up at the sky, and suddenly the afterglow of her eyes found that someone seemed to flash... Damn it! Xiao Yuxin immediately reacted, and those terrorists even jumped up the roof, trying to conquer the target.

This time the threat was great.

Xiao Yuxin immediately stood up, turned and ran to the corridor, a dull gunshot chased her body, and the ground was dusty, but she couldn't chase her footsteps... Even if she didn't use light work, her speed was also terrible. of.

She doesn’t use special skills, but she can’t do anything about her physique. She can’t walk slowly.

Flying to the top of the building, the terrorist had already given up shooting and changed his position. Xiao Yuxin rushed into the hut on the top of the building and listened to the outside...without movement.

She was about to stop, and suddenly stopped again... There was movement!



The people who appeared in this training ground were only those terrorists, so when the sound came near, she shot decisively and kicked out of the door with a kick.


The door panel will hit a terrorist under the door heavily under the door...he had been hit before and groaned painfully in his mouth.


Xiao Yuxin dropped his muzzle and hit his back with a shot, ending his pain.


The danger-sensing skills were launched suddenly, which she could not control. This skill inherited from the Truth is not only practical, but also a passive skill. As long as the corresponding danger occurs, it will automatically appear.

Xiao Yuxin couldn't think about it. Immediately jumped out of place.

Da da da……

This was ak47's voice, and the bullet hit the place where she had just set foot, igniting clusters of sparks.

After Xiao Yuxin jumped out, a roll came to the back of a bunker, looked at the gunshot, and was seeing a figure jumping out of the roof... Is this suicide or any special skill? The terrorist didn't bring any props.

She rushed to the side without thinking, and saw that the terrorist was carrying ak47 jumping down from the angle between the two buildings. He jumped from this balcony to that balcony very accurately, from this window to that window, just as he was about to rush into a window, the gun in Xiao Yuxin's hand rang. A blood spatter came out of the terrorist's head, and the body crashed through the window and planted in the building.

Da da da……

Dense bullets may fly past her. Or hit her foot, which means that more than one person shot her!

She burst out a sloppy sentence, jumped without hesitation, and moved quickly with her feet on the window sill... The movements made with her physique were much more agile than terrorists, and she was not far from the ground. She flew up and jumped on a bus. She jumped from the car without hesitation, rolled over to the car, a bullet hit the roof of the car, and even her clothes corner was not hit.

"Go to death!" Xiao Yuxin gritted his teeth and shook his hand. A terrorist who was too late to retract his head screamed that his body was planted from the top of the building



It's like a broken sack full of watermelons, and after the body comes into close contact with the ground, it follows the sound of broken bones. The corpse was unnaturally twisted and blood came out.

Da da da……

Several guns extended out of the building and fired downward, Xiao Yuxin sneered. If this kind of shooting can hit someone, buy a lottery ticket. The winning rate is absolutely terrible.

The rhythm of the bullets seemed to be a little intermittent, and Xiao Yuxin moved. I climbed to the side of the car and looked up. I saw two dark things coming down the stairs...Grenade!

"Shameless guy!"

She cursed in a low voice and raised her hand to shoot.

boom! boom!

Two hands were hit by volley, as if two fireworks were in full bloom, shrapnel fell down, and the car was devastated. Xiao Yuxin took advantage of their gunshots and paused, flashing out of the car like a rabbit, a few Jianbu jumped behind a barricade sandbag.

The shooting of those terrorists stopped. Although the current angle of view is broad~www.readwn.com~, it is also not easy to suppress, and the grenade is not easy to throw to that position. Xiao Yuxin saw a bench beside her, she took off The next camouflage suit seized, wrapped up the bench and threw it aside... as if it was a person rushing out.

Da da da... the gunshots really sounded, Xiao Yuxin raised her hand and made a sound, the gunshots across the face were immediately dumb... fifth, she has eliminated five terrorists.

Where will the other five be?

Suddenly, she burst into palpitations, and suddenly ran out from behind the sand barrier, and ran quickly... At the moment she leaped out, a rocket was shot behind the sand barrier, and the sand barrier collapsed with a bang. Immediately after the sound of a helicopter, a black helicopter flew towards here.

"I rely on! This terrorist is too evil? Have the ability to let me come in with a storage bracelet, a missile lets you fly!"

Xiao Yuxin spit out and flew away, and suddenly there was a strange sound in her ear. She jumped up suddenly and shot a back arm as she threw out a building.


The rocket exploded behind her, the air wave slammed her into a bucket, and slammed against the wall before stopping... Just as she was overturned by the shock wave, a silhouette fell on the helicopter. The terrorist was The moment when he was shot, his face was unbelievable.

Confident life for two hundred years *will be hit three thousand miles*

Introduction of "Yuxiang" (new book upload):

Author: former Aoyagi

Legend has it that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grass and flowers blooming,

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died,

His name is Jumang...

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland!

A beautiful myth begins here...

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