Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 613 Killing the Scorpion King


The Osiris Temple shook violently, and it seemed to be able to collapse at any time. Everyone was crooked. If it weren’t for the sound of rubble falling from time to time in the passage, even Wen Yuxiu would like to go out and avoid it.

The vibration finally stopped, and a gate slowly rose from the wall, and a heavy foot sound came immediately. A huge black shadow appeared at the door, followed by a monster with a human body and a scorpion coming out of it. , Its face is still the same as humans, but its hands have become sharp claws, making a harsh sound between opening and closing.

Is this the Scorpion Emperor who sacrificed souls to the **** of death in exchange for powerful power?

Everyone's eyes are temporarily distracted when they see it.

"Human, please use your flesh to please me!"

The sound of the Scorpion Emperor's rumbling sounded, echoing in the hall, and the huge body walked along the wall to the top of the hall regardless of the influence of gravity.

"Is this guy the Gecko King or the Scorpion King?" Jonathan muttered.

"Gravity Totem!"

Xia Xinwen tweeted aloud, threw a totem pole by chanting mantras, a glory submerged into the ground, and immediately the sound of'rumbling' came from the ground, a huge totem pole drilled out of the ground, and a dark brown halo shot from the top of the column towards the newly climbed When he reached the dome of the main hall, the devil scorpion immediately flashed a dark brown halo on his body. The huge body fell like a stone, and the stone slabs on the ground of the main hall were cracked with a bang. Come.


Of course, this opportunity should not be missed. With the order of Wen Yuxiu, the following members with firearms fired with O'Connor and others, the gunshots burst, and the scorpion emperor with bullets dumped away.


Falling from a height, for Devil Scorpion Emperor. His body was not injured, but his self-esteem was greatly hurt. It roared, and the two claws flew like wind. Those bullets were beaten and flew everywhere, and hitting him had no effect, just like a mosquito bite. Like, there are only a few traces at most.

"Emperor Scorpion, comprehensive strength evaluation b9, ignoring ordinary hot weapon damage. Magic weapon damage rate increased by 10%..."

"No wonder."

Seeing its general properties, Wen Yuxiu commanded loudly: "Everyone uses magic weapons to attack. The formation is scattered, don't concentrate together!"

The Scorpion Emperor was originally moving like a wind, but unfortunately it first hit the aura of gravity and could not pounce, because of the sharp decrease in speed. There have also been more attacks.

boom! boom……

Carmen and others began to attack with ice thunder rifles, although these attacks could not break its defenses at once. It was enough to cause inconvenience to Devil Scorpion... even pain.


It roared, violently struggling to break free of gravity, and rushed towards Eve like a heavy tank, and the two giant claws spread out and pinched toward her.


Eve, who was about to approach the monster, didn't expect it to take herself as the target of the attack. She couldn't help but exclaimed, and the moment of panic made her lose her calmness. His face was scared pale.

The Scorpion Emperor moved like a wind, rushed to Eve and wanted to kill this weakest human in one fell swoop.

boom! boom!

An ancient bronze sword stabbed from the oblique thorn, swiftly and incoherently swayed the two claws of the Scorpion Emperor, but she was also shocked by the powerful force from the two claws, and suddenly hit Iraq. Fu body. The two suddenly turned into rolling gourds.


Carmen shot with a gun, like a small-caliber shell exploded on the chest of the Scorpion Emperor. Several wounds suddenly appeared on its body.


The Scorpion Emperor uttered another painful roar, and he raised his cheeks towards the two women who fell to the ground.


A golden lightning spear flashed beside him, pierced into the rib of the Scorpion Emperor, and then picked it up on the ground fiercely... With a bang, Wen Yuxiu, who was shot, was also almost injured, a tail hook Pumped heavily on the phase shift shield, although the phase shift shield made an overwhelming sound, it successfully took over the attack.

"Isn't that the trial spear is the nemesis of the Scorpion Emperor?" Wen Yuxiu held the trial spear with a very depressed expression.

According to the plot of "God Legend 2", the spear of judgment is the key to killing the Scorpion Emperor, but now she has made all her efforts, but when she penetrates the body of the Scorpion Emperor, she has a feeling of powerlessness.

Eve was terrified. The reason why she was curious about the Scorpion Emperor was purely biological considerations: how did a half-human and half-scorpion creature form, but she did not expect that the Scorpion Emperor would treat her as an attack Target, so when she was attacked, she would only exclaim, and the whole person was stunned. If it was not Xiao Chunan who rescued herself, she would die.

"Thank you, thank you."

After climbing from the ground blankly, she thanked Xiao Chunan repeatedly.

Xiao Chunan nodded slightly, her eyes focused on the demon scorpion emperor who had fallen into a state of anger... Suddenly, her brain flashed aloud and shouted: "Yu Xiu, the spear of judgment is a throwing weapon, throwing Way to attack!"


Wen Yuxiu, who was about to launch another attack, was surprised.

"Throw! Throw the spear of judgment at its heart!" Xiao Chunan shouted.

"Ao ~ dare to hurt me, go die!"

The Scorpion Emperor was also angry, instinctively feeling the threat of the spear of judgment on himself, wielding the double claws and rushed towards Wen Yuxiu.

"Take your army back to hell!"

Wen Yuxiu shouted loudly, and threw his spear at the Scorpion Emperor... with a bang, the spear of the judgment turned into a golden light shot at the Scorpion Emperor.


Golden light, like a lightning, passed between the two claws of the Scorpion Emperor, pierced its chest, and black blood flowed out of the wound.

He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the wound: "How is this possible? How could I die in the hands of a mortal man?! Anubis, why did you abandon me?!"

Anubis will not answer its answer, and it will not have time to listen to the answers that will never be available... With the passing of vitality, its body gradually turns into a black smoke.

When it completely turned into a black smoke, the spear of judgment "Dang" dropped to the ground, and the black smoke also slammed into the ground. At the same time, the demon system popped up a dialog box: "Scorpion King died ; The dark church perishes, and the mission of hiding the side story is completed."

"The Temple of Osiris will sink to **** forever within two minutes, and it will trigger land sinking including the Green Sea area. All participants must enter the door of the different dimension space within two minutes."

With the appearance of these two dialog boxes, a different-dimensional space door flashing white light appeared in the Temple of Osiris. The whole temple began to shake violently, and the sound of a volcano erupted from the ground.

"Go in!" Wen Yuxiu urged everyone to enter the door of different dimension space.

At the moment of the death of the Scorpion Emperor, on the desert battlefield, the death soldiers who were fighting with the guardian tribe warriors suddenly uttered a loud noise, and their figures turned into gravel with the wind, and fell to the ground, and the guardian soldiers suddenly lost their opponent , They all felt baffled, but they immediately reacted... The Scorpion Emperor died! Humanity has won!

Cheers suddenly rang through the desert, and the surviving soldiers raised their guns to shoot in the air to celebrate... In the distance, a rumbling sound rang out, the dust was shaking, the earth shook, and the beard looked at the direction of the Green Sea, A solemn expression performed.

At the same time, a group of Orientals appeared somewhere outside Cairo. An Oriental girl smiled and said to a Western woman in the line: "Eve, we have to stay here for a few days. Is there any fun place? introduce?"

"Let's go to Casablanca, I wanted to go there and have a look." Xiao Yuxin said.


"The Matrix" plot world.

Xiao Yuxin and others put down their coffee cups and looked in the direction of the street.

"It seems that our guests are here."

Xiao Yuxin stood up: "Cui Nidi, you go back and prepare to entertain the guests, I will give them a meeting gift."

"Sister Xin, I'm with you." Shen Ruolan said.


Xiao Yuxin and everyone entered the building: "Cui Nidi, you go up first."

"Be careful."

Trinitti and others immediately entered the elevator, Xiao Yuxin and Shen Ruolan looked at each other, and tacitly took out the assault rifle and pointed to the security guards: "All go out of production!"

"What do you want to do?"

Several security guards were overwhelmed~www.readwn.com~ One of the young security guards clenched his baton and asked.


A bullet hit his foot and aroused a string of Mars. Shen Ruolan grinned: "Terrorist activity, understand?"

"Bright and understandable."

Several security guards changed their faces, and dropped batons and ran out.


A shrill voice came from outside, and the sound of soldiers running and officers giving orders, Xiao Yuxin made a gesture to Shen Ruolan, she came to the elevator, pressed the button, let both elevators come down, and then hid in another. The pillar is near.

"They all had guns, they were inside just now!" A security guard heard the sound from the door, and several soldiers appeared at the door.

Da da da……

Xiao Yuxin and Shen Ruolan appeared at the same time from the back of the pillar and shot at the gun. The four soldiers screamed repeatedly and turned over. The security guard who was arrested for interrogation was clever. He kept looking at this and saw the figure flashing. He fell to the ground without hesitation, and then rolled over to the outside, and the four soldiers fell beside him. He didn't look at it and went down directly under the stairs.

The deaths of the four soldiers left the soldiers who were about to impact. The officer made a gesture. Immediately, several soldiers rushed forward and squatted in the doorway. The assault rifle in his hand was spitting hot. bullet.

"The people inside listened and immediately laid down their weapons to stop resistance!" The leader of the team began to persuade.


Xiao Yuxin's muzzle oscillated slightly, firing two shots to knock down two soldiers: "It is our attack first, it is you who should stop resisting!" To be continued)


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