Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 634 The Underworld (Part 2)

This is a real undead creature. It is definitely not comparable to a crudely crafted, temporarily summoned skeleton. Its skeleton is very well-proportioned. Xiao Yuxin noticed that some of her bones are clearly pieced together, but they fit perfectly into its body. Part of the latest chapter.

  The fire of the soul in the eyes of the skull was burning fiercely. It gave a silent roar to Xiao Yuxin, and his arms shook openly.

Xiao Yuxin's arm patted lightly on his hand, and the bone palm fell off his forearm. What happened was that the skeleton did not react, and his arms, body, and head began to be forcibly separated. In the end, there was only a solitary head. Although the fire of the soul in the eyes was still flashing, it was not as strong as before, and even when Xiao Yuxin's eyes stared at it, he felt a trace of fear.

  Does undead creatures dare to fear?

   "Demon Spirit, how much do you know about the Underworld"

  Xiao Yuxin was more interested in the sudden appearance of the skull. Holding it in his hand, he looked at it. The fire of the soul in the skull's eyes was still flashing, and the color seemed to be lighter, a bit miserable.

"Underworld is actually a planet with wise life on it. They call themselves the underworld, while humans call them the underworld. There are few plants here, but there are many underworld and undead creatures outside the place where the underworld lives. They all feed on the flesh and soul or souls of the living, and even the gnome are their prey targets. When the gnome are fighting abroad, they often drive the beast against undead creatures."

   "So what is the force here" Xiao Yuxin asked.

   "This is still asking" The tone of the demon spirit is a bit wrong.

   "Hey, pay attention to attitude" Xiao Yuxin thinks this guy's signs are wrong. After the completion of the task of the Matrix, it began to fester again.

   "Cough. I mean, of course, the military force advocated here is still sword and magic. However, the alchemy of the undead here is also very powerful." The demon spirit hurried to correct its attitude.

   "Undead alchemy is creepy to listen to."

  Xiao Yuxin's eyes turned to the skull in his hand. Generally speaking, the skull is always terrifying. Even if it is a murderous person, I am afraid that it is not willing to admire a skull. But when she was studying at school. Although he studied Chinese medicine, he also learned the anatomy class of Western medicine. Not to mention the skull, even the corpse was cut with a knife. This battle is really nothing, but the sparkling soul fire is strange.

   "Can you hear me?" Xiao Yuxin passed on a wave of consciousness.

This is one of the master's patents. It can send consciousness fluctuations through the soul and connect with other creatures. Of course, this connection can only be the other party’s wish. At this time, this skeleton is already the meat of the case, so it must not disagree, otherwise she If you use the Soul Search technique, you can definitely return it to Chaos.

   "Yes, don't eat me." This skull had a great aura before. But now it is pathetic, quite the opposite.

   "I don't have that good teeth."

Xiao Yuxin was disgusted this time, and really wanted to throw away this thing in his hand, "Listen, I am going to sign a magic contract with you now. From today on, you will be my summoner, working hard. Up

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


   "I" skeleton is very reluctant, but Xiao Yuxin will not give it the opportunity to refuse, immediately bite the index finger. Draw a six-pointed star pattern on its skull with blood, and at the same time murmur a spell of blood-red brilliance in the mouth, the six-pointed star pattern hides in the skull, and the fire of the soul in the eyes of the skull flashes a **** demon Yiguanghua returned to its original state.

   Successfully signed the contract

  Xiao Yuxin called it a skeleton without helping him get a new name. However, she helped the skeleton change its alloy body. The silver-white alloy skeleton is slender and tough, and there is a black gold magic sword obtained in the Lord of the Rings. There are these two things. I believe that the skeleton will build a force in the Underworld.

  When the skeleton is combined with the alloy body, a grayish white light is emitted from the skull's soul fire and is wrapped around the alloy skeleton. These alloy skeletons made a clicking sound, which seemed to fall apart. After a while, the gray light disappeared completely, the sound disappeared, and the fire of the soul in the eyes of the skull was a lot dimmed.

   "Thank you master, I feel very powerful now." The skull passed on a thought and seemed very excited.

   "Okay, build your power, I will come back to find you."

   Conquering a skeleton is equivalent to establishing a channel coordinate in this world. After watching the big step away of the skeleton, Xiao Yuxin recites the mantra as the demon spirit said. As the mantra recites, a black vortex appears in front of her. The vortex gradually moves forward from small to large, A black channel appeared in front of her.

   "Can this passage accommodate anyone?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

   "No. It can only establish a channel for contractors. Creatures with no contractual relationship between tasks and contractors enter this channel, and they will all be attacked by space storms," ​​the demon spirit emphasized.

  Xiao Yuxin nodded and stepped into the passage, her figure was immediately shrouded in darkness

   In Earth space, Wu Ziniu and Mo Hongxia both stared at the luminous body. Mo Hongxia has always been calm, but rushed to find Xiao Yuxin several times, but was stopped by Wu Ziniu, who has always been known for his impulse.

   "Wait a second"

  Wu Ziniu didn't dare to let her take the risk in the past: "Nei Huang has left the way back, as long as she doesn't encounter a strong enemy, she will definitely come back."

The two were arguing. The space in front of them suddenly twisted, and a black vortex appeared. They were startled, thinking that there would be a monster, and the blue-spotted silver spider next to them roared excitedly. To, but it can feel the throbbing in the soul and the familiar breath.

   The vortex turned into a black channel. When Wu Ziniu and Mo Hongxia were nervous, Xiao Yuxin stepped out of the channel: "Oh, it seems that there is no wrong place."

   "Nie Huang, you are finally back, Mo Hongxia almost came to me with a live pk." Wu Ziniu joked.

  Mo Hongxia gave him a white look, but said to Xiao Yuxin: "Nie Huang, the son of Qianjin can't sit down, you can't be so rash in the future, there are many ways to know the situation over the node, why personally adventure"

  Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will win the tiger."

   She turned to look at the huge luminous body, her eyes full of hidden worries, the contract channel has gradually disappeared, but the luminous body node still exists, as long as it exists, it will be

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

There is an additional chance that it will be discovered by alien creatures. Once the other party kills them in a big way, the earth is really dangerous. The reconstruction that has just improved may be hit hard again.

   "Nirvana, how many nodes would you like like this"

  Mo Hongxia asked softly.

   "Unclear, I hope there is only this one, but in fact our powerlessness." Xiao Yuxin sighed.

  According to the memory of the demon spirit, this kind of node is only effective for it with spell-like domains and electromagnetic weapons. Other thermal weapons or energy weapons cannot destroy the node at all.

   electromagnetic weapon

  Xiao Yuxin suddenly remembered that she had this weapon, and there was an electromagnetic bomb. She quickly took out an electromagnetic gun and pointed it at the luminous body.

   "Nirvana, what are you doing?"

   Both felt strange and asked in unison.

  Xiao Yuxin told them the spirit of the demon.

   "Nie Huang, this thing is a little more laid back, I am afraid that the spirit of the devil is not very sure, this is just its memory." Wu Ziniu and Mo Hongxia both advised.

   Helpless, Xiao Yuxin stepped back dozens of meters, hiding behind a row of counters, the three people were fully open, which triggered the trigger to slam

   The angular luminous body suddenly shrunk into a sphere under the action of electromagnetism, like thermal expansion and contraction, and Xiao Yuxin felt that there was an extremely powerful force brewing in it.

   "Holy Light"

   A sacred protective cover shrouded all three people~www.readwn.com~

The luminous body exploded violently, and the three of them only felt that their eyes were blooming, their eyes could hardly be opened, and the protective cover shook violently, making a crackling sound, but it lasted for less than ten seconds. After the surroundings calmed down, Xiao Yuxin The three talents scrutinized carefully.

The node has turned into an energy storm. Within tens of meters around the node, almost everything has been emptied. The blood in the blood pool and the accumulated corpses are all gone. If it is not for them to use a shield to protect the body, although the injury is not at least, But it is inevitable to be covered with those disgusting things.

"Ha ha,"

Xiao Yuxin's face was a little bit relaxed: "I didn't expect it to be effective. Sister Hongxia, after returning to the base, I will immediately publish this news through all communication facilities. If there are too many nodes, humans on our planet will be necessary. Another catastrophe."

She is not a Virgin Mary. For the safety of family and friends and even the base, Xiao Yuxin will not hesitate to kill, but when it comes to ethnic justice, she will never be vague. Wu Ziniu and Mo Hongxia both nodded approvingly, Xiao Yuxin put away the blue Three silver spiders, three people left the mall.

In the small town, the survivors who had escaped had already eaten dinner, and the mercenaries had only six or seven people left. Shen Ruolan had ordered the guards to seize the commanding heights separately, and the mercenaries took some strong survivors. The bodies of those ghouls are piled up and then burned with gasoline. These things cannot be nourishment for the earth, they can only be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. After Xiao Yuxin and others came out of the mall, everyone quickly packed up Continue to drive towards the base of Green Mountain. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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