/72815, created on 2012-8-16/varcpro_id=\'u1025861\';


The machine guns on the ten patrol boats poured down like a rainstorm. The shells exploded into craters on the ground, and hundreds of heavy machine guns spewed out angry fire snakes on the blocking position directly in front of them. , To shatter the mutant creature that rushed to the front. ╔╗


A soldier of the army said loudly that his arm was aching, but his face was full of excitement... It was too suffocating, and it hasn't been this happy for a long time. Since human forces have been forced to shrink their defenses, almost all humans have been suppressed many times. Where is it so happy today?

"Humph! Being addicted comes at a price."

A base **** next to him said: "In this blockade, at least the base's nearly normal ammunition storage was consumed, and now the mutants are not retreating or collapsing."

Although some of the soldiers on the side were somewhat dissatisfied, they had no objection, because the mutants did appear to be extremely embroiled, and humans had already suffered casualties. If they were not restrained by patrol boats in the sky, I am afraid that the machine gun position has been breached. . ╔╗

"Jia Lie, what do you think we should do?" Cheng Ruosong frowned slightly.

Among the mutated creatures, there are a lot of C-class creatures, and that’s all. With the suppression of firepower and the cooperation of the awakening warriors and **** choosers, the elimination of these mutated creatures is not a troublesome event. The key issue now is The huge number of this mutated army, their unstoppable battle, has a great negative effect on humans whether it is the morale of the wearer or the loss of ammunition.

"Hold on. There will be a way."

Li Jialie also knows that this sentence is a bit tickling, and now it is certain that among the mutants, there must be one or several mutants that have evolved not inferior to human wisdom, but in the vast mutant army, it is difficult to find out Where is it hidden.

Suddenly, Li Jialie's demon communicator issued an instruction requesting a call. He glanced down and his face showed a happy look: "It's Nirvana."

He quickly pressed the call button: "Nirvana. Where are you now?"

"I am diving deep into the mutant army. It is estimated that there is a mutant creature with high intelligence in the mutant army. I and Mo Lou have infiltrated now. You create further chaos and make their command centers busy, we will be easier. Find their leaders. ╔╗

"Understood, OVER!" Li Jialie promised to end the call.

"What does Nirvana say?" Cheng Ruosong asked.

"She needs us to cooperate to mobilize the command system of the mutant." Li Jialie said, "What do you do?"

"Machine guns block the position further forward. Strengthen the suppression of aerial firepower, then..."

Cheng Ruosong thought for a while, and said: "Gather all the guardians and attack deep into the mutant army, and I don't believe those mutant creatures can hold it."

At the Green Mountain base, Luo Zichang and others were watching the battle in their own office. The huge computer screen brought the battlefield closer. Looking at the row of mountain-like mutant biological forces, everyone's face was pale. The situation of the survivor camp in Xianghai City seemed to appear again.

"Can they block it?" The voice of a young clerk next to him shivered slightly. ╔╗

"It must be blocked. This is not a problem!" Luo Zichang glanced at him and sighed: "That's not okay, just like you. If those mutant creatures are really in front of you, even give you a gun , I’m afraid I can’t fight."

"Sorry, Luo Ji." The staff lowered his head in shame.

At this moment, the picture changed, and countless bullets rained down from the air, and huge fire snakes sprang from the sniper position. Those mutant creatures fell into pieces. It was like a joint harvest. The wheat under the plane is average.

"If there is such a strong firepower in the camp that day. Why is the camp falling, and why are there so many soldiers and civilians killed or injured?" Meng Xiaotian whispered.

The people present were all escaping from the survivor camp in Xianghai City. Hearing these words, I felt uncomfortable... for a long time. Luo Zichang sighed softly: "The past things are all In the past, Lao Meng, we have to look forward. The Green Mountain Base is our new beginning."

"But they don't want the leadership of the party and government at all!" Meng Xiaotian was indignant.

"Lao Meng,"

Luo Zichang's expression became serious: "If you want this idea, what does the party and the government do? What is beneficial to the people, we have to do it without complaint, and Green Mountain Company controls most of the armed forces. And industry, but this is also a normal thing. They are like a private enterprise. The first thing they have to take care of is their own interests. You cannot ask them to have the same political consciousness as you. Otherwise, you and I will not be the mayor. Hutchison.╔╗"

"But I must emphasize that this is an anarchy and no organization." Meng Xiaotian strengthened his tone. He wanted to arouse Luo Zichang's anger, but he didn't expect to be faced with a sap.

"At the base of the Green Mountain, there are cold clothes, hunger and food, no underground gangs, no blatant corruption, no rampant domineering of privileged people, orderly organization in wartime, the people are not scattered at all. Mayor Meng, if every country in the country The camps are all this kind of'anarchy, no organization, I am for the people!' Wei Yuansheng said coldly.

"Wei Yuansheng, you are the police chief of the People's Government, you have to tease your position!" Meng Xiaotian did not dare to shout at Luo Zi, but he did not care about Wei Yuansheng's screaming.

"Meng Xiaotian, you have to remember,'The people, these two words are always in front of the government. After you have done something for the people that will make them memorable, then ask them for their rights. The people's position is mine. position."

After Wei Yuansheng finished speaking, he stood up and nodded to Luo Zichang: "Luo Ji, I'll take a look on the street to avoid any disturbance. ╔╗"

Xiao Yuxin did not know what was happening inside the base. After sending a message to Li Jialie, she entered a sneak state and entered the army of mutant creatures with Mo Lou.

Stealth + elven cloak, that is absolutely // the fastest text update without ads // invincible combination. Although Xiao Yuxin has been tempered, walking among those mutant creatures is also a bit creepy. As the base's firepower increased, those mutant creatures seemed to be in a mess, and Xiao Yuxin and Mo Lou discovered a pitiful place almost at the same time.

It was an abandoned yard. There were two or thirty mutants with a combined strength of C1 around the yard. Xiao Yuxin exhibited the "Shen Zhao Jue", and the spiritual power passed through countless mutants like water waves. Enveloped the yard.

In the middle of the yard, there is a huge mutant king. His body is as tall as a healthy horse, with fangs protruding from the outside of his lips, and it looks abnormally evil. On its back, there is a humanoid dwarf. The skin is grayish white, with a huge head, a face similar to humans, but very ugly. Sitting on the back of the dog and looking around, there is an uneasy look in the eyes, it seems that someone is watching, but yet No sense.

"Cheng Ruosong, orientation..."

Xiao Yuxin reported the coordinates of the yard to Cheng Ruosong, and then sent the image he just saw to Mo Lou and other team members through the mind chain.

"Mo Lou, pay attention to protect yourself. After the bombardment, we launched the attack. Brother Niu they attacked from the periphery at the same time. Be sure to kill the head monster!" Xiao Yuxin said.

After judging that the mutated creature may evolve a species that is good at commanding, she set out to infiltrate the infiltration plan with Mo Lou and others... If you want to use the power of the base to solve these mutated creatures in a battle, it is impossible. Things. So as long as you can successfully implement the'decapitation, plan, this army of mutant creatures will be scattered, and humans can calmly eliminate them.

The time began to count down. Xiao Yuxin was lurking carefully outside the shooting range. She didn't want the shells falling from the air to cover herself, even if only one round failed.


A strange sound suddenly sounded in the air, followed by a rumbling explosion. Those artillery attacks were very accurate. The successive explosions enveloped the yard... If you do not consider the almost metamorphic defense of mutants. It was undoubtedly a successful beheading, but Xiao Yuxin knew that this attack was only to help them clear the way. For those C1 mutant monsters, the shells did not cause much damage to them.


With a roar, the huge body of the wind chanting rose into the air, its mouth suddenly opened, and a vigorous fire was sprayed towards the mutant creatures on the ground, and a large area was suddenly enveloped in the sea of ​​fire.

With the sound of a cute spell, five huge scarabs and two sphinxes appeared in front of them, like seven battle fortresses moving forward, Xiao Yuxin stood on the back of a scarab with arrows like beads , Shooting down the mutant creatures trying to attack her like a storm.

Chi, chi...... Two rapid winds came from the building on the side, Xiao Yuxin's heart was awkward, and she retreated back, and saw two figures hit the scarab beetle under her feet.

Bang, Bang!

There were two loud noises, and the scarab beetle that was originally at her feet was pierced through two large holes and screamed to death.

Two C1 level zombies!

Xiao Yuxin's eyes narrowed slightly: Four volleys~www.readwn.com~ Hey, the zombies toward the left, the bow of the long bow popped up suddenly, stab at the zombies that flew from the right.

The brief introduction of "Fenglin's Different World": "Rudang knows that magic is a power and the highest manifestation of human wisdom. The good one uses it for good, and the evil one uses it for evil. The mage has it on behalf of the entire humanity and uses life Defend its heritage and majesty!"

"Rudang knows that magic is discovery, exploration, creation, human civilization, and the fruit of truth. You should believe in yourself, but not be too confident! You should always be passionate, but not too crazy! You can be brave to try, but Don't be unscrupulous, you must be in awe!"

"Rudang knows that the road of magic is covered with thorns, you will be hit hard, traverse setbacks, you will be hurt, bleed, and even lose your life! But you must be firm in your beliefs, because from today on, you will have the highest freedom, Your faith is your dignity. You don’t need to bow down to anyone, because from today, you have stood at the forefront of humanity! You don’t need to bow down to anything, because from today, you have understood that you believe only truth !"


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