Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 565 Natural Enemies of King Worm

When the cracks in time and space were just opened, the insects that came out were mainly the red beetle. ╔╗..... But as the evolution began, the red beetles began to disappear...No, they didn't disappear, but evolved into different forms.


A tiger beetle the size of a buffalo is split in half by that axe. The pattern on this tiger beetle is somewhat like the stripes on the tiger. It is very powerful, and its defense is more than that of other beetles Xiao Yuxin has seen. High, if it’s not that her weapons are of good quality, it is really not necessarily capable of killing... At least ordinary bullets can hardly cause serious damage to this tiger beetle. If there are a large number of tiger beetles rampant in Los Angeles, it is estimated that the United States The soldiers are crying.


The dust was flying, and a golden tiger beetle suddenly broke through a wall and rushed out, standing in the middle of the road, the ray of sunlight spattered through the mist, and the tiger beetle's mouthpiece made of metal flickered faintly. luster.

This is a worm that is more advanced than the tiger beetle she encountered before-B8 tiger beetle, this is its official name.


The tiger beetle screamed, staring closely at Xiao Yuxin with murderous eyes. ╔╗

"B8 level, I want to see how strong you will be!" Xiao Yuxin was holding the Thunder Tomahawk in both hands, but was a little excited.


The tiger beetle ran violently, as if it were an iron-clad train adjusted to travel, and rushed towards Xiao Yuxin.

Xiao Yuxin jumped up, the tiger beetle passed under her feet, Xiao Yuxin backhanded the battle axe, screamed towards the back of the tiger beetle.


It was like a drumstick smashed on the drum surface and even bounced. Xiao Yuxin fell obliquely, and she was very surprised. She turned to look around, and saw that the tiger beetle had a light golden transparent halo on her body, which was actually a protective cover.

"Interesting! There is even an energy shield. I don't know what kind of skill crystal will come out." Xiao Yuxin thought about it, but his eyes were always fixed on the tiger beetle that had just turned.

call out!

The tiger beetle jerked a mouth, and a curved light blade flew out of its mouth, splitting towards Xiao Yuxin's head. ╔╗

"So fast!"

Although the eye of insight was opened in time. An axe splits the light blade into pieces.

call out! call out!

The two curved light blades were fired again, and the flexibility of the tiger beetle was instantly improved. He suddenly followed the light blade and rushed to Xiao Yuxin. The thick claws pushed out pits on the asphalt road, sharp. The mouthparts came straight towards Xiao Yuxin. //

"Fuck! This tiger beetle also knows the art of war, knows that long-range attacks and melees are coordinated?!"

Xiao Yuxin separated her feet back and forth, and the tomahawk flew left and right. After splitting two light blades, the Thunder Tomahawk split forward.


The mouthpieces of the Tomahawk and the Tiger Insect violently collided. At the moment of the impact, Xiao Yuxin flew out quickly by the rebound force, and a volley of the sky unloaded the impact force of the Tiger Insect. The Tiger Insect also sent out Painful hissing, blood began to bleed in the mouth. The result of this head-on collision turned out to be a brutal tiger beetle.

"Good mouth!" Xiao Yuxin was also very surprised. With the quality of the Thunder Tomahawk, even if the dragon comes, it can cut off its two scales. ╔╗ And the mouthpiece of this tiger beetle can't be broken, it is also a great material.


After the tiger beetle ate a big loss, he suddenly stopped calming down. He roared and rushed towards Xiao Yuxin quickly.

"This time, you are dead!"

Xiao Yuxin also started suddenly, and his figure rushed towards the tiger beetle, the tomahawk lifted up, and the lightning slashed towards the tiger beetle.


Just as the tiger beetle reinvented his tricks, the battle axe had banged its head with a bang...unsurprisingly. The golden halo appeared again, but immediately followed by a lightning strike on the golden light, and the arc quickly spread all over its body along the golden light, only to hear a soft sound, the golden light shattered suddenly, and the battle axe followed. It hit its head. Pressed its huge head **** the ground, before he lifted his head, the tomahawk fell down, splitting its head with a "poo" sound, and the blood of the insect blasted out, a crystal and a nail The blue flaky crystals of various sizes fell out, and she quickly picked them up.

"Soul Fragment, a C-level reinforced item to enhance the user's mental power, each person can only use three..."

"Skill crystal contains gold mask skills. After use, a golden energy mask can be generated on the surface of the body. Learning conditions: those with existing skills cannot use it; no restrictions on the use level..."

It turned out to be a skill with no restrictions on the level of use. Xiao Yuxin then put away these two things and a fist-sized magic crystal pulled from the insect brain. ╔╗ This is a very good pure defense skill. Everyone has selfishness. She has decided to use this skill for her father or mother... The chaos is coming. She hopes that her parents have more and more powerful skills.

As for the corpse of the tiger beetle...she thought about it for a moment, and began to recite the mantra. In an instant, the spell was completed, a black rune diploma appeared empty, and it was not in the head of the tiger beetle. The beetle's body moved abruptly, standing upright, his fierce eyes opened again, but it was a faint glimmer of light, more terrifying.

Although this tiger beetle is not as fast as the Swiftwind Spider in speed, its defense and physical attack power are much higher than the Swiftwind Spider. The two sides are not of the same grade. Xiao Yuxin thought about it and put the Swiftwind Spider too. Come out, and then stand on the back of the tiger beetle to continue to clean up before bribing.

"Oh, it seems that I have the talent of Necromancer." Xiao Yuxin couldn't help laughing when she looked at two corpse puppets under her command.


In a square in downtown Los Angeles, Xiao Yuxin is struggling to fight against the four golden rhinoceros. There are already two golden rhinoceros corpses on the ground. The two puppets next to them are fighting hard to block the ordinary rhinoceros. In the periphery... Fortunately, after giving instructions, this thing does not need to be commanded frequently, otherwise she will be too busy to die. ╔╗


The tomahawk flickered, splitting into the neck of a rhinoceros, the neck of the bug was still unbroken, and he slammed down after two steps towards her before he slammed down, and the blood of the worm splashed. Come out, flowing on the dusty asphalt road.

The other three golden rhinoceros king insects immediately screamed more angrily, and their eyes glowed with madness. Lightning rushed to Xiao Yuxin like crazy again and again.

"Humph! If you weren't interested in your stinky skin pouch, you would have been wiped out long ago." Xiao Yuxin flexibly evaded and prevented them from hitting them again with a battle axe, lest it would be too ugly when turned into a puppet.


Xiao Yuxin did not retreat. One sideways avoids, two rhinoceros king worms pass by her side, she took the opportunity to shoot two memorable palm powers, the two rhinoceros king screamed twice, fell down in unison On the ground, Xiao Yuxin took off by the force of anti-shock, avoiding the attack of the rhinoceros king insect. With his hand back, he severely chopped an axe on its back, almost chopping off its neck, the king of rhinoceros screamed, his forelegs knelt down sharply, and then the whole body fell with a thump.

"It's finally over!"

Xiao Yuxin carried the battle axe, and let the blood of the insects flow down the edge of the axe. While cleaning up the bug, she was suddenly attacked by six rhinoceros king worms. Fortunately, this thing had a solid defense. But the body is heavy and huge, which is far less flexible than the tiger beetle, so she kills them one by one with dexterity. but. Those ordinary rhinoceros don't need her to shoot. The two corpse puppets can definitely kill them. After a little thought, Xiao Yuxin summoned the blue spot silver spider and ordered it to help the two corpse puppets eliminate those rhinoceros.

Six golden rhinoceros king insects provided six good soul fragments and six skill crystals. Xiao Yuxin checked the information of the six skill crystals after collecting the soul fragments and magic crystals.

"Skill Crystal contains the thrust skills. After using it, you can master the thrust skills. Learning conditions: those who already have the skills can not use it, others are not limited."

"Skill Crystal. Contains critical hit skills. Learning conditions: those with existing skills cannot use it, others are not limited."

"Skill crystal contains fire control skills and can be used to control flames after use. Learning conditions: those with existing skills cannot use them; they cannot be used if their comprehensive assessment is lower than level C."

"Skill crystals contain roaring skills, which can be used to issue a "mang roar". Learning conditions: those with existing skills can not use; comprehensive assessment is lower than D level can not be used."

"Skill Crystal. Contains healing skills. Learning conditions: those with existing skills cannot use them; they cannot be used if their comprehensive assessment is lower than D grade."

"Skill crystal contains great skills. Learning conditions: those with existing skills can not use; others are not limited."

"Oh, there are really good things in bad things!" Xiao Yuxin smiled with satisfaction.

These six skill crystals are okay, but there are three of them that ignore the user level. If the three newcomers continue to behave like this, she doesn’t mind rewarding them. In terms of training new players, the sticks must be carrots. Just go together.

The six rhinoceros king insects left only four or three relatively intact bodies, and the rest were cut and covered with hair and hair. The whole of these bugs is of course to be refined into corpse puppets, and the most valuable unit on them is that one horn, so she removed all those horns, and the other three newly corpses The puppets were lucky to retain their one-sided characters~www.readwn.com~ Confident life will be 3,000 miles in 200 years of life

The introduction of "Xin Yi Pin Xiu Zhen" is over:

Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A work mistake by the four gods of Fengyun Thunderbolt caused the 14-year-old girl Shen Yueying to be physically destroyed. What's more, these four irresponsible guys bluntly tried to prevent Yan from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus continent to rebirth.

The magic weapon is on the catty, and the flying sword is made into a box. As long as you have money, the elixir can also be wholesale, Amadeus-just the first stop to cross!

This time it was found that the murderer who had crossed through was considered to be injustice and debt. However, it seems that the compensation of the four major Tianjuns cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when it will be fully realized? It's really hard to think about the mistress, first being struck by thunder, and then falling into the sea, it can be described as a twist and turn. After so many things, shouldn't it be very Thai? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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