Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 677 The Crying Camp (Part 2)

Behind a tree bush about 100 meters away from the camp, Xiao Yuxin looked at the camp or slaughterhouse indifferently. The sand gulls and more than ten other survivors had already vomited in a mess. The latest chapter of anger.

   "Sha Ou, I first sneaked into the camp to rescue the survivors. After the battle inside started, the men slowly advanced from the outside, and all the people with weapons, killing no amnesty" Xiao Yuxin said the last three words almost with his teeth.

Although food has always been a major problem that plagues various camps, with the understanding of mutant organisms, the meat problem is also being solved. It is not only those who are infected with viruses and awakening fighters, ordinary people who mutate in the catastrophe. It has also been somewhat affected, people's physique and diet structure are subtle, this is most obvious in newborns and children, and most notably, the human body's anti-virus ability has been greatly improved. The meat of inedible mutant creatures, as long as they are carefully processed, can provide a lot of energy to the body, and has become a gourmet. Of course, because most of those mutant creatures need to rely on hunting to get them, this aspect is also quite nervous, but it is not unavailable. Hunting mutant creatures is not as difficult as it was at first.

Of course, it is undeniable that the food in some places is still very difficult, especially in the area of ​​meat eating, and even some camps have reported that they have eaten human flesh. This is a sensational crime.

  After discussing the details of the operation with Sha Ou, Xiao Yuxin's figure dived into the shadows and headed towards the camp. In any case, the people in the camp must be protected and they should not be injured again.

  After infiltrating the camp and observing the status of the survivors, Xiao Yuxin was not eager to start. She summoned Mo Yunteng to hide under the ground to protect the survivors from the armed dogs jumping from the wall and then disappeared. Sneaking towards the two-story building can be seen from the distinctive equipment of those armed elements. The people inside are obviously the leader of this team.

  The thief captured the king first, and got the guy inside. The loose sand outside was just a target.


   The scream from the office made the militants outside listening to the roots of the wall feel horrified. What surprised them most was that it was obviously not the girl’s voice. A dozen of them rushed in, and all the guns on their bodies were also in their hands.

In the room, Song Qian kicked Zhou Jianjun like a mad little leopard, and their boss clutched his crotch tightly and rolled on the ground, howling that thing was not for the time being. Kicked. If Zhou Jianjun is not a weak awakening fighter, this person may be abolished, but under the condition of serious damage to important parts, his ability can not be used at all.


   An armed man slammed forward, fanned the girl under the wall, and a stream of blood flowed down the corner of her mouth.


   First, Zhou Jianjun was helped by all hands and feet. Anyway, all the first aid measures were given together, and one guy even volunteered to give artificial respiration to the boss. When Zhou Jianjun opened his eyes and saw a stinky mouth almost covering his mouth, an oncoming gun immediately smashed him out.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

First help me to see if the following thing can be used, grab the little **** for me," Zhou Jianjun said feebly.

   "Boss. Let me take a look at you. What are you doing with a ball in your crotch"

   is another mess

The two militants turned and rushed to Song Qian, but before taking two steps, their eyes changed to the girl’s hand, and there was a sharp piece of glass, which had been pushed into the meat, and the blood was red and bloody. When you come out, as long as you force it, you will cut the arteries in your neck.

   "Wait a moment and put down the things in your hand"

   The faces of the two militants suddenly became somber in their eyes. Girls like Song Qian just gave birth to a good skin, even if they died a dozen in front of them, it was just a pity these three words, but now the boss wants her to vent her own boss's virtue It is well understood that if this matter is not vented, I am afraid that it is possible to kill several brothers. So this girl must not die.

   looked at the fierce gangster in front of him, a sad smile appeared on Song Qian's face, but tears shed uncontrollably in her shiny and pure eyes. She didn't want to die, nor did she want to be the plaything of these men in front of her. However, she must make the most difficult and necessary choice between the two.

   "Dad, daughter can't avenge Qi"


   Just when she suddenly closed her eyes and was about to push the glass fragments into her neck, she slammed into her eardrum with a muffled sound, and she opened her eyes suddenly.

A human head flew up suddenly, and an armed man standing at the door suddenly felt that his head rose lightly, his weight and strength disappeared in an instant, his eyes drooped, and he was incredibly seeing a fluffy blood flowing from a The head and neck spouted out, and then there was darkness.


Without waiting for other people to react, a figure rushed into the room with countless blood-red knives, and these knives burst into an instant, unscrupulously cutting those terrified and trembling, and the room was already like a world of purgatory, flesh and blood flying. .

   "Go to die"

Zhou Jianjun also could not care that the lower body, which was swollen like a pig's urine bubble, was still exposed outside. A fleshy ice cone quickly formed between his hands but did not wait for him to send out. A touch of blood had already patted his neck first, and the human skull rolled down. On the ground, the ice cone that hadn't been fully formed by Napeng also turned into a piece of ice and fell.

   A beautiful woman with a graceful figure stood in front of Zhou Jianjun's body, holding a pair of blood-red scimitars, and a thin thread of blood was dripping slowly on the blade.

   This change is too sudden, no one can see how she came in. It should be said that her movements are too fast, far beyond the limit of ordinary people's visual observation.

   There were only two gangsters standing in front of Song Qian, looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in the room with horror: "Who are you, Chi?"

   "For the dead, it seems meaningless to know the identity of the other party."

  Xiao Yuxin said lightly.

   The two gangsters glanced at each other, their hands suddenly stretched towards the handle of the gun, but their bodies suddenly backed away, trying to hold Song Qian hostage. It's just that their movements are too slow, the red light flashes in front of them, and two blood arrows burst from their throats, and the whole body's strength seems to flow along the blood arrows,

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The thick body slammed to the ground.

Da da da

There was a fierce gunfire outside the camp and a scream outside the window. The gangsters who guarded the survivors were strangled by the vines who did not know where they came from, and they sucked into corpses. Some young survivors immediately went up to **** After the firearms fired at the gangsters, there was a sudden shot in the camp, screaming again and again, Xiao Yuxin originally did not want to let those survivors join the battle, but the hatred of these people was held in my heart, I am afraid that something will happen, Xiao Yuxin can only Let Mo Yunteng take care of her from the side. After entering the building, she had already slain those well-equipped gangsters. Those outside were unable to pose a serious problem under the heads of dragons.

   "Why are you trying to save me?" Song Qian, who had collapsed to the ground, asked weakly.

  Xiao Yuxin came to her, held out her hand, and said in a kind and calm tone, "Well, everyone calls me Nirvana or Xinjie."

The fighting did not last long. Under the cooperation of inside and outside, the resistance of those bandits was quickly disintegrated. The most terrifying thing was a huge tiger-like mutant cat. Its action was like a whirlwind, not waiting for the muzzle. Aiming at it, he was thrown down, and most of the gangsters died under its claws. When Xiao Yuxin and Song Qian came out of the building, they were lying in front of the building and basking in the sun, looking lazy.


  Sha Ou came up with a light machine gun and glanced at Song Qian: "I just counted that there are 204 people left in this camp, including the girl, and all the gangsters have been annihilated."

"Notify others to come over. Also, discuss with the survivors, bury the corpses outside, and then let them launch some representatives ~www.readwn.com~ to discuss the whereabouts of the camp’s immature, if they are willing to join the base , I immediately contacted the airship to pick them up." Xiao Yuxin said.

According to the wishes of the survivors in the camp, the corpses of the gangsters were all thrown away into the food of the mutants, and their relatives were buried one by one. After several discussions, the survivors represented by Song Qian Agreeing to join the Green Mountain base, Xiao Yuxin immediately contacted the base and asked them to send patrol boats to pick up people.

   When the huge airship fell from the sky, the eyes of all the survivors bloomed, if they also had this weapon, wouldn’t it be more than enough to keep the camp

Although Zhou Jianjun and others died, their convoy also had a lot of looted materials, plus some of the original materials from the camp. Fortunately, Xiao Yuxin took these into consideration and called in two patrol boats. All the supplies were loaded, and some survivors thought that they could no longer see this place that carried them too much pain and memories, and could not help crying.

   "Nie Huang, don't you go back?" Sha Ou asked.

   "No, I have to continue to search for survivors. Every survivor is a valuable asset of humanity, except for scum like Zhou Jianjun." Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly.

   "I can go with Chi." Sha Ou said.

   "Of course, but before that, you still need a systematic training. Believe me, you will never be fooled." Xiao Yuxin said seriously.

   She watched Sha Ou ascend the airship and watched the airship slowly lift off. She also turned on an armed Hummer and drove it out of the camp still haunting the blood. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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