╔╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗Divine Light

Xiao Yuxin did not hesitate to cast the strongest defensive spell. A sacred energy light mask enveloped the bus


The giant sword was severely cut on the mask, and was immediately bounced high. The huge body of the king-level evil spirit was also taken back a few steps.

get off

Xiao Yuxin knew that this energy mask could not support it for a few times, and the speed of the bus was definitely not as fast as that of the king-level evil spirits. The most terrible thing was that the set of **** armor on the king-level evil spirits was too weird to wear even magic weapons. It is estimated that the result of using rockets is also almost untrue.


Feeling the sacred breath of the energy hood, the king-level evil spirits became more and more angry.It roared as if the whole body had skyrocketed. A dark red flame appeared on the two-handed sword.Silver runes flashed on the sword. Chopped off the mask

At this moment, the bus has stopped. All the people rushed out of the car and only heard the sound of the wave. The shield was actually cut by a sword of evil spirits... After the shield was cut, the dark red flame on the giant sword appeared a bit. The dim silver runes also almost disappeared

In spite of this, the ordinary bus is still difficult to resist the huge sword being split into two halves by a sword and then burned flamingly

Roar ~

A sword broke through the shield and the king-level evil spirits roared up in the sky... before the sound fell, they looked at the scattered people.

Although it is the dark night, the vision of the king-level evil spirits is surprisingly good. Somehow, when I saw Pierre’s cleric’s costume, he shouted and took a big step towards Pierre. Although its size is huge, it is not slow. Just like a phantom in the night, I caught up with my two-handed giant sword and cut it towards Piur

Bang bang bang

Although several bullets hit the king-level evil spirits, it was difficult to stop it. Pierre was desperately raised the cross, closed his eyes, and murmured the holy sign of God.


A loud sound of gold-iron clashes struck the battle axe in the air and held the giant sword. I don’t know when Xiao Yuxin’s figure appeared between the king-level evil spirit and Pierre. Bounce off the giant sword

Don't panic Pandan immediately organize the people to take care of the priests

Xiao Yuxin commanded loudly while waving a battle axe to continuously block several attacks of the king-level evil spirits. Every time he touched the two-handed sword, Xiao Yuxin would take a step back to dissolve that huge power.

She has also beheaded several B-level creatures in several missions, but the characteristics of each B-level creature are different. The king-level evil spirit in front of her is not only a fast speed, but also a strong defense. So Xiao Yuxin did not dare to let the bus continue to run so as not to be self-defeating. She preferred to compete with the king-level evil spirit on the ground and did not want it to find its weakness.

As soon as the king-level evil spirits appeared, they brought great shock to the gods, so they were in a hurry. If there were not a few senior organizations, I might be able to break up and wait for them to set their minds. The evil spirits have already fought with Xiao Yuxin. Li Xianglan and others are no longer rookies. They have experienced the big scene more than once and hovered on the edge of life and death. So after getting off the bus, they quickly gathered the new people and then they surrounded the Pier. Get up

Xiao Yuxin blocked the number of blows of the king-level evil spirits one after another, and finally looked at a chance to drink a battle axe like a flying dragon chop at the king-level evil spirits. When the thunder axe fell down, the king-level evil spirits suddenly Taking a big step to the side Xiao Yuxin couldn't think of this seemingly clumsy man who would make a dodge action. The giant axe slammed on the ground to dig out a huge pit nearly meters deep like a deep buried one. The mine exploded

When did this stupid become smart? Xiao Yuxin was depressed. She just inspired the lightning attack effect on the Tomahawk. She originally wanted to give it a ruthless, but the king-level evil spirit did not cooperate to let her fall.

At this moment, the wind roared, and the two-handed sword had swept over Xiao Yuxin's neck, as if to cut off her head.


The tomahawk suddenly raised Xiao Yuxin, turned around, and the axe was splitting on the two-handed sword.

Da da da……

Li Xianglan, Yu Jiang, Gu Xiaoou, Ma Mingyu, Fang Yanxia and others all took out Gatlin and opened fire violently at the moment when the two figures separated, and then these bullets were difficult to break through their defenses after they hit the armor of the king-level evil spirits. Although it has retreated back and forth under this huge blow, it can be seen that these attacks are almost useless to it, at most it delays its progress.

let me do it

Although Xiao Yuxin retreated but did not hurt her teammate's attack, she gave her a breathing time. She rushed up with the battle axe again and made a thunderous sound. An arc of lightning flew out of the "bang" and hit the king. The evil spirit beat it in the chest repeatedly, and his body shone with a shrill roar.

Although its level is high, the effect of being struck by lightning is inevitable, and it is paralyzed almost instantly.

Holy Flame

Xiao Yuxin took the opportunity to release the sacred magic that had been prepared. A milky white flame filled with divine breath appeared on the king-level evil spirits under the purification of the divine power. It uttered a terrible roar.

go to hell

Xiao Yuxin's figure appeared in a flash behind him, the figure jumped, and the Thunder Tomahawk made a circular axe blade in mid-air, and a blue light burst out, and it was violently split on its back neck.


A big head of bones fell to the ground without waiting for the corpse to fall down. The flames of the Holy Flame flashed away. The corpse that had lost its resistance turned into a ash in an instant. Even the head was purified and left on the gray ground. A set of bone armor and a two-handed sword

Blood stained armor defense type golden plot equipment must be passed through soul binding quality superior defense 200~300 before use...

Fire Demon Sword Swords Dark Gold Story Equipment Two-Handed Weapon Must use soul-bound high-quality attack 260~370 before attacking. There is a 50% chance of burning effect when attacking the enemy; it requires strength 12 spiritual power 10...

There were two pieces of equipment, which was an unexpected joy, and these two pieces of equipment seemed good. Xiao Yuxin looked at them and threw the two pieces of equipment to Shaou: You can see if you can go back to the equipment and try to redeem a set of sword skills. Ok

Thank you

Sha Ou first froze for a moment, and immediately reacted and overjoyed to take over two pieces of equipment... After wearing the blood stained armor, he can automatically adapt to the master's body shape, but the Fire Demon Sword is slightly heavier than her. The problem no longer exists, so she first received the sword in the storage space

Solved that king-level evil spirit Xiao Yuxin also relaxed and looked up to see no more evil spirits rushed out. She silently calculated some of the fighting power of the king-level evil spirit in the practice and then walked to Pierre and others Past

Pierre, Lyle, and Bolton were all at a loss at this time. Why have they seen this kind of battle with monsters? In their impression, it is probably that the scenes of the policemen chasing each other on the street are the most fierce and terrible. It’s nothing compared to the battle in front of them, so they were really scared.

Xiao Yuxin smiled and stood in front of them and looked at the three humanities: It’s okay, rest assured, we will definitely rush to Daly City, and I will never allow those evil spirits to threaten you with me.

All three nodded one after another, but they were really put down for a short time and didn't know what to say, just continued to stare at the pile of ashes

Yu Jiang came to Xiao Yuxin's side and he asked softly: How about the captain, if it's this fighting power, can you handle several at the same time?

Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly. If you don't add other abilities, I can cope with two at the same time. There is absolutely no problem. If there are more... It's not a good comparison.

Some of her favorite pets have not been used until now, and her world tree avatar. If all abilities are fully open, those king-level evil spirits are really not in the air, unless they have other profound skills.

Just then a large group of evil spirits appeared from all around and rushed towards them Xiao Yuxin quickly released three cars... an armed Hummer, a van and an off-road vehicle

Everyone got in the car and Shaou used a machine gun to clean up the evil spirits in front. Everyone paid attention to saving ammunition. Xiao Yuxin looked at the evil spirits rushing around, not many ordinary evil spirits.

What do we do? Pierre asked with some fear and fear that the three cars suddenly appeared in front of them. Although they were surprised, they did not want to ask Xiao Yuxin and others. The more strange they can bring them, the more benefits they can bring to them. Many incredible things are used to

Kill you

Several newcomers were also cruel. They shot crazy in the car to vent their depression. Seeing that the evil spirits were shattered and shattered. The faces of these newcomers all showed a cruel look. Xiao Yuxin slightly frowned again and repeated: pay attention to saving Ammunition is not a time for waste

Confident life for two hundred years *will be hit three thousand miles*

Introduction of "Yuxiang" (new book upload):

Author: former Aoyagi

Legend has it that the green emperor is everywhere

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his dead wood to regenerate his flesh and bones while the doctor died

His name is Jumang...

An accidental car accident. A weird fragment of a flower pot leads Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland

A beautiful myth begins here... (to be continued If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () vote for the recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation)


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