There are many people, sufficient materials, and the work is completed quickly. In the end, how strong is it, but it is much more than an undefended city. At the beginning, some people obtained the flying tools through private channels and wanted to leave Daly City. What they regretted was that the plane flew away from the city, and was shot down by the evil spirits that evolved two wings. Fortunately, the reconnaissance satellites were available, so the military would not have black eyes. Among the gods, Xiao Yuxin’s The demon spirit can enter the military reconnaissance satellite, but Xiao Yuxin has occasionally passed pictures to several seniors, and the only gain in these days is that the shooting level of those newcomers has increased, and they have absorbed the first After the two blood crystals, their physical qualities have also been greatly improved. In the coming big and middle schools, their chances of survival are undoubtedly greatly improved.

"Captain, this blood crystal is really good. Can't we go to the world of "Bloodthirst Dawn"?" Gu Ou asked.

"Of course, we can go to wait for some time, I don't know what those vampires will become." Xiao Yuxin thought of Audrey.

"Isn't the blood of the survivors the antidote? Will the vampires become humans?" Li Xianglan asked.

"It should not be possible."

Xiao Yuxin thought for a moment and shook his head: "Although in that world, due to lack of food, vampires have a blood shortage, but life will always find a way out, they will find a way out."

"What is a vampire?" Song Qian couldn't understand.

"Vampire. It's far from being energetic. It's not affected by disease. If it's not love, it's too special. I also want to be a vampire." Xiao Yuxin smiled.

Time passed unconsciously in gags. The outside army organized tentative reinforcements to Daly City, but the attack of evil spirits was too powerful. The military decided to use Daly City as a bait. Drag the evil army here. After consuming for a period of time, mobilize the superior force to strike.

"We can only suffer here." Xiao Yuxin sighed and sent the latest photos of hostility to the consciousness of several seniors, not far from Daly City, already a dense army of evil spirits. All kinds of evil spirits gathered together. The most shocking thing is the evil spirits that can fly. The physical strength of these guys can definitely be PK with the aircraft at high altitude.

"The war has begun, what are you doing here?"

The eye war was about to begin, and Bolton and Lyle were accompanied by Pier to the position.

"Of course it is to fight."

Leiden patted the shotgun behind him. "Except for a part of the police staying in the city to ensure order, all police officers, even civilians in the office, took up arms to the forefront, and if they could defend the city, everyone could survive. Die, it’s the same everywhere."

God knows how many lives these evil spirits have threatened. Although it’s scary enough on the satellite picture, but when I really came to the front, I still felt the indescribable shock... After facing the distance after the fortification, I could only go to the mountains. The army of evil spirits seems to have no borders.

"Now I just hope that the reinforcements will come soon." Yu Jiang said sincerely.

The reinforcements did not come, but the enemy troops came... The evil spirits began to attack the city. Those high-level evil spirits did not fight. It was like evaluating the combat effectiveness of human beings. The evil spirits that can directly rush up are actually ordinary evil spirits. In addition to being strong enough, there is no special place. To shoot these guys with firearms, Xiao Yuxin did not have the ability to exhibit or call for pets to fight.

It is comforting that fortunately, Daly City is not very big and there are enough people to defend. At the beginning of the battle, it is not very difficult, but the defender must pay attention to not let those evil spirits get too close, otherwise with their strength, Under the offensive of the former servants, it is very possible to break the defense.

Yu Jiang wanted to use his ability to attack, and was blocked by Xiao Yuxin: "Don’t be impulsive. There are many B-level evil spirit knights. Although I don’t know why they haven’t launched an attack, the lethality of these evil spirit knights is quite terrible. Once they launch an attack, we must respond in time to avoid a large number of casualties."

Xiao Yuxin would like to know where the Vietnamese and Filipinos are. These hostile camp candidates always make her feel uneasy, like a timeless bomb. I don’t know where they are and what they will be like. move.

Another group of evil spirits rushed up, and they were about to approach the fortifications again. Xiao Yuxin issued an attack order, his arms raised, and a high-explosive grenade flew out. Boom... Another fire, a lot of evil The spirits were blown to the ground, but there were cracks on the surface of several city walls, and the people began to repair the fort while the evil spirits attacked.

With the passage of time, the attack of the army of evil spirits became more and more violent, the defenders began to suffer casualties, and the situation began to become serious.

"Captain, shall we go out and rush to kill it again?" Yu Jiang was a little impatient. On the one hand, the situation was urgent; on the other hand, he was also eager to test his new skills... The **** locomotive was very popular just by its shape. At the thought of riding on this beautiful and mighty locomotive, Yu Jiang's thoughts became fickle again.

"Captain, let me ride a car to teach them a lesson." Yu Jiang still refused to give up.

"Yes, then you must pay attention to it, and don't directly meet the evil spirits of class B." Xiao Yuxin reminded.

"Yes, Captain, you can rest assured." Yu Jiang said cheerfully, he immediately summoned the **** locomotive... The red light flashed, and a set of crimson armor was immediately added to his body, exuding a hot breath.

"Captain, I'm gone!" Yu Jiang greeted and stepped on the motorcycle. The motorcycle immediately banged, and a dark red flame erupted around him.

With a bang, the motorcycle flew out of the fort without regard to the influence of gravity, drawn a beautiful arc in midair, and fell lightly outside the fort. With this motorcycle, Xiao Yuxin was a little envious. After all, there was no need to add fuel to this motorcycle, and it was boring on the road. However, if you are willing to give up, if you are willing to give up, you can get what you want.


Yu Jiang had approached the army of evil spirits, waved his hand suddenly, a dark red fire dragon roared out, slammed his head towards the evil spirits... There was a scream of stern roar, those evil spirits burned by the fire of **** Suddenly turned into ashes.

Subsequently, Yu Jiang rushed into the army of evil spirits like a tiger into a flock of sheep. All evil spirits were burned to ashes by the **** fire. He is very shrewd and avoids where there might be a class B evil spirit.

"Yu Jiang, heart, those high-level evil spirits will be alarmed by you," Xiao Yuxin reminded him.

"Yeah, where are those high-level evil spirits?"

Although Yu Jiang had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he still drove forward without turning back. He didn't know how many evil spirits had been killed along the way, even those terrible acid evil spirits, although very aggressive, but The defense is very weak, killing a lot in the first place, and saving a lot of trouble for the defenders.

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Yuxin simply summoned the magic dragon. As soon as the huge figure appeared, he issued a strong and unmatched breath. The huge dragon eyes stared at the evil spirits below, calling a fireball It flew out and landed in the army of evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon fell to the ground and ran away like a huge tank, dashing forward. Countless evil spirits were trampled into flesh in the screams. Those evil army began to have some scattered traces. .

A little further away is the middle-aged captain of the Vietnamese team and his team members. Seeing such a scene, many Vietnamese people want to act, but they are blocked by the middle-aged captain.

Soon to be revised, it will be hit three thousand miles

Introduction to "New Yipin Cultivation" (End): Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A four-year-old Shen Yueying's flesh was destroyed by a four-year-old Shen Junying's flesh, and even more excessively, these four irresponsible guys whispered in order to prevent the king from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus Continent with weight.

The magic weapon is on the catty, flying swords into boxes, as long as you have money, the elixir can also be the first to cross!

This time it was found that the murderer who had crossed through was considered to be injustice and debt. However, most of the compensation payments of the four major Tianjuns cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when they will be fully cashed? It's really hard to think about the Lord. It was struck by thunder and then fell into the sea. It was a twist and turn. After so many things, shouldn't it be the ultimate Thai?

Introduction to Yipinxiu (End): Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A four-year-old Shen Yueying's flesh was destroyed by a four-year-old Shen Junying's flesh, and even more excessively, these four irresponsible guys whispered in order to prevent the king from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus Continent with weight.

The magic weapon is on the catty, and the flying sword becomes a box. As long as you have money, the elixir can also be wholesale. Amadeus-just the first to cross!

This time it was found that the murderer who had crossed through was considered to be injustice and debt. However, most of the compensation payments of the four major Tianjuns cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when they will be fully cashed? It's really hard to think about the Lord. It was struck by thunder and then fell into the sea. It was a twist and turn. After so many things, shouldn't it be the ultimate Thai?

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