Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 702 Mercenaries See Mercenaries

"go away!"

Looking at the disgusting head with **** flesh close to him, Yu Jiang stabilized the steering wheel with one hand, and shot up the shotgun resting next to him with one hand, aiming at the evil spirits. The bullet with a burst effect immediately blasted its head into pieces. As soon as he fell to the ground, he was crushed by the car and the tire was immediately covered with minced meat. ╔╗

Li Xianglan drove the **** locomotive and the ground meat triangle to open the road ahead. Xiao Yuxin cast auxiliary magic on the roof to attack the retarded evil spirits. The firepower of all the people in the vehicle was fully opened. Those evil spirits burst into the surrounding for about 50 meters. Will be informed, and the chasing soldiers behind were slipped to the ground by the sloppy mud, a great view.

"Yujiang, move forward at full speed!" Xiao Yuxin recovered two golems and Juli zombies. Li Xianglan was still riding the **** locomotive to open the road ahead.

On the roof of the car, Xiao Yuxin was a little tired. After several evil spirits flying in the air were shot down by her, the upper part was basically safe. A large number of evil spirits were thrown behind. Only a few accidental ghosts sprang out on both sides. Was quickly shot down.

The sky was finally dark, and the roar of the evil spirits gradually went away. In addition to the monotonous sound of the engines of **** locomotives and buses, other sounds were gradually disappearing.

Xiao Yuxin came down from the roof of the car, her face pale, and Song Qian quickly stepped forward to help her: "Captain, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a lot of energy consumption, just take a break. ╔╗"

Xiao Yuxin sat down in a seat and nodded to Song Qian: "Let Li Xianglan come back, and others will immediately seize the time to rest."

Finally, they got rid of the attacks of the evil spirits, and everyone was relieved, but Yu Jiang did not dare to relax, but accelerated the speed, lest he would be chased by those evil spirits again.

Others curled up in the car seat and fell asleep... along the way, I was exhausted, and even a few seniors felt tired, and the newcomers were even weak.

"Captain, there seems to be a town ahead." Yu Jiang said softly.

"Drive first to the roadside and stop. I will take a look at it." Xiao Yuxin said.

The faint moonlight was transmitted through the dense cloud gap. On the ground, a piece of cold pale. Xiao Yuxin got out of the car, searched around with his consciousness, and then walked towards the town, dragging a long shadow behind him.

There are six or seven cars in Zhenkou. Of course, it was all the kind that dated Vulcan, and it was a mess. The passengers inside were lucky, at least they did not become parasites of evil spirits.

When Xiao Yuxin entered the town, he was also able to see the dried blood and some broken limbs on the ground, and flies piled on the carcasses, making a buzzing noise.

She carefully avoided the carrion. ╔╗ Walked down the street towards the town... There were no evil spirits, but what surprised her was that there were signs of human activity. It seems that when the evil spirits attacked the town that day, they did not turn all the townspeople into parasites. body. Of course, it may come from other places, but these are not important.

Suddenly, two figures rushed out of the corner. Forced her one after the other: "Stop!"

The man in front was wearing a blue-and-white cotton shirt, and his legs were wearing white-washed jeans. The three buttons on the shirt were unbuttoned. Exposing his chest full of chest hair, holding a single-barreled shotgun in his hand, was pointing at Xiao Yuxin's head.

The other person stood behind her, carrying a large dogleg knife in his hand, did not know what to mumble in his mouth, listening to strange people.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be an Oriental girl. It's a pity to just miss it." The guy at the back finally said something that was understandable, but it was clear that people grinded their teeth, or the ancients said it well. ‘Rarely confused’, I don’t know it’s the happiest.

"Not in a hurry."

The man in front grinned and put the dark barrel almost on her head: "Knowledge, hand over all valuable things, I don't want to waste bullets!"

Xiao Yuxin glanced at him silently and whispered: "Thick Armor!"

"What?" The man with the gun didn't hear clearly. ╔╗ asked a question, but then he was stunned... a layer of energy armor appeared on Xiao Yuxin's body, strictly from head to toe.


The man immediately woke up, and the Eastern woman had a problem in front of him, and immediately pulled the trigger... The bullet shot out as expected, and was still in the target. But what surprised him was that when the bullet hit the transparent armor, it didn't penetrate, and it fell on the ground with a loud sound, leaving no trace on the armor.

Xiao Yuxin's face flashed with a chilling expression, he reached out and grabbed the barrel of the gun, twisted the muzzle violently, and then forced the barrel into his mouth with force, and the cold barrel hit him The teeth, blood and broken teeth flowed down the corner of the mouth.

"Well, well oil (don't)..." The man screamed and stepped back, but Xiao Yuxin wasn't going to let him go, and pulled the trigger directly.


A burst of blood shot from the back of the head, and the light of life in the man's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Wait, I...you..."

Seeing the miserable end of the companion, the man with the sword was incomplete.

"You run fast, if you run fast, maybe you won't die." Xiao Yuxin said.


The man with a knife shuddered violently, throwing away the dogleg knife and running away. ╔╗


A bullet shot from behind and drilled into his vest. The huge impact knocked him to the ground at once. At the moment of unconsciousness, the man holding the knife was a little unwilling.

"Look at the bullet and it still runs faster than you."

Xiao Yuxin threw the gun away and shook his head: "It seems that I am really not a good person."

Struggling with a **** tear for a long time, she also needs to vent, these two poor guys just gave her a good reason.

Continuous gunshots alarmed the survivors nearby, and several figures appeared at the street junction, searching with curiosity and complicated eyes for everything that happened here, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Xiao Yuxin found an unoccupied house in the town, after carefully searching inside, informed Yu Jiang to drive the car, and then woke up all the gods, and everyone used the gas in the building to cook, and then Everyone took a hot bath and lay down comfortably.

"I love America!"

Yu Jiang consciously lay on the floor: "I didn't expect that for so many days, the water, electricity and gas were not broken!"

"That's because no one uses it. ╔╗" Gu Xiaoou pouted: "In the real world, a few days before the catastrophe. Water, electricity, and gas are all available, and the site stopped after more than half a month. under."

"Hurry up and rest. The closer you are to San Francisco, the greater the danger. Newcomers should pay special attention. You can summon parasitic evil spirits when necessary and do everything possible to survive, so you have a future!"

Xiao Yuxin was distressed. He didn't expect to die a newcomer on the road. He couldn't even summon a parasitic evil spirit. The remaining newcomers are still heard, but the active combat awareness is still too poor. This is experience, not something that can be done overnight.

Letting everyone sleep, she is responsible for the vigil... In fact, it is already the second half of the imitation. Although everyone sleeps more comfortably than in the car, but there is something in their minds, they can’t sleep well at all, and they wake up when the sky is bright. And Xiao Yuxin has prepared breakfast.

Boom Boom Boom~

A rough knock on the door came from outside, and Xiao Yuxin made a gesture to a newcomer, and the others immediately took the gun up and prepared to fight. The new man stepped forward and opened the door violently. I stepped along with the door and exposed the knocker.

"Good fragrance." A white man stood at the door, with a bullet chain on his body, a pistol and a grenade hanging on his waist, and an assault rifle on his back.

"If you are hungry, I don't mind entertaining you." Xiao Yuxin said.

"Thank you! In fact, I came back after I was full." Dahan said, trying to make his face show a kinder smile, introducing: "I am Albert, a mercenary from France."

"It seems that we have found a common language."

Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly: "My name is Nihuang Huang. I am also a mercenary from China."

"What a coincidence."

Albert said with an exaggerated expression: "This is the first time I have met my Chinese counterparts. It is really amazing. I don't know why you are going to San Francisco? Er, if it's not convenient, just don't ask."

"Nothing inconvenient."

Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly: "Because of the abnormal situation in San Francisco. We were entrusted by the Chinese Embassy to go to San Francisco to search and rescue the Chinese nationals. What is your mission?"

"Ah... our mission is similar, but the target is the French diaspora." Albert said.

"Mr. Albert, do you have anything else?" Xiao Yuxin asked when he saw what he said.

"Yes, I was thinking... I'm afraid that there will be those evil spirits ahead. If we both enter San Francisco and then do our own thing, what do you think?" Albert asked.

"Of course, this is a good suggestion, at least we have a companion on the journey." Xiao Yuxin readily accepted the other party's proposal and made an appointment for the meeting place, and Albert got up and left.

Xiao Yuxin kept sending him out of the door, watching him go away, and then closed the door and returned to the room.

"Captain, do you believe what he said?" Song Qian asked.

"Then do you believe me?" Xiao Yuxin asked back.

"Of course not." Song Qian answered immediately.

"My answer is the same." Xiao Yuxin said.

Song Qian smiled, but she immediately threw a second question: "So who are they?"

Confident life for two hundred years *will be hit three thousand miles*

Introduction of "New Yipin Cultivation" (End):

Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A work mistake by the four gods of Fengyun Thunder and Lightning ~www.readwn.com~ led to the destruction of the body of the 14-year-old girl Shen Yueying Mistakes, swindled the Moon Shadow to a place called Amadeus continent and reborn.

The magic weapon is on the catty, and the flying sword is made into a box. As long as you have money, the elixir can also be wholesale, Amadeus-just the first stop to cross!

This time it was found that the murderer who had crossed through was considered to be injustice and debt. However, it seems that the compensation of the four major Tianjuns cannot be paid immediately. I don’t know when it will be fully realized? It's really hard to think about the mistress, first being struck by thunder, and then falling into the sea, it can be described as a twist and turn. After so many things, shouldn't it be very Thai? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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