In the orc empire, the most noble people are not kings but shamans. In their hearts, shamans are the people closest to God, and almost every orc warrior knows that in the kingdom of mankind, there are a group of people who can compete with them. It's exactly the same, people who borrow power from God, these people are called'magicians'. 【Ye*zi】【Yu*you】


It was found that there were no orc shamans among the chasing soldiers. Xiao Yuxin's heart moved, and he continued to exert a large range of killing magic. The magic of lightning is based on the size of the casting range. The larger the range, the more people, the smaller the power. Although the physiques of those orc warriors may not be electrocuted, severe paralysis is inevitable, and the screams and burning smells interweave a hell-like picture in an instant.


A road has been cleared ahead, and the four zombies immediately turned from the forward to the defender. The crowd urged the mount to rush forward... After half an hour, the four have rid themselves of the entanglement of the orc warriors. Compared to real Warcraft. Xiao Yuxin sent four zombies around to find a map donated by Silver to find his current location.

According to Silver's introduction, they should still be in the mountains at present. Considering those orcs who were clearly dispatched on a large scale, Xiao Yuxin decided to cross the Valudin ferry. If they are lucky, they can still meet human ships and board Take a boat and arrive... in a city in the human world, then it depends on where the boat is going. Even if they didn't encounter a ship, they might make a raft down the river. In short, she absolutely didn't want to make meaningless death knocks with those orcs.

"Go southeast, where there is a river called Servina, the river is wide and the distance is the Valudin Ferry."

After confirming the location and the direction of travel, the four immediately set off, and the four zombies had recovered the magic cards. For the time being, those orcs should not be able to catch up with them. In order to catch as many roads as possible, don't let those orcs catch up. They did not rest until midnight.

Dinner...Oh, it should be said that it is supper now. They simply made some broth, ate it with bread, and then began camping. [] Xiao Yuxin didn't send someone to watch the night. After summoning Mo Yunteng, she sent it to the underground to take charge of the night.

Time is passing quietly. A lone wolf obviously smelled the human breath from the forest. This breath undoubtedly made it think of food. The lone wolf excitedly sneaked into the place where Xiao Yuxin and other people camped. When it saw the human sleeping beside the campfire Time. A trace of transparent liquid ran down the corner of the mouth, and it leaped silently to the nearest Amin.


Just as its body leaped into the air, six or seven green vines sprang out of the ground suddenly, and the lone wolf was wrapped like a lightning bolt.

After the lone wolf uttered a scream, the sound came to an abrupt end, because a vine had strangled its throat, and dozens of tubular vine thorns had penetrated its body, which was being discernible to the naked eye The speed shrivelled, and there was a slight **** smell floating around the camp.

The night finally faded. This was a peaceful night. At least for Xiao Yuxin, they were like this. The four of them stretched out and saw the bones of several beasts on the periphery. They didn’t feel strange. When they saw two fat rabbits, Luo Haiqiong couldn't help cheering.

"I'm going to peel!" She volunteered to carry the two rabbits to the side to deal with the situation three times, five times and two, and they were picked up cleanly. After a while. The two rabbits had turned golden on the barbecue, and large drops of oil dropped into the bonfire, splashing a lot of sparks.

The breakfast ended in a tense atmosphere. The fragrant roasted rabbit meat did not bring a bit of pleasant atmosphere to this slightly chilly morning. The people hurried on the road because they were going to cross several mountains and denser jungle, So the mount had to put away and use their feet to measure the length of the earth.

Noon. They are not far from the Valudin ferry, and if there is no accident, they can be there in the evening. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] After a quick lunch, when they were ready to leave, Xiao Yuxin suddenly made a quiet gesture and took out the magic map... on the map. Dozens of green light spots are moving towards their location, and they are faintly forming a surrounding posture.

Everyone was alert and took out their weapons. Xiao Yuxin also exhibited ‘thick armor’, the whole body was wrapped in energy armor, and the palm was resting on the handle of the Tang sword diagonally inserted between the belts.

There was a rustling voice in the forest. The first came out was a small group of tauren warriors wearing heavy armor. They carried double axe battle axe on their shoulders, and the beast **** pattern was inscribed on the armor Three people, that is the symbol of the beast temple warrior, that is, after these tauren warriors, there are shamans).

Sure enough, a middle-aged orc shaman came out, followed by dozens of ordinary orc warriors, but they did not immediately attack, but stood there quietly, seemingly waiting for the shaman's command.

The shaman is not very old, and his face is very human-like, but the horns on his head prove his identity. A dozen oil paints were painted on his face, and a necklace of unknown Warcraft teeth was hung around his neck. There was a bone cane in his hand. There is a faint breath in his body, judging from the performance of those orc warriors next to him, his identity should not be low.

There was no opening on both sides, and the atmosphere at the scene was unusually weird. The orc shaman looked at Xiao Yuxin and others with a cold expression, but his heart was ups and downs, because he felt a different breath from Xiao Yuxin and others. She was a little shocked and lost the must-win message to herself for the first time.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you appear here?" Out of prudence, the orc shaman looked at Xiao Yuxin and asked.

"We are ordinary adventurers. As for why it appears here,"

Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly: "Your Excellency should be more clear that now your soldiers have occupied a large number of cities and towns, and of course we do not want to have conflicts with you. However, if you insist, we have no choice."

The middle-aged shaman was silent. He was thinking quickly about the pros and cons. He always acted cautiously. He did not want to provoke any humans who might cause trouble to the Temple of Beast 0-not to be afraid of things, but to reduce unnecessary trouble. The strength of these people is undoubtedly very strong, including not only a magician who can't see through the depths, but also an elf. The orc empire did not plan to fight the elves. In case of any trouble, he could not explain to the beast temple.

"How do you call it?" A long while, the middle-aged shaman asked, his eyes glanced at Ya Wen, seeming to have scruples for her.

"When asking someone else's name, should I first report my name?" Xiao Yuxin lifted his chin and said with a bit of indifference.

The magician, who is also the closest to the deity, is qualified to show arrogance in front of anyone, no one feels wrong, but the middle-aged shaman feels an indescribable pressure from behind Xiao Yuxin's arrogance... ...He felt that the other party no longer wanted to suppress.

He gave a little ritual: "My name is Mufa Cohn, the Battle Shaman of the Beast Temple."

Xiao Yuxin hesitated for a while before saying, "Nie Huang, the great magician."

Mu Fa's pupil narrowed slightly, and he confirmed that he could not leave these four people today...Accurately, he had to find a way not to be left by the other party.

The atmosphere seemed a bit tense. In fact, both sides did not want to fight, but both sides had to fight. Mufa was deliberately thinking about whether to attack, because the command he got before was'search for suspicious characters', but he didn't have to catch Arrest... Of course, if you leave like this, the soldiers will look down on him. But Mufa has always been prudent and hates doing things that are not sure, and he is not sure about the victory now-whether it is the female wizard or the elf on the opposite side, it makes her feel impenetrable.

Time does not allow hesitation, Mufa quickly used his experience to make a decision that is most beneficial to him: "Sir Nirvana, I don’t want to fight too many unnecessary battles with you, so I propose that we have a two-person duel how is it?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yuxin didn't understand.

"Yes, you and we each sent two people to cooperate with each other in a duel. If your lord wins, I will immediately take people away, there will be no orc warriors chasing you within a hundred miles, you can Free to return to human territory. If we win, I hope you can follow me back obediently."

Who said the orcs were coming slowly?

At least this shaman is not dull.

He seems to have given up the advantage of a large number of people to lose, but in fact, if Xiao Yuxin's strength exceeds him, then they are useless to have more people, but just add a few more bodies-superb strength The magician of When casting a wide range of attack spells, there is one effect of more people and less people. Doing so undoubtedly leaves a way for yourself; if Xiao Yuxin's strength is ordinary, then he It is entirely possible to kill Xiao Yuxin in a duel, and after others lose the help of a magician, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. With these soldiers he brought, there is no problem at all.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Xiao Yuxin will definitely have no problem in killing these people, but she also does not want to meet the endless killing of the orcs. The other party’s proposal is a good opportunity for her to show a strong combat power. .

Confident life will hit 3,000 miles in 200 years

Introduction of "New Yipin Cultivation" (End):

Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A four-year-old girl Shen Yueying's flesh was destroyed by a working error of the four gods of Fengyun Thunderbolt. What's more, the four irresponsible guys bluntly tried to prevent Yan from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus continent to rebirth.

The magic weapon is on the catty, and the flying sword is made into a box. As long as you have money, the elixir can also be wholesale.

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