Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 737 Royal Interception (Part 1)

  Opening the front of the Death Knights does not mean that trouble will get rid of it. Although these death knights are stronger than ordinary skeleton warriors, they also belong to the bottom of the dead, and the most terrible thing is that they break through the death knights. After the interception, the sound of the earth breaking around continued to ring, and more and more breath of death gathered towards them.

"Hurry up, don't fight!"

Gandalf saw that Jin Pei was still shouting and hurriedly stopped. They must advance to the depths of the battlefield in the shortest time. This area has undoubtedly had a large-scale battle in ancient times, so there will be so many undead creatures, once they are entangled, even if they are not affected Damage will also delay the time to go to the Ruins of God of War.

However, once entering these undead sites, it is not so easy to leave. As more and more undead appear, Xiao Yuxin and others inevitably fall into a bitter battle.

Around them, a sea of ​​corpses literally appeared, and the air was filled with a strong corpse smell. Under the attack of tomahawks, chains, bows and magic, batches of dead soldiers and death knights fell down. However, the number of them is only a fraction of the total number of undead around.

After Gandalf cast the ‘Fire Rain Meteor’ magic, they never used a powerful skill again. The simplest and most labor-saving trick became their only choice. This was a battle that tested perseverance.

"Captain, is that all right?" Ya Min looked at Xiao Yuxin.

"It is estimated that this is the biggest card of those undead."

Xiao Yuxin nodded, his arms startled, and two purgatory chains flew forward with blazing fire. Just like the two fire dragons, the skeleton warriors were burned to ashes.


A huge creature suddenly appeared above, and a black dragon breath ball spewed out of its mouth. Slammed into the sea of ​​corpses. Hundreds of undeads suddenly disappeared. In contrast, the zombies summoned by Qin Qi and others were not only noticeable.

"Dragon?!" The dwarves and elves widened their eyes in surprise.


At another location on the battlefield, a man in a black robe and a black cloak suddenly raised his head and looked at the magic dragon in the distance, a frightened look on his skull-like face.

This is a lich!

It was a powerful dharma before his death, and he became a powerful lich after death. Although he was trapped in this battlefield for a long time. The forces are getting bigger and bigger, controlling tens of thousands of undead. However, it is also clear. Among its men, there are not many who can really threaten the dragon. Even if the dragon does not need the dragon's breath, the body cannot be destroyed by ordinary undead. In this case, it is better to let the other party act.

Thinking of this, the lich lifted a white bone wand, said something in his mouth, a beam of black light shot into the soil, and cast a sharp howling from the underground...

On the battlefield. Although the situation is not one-sided, with the addition of the magic dragon and the four zombies, the people are not so embarrassed. The zombies' fighting methods and their levels are much higher than those of the undead, and Amin even has time to cast some Small spells heal several wounded horses.

suddenly. The earth seemed to have a strange shock. The undead suddenly retreated, and the ground immediately beneath them all seemed to melt. These undead gradually submerged into the ground, even the broken bones and ashes.

"What's going on?" Qin Qi asked in surprise.

"It seems that I still made a mistake."

Gandalf pondered and looked in the direction of the lich: "These undead have a mysterious ruler."

"So what?"

Xiao Yuxin has recalled the magic dragon and Juli zombie: "No matter whether the undead have rulers or not, it seems that they are retreating now."

"Yes, we can finally go quietly on the road!" Jin Pei said carelessly.

Why is this awkward?

Everyone stared at him together.

"Am I saying something wrong?" Jin Pei touched his beard, somewhat inexplicably.

"Old friend, dwarf... really a natural warrior!"

Gandalf made a vague comment and urged the horses to move forward. Xiao Yuxin froze for a moment, and immediately reacted, followed with a laugh.


Two days later, a group of people began to approach the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield. On the way, they successively encountered several undead attacks, but those undead were not organized attacks. They were all scattered soldiers, and everyone was willing to hone their combat skills, including even There are some undead close to class B creatures, which have become the sparring of Xiao Yuxin and others.


Xiao Yuxin stopped suddenly and made a gesture to everyone.


A burst of laughter suddenly sounded from behind a small mountain bag in front of the side: "It is quite alert, but unfortunately it is too late. If you surrender honestly and hand over all the equipment, this king may consider putting you one. Sheng Lu!"

With laughter, a tall and burly orc man came out, and behind him were more than a dozen fully-armed orcs.

"It's the lion orc of the Royal Rhine." After Jin Pei murmured, he raised his battle axe sideways and looked around alertly...their team was surrounded unconsciously by the enemy.

"Who are you? How can we trust you?" Xiao Yuxin asked in a loud voice. Everyone did not dare to be careless, and looked at the enemies around them with their eyes, while guarding with all their strength, while thinking about how to break out.

There are hundreds of orcs in this group, and all of them are physically strong, with extremely high martial arts and fighting spirit, otherwise they will not be selected to enter the ancient battlefield. Although Xiao Yuxin has a magic dragon in her hand, she is less than a last resort. , Will not be easily summoned.

"This king is the three princes of the empire, Lovefield. Human beings, don't think that miracles will happen, give you three breaths to consider surrendering." The lion said.

Three breaths...Xiao Yuxin suddenly shouted: "Close to the carriage!"

The crowd immediately gathered at the carriage.

Holy light!

After everyone came to the carriage~www.readwn.com~Xiao Yuxin immediately exhibited the most powerful defensive magic in the range. A mask full of sacred atmosphere held everyone together with the carriage like a giant bowl.

call out……

The three elves Zhang Gong shot quickly, shooting those orcs close by.

"call out……"


The hot and cold weapons snarled at the same time and played very lively. The divine light is a very powerful defensive magic, they are not affected by outward attacks, but it is not easy for the enemy to attack.

"Why not?"

Lorfield said angrily: "Give me uninterrupted attacks!"


The next chapter should be read after 8 o'clock tomorrow. If there is any problem with viewing, mobile phone users can join my QQ group. I provide free reading (group number: 17660

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