The chosen ones are not saviors, they are just a group of trained fighters...or rather mercenaries, and Xiao Yuxin has never regarded herself as a savior or virgin, and her original plan was to want an underground refuge As a place where the whole family lives. ╔╗ But later, it became a haven for her teammates and relatives.

However, the law of development of things has never been shifted by individual subjective will. The Green Mountain Base has gradually become a large survivor base from a refuge in less than a year, with more than twenty Ten thousand survivors, this was what Xiao Yuxin didn't think of at the beginning. It seems that unconsciously, a small city is about to rise again here.

The old world...Although it is not far away, it is indeed a thing of the past. The original order has collapsed... Along with the collapse of the social system and moral standards, everyone is struggling to survive, and even humans have evolved to varying degrees. Perhaps this is the trend of life. It's just that the addition of external factors is like adding a catalyst to a bottle of reagent, which has changed the life forms on earth in advance.

After a day, under the auspices of Li Jialie, Wu Ziniu, and Cheng Ruosong, 500 members were selected from the base guards to form a new unit. They collectively received the potentiation and received the right to use blood crystals to transform their bodies. , Everyone distributes a God of War gun and a magic shield refined by Xiao Yuxin. ╔╗ This new team is named ‘Gun Guard’. They will be trained as a secret force, but they will not be officially unveiled until a last resort. The weapon of God of War is even more powerful than ordinary missile weapons and must be used with caution.

"What do they usually do, and if they keep it casually, I am afraid it is not appropriate?" Mu Zifeng asked.

"I believe you will find some jobs in the base that will not reveal their identity. At the same time, they will also arrange their training time. In short, don't cause people to doubt, and don't raise them into a pile of worms." Xiao Yuxin said.

At the base of Green Mountain. Like herself, she enjoys a high reputation and has a reputation among survivors. But when it comes to loyalty, it is a bit of a relative. At least in the face of hunger and death, the survivors of the base are afraid that not many people are willing to make adverse choices. However, to be a member of the official base defense team requires loyalty. The five hundred gun guards are the best of them, and each of them secretly probed with her mental skills to ensure that their loyalty is no problem. but. Considering the personnel problem, there is also a peripheral organization in the defense team, that is,'reserve defense team members'. The first condition for their selection is elite soldiers, followed by loyalty, but only those who meet these two requirements are eligible to be upgraded to formal Players. ╔╗

"The past systems and regulations can no longer meet the current needs. They are too cumbersome, too gentle, and too vague. We must manage this base with stricter and simpler regulations. Let the residents of the base really have a sense of belonging and Responsibility... Simply put, the Green Mountain Base must have a management system suitable for its own use, which can also be said to be a new code. It is not formulated by us to build cars, and we should expand the scope of participants." Xiao Yuxin Requirements at management work meetings of companies and base governments.

Sunlight came in from the closed window. Spilled on the floor, added a little warmth to the room.

The medicine house was sorted out a month ago, and the exterior was repainted. The most important thing is that the mutated creatures in the building and underground pipe network within a radius of 500 meters have been cleaned up, and isolation measures have been taken to ensure that they can stay in safely. In the area outside the security zone, there are a lot of defensive members, soldiers and police officers, carrying some unarmed personnel to clean up house by house, floor by floor, street by street, and also carry out general disinfection. If there is not enough disinfectant, they use Instead of quick lime.

The renovated Yaolu seems to be a little bloated than before, mainly because of some renovations, even if it is a group of C-class creatures, it also breaks through this building easily... As the owner of this building, Xiao Yuxin feels fully qualified to own it. ╔╗

The rooms and furnishings inside are just like before the catastrophe. If you don't go to see the streets outside where there is no vitality, this place is undoubtedly a warm den.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good now, as well as my own boiler room, which is warm and warm, if you don't need to think about those annoying things." Xia Xinwen hid in a very indecent pose on the sofa, In his hand was a piece of cream cake.

"I have cleaned up my furniture. It's hard to clean it up. Be careful that you stained me." Xiao Yuxin stood in front of the window and watched the snow outside. She was a little distracted.

"Relax, I will be careful, this is not antique furniture." Xia Xinwen said.

"Is there any news about Beijing recently?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"There has been no news for a while. ╔╗"

Xia Xinwen shook his head: "Most communication satellites have been damaged to varying degrees, intermittently."

"Perhaps we should send a patrol boat to see it." Xiao Yuxin said in a deep voice.

"The patrol boat consumes a lot of energy. Are you willing?" Xia Xinwen asked.

"Yeah, I'm not willing, maybe we can go there in person." Xiao Yuxin changed another suggestion.

"Wouldn't you really want to fly over? It's too dangerous. Now there are too many mutants in the air. Even if there are nightmares or dragons as mounts, it may not be safe." Xia Xinwen said.

"You have to try it before you know it." Xiao Yuxin was helpless. After coming out of the secret room, Yan Xingyun didn't mention any personal problems, but she kept saying that Yan Xingkong was empty from time to time. The cocoon is coming... Xiao Yuxin knows that her mother really misses her uncle, but... maybe it should be a trip to Beijing to avoid worrying her mother.

"Bring me one when you go, when are you going to go?" Xia Xinwen stuffed the rest of the cake into her mouth, then gently licked the cream on her finger and took a paper towel from the coffee table to wipe Wiped hands. ╔╗

"After this demonic trial is over," Xiao Yuxin said.

The demon communicator on her wrist suddenly rang. After she answered, a strange look appeared on her face and turned to Xia Xinwen: "We have guests."

In the office building of Green Mountain Company, the room on the east side of the top floor is the chairman's office owned by Xiao Yuxin. The glass curtain wall is all around and the view is quite good.

In the office, in addition to a set of mahogany desks and chairs with good texture, it is a set of black leather sofas and a brown glass coffee table.

A man in a camouflage combat uniform sat casually on the sofa. His full muscles almost broke the somewhat unsuitable combat uniform. The suit was half open, revealing a fluffy chest.

On the sofa on the other side, Li Jialie frowned and looked at the strong man with dissatisfaction. It was hard to imagine that this man was the No. 4 figure of the Shanghai armed forces.

In another room, Xiao Yuxin has heard the beginning and end of the incident... It is actually very simple. A team of survivors of about 5,000 people entered the base and demanded containment. After quarantine them at the base, the base has initially placed and registered these people. Now, the Shanghai camp has sent a team led by Liu Zhendong, the fourth person of the base, to capture the survivors Shanghai camp.

"It's really funny. At this time, it is still necessary to play the trick of imprisoning personal freedom. Do they regard these people as their own slaves?" Xiao Yuxin said angrily.

"It's almost the same if you don't take your own efforts," Mu Zifeng said. "According to those who escaped to see the survivors, there is a serious distribution imbalance in the Shanghai camp. Since winter, more than 100 people have starved to death. They Nearly a thousand people have died along the way. It is not that they have no way to live. They will not risk going so far."

"Yeah, it wasn't forced, and no one would do it." Xiao Yuxin shook his head: "So, the Shanghai municipal government has lost control of Shanghai?"

"Yes, it is said that Jinding Group actually controls Shanghai now. However, what they do is very different from ours." Mu Zifeng said.

"What they do is not our business, but at the base of the Green Mountain, we can't allow others to point our fingers."

Xiao Yuxin stood up: "Let's go and look at the No. 4 character in the Shanghai camp. By the way, do you say that the No. 4 character will really be the deity? I admire it a bit."

When she walked into the office, her appearance had changed.

Liu Zhendong looked suspiciously at the face that can be said to be ordinary...Although he was suspicious, he still said what he was going to say: "I don’t like turning Chairman Xiao, the five thousand survivors It is our Shanghai base. You have no reason to accept them, you must hand them over!"

"have to?"

Xiao Yuxin smiled: "Mr. Liu, are those five thousand survivors your slaves?"

"of course not."

"What crimes did they commit?"


"In this case, why do you interfere with their personal freedom?" Xiao Yuxin asked coldly.

"Chairman Xiao, what is the most lacking in this era? That is the resources and manpower. If you insist on confessing to one, I'm afraid it will make everyone look bad!" Liu Zhendong said in a deep voice.

These fierce words did not seem to have any effect on Xiao Yuxin. Xiao Yuxin's eyes had crossed him and looked elsewhere. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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