Follow-me-read WEN-XUE-LOU building remember! Dingtian Xiaojuju.dtxsj. "I have taken a genetic fragment and a soul fragment, and the second level of cell vitality, intelligence, and muscle tissue strength is strengthened. The third level of strengthening requires a comprehensive strength level of A, and each This kind of strengthening requires 1 million points, and my points are not enough. ╔╗. Ella Book House. 26book.

New players can perform first-level reinforcement and selective second-level reinforcement. The direction of reinforcement is mainly cell vitality and immunity strength. The most important thing is the reinforcement of skills. This is directly related to your chance of survival in the mission... Beg for yourself, although teammates need to cooperate with each other, there is always something they can't take care of. Now, go back to the devil space to prepare for it. "Xiao Yuxin finished, and the team members returned to their demon space."

They enter the demon space an hour before the start of the trial mission, the purpose is to strengthen the body or skills. When Xiao Yuxin entered the demon space, she immediately applied for strengthening. After a while, a thought came directly into her mind: "People No. 173, you confirm the second strengthening of the three indicators of cell vitality, intelligence, and muscle tissue strength. ?"

"Confirm!" Xiao Yuxin replied affirmatively.

"Deduct 1.5 million points, strengthen after five seconds, the countdown starts, 5, 4, 3, 2..."

At the end of the countdown, a white column of light appeared in the room of the demon space, covering her body. ╔╗ Immediately, as if there was a suction pulling her, her body got rid of the shackles of gravity, followed the beam of light to a place about one stop from the ground and stopped...I didn't feel the previous use of various strengthening methods The pain, Xiao Yuxin felt like he was soaked in the hot spring all over his body, every cell was like being picked apart by a needle. That feeling is very weird. However, after the challenge, there was a pleasant feeling, and it was very fascinating, and in the process. Xiao Yuxin has been in a state of sleeping and not sleeping, until the body falls freely.

"The secondary enhancement of the three indicators of cell vitality, intelligence, and muscle tissue strength is completed, and the basic attributes of the body are improved."

"The No. 173 God Selector. Comprehensive assessment of B3 level. Talent skills are upgraded by one level, and basic skills are upgraded by one level."

"Can I only upgrade one level?"

Xiao Yuxin stretched out his palms to do the flexion and extension, feeling the newly added strength, but this level of strengthening can only be upgraded by one level, I don’t know how many times to complete the trial task can be strengthened again, I am afraid that only by pure experience accumulation is quite tough.

"God will open a window while closing the door. There will always be a way. Xiao Yuxin comforted herself and walked out of the demon space.

"Nie Huang, is it going well?" Xiao Chunan asked. This sentence was sitting on the sofa, so I could watch it with a newspaper I didn't know when. ╔╗

"Very smooth."

Xiao Yuxin looked at the watch. There are four or five minutes left, "You didn't strengthen?"

"Yes, what I did was a secondary strengthening of the strength of immunity and the speed of nerve response." Xiao Chunan put down the newspaper and looked down at his watch. "We are not grouping this time?"

"It is randomly combined by the demon system. According to the demon spirit, the demon system seems to be upgraded again. And..."

Xiao Yuxin sighed: "At present, the real world looks calm, but whether it is a mutant or alien creature, it is accumulating power. And there are still portals in the secret places of the earth and the planets adjacent to the planet, and there is a crisis!"

"so what?"

Xiao Chunan said disapprovingly: "Life will always find a way out, do you think those people will not think about this? If they want to abandon the earth... or the Milky Way, will they open the demon trial system?"

"Perhaps, how can mortals know the thoughts of those gods and men." Xiao Yuxin said lightly. A taunt flashed in his eyes.

Heaven and earth are benevolent, with all things as ruminant dogs. ╔╗How do those strong people care about the ideas of the strong people?

In their view, it is enough to give the earth people a chance to become stronger. If you are lucky, the earth people can start a protracted war with those alien visitors and contain the footsteps of those alien invaders. This is already the best result, and the worst result is nothing more than the annihilation of the earth’s civilization. In the vast river of cosmic history, this is just a tiny spray.

The team members have finished strengthening and returned to the hall one after another, everyone cherished each other, waiting for the trial to begin.

"The number of white horse teams exceeds the maximum number of trial tasks, and the reorganization is carried out in accordance with the new trial rules."

"The walking world of "The Walking Dead" begins to transmit, and the countdown starts 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3..."

Xiao Yuxin noticed that there were beams of different colors covering the players, and the transmission beams of different colors represented different mission worlds.

After a series of demon trials, Xiao Yuxin can already look at each trial task with a very ordinary mentality. She only wants to become more powerful once in these tasks, not to stay in her life. Sorry.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that there was white snow in front of her, and the familiar smell of disinfectant water came from her nose.


She looked around. It was indeed a ward, but what surprised her was that in this six-bed room, only she was a senior proselytist. On the other two beds, a man and a boy were lying. Two new women, but the other three beds are empty, only a large area of ​​blood. ╔╗

"It's impossible for me to be alone!"

Xiao Yuxin, seeing that the two newcomers have not yet awakened, called up the demon badge to view the mission of this demon trial... Her face immediately changed:

"Mission scene: "The Walking Dead"."

"Task 1: Rescue police Rick and escape the town."

"Mission description: Many people in the town have been infected by the virus. The army has been ordered to clean it. Most of the townspeople have fled the town. Only those zombies and some people who have no time to escape have stayed."

"Question prompt: All the props of the **** chooser are forced to stay in the demon space before entering the plot world, and the storage space cannot be opened.

Except for the physical fitness unchanged. All skills or abilities are sealed.

The god-selectors are not allowed to disclose the development of the plot to the characters in the plot, nor are they allowed to divulge their identities. Violators deduct 1,000,000 points immediately. ╔╗"

"Mission Reward: +100000 points for each selected person, +200,000 experience."

"Mission Failed: Kill All."

It is still in the mission protection period. Can't see outside the ward. At this time, the other two beds were moved, the man sat up first. Seeing his age is seventeen or eight years old, and his face is a little puzzled, but he is very calm. He asked Xiao Yuxin: "Can you please tell me? Where is this place? Who are you?"

"Do you know the one chosen by God?" Xiao Yuxin asked back.

"I've heard of the **** chooser!"

The **** the other bed also woke up. She jumped out of bed, looked around for a while, then came to the window and looked out: "Wow! There are many corpses outside. Is this the legendary demonic trial?"

"Is this really the demon trial that the god-selector will go through?" the young man asked with a little panic and excitement.

"Yes, you listen to me..."

Xiao Yuxin took advantage of the protection time of the current task and quickly introduced to them the demonic trial and the use of the demonic badge. "Okay, my name is Nirvana. Now let me introduce yourself."

The young man nodded and said, "My name is Jiang Bin. I was admitted to Shanghai Fudan University just before the disaster, and now I live in the Shanghai base."

"My name is Miao Feifei. I was a senior student at Shanghai Forty-eight High School before the catastrophe." The girl saw Xiao Yuxin's eyes and looked at herself, and quickly introduced.

Xiao Yuxin was quite satisfied with their performance and smiled and said, "No matter how in the real world, when you enter the demon trial, you must obey the rules of the demon trial. As long as you work hard and obey the orders, I can help you Complete this trial mission alive."

"You are seniors, don't you have an obligation to protect and help us?" Jiang Bin asked.

"Rights and obligations are mutual, don't I need to teach you this truth?" Xiao Yuxin asked slightly, frowning.

Jiang Bin was about to speak. There was a gunshot in the distance, and there seemed to be some slight noise in the air. The system immediately popped up a message box: "The Walking Dead" plot world begins!"

Has it finally begun?

Xiao Yuxin did not summon pets or magic in vain. Now she can't even find the shadow of martial arts in her mind. There is really only a body that has been strengthened countless times.

With a little glance around the room, she came to a bed, reached out and put a circle under the bed in her hand, and after she had touched it, she walked towards the door.

"Nei Huang, where are you going?" Miao Feifei asked hurriedly.

"Of course I was looking for the mission target, but also to see if there are other gods." Xiao Yuxin said with a slight frown.

"The Walking Dead" should also be the name of a film. She heard it a bit familiarly, but what is certain is that she hasn't watched the film. Especially strangely, she knows that some special plots prohibit certain abilities or props. , But this is the first time I have encountered all the abilities and props in the story world.

Unable to exert her ability, she had to put her ears on the door and listen carefully to the outside movement... everything seemed normal.

Xiao Yuxin slowly opened the door. The probe looked out of the door and at both ends of the corridor... No one, she opened the door, walked out on the bench, turned around and whispered: "Follow me, pay more attention to the doors on both sides~www. Find a weapon if convenient."

The two nodded in a hurry, and Jiang Bin also calmed down a lot, following closely behind Xiao Yuxin.

Confident life for two hundred years *will be hit three thousand miles*

Introduction of "Yuxiang":

Author: former Aoyagi

Legend has it that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grass and flowers blooming,

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died,

His name is Jumang...

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland!

A beautiful myth starts here... (Welcome to your support, it is my greatest motivation.) Qunshuyuan.qunshuyuan. Follow-me-read WEN-XUE-LOU building remember!


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