Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 784 Occupying the Prison (Part 1)

The lush greenery showed a prosperous scenery under the sun, while walking on the lawn were blind, zombie-looking zombies.

"There are so many zombies on the lawn outside, and it will be difficult to occupy it," Rick said softly.

Next to Rick, Xiao Yuxin, Sean, Glenn and Miao Feifei. They arrived at the state prison two hours ago. The others were in the car on the downhill road. The five of them came to investigate the prison. Judging from the current observations, this prison has undoubtedly been occupied by zombies. The zombies are currently trapped in the grids on both sides. It looks like... zombies in detention, and they do not seem to be ready to come out.

"It's just letting go."

Xiao Yuxin raised the telescope in front of his eyes and looked inside: "There should be many guards in this prison? And since it is a state prison, I believe there must be many prisoners in it."

"Yes, there are indeed many prisoners in it, but now... if they haven't escaped, then it should have become a zombie now." Rick nodded.

"If this is the case, it means that it has been occupied for a long time, and there should be a lot of supplies." Sean said.

"I know that Dailer has collected a lot of planters. If we clean it out, we can grow food and vegetables. You see, there is still water." Glenn was very optimistic.

"In any case, we will take over here." Xiao Yuxin finally decided that she would not want to delay it any longer. "With our current ammunition reserve. We can completely solve the zombies inside. After we get here, we will get weapons." Ku...I hope they didn't transfer the ammunition out."

Once things were decided, the five men quickly returned to the highway. After telling the situation to others, everyone agreed unanimously...in fact, they also have no ability or reason to object. And survivors who have been wandering for a long time also hope to have a stable residence.

Not only are the adults armed, but the three children Karl, Sophia, and Kashan also picked up the pistols... The poor living environment is a childlike killer. They should have been waving small hands with toy pistols. It is a weapon capable of killing life, and Sean has trained them on the road to become a sharpshooter hitting a fixed target...of course, at close range.

"Rick, you and Sean opened the gate, and we entered the middle passage. First kill the zombies in the grids on both sides, and then gradually clean up the inside." Xiao Yuxin ordered.

She has just seen that among these zombies outside, there are no evolutionary zombies, but this does not mean that there are no evolutionary zombies in the cell. After destroying these zombies, she will cast a "dark enchantment" when she enters the cell. In this case, even the evolutionary zombies must be hated unless they have a way to break the dark enchantment.

Bang bang bang

Without the key, Rick and Sean can only use the most violent way to unlock the lock. The door lock was destroyed when Mars hit the door. The two opened the door and the crowd poured in.

"The latch is easy to use."

Xiao Yuxin returned his hand and left some of the weapons and ammunition left at the door. He closed the door and commanded: "Sandra, Amy, Andrea, you are here with a few children, if there is a problem. You can fire a warning shot and don’t open the door to strangers easily."

At this time, the zombies in the grids on both sides had noticed the movements here, and screamed at them, and everyone stood in front of the grid, dived the barrel into the steel mesh, and almost shot the zombies' heads. With the sound of a crisp or dull gunshot, the zombies who were rushed were shot dead. In front of them was a tough steel wire grid, which could not be surpassed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a large number of zombies had piled up in front of the grids on both sides, and the zombies on the periphery were wiped out. Fortunately, the zombies inside did not come out, just a roar came faintly.

"It seems that those doors have been closed." Rick said.

Although breaking the door is a very troublesome thing, if the zombies are all separated, it will be very convenient to eliminate them.

"Look what I found," Miao Feifei suddenly shouted in surprise.

The crowd looked at her and saw that she held a bunch of keys high in her hand.

In front of him, there was a guard's body, carrying a revolver in his hand, to see that it should be suicidal.

"Let's see if we can open the door inside." Xiao Yuxin is quite happy, this will reduce a lot of trouble.

After trying four or five keys, the door to the inside was opened, and Sean and Moore rushed in. Several zombies who had just looked up and looked at this side had not been started yet, they were shot dead, wounds on their heads. Splattered with blood.

"Continuous shooting, don't let them get close."

Xiao Yuxin saw more than forty zombies in prison uniforms rushing towards here, and hurriedly greeted everyone in a volley. She was not afraid to fight those zombies in close combat. After being knocked down, Xiao Yuxin immediately ordered Miao Feifei and Jiang Bin to take people to occupy the sentry tower respectively, and use the advantage of the commanding heights to snipe those zombies.

There was another trail of footsteps around the corner, and zombies in twos and threes appeared again. These zombies are all wearing explosion-proof police services and wearing riot helmets on their heads. I really don’t know how their mouths hidden behind glass masks bite people.

I have to say that this kind of equipment caused great trouble to the survivors. The bullets often slipped away. Seeing more and more anti-riot zombies appear, Xiao Yuxin shouted: "Prepare for melee"

She put down her gun and pulled out the demon sword Murasaki.An arrow step rushed into the zombies. Two halves. Rick and others also took out bayonets and rushed to the police zombies...In fact, these zombies are not more difficult to deal with than other zombies. Due to the helmet and the swing out, the survivors only need to pull its helmet and thrust the bayonet down the jaw. Entering its brain, it soon died.

At this time, the guard tower also sounded a rhythmic gunshot, and the zombies who were about to rush were knocked down to the ground one by one~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Yuxin glanced at the guard tower and made a ``one'' on the tower Gesture, turn around and take everyone to the office building...Insufficient tomorrow make up) rs

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