Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 887 Recovering Wax Town (1)

Section 887 Recapture Wa Wa Town (1)

Green mountain base, Liumin camp.

At the base of Green Mountain, there is a most basic principle-those who do not work do not eat.

Except for survivors who have lost or do not yet have the ability to work, everyone must work. Even the staff at the base are not allowed to spend time in the office as before the disaster. Their daily schedule is very busy, and there is almost no free time, but their treatment is also very generous-for people who are willing to work, zhèngfǔ and the company have never been stingy with rewards.

After taking over Liuliu Camp, the first thing is to manage the food and solve the problem of food and clothing. All people are divided into three, six, and nine. After excluding those who do not have the ability to work, the others are divided into three parts, one is a person with a skill or can find a job at the Green Mountain base, the other is a person who participates in reserve training, and another part is unable to find a job , Who do not want to participate in reserve training. The former is easy to say, but if you can’t find a job within ten days, you will automatically join the third kind of people, and the base will arrange the work uniformly; the second kind of reserve people must undergo various trainings, and naturally they will be mutants Fight, protect the environment and the people; the third kind of people are unsuitable for combat, and the base will arrange the work uniformly...such as wasteland cultivation, infrastructure, etc. Anyway, it is dirty and tired, and the food is just enough, but it will not be too good. .

The work is different and the treatment is different. Among the three groups of people, the first person eats based on his ability and luck; the third person eats basic working meals, and the basic compensation is warm, but very hard; the second person enjoys happiness In addition, in the Green Mountain base, the treatment of scientific researchers and combatants are very high, at least they eat the best, every meal, meat is essential, and even after training, the contribution points are also obtained There are more than ordinary people, if there are combat missions, there are special subsidy contribution points, so in the refugee camp, the reserve personnel are the most enviable...Oh, they still have zhìfú, although it is not official The guards, but they are also majestic and wearable, attracting the attention of many women.

Jinbo is in charge of training the reserve for the refugees. Although he can produce dànyào at the base, he still uses cold weapons during battles. If the huǒyào weapons are not fed by a large amount of dànyào, then the lethality is limited and it is far less than cold weapons. effective. Therefore, when training these reserve players, there is a special squadron of qiāngxiè. The players of this squadron are selected to have some talents that are relatively good at shooting. These people are brought back to the base for special training. They are equipped with Qiāngxiè is the best modification jūjíqiāng, a bit similar to the meaning of special forces. The other team members are equipped with ordinary spears, swords and shields... not to mention cold weapons, these weapons are all forged from special alloys, and they are all re-refined by Xiao Yuxin with alchemy. A good magic weapon depends on three directions, one is a good embryo, the other is a good material, and the third is a superb alchemy method. These alloys were researched by the research department of the Green Mountain base based on the alloy formula obtained by Xiao Yuxin and others from the Demon Trial Mission World. Although the output is not very high, there is no problem in supplying this base. Plus Xiao Yuxin’s alchemy, for magic The requirements for the quantity and quality of materials can be reduced, enough for ordinary combat.

Raise soldiers for thousands of days, use them for a while

Xiao Yuxin believes in one thing: weapons that have never seen blood are not good weapons, and soldiers who have not seen blood are not good weapons. After returning to the base from the Changle camp, she decided to start locating and mutating the mutated creatures in consideration of the next development of the base, gradually expanding the base's sphere of influence towards the Yangtze River, and relying on hydraulic power will make the base more dynamic, and Her eyes have been set on Chongming Island. Therefore, she decided to use these reserve members who had just completed basic training as the main force for this task.

However, at the joint meeting between the company and the base, some people put forward different opinions, thinking that these new members should not be allowed to take on this task to avoid personnel losses. Xiao Yuxin directly retorted,'I raise a soldier instead of a pig. If you are worried that they will fail and not let them go to the battlefield, what is the difference from raising pigs? ’

If the words are not reasonable, Xiao Yuxin's decisiveness and decisiveness directly annihilated those out-of-harmonic notes... In fact, this is because some people have had a better life recently, and their work is doing well, showing their sense of existence. To show, Xiao Yuxin didn't think there was a problem, but the previous question was to be targeted.

"Sister Xin, when will you start to act?" Jin Bo happily found Xiao Yuxin immediately after the decision of the meeting was announced, because the training of the reserve team was presided over by her.

Xiao Yuxin commanded: "Tomorrow will be dispatched, you go to prepare today, and gather at the training ground outside the camp tomorrow morning."

She has decided that she should bring her own team with the help of the Qing Dynasty, and other people will assist. After all, Wen Yuxiu not only has the normal affairs of the base, but also prepares for each demon trial.

Jin Bo nodded, and left according to Xiao Yuxin's instructions. There were not many things to prepare for the team development, but there were also many, and the defense of the Liumin camp must be arranged in advance.

The next morning, when Xiao Yuxin came to the Liumin camp, the members of the reserve team had already assembled on the training ground in front of the camp. These team members are mainly survivors in the original camp, a total of 270 people, divided into two squadrons, the squadron leader is Wei Fengtao and an old player named Luo Shou, the deputy is the original camp Survivor.

For this assembly, these players did not know in advance, but with the arrival of a team of heavily armed official escorts, those reserve members felt that today seems to be not ordinary training.

"Do you really want to fight mutants?"

"Why? Aren't we living well now? What are we going to do with them?"

"Did you make a mistake? Are you really going to fight with these things?"

"This, this is about to die."

"How long is this good day..."


"be quiet!"

Jin Bo shouted loudly, and gradually quieted down on the training ground. Under the watch of everyone, Xiao Yuxin came to the front of the team.

"I am Xiao Yuxin, I heard your comments just now. Yes, today is the day when you formally fight against mutants. Raise your troops for thousands of days and use them for a while. The purpose of training you is to use your bravery to fight for a suitable survival for our humanity. soil of!

Someone said, are we better now than before? There is food to eat, live in the wall, there are no mutants around... Are you just pursuing this? Traveling against the current, not retreating, there is no middle way. If we do not take the initiative to attack, those mutant creatures will become stronger and stronger, you should know what this means!

Of course, there will be death and injury in battle. I am here to tell you very responsibly. If you sacrifice, your family may get compassionate; if you are injured or disabled, your rest of life will also be taken care of. However, because you have not yet been included in the official escort, you still have a choice of zìyóu. If you think it is dangerous, you can choose not to go, but you must keep your weapons and zhìfú. "

The voice was not falling, and there was already a commotion in the team ahead.

It has to be said that human beings are a very strange animal. Difficulties and hardships can make some people work hard and not be afraid of sacrifice; but they can also make some people settle in the status quo and live by and live by. Not long after the argument sounded, a team member stepped out and said: "I quit!"

"I quit!"

One leader took the lead, and other people who had the same thoughts came out one after another. A total of 13 people.

"Sister Xin..."

Jin Bo's face suddenly embarrassed, Xiao Yuxin patted her shoulder gently, shook her head slightly, and after a while, when no one was on the line, he nodded slightly: "Very good, better than I thought, This shows that most of you still have a sense of responsibility and honor. As for those who quit,"

Her eyes glanced coldly across the faces of the thirteen people: "You cancel the welfare of all combatants and go to the infrastructure team to participate in labor."

Hearing Xiao Yuxin's words, the faces of the thirteen people turned pale. Labor is absolutely compulsory, either you can find a job yourself, or accept the mandatory arrangement of labor, otherwise you leave the base, there is no room for negotiation, there was once a rogue who wanted to obtain disability treatment by self-harm, and the result was thrown directly Going out of the base to spontaneously die... The most important thing is ~www.readwn.com~ The treatment of such compulsory labor cannot be compared with the treatment of combatants.

Among the thirteen, one suddenly repented and said: "I am willing to participate in the battle!"

"I am willing to join the battle!"

Others are not stupid, and have expressed their willingness to participate in the battle.

Xiao Yuxin sneered: "Come, come and go, what do you think is this place?"

She waved her hand: "Go check in now."

Thirteen people bowed their heads to the camp like mourning. I have to say, is it the reason for the lack of nutrition, these guys are not enough brain? Since you do not want to participate in combat missions, is it still possible to enjoy the treatment of combatants? This is an obvious reason, why do you need someone to wake up?

"If you want to live a good life, you must take your life to fight. Those who are not willing to take risks, honestly work as a coolie. I also guarantee that you can survive the city walls and repairs. However, others eat fragrant and spicy. Don't be jealous at that time, it was someone else's hard work and life adventure to get back!" Xiao Yuxin's eyes glanced across the crowd.

When she asked again if anyone wanted to quit, this time no one raised her hand... the gun shot the bird, this time if someone else came out, then the head really made the door clip.

This chapter is not finished, please read the following content on the Platinum Novel Network. Baidu "Platinum Novel Network".

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