Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 890 Do Not Talk About Killing

Chi "Ba Ga! What's the panic?" Soma Mae-cheng asked impatiently.

The person said with a panic: "There is an unknown armed nail coming! The other party has guns and artillery, and armored vehicles. It seems that they are still uniform uniforms, maybe the army."

"Nan Mu? Army? Take me quickly!" Sangma Yicheng's face suddenly changed, he put on his clothes and hurried out with the person coming.

Caoqiao Village is not very big, but fortunately, the place is relatively remote, away from the road, and it came here by accident, not to mention survivors, even mutated creatures rarely come to this place, and occasionally there are survivors When they came here, they were taken by surprise, and they had no chance to escape.

In the village head of Caoqiao Village, two four-meter-high observation decks were built with wood. From the observation deck, you can see the situation a few hours away.

Soma Masaru hurriedly climbed up to a lookout, grabbed a telescope from a pale-faced man next to him, and looked away. I saw a convoy was approaching here, especially those armed in uniform. The staff made his face extremely ugly. There is no doubt that if those people successfully enter Caoqiao Village, I am afraid that Caoqiao Village will no longer belong to him. What is more reassuring is that not all armed guns among those people seem to be able to fight.

"Head, what should we do now?" the young man who had previously notified him asked cautiously.

"Baga! Stupid!"

Soma Masaru raised his hand as a slap in the face, with a terrible roar: "Gather everyone together! We must fight! The Caoqiao Village must not fall into those hands!"

On the lookout, a man hesitated for a while and said to Soma Yoshii: "Boss, the other party has chariots and modified warriors. Our weapons are probably not opponents at all, or shall we drop?"

A killing intent flashed in Soma's eyes, and his tone became incomparable: "What did you do, you know it yourself. If you know it, we can awaken the warrior and run away with the worst. Do you still want to survive? "

The faces of the surrounding people suddenly changed. As Soma Yoshihide said, these people who attached to Soma Yoshihide were already angry in the camp. If the other party occupied the camp, they wanted to restore the hearts of most people or want to eliminate their predecessors. The influence of leaders, they are undoubtedly the best breakthrough.

"Humph! Go to gather people immediately. We also have more than two hundred people. It's not so easy for them to eat us!" Saima Masaru said sullenly.

"Yes." The man immediately ran down the lookout and began to concentrate.

Soon there were sirens, and some people with various firearms began to gather in the village head, and the Japanese were also concentrated in front of Soma Yoshihide... After hearing Soma Yoshihide's words, these people were also a little bit arrogant. Although a few of them also awakened, they did not experience much fighting, and they were ordinary clerks before the catastrophe. After gaining the ability, Soma Ma Yicheng needs someone to cooperate with his rule on the one hand, and worry about him on the other. In his dominance, he seldom missed the opportunity to fight and improve his ability... It must be said that this guy also has a fierce force. In order to improve his strength, he has been in danger many times. But precisely because of this, among these Japanese, his strength is the strongest one.

"Here is Caoqiao Village?" Xiao Yuxin jumped from the car and looked at the village ahead... I saw two simple lookouts standing at the entrance of Nacaoqiao Village, and the whole village entrance was also covered with cement bags, sandbags, etc. The messy stuff is full of stuff, there are a lot of people lying on the back, looking at the probe one by one, looking out from the blinking eyes, these guys have no fighting spirit at all, if you put a piece of meat in front of them Bones, I am afraid that they have come to beg for a long time.

This is because the reserve team members have all gotten out of the vehicle, the snipers have occupied favorable terrain, and the muzzles of the heavy machine guns on those vehicles are also pointed in front, ready to shoot at any time.

"Jin Bo, let people shout!" Xiao Yuxin said in a deep voice.

Jin Bo gestured to Luo Shou. The latter took a horn and walked forward a few steps, shouting loudly: "People in Caoqiao Village listen, you are now under our fire control, put down your weapons immediately, Surrender is your only way out! This is your last chance, as long as you surrender now, other than the first evil, no one else will ever blame!"

After listening to Luo Shou's shouting, Soma's men suddenly floated their hearts, and their unwillingness to fight began to collapse. They were originally just a crowd. After seeing those heavy machine guns, most people lost their will to resist, after all To fight against armored troops with flesh and blood is simply death. However, under the obscenity of the Japanese, they still dared not surrender immediately.

"Sister Xin, really want to let them go?" Jin Bo asked softly.

"Do you think they might surrender now?" Xiao Yuxin said softly.

The news from Xie Wan's mouth is that even if it is only 1% authentic, these militants in Caoqiao Village are worthy of death. Green Mountain Base needs a large number of survivors, but it does not need scum. She ordered people to speak, but it was just a way to disintegrate each other's fighting spirit... She was really worried that these sloppy guys could not help but surrender immediately. Should she speak at that time?

Seeing that there was no response from Caoqiao Village, Fang Shi ordered: "Ready to attack!"


The ground suddenly violently oscillated, and the two watchtowers at the head of the village shook, and the cement bags and sandbags began to shake.

"Earth, earthquake!"

The armed men behind the fortification in Caoqiao Village immediately shouted in panic, and those who shrank their heads would shrink back.

"Ba Ga! What a panic, it's just a waste wood ability." Sangma Yicheng slammed into the sky. "Who dares to leave, I will kill him first!"

The spirits of those people suddenly recovered, and they did not look back, but they felt less warlike in their hearts.

"Wastewood ability?"

Xiao Yuxin sneered. The pulsation of the earth is one of the connotations of the law of the earth. Although she has not studied it to the extreme, it is enough for these rudimentary fortifications.... She is toe a little bit again.



Da da da……

The two rudimentary watch towers collapsed in an instant. The people on the ground were not crushed and fell down. The fortifications on the ground, which were made of sandglass bags and sandbags, collapsed in the blink of an eye. Those armed people Suddenly exposed to heavy machine gun fire.

Soma Yoshihide responded very quickly. At the moment when the observatory collapsed, he jumped up and jumped to the ground, avoiding the scourge of topping, but the other Japanese were not so lucky.

In this battle, Xiao Yuxin brought Xie Wan to her too. She directed the Japanese, and then the sniper was responsible for the sniper killing. Just as Soma Yoshihide came out, a bullet passed from where he had just stood However, several slow-moving Japanese did not have time to perform their own abilities, and were hit by bullets.

"Attack!" Xiao Yuxin waved his hand, and the team members immediately rushed up with their swords, guns and shields.

After the simple fortifications were shaken by the dam, those armed men immediately saw what was the bullets, and the children of the heavy heavy machine gun hit them, and they directly opened a big hole in the body. Those who were not killed suddenly rolled on the ground. Howling, it also greatly hit the morale of the militants in the village of Caoqiao.

Soma’s men were just ordinary people before the catastrophe. They grew up in peaceful times and have not experienced war. Follow these people, such as Soma Yoshihide, bullies, and unarmed ordinary people. The battle immediately collapsed, and the roaring heavy machine gun completely destroyed their last will to resist.

"I surrender! Don't kill me!" An armed man saw the team members rushing over and immediately lost his weapon, rushing towards Xiao Yuxin in a panic.

The militant's escape caused a chain reaction, and the people gathered by Soma Yoshihide dispersed, throwing away their weapons and escaping in the direction of Xiao Yuxin.

Yoshima looked at the militant who first fled, and with a killing flash in his eyes, he raised his rifle and aimed at the militant. He hated the man who first betrayed him, and he never expected that his hard-working foundation was completely disintegrated by a round of heavy machine gun shooting.

Just as his finger was about to pull the trigger, a sudden flash of light flashed in his head, and he threw the gun down sharply, bent down, grabbed two pieces of soil from the ground, wiped his face, and raised his hands in the direction of Xiao Yuxin.

When the coach fled, the rest of them did not have the confidence to fight again, and all collapsed. After dropping the gun, they fled in the direction of Xiao Yuxin. For a moment, there was no resistance in the village head, and the reserve team rushed forward. Suddenly nowhere to use.

"It's really a crowd of people." Xiao Yuxin didn't expect that just a machine gun fire had achieved this effect, and he couldn't help but stunned.

"Sister Xin, what should I do?" Jin Bo also felt a little unbelievable, and mentioned her next to him, asking about the disposal method.

"How to do?"

Xiao Yuxin's eyes narrowed slightly, "They have committed so many crimes and want to surrender? It's a good idea! Order the former team members to let go!"


Jin Bo hesitated a little... She couldn't bear it, but thinking of the mischievous behavior of those people described by Xie Wan as Sima Ma, she couldn't help getting angry from the heart, remembering those unbearable past events, she called a regular member : "Subpoena, let the reserve team members enter the village to search for remnants!"

With a single order, the distance between the reserve team and those who surrendered was immediately opened, and the heavy machine gunners were also ordered one by one.... In the crowd, the eyes of Soma Yoshio showed a gloomy light, and he knew these people under his control It is difficult to gather together, but as long as you are close to Xiao Yuxin, unexpectedly killing her or holding her, there may be a possibility of reversing the original.


Xiao Yuxin ordered with his teeth clenched.

Da da da……

An orange-red flame was sprayed from the muzzle of the heavy machine, and pieces of bullets were sprinkled on the heads of the people, and suddenly the screams of crying and wolfing sounded, and the people fell like wheat that had been cut down.

"Baga, this is..."

Saima Yoshihiro looked down at his chest... a big **** hole with clear internal organs. He didn't understand why the other party shot the dropper, but he had no chance to figure out...

But about a minute later, there were no more people standing in front. The reserve team, who was about to advance to the village, turned back immediately after hearing the gunshots, and looked at the scene in front of them.

"Sister Xin~www.readwn.com~Why do you want to kill them? They have surrendered! They are also survivors!" Wei Fengtao and some members of the team questioned Xiao Yuxin in disbelief, and some others paid for it. Looks terrible.

"Order the official team members to make up the knife."

Xiao Yuxin didn't give a positive explanation. After turning around, he ordered Xie Wan to come.

"All reserve players, gather!"

Her voice suddenly increased, Wei Fengtao and others did not know what medicine she sold in the gourd, but responded immediately, and the two squadrons immediately assembled and stood in front of them.

"Sister Xin, thank you!" Xie Wan came to Xiao Yuxin and knelt down suddenly, crying and crying.

"Don't cry, Xie Wan, you come to lead the way, we have to see for ourselves." Xiao Yuxin helped her up.

"Yes." Xie Wan wiped a tear and walked ahead. Xiao Yuxin waved to the reserve team members and followed. RS

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